malacaMn palace MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OE THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 1 DECLARING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1953 AS SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY WHEREAS, the thirtieth day (Wednesday) of December 1953 and the first day (Eriday) of January 1954 being holidays, the thirty-first day (Thursday) of December 1953 may be declared as special public holiday without prejudice to the public interest; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby proclaim Thursday, December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and fifty -three, a special public holiday. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 30th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-three, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1953). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 49(1 2), 5273. malacaMn palace MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OE THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 2 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 9 TO 15, 1954 AS STATISTICS WEEK WHEREAS, in the interest of a more progressive and prosperous Philippines, it is desirable to encourage and promote the use of statistical data in the solution of social and economic problems; WHEREAS, to attain this objective, it is necessary to fuUy inform the public of the benefits to be derived from a program of statistical promotion and development and to disseminate applications of statistics to the service of human welfare; and WHEREAS, it is essential that this program of statistical development in government and research necessary for wise administration and planning be assured of the widest possible public support; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the period from January 9 to 15, as Statistics Week, I caU upon all government offices and instmmentalities throughout the country as weU as all private entities and individuals to participate in the proper observance of said period, to give fullest publicity to the statistical promotion activities organized in connection therewith, and otherwise to generously support the Philippine Statistical Association, Inc. in its task of fostering statistics and its applications, of promoting unity and effectiveness of effort among aU concerned with statistical problems, and of increasing the contribution of statistics to human welfare, I especially call on the schools, various chambers, professional organizations’ and societies, civic organizations and service clubs to devote one day of said period to a program of education for the promotion of knowledge of facts and figures as a healthy basis forknowing our social and economic status and progress and that democracy laid by well informed citizens and administrators is a tme democracy in action. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 2nd day of January, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives 7-8. Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 1 ), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 3 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM FEBRUARY 14 TO MARCH 31, 1954, AS THE TIME FOR THE SEVENTH ANNUAL FUND CAMPAIGN OF THE PHIUPPINE NATIONAL RED CROSS WHEREAS, the Philippine National Red Cross, the body corporate and politic created and officially designated by Republic Act No. 95 to assist the Republic of the Philippines in the latter’s fulfillment of obligations set forth in the Geneva Red Cross Convention, and to perform other duties inherent in a national Red Cross Society, has no regular source of funds with which to discharge its functions and responsibilities, except the voluntary contributions obtained through personal solicitation campaigns conducted by its chapters as prescribed in its Charter; and WHEREAS, the Philippine National Red Cross has become definitely an indispensable factor in promoting the welfare of our people and serves as the collective ejqiression of our humanitarian impulses for compassion and universal desire for peace and understanding; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the period from Febmary 14 to March 31, 1954, as the time for the Seventh Annual Fund Campaign of the Philippine National Red Cross, and I call upon aU citizens and residents of this country, regardless of nationality or creed, as well as upon all public-spirited organizations and associations to support this campaign and to give generously oftheir means, time and personal services in furtherance of the aims and purposes of the Philippine National Red Cross. I authorize aU national, provincial, city and municipal government officials and school authorities to accept, for the PhiUppines National Red Cross, fund-raising responsibUities and urge them to take active leadership in their respective communities . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the PhiUppines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 16th day of January, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the PhiUppines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the PhiUppines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 1 ), 8-9. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 4 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM lANUARY 16 TO FEBRUARY 15, 1954, AS PHIUPPINE TOURIST MONTH WHEREAS, the attention of the travel world is now being focused on the Philippines as a potential tourist paradise; WHEREAS, there will be held in Manila two international travel conferences, that of the Asian and Far Eastern Travel Commission (AFETC) from January 25 to January 27, 1954, and that of the Pacific Area Travel Association (PATA) from January 27 to Eebmary 1, 1954, to study, discuss and devise measures affecting common problems in travel development and tourist promotion work in Asia and the Pacific area; WHEREAS, it is essential that our people understand and fuUy appreciate the fact that a prosperous travel industry can be a vital factor in the expansion and strengthening of our national economy; and WHEREAS, it is highly desirable that the public cooperate with the government in the active development of a Philippine tourist industry as envisaged in Republic Act No. 710, granting a charter to the Philippine Tourist and Travel Association, Inc.; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the period from January 16 to Eebmary 15, 1954, as Philippine Tourist Promotion Month. I call upon all government offices and instmmentalities throughout the country as well as all private entities and individuals to participate in the proper observance of said period, to give fullest publicity to the tourist promotion activities organized in connection therewith, and otherwise to generously support the Philippine Tourist and Travel Association, Inc., in its task of carrying out the government’s program of developing Philippine tourism and travel. I especially call on the schools, civic organizations and service clubs to devote one day of said period to a programof education for the promotion of knowledge and love of country as a sound basis for the encouragement of greater travel and intercourse among our people and those of other countries so as to increase tourism within our territory. I also call on the public to assist in the development of tourist attractions and facilities, especially enjoining everyone to keep our tourist spots not only beautiful but also clean and healthful for the common enjoyment of all. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 22nd day of January, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(1), 8 - 10 . MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 5 MAKING PUBUC THE TREATY OF FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES AND THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA WHEREAS, a Treaty of Friendship between the Republic of the Philippines and the Republic of Indonesia was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Djakarta, on June twenty-first, nineteen hundred and fifty -one; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 98 adopted on May 22, 1952, concurred in the ratification of the said Treaty of Friendship in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the said Treaty has been duly ratified on both parts, and the instruments of ratification of the two Governments were exchanged at Manila on November twenty, nineteen hundred and fifty-three; and WHEREAS, it is stipulated in the said Treaty that it shall enter into force upon the exchange of the instmments of ratification; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, have caused the said Treaty, a certified copy of which is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 22nd day of January, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 1 ), 10 . MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 6 ACCEPTING AND MAKING PUBUC THE ACCEPTANCE FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES OF THE INSTRUMENT FOR THE AMENDMENT OE THE CONSTITUTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION, 1953 WHEREAS, the International Labor Conference adopted at its 36th Session, on June 25, 1953, by 189 votes to 0, with two abstentions, an Instrument for the Amendment of the Constitution ofthe International Labor Organization, 1953; WHEREAS, under article 36 of the Constitution of the International Labor Organization, amendments “which are adopted by the conference by a majority of two-thirds of the votes cast by the delegates present shall take effect when ratified or accepted by two-thirds of the members of the organization including five of the eight members which are represented on the Governing Body as members of chief industrial importance in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of article 7 of this Constitution’’; WHEREAS, the purpose of the aforesaid Instmment for the amendment of the Constitution of the International Labor Organization is to increase the size of the Governing Body of the International Labor Office to take account of the increases in the membership of the International Labor Organization and to delete the last sentence of paragraph 2 of article 7 of the Constitution of said Organization, which, has long ceased to correspond to present conditions; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that the Instmment for the Amendment of the Constitution of the International Labor Organization be brought into force before the 37th Session of the International Labor Conference convenes in June, 1954; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby accept for the Government of the Republic of the Philippines the Instmment for the Amendment of the Constitution of the International Labor Organization, 1953, a certified copy of which is hereto annexed, and hereby proclaim and make public such acceptance to the end that the said Instmment and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 8th day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(2), 510-511. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 7 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM MARCH 8 TO 14, 1954, AS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY WEEK AND CREATING A COMMITTEE TO TAKE CHARGE OE THE OBSERVANCE THEREOE In order to give impetus to scientific endeavors and thereby promote the cause of science and technology in the Philippines, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the period from March 8 to 14, 1954, as Science and Technology Week to be observed with appropriate ceremonies throughout the country. The following are hereby designated members of a committee which is hereby created to take charge of the celebration of Science and Technology Week: The Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources Chairman The Secretary of Health Member The Secretary of Education Member The Administrator of Economic Coordination Member The Director of Science and Technology Member The President, National Research Council of the Philippines Member The President, Philippine Council of Science and Technology Member The President, Philippine Association for the Advancement of Science Member IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 1st day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives 962 . Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(3), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 8 PROCLAIMING THE EXISTENCE OF PUBUC CALAMITY IN THE PROVINCE OF COTABATO Having found that the rat infestation in the Province of Cotabato has wrought havoc among the inhabitants thereof and has made unduly difficult their means of livelihood, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers conferred upon me by section one of Act numbered four thousand one hundred sixty-four, entitled “An Act to prevent the excessive increase in the prices of certain prime necessities of life on the occasion of a public calamity, penalizing the violation thereof, and for other purposes,” do hereby proclaim that a public calamity exists in the said Province of Cotabato as a result of said rat infestation and do hereby declare in fuU force and effect therein the provisions of Act numbered four thousand one hundred sixty-four which prohibits and penalizes the hoarding, of the prime necessities of life and holding them for sale at prices twenty-five percent or more higher than the prices which were current in the different localities one month before the date hereof This proclamation shaU apply to such commodities as rice, palay, com, milk and other foodstuffs. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 1st day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(3), 963. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 9 RESERVING FOR THE USE OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPS (EDCOR) A CERTAIN PARCEL OP THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTIES OP KABACAN AND KIDAPAWAN, PROVINCE OP COTABATO, ISLAND OP MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby withdraw from sale and settlement and reserve for the use of the Economic Development Corps (EDCOR) under the administration of the Armed Porces of the Philippines, subject to private rights, if any there be, the following described parcel of land of the public domain situated in the municipalities of Kabacan and Kidapawan, Province of Cotabato, Island of Mindanao, to wit: Beginning at a point marked 1 on Bureau of Porestry sketch plan, C. E 17, being along the Davao-Cotabato Provincial boundary line N. 16° E approximately 36 km from the municipality of Kidapawan, Cotabato; thence S. 54° W. about 3,350 meters to point 2, a white lauan tree, 40 cm in diameter, marked B. P. 420 (1006/12), on the west bank of AnoUng Creek; thence following the northern boundary of the proposed Cotabato Land Classification Project No. 42-K, in a northerly and westerly directions about 18,400 in. topoint 3, Balobo tree, 30 cm in diameter, marked B. F. 422 (1024/32), on the west bank of Malohimit Creek; thence N. 41° 30' W. about 15,900 m to point 4, a point at the junction of Pulangi and Arakan Evers; thence following Pulangi River upstream in a northeasterly direction about 12,400 m to point 5, a point at the junction of Pulangi and Kulaman River; thence following Kulaman River upstream in a southeasterly direction 9,650 m to point 6, a point at the junction of Kulaman and Tinanan Rivers; thence following Tinanan River upstream in a southeasterly directon about 8,000 m to point 7, a point at the junction of Tinanan and Miocan Rivers; thence following Miocan River upstream in a southeasterly direction about 3,500 m to point 8, a point at the intersection of Davao — Cotabato Provincial boundary line in a southerly drection about 6,100 m to point 1, the point of beginning, containing an area of approximately 27,440 hectares . The reservation of this parcel of land is subject to the following conditions and restrictions: 1. That the area covered by the reservation shall be subject to classification by the Bureau of Forestry; 2. That the portions thereof which will be segregated and delimited by the Bureau of Forestry as timberlands shall remain under the control and administration of the said Bureau and excluded from the reservation; 3. That there are Reserved as timberlands a strip of 15 meters in width on each side of any public trail therein used as outlet for timber and other forest products, and a strip of 40 meters in width from the highest bank on each side of any stream for stream bank protection in such areas as will be released and not needed for forest purposes. 4. That the utilization of forest products existing in such areas as will be released and not needed for forest purposes shall remain subject to the Forest and Internal Revenue Laws and Regulations, and the present licensees, or future holders of licenses which may be granted by the Director of Forestry covering such areas as may be occupied under the authorization of the Secretary of National Defense, for purposes of such utilization, shall have preferential right in the utilization of existing timber and also the right to constmct and maintain logging trails as timber outlets. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 2nd day of March in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and firty-four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(3), 964-965. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 10 PLACING UNDER THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE PH RI PPINFS SUCH PORTION OR PORTIONS OF THE CAMP PARANG MIUTARY RESERVATION AS HAVE BEEN RETAINED EOR MIUTARY PURPOSES SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF PARANG, PROVINCE OF COTABATO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Notwithstanding previous orders to the contrary and by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby place under the administration of the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces ofthe Philippines, such portion or portions of the Camp Parang Military Reservation as have been retained for military purposes, situated in the municipality of Parang, Province of Cotabato, Island of Mindanao. The portion containing 899.1001 hectares which has been reserved for townsite purposes under Proclamation No. 132, series of 1949, shall be excepted from the operation hereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 17th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette ofthe Republic ofthe PhilippineSy 50(3), 965-966. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 11 PROCLAIMING FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1954, AS BATAAN DAY AND DECLARING IT AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOUDAY WHEREAS, the ninth day of April, 1954, marks the twelfth anniversary of the EaU of Bataan where the bonds of friendship and cooperation, between the Philippines and the United States were forged in blood and fire; and WHEREAS, the commemoration of the Eall of Bataan is a fitting homage to the heroism of EUipino and American forces who fought side by side against overwhelming odds in the epic stmggle for democracy and freedom; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby proclaim Eriday, April 9, 1954, as Bataan Day and declare it as a special public holiday. I call upon all provincial governors, city mayors,” all other public officials and citizens of the Philippines, as well as aU American nationals residing in this country, to observe the day with appropriate ceremonies eiqsressive of the immortal spirit of Bataan and of its heroic defenders. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republicof the Philippines, 50(3), 966-967. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROKLAMA BLG. 12 NAGPAPAHAYAG NA UNGGO NG WIKANG PAMBANSA ANG PANAHONG SAPUL SA IKA-29 NG MARSO HANGGANG IKA4 NG ABRIL NG BAWAT TAON SAPAGKA’T, nUikha ang Surian ng Wikang Pambansa at may pinagtibay na mga batas na naaayon sa utosng Saligang batas na gagawa ng mga hakbang tungod sa pagpapaunlad at pagpapatibay ng isang wikang pambansa na nasasalig sa isa sa mga umiiral na wikang katutubo; SAPAGKA’T, ang pambansang wikang PUipino ay ipinahayag sa bisa ng Batas Big. 570 ng Commonwealth na isa sa mga wikang pampamahalaan ng Pilipinas sapul nang ika-apat nia araw ng Hulyo, 1946; at SAPAGKA’T, hinahangad na maibunsod ng buong sigla ng lahat ng mamamayan na lumahok sa pagbibigay-bisa sa utos ng Saligang batas na binanggit sa itaas; NGAYON, DAHIL DITO, akong si Ramon Magsaysay, Pangulo ng Pilipinas, sa tagubUin ng Surian ng Wikang Pambansa, ay ipinahahayag na linggo ng Wikang Pambansa ang panahong sapul sa ika-29 ng Marso hanggang ika- 4 ng Abril ng bawa’t taon, na dito’y napapaloob ang kaarawan ng kapanganakan ni Francisco Baltazar, ang bantog na kumatha ng “Florante at Laura.” Tinatawagan ko ang lahat ng paaralang bay an at sarili, ang mga dalubhasaan at pamantasan, at ang mga ibang sangay ng kalinangan sa Pilipinas na ipagdiwang ang linggo ng wika sa angkop na paraan at ipakilala ang kanUang maalab na kalooban sa pagpapatibay ng lalong mabibisang hakbang sa pag- papalaganap ng pambansang wikang Filipino. Ang proklamang ito ay pamaUt sa Proklama Big. 85 na may petsang Marso 26, 1946. SA KATUNAYAN NITO, inilagda ko ang aking pangalan at ipinatatak ang selyo ng Republika ng Pilipinas. Ginawa sa Lunsod ng Maynila, ngayong ika 26 ng Marso, sa taon ng ating Panginoon, isang libo, siyam-na-raan at Umampu’t apat, at ikawalo ng Kasarinlan ng Pilipinas. RAMON MAGSAYSAY Pangulo ng Pilipinas Inilagda ng Pangulo: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Kalihim Tagapagpaganap Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republicof the Philippines, 50(3), 967. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 13 ESTABUSHING THE DAYLGHT SAVINGS TIME FOR THE PHILIPPINES DURING THE SUMMER SEASON OF 1954 Pursuant to the authority vested in me by Commonwealth Act No. 91, and in order that oIFicers, employees, and laborers of the government may be afforded sunlight for work and recreation purposes after office hours, and to effect savings in the use of light both to the government and the general public, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby proclaim daylight saving time for the Philippines for the period between April twelfth, nineteen-hundred and fifty-four, and luly first, nineteen-hundred and fifty-four, and hereby order that at twelve o’clock-midnight on April eleventh, nineteen-hundred and fifty-four, the standard time in the Philippines fixed in the aforesaid Act shall be advanced one hour, and at twelve o’clock midnight on lune thirtieth, nineteen-hundred and fifty-four, the time fixed as above-stated shall be set back orretarded one hour so as to return to standard time. Employers and the public in general are hereby enjoined to give effect to the purpose and intent of this Proclamation and of Act numbered ninety-one. Eor purposes of astronomy and meteorology, however, the mean astronomical time to one hundred and twenty degrees East longitude, Greenwich Meridian, may be used as heretofore. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done at the City of ManOa, this 6th day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen-hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(4), 1427-1428. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 14 RESERVING CERTAIN AREA OF THE PHI TJ PPTNF WATERS WITHIN THE lURISDICTION OF QUEZON PROVINCE FOR A MARINE BIOLOaCAL STATION TO BE ESTABUSHED AND OPERATED BY THE LUZONIAN COLLEGES, UNDER THE CONTROL AND SUPERVISION OP THE DIRECTOR OPPISHERIES, FOR SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL STUDIES OP MARINE AND ESTUARINE PAUNA AND PLORA AS WELL AS THE OCEANOGRAPHY OP THE WATERS OP THE RESERVATION PRINCIPALLY POR THE WISE UTILIZATION AND CONSERVATION OP THE AQUATIC RESOURCES OP THE AREA Upon recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 73 of Act Numbered Pour thousand and three, as amended, I hereby reserve fora marine biological station to be established and operated by the Luzonian Colleges under the supervision and control of the Director of Pis heries, subject to private rights if any there be, a certain marine area of Philippine waters situated in the Municipalities of Lucena and Padre Burgos, Quezon Province, Island of Luzon, and more particularly described and delimited as follows: “Starting from the coastline off Tayabas Point (13° 33' 30" N. 121° 36' 45" E), Lucena, Quezon Province, Luzon Island and following the line due south to a position (13° 51' 00" N. 121° 36' 45" E.) about 2 'A miles from Tayabas point, thence along the line due east to a position (13° 51' 00" N. 121° 52' 12" E.) about 15 1/3 miles distant from the immediately preceding position, thence along the line due north to its intersection with the coastline of the mainland of Luzon Island, and thence along the coastline to the starting point.” The use of the said reservation shall be subject to the following mles and regulations: 1. That commercial fishing shall be limited to the use of the following fishing appliances with certain limitations: baklad, kawil,pante, kitang,pukot laot, pukot tabi, pahila, pabahay, dayakus, sapyaw, basnig, salambaa , bintol, bombon, katigbi, kubkob, and Muro-ami However, all forms of subsistence fishing gear such as bingwit, dala, sakag, pana, subsod and the like shall be allowed without restriction at any time of the year. Provided, however, That baklads shall be constmcted with a distance of not less than 200 meters from each other and not less than 100 meters if owned by the same owner. Provided, further. That baklad set across straits, channels, streams and rivers shall leave open one third of the passage to allow free navigation and migration, to and from, ofestuarine and catadromous fishes. 2. Sapyaw, basnig, talaeop, cubcob, largarete and muro-ami shall only be allowed to operate during the southwest and northerly period (May to Pebmary, inclusive of each year) and closed during the rest of the year “(March and April). 3. That the catching oibangosiry (kawag-kawag) and sugpo fry shall be allowed; provided, that the fry of other commercial fishes shall be returned back into the water unharmed. 4. That the catching of the bangos breeders (sabalo) shall be prohibited from Pebmary 1 to July 31, inclusive of each year. 5. That the catching of the fry of banak, sardines, herrings, mackerel, caranx, samara, alimasag and alimango shall be prohibited at all season of the year in the reservation. 6. That the destruction of coral reefs and other natural habitats of aquatic animals, except in the interest of safe navigation, shall be prohibited. The commercial gathering of coral rocks, sand and gravel for cons tmction purposes shall be subject to special permits to be issued by the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 7. That the operation of trawls of any kind (beam, otter, paranzella and Danish) shall be entirely prohibited at aU times of the year within the reservation. 8. The gathering of edible seaweeds, moUusks and echinoderms shall be limited for home consumption and subject to permit issued by the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 9. The gathering of commercial shells shall be subject to the following regulations: It shall be unlawful for any person to take, sell, transfer or have in possession for any purpose whatsoever shells or- valves smaller than the minimum sizes hereinbelow described: (a) Pinctada maxhna (Ja.rm.son) — commonly known as the goldUp pearl shell or “concha blanca“; nineteen centimeters, maximum outside long axis measurement, taken at right angles to the base. (See diagram) (b) Pinctada margaritifera (Lkintaus) — commonly known as the black-Up pearly shell or “concha negra“; eleven centimeters maximum outside long axis measurement, taken at right angles to the base. (See diagram) (c) Trochus niloticus J-inneans — commonly known as the smooth top shell, “simong” or “trocha” smooth variety; eight centimeters across the least diameter of the base, measured at right angles to the axis. (See diagram) (d) Trochus noduliferus Lemarck — commonly known as “babae‘ or female and in the export trade as “hirose” shells; five centimeters across the least diameter of the base, taken at right angles to the axis. (See diagram) [DIAGRAM] (e) Turbo mannoratus J-mntans — commonly known as green snail shell, turban shell, “lalong” or “bolalo“, nine centimeters across the least diameter of the base, measured at right angles to the axis. (See diagram) Any undersized shell or valve removed from the water through accident, or in ignorance of its size, shah be returned to the water immediately without being opened; otherwise, the offender will be penalized, in accordance with the provisions of the law and this Order, and such offense shall be sufficient cause for the cancellation of the license. 10. Except for scientific and educational purpose, or for propagation, it shall be unlawful to take or catch fry except those prescribed in No. 3 of this regulation or fish eggs of all forms of aquatic animals in the reservation. 11. That all technical installations such as propagation and culture ponds, scientific instmments, live cages, etc, shall not be removed, destroyed or otherwise tampered by any fisherman or individual within the reservation. The words and terms used in this Proclamation shall be constmed as follows: 1. “Baklad” or fish corral means a stationary weir or trap devised to intercept capture fish, consisting of rows of stakes or bamboo,palma brava or other materials fenced with either split bamboo nettings or wire nettings with one or more enclosures usually with easy entrance but difficult exit, and with or without leaders to direct the fish to the catching chambers or purse. 2. “Basnig“ — originally, a Visayan term for a conical or box-like bag net ofsinamay or cotton webbing, operated from an outrigger or motorboat as a huge dip-net with the aid of light. 3. “Sapyaw“ — a round-haul seine made of cotton netting, operating from two boats with the aid of lights. 4. “Dayakos“ — a sinamiay filter net operated in river mouths for taking alamang (small shrimps) and hipon (larger shrimps) during flood tide. In Batangas and Laguna de Bay it also refers to beach seines ofsinamay or cotton webbing. 5. “Pante“ — drift, set, giU or entangling type of nets. 6. “Kawil“ — handlines or drop lines operated with or without lights . 7. “Pahila“ — or “sibid sibid“ — a troll line towed by an outrigger or motorboat. 8. “Kitang“ — a set long line with branching lines (gangings) each provided with a hook. 9. “Pabahay” a floating fish trap consisting of a semi-circular enclosure of bamboo nettings, provided with a one- way entrance for fish and buoyed up by bamboo raft: anchored at from 10 to 50 fathoms and operated usually with a light in the evening. 10. “Salambao“ — a huge, lift net operated on a lower platform with or without the aid of light. 11. “Bintol“ — a small, shallow, square baited lift net for catching crabs. 12. “Bingwit“ — a general term for pole and Une. 13. “Dala“ — a general term for cast net. 14. “Bumbon“ — a fish shelter made by tying orpUing together bunches of twigs-, bushes, branches of trees, shmbs, and anchoring these on a desired spot. 15. “Sakag” a push net for taking shrimps and other shaUow-water form of fish. It is either made ofsinamay or cotton netting mounted on a collapsible, triangular frame. 16. “Largarete” a set giU net of cotton twine hung like a curtain from an anchored banca by two bamboo poles attached fore and aft. 17. “Katigbi“ — a drive-in net made of a rectangular piece of fme-meshed cotton netting held by two men. Fish are driven by a line of coconut or banana leaves stmng along a chain leadline. 18. “Pukot“ — a general term for various types of nets operated from the beach to deep water. This includes pukot panggilid (beach stint), pukot panulihgan and similar kinds of pukot loot. 19. “Talacop” or “kubkob“ — a purse or stop seine, the capture being effected by enclosing, pursing and/or impounding. 20. “Trawl” — any kind of bottom drag net pulled by a motor vessel, either opened by a beam, a pair of otter doors, or two towing vessels. 21. “Muro-ani“ — a drive-in net made of coarse cotton webbing and operated in submerged reefs. Fish are driven by divers each provided with weighted rope and coconut leaf stringers. 22. “Spawning banak“ — shall mean mullets which are sexually mature and which carry ripe eggs and mUt and are making seaward migration for the purpose of breeding. 23. “Spawning sabalo“ — shall mean the breeder tangos which carry ripe eggs and milt and are ready to spawn. 24. “Kawag-kawag“ — are the fry of tangos (Chanos chanos) measuring not more than 15 millimeters long. 25. “Aligasin“ — shall mean the fry and fmgerling or young of mullets (banak) belonging to the family Mugilidse. 26. “Siliniasi“ — shall mean the fry of herrings and sardines measuring less than three centimeters long. fN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 7th day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(4), 1428-1432. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 15 DECLARING THE HRST WEEK OE MAY, 1954, AS NATIONAL RICE WEEK WHEREAS, one of the principal and immediate objectives of this administration is to achieve self-sufficiency in rice; and WHEREAS, in order to attain this objective, it is necessary to focus national attention to the rice problem by designating a period during which the people may devote their time, thought and energies to helping in the solution of said problem; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare the first week of May, 1954, as National Rice Week and designate the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources to take charge of, and coordinate; aU activities in celebration of said Week. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(4), 1432-1433. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 16 DECLARING THE LAST WEEK OE MAY, 1954, AS SOIL CONSERVATION WEEK WHEREAS, the Philippines being essentially an agricultural country, the soil may well be regarded as the very foundation of the national economy; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that steps be taken to conserve the soil and thereby insure its productivity; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in. me by law, do hereby declare the last week of May, 1954, as Soil Conservation Week and designate the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources to take charge of, and coordinate, aU activities in celebration of said Week. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(4), 1433 . MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 17 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 599, DATED JULY 6, 1933, AND DECLARING OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE PUBUC LAND ACT THE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF ECHAGUE, PROVINCE OP ISABELA, ISLAND OP LUZON Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby revoke Proclamation No. 599, dated July 6, 1933, and declare open to disposition under the provisions of the Public Land Act the parcel of land embraced therein situated in the Municipality ofEchague, Province of Isabela, Island of Luzon. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives 1434 . Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(4), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 18 AMENDING PROCLAMATION NO. 298 DATED DECEMBER 13, 1951, BY SUBJECTING THE DISPOSITION OP THE LAND RESERVED THEREUNDER TO THE PROVISIONS OP REPUBUC ACT NO. 477 By virtue of the powers vested in me by law, and upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 1, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby amend Proclamation No. 298 dated December 13, 1951, in the sense that the land of the public domain reserved thereunder shall be subject to disposition under the provisions of section 3 of Republic Act No. 477. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 5 ), 1888. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 19 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 541, SERIES OF 1940 AND DECLARING THE PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND EMBRACED THEREIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF ONGOOG, PROVINCE OF MISAMIS ORIENTAL, ISLAND OF MINDANAO, OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I hereby revoke Proclamation No. 541, series of 1940, and declare the parcel or parcels of land embraced therein situated in the municipality of Gingoog, Province of Misairds Oriental, Island of Mindanao, open to disposition under the provisions “of the Public Land Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 5 ), 1888-1889. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 20 COORDINATING THE RAT-EXTERMINATION ACTIVITIES OF ALL GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES IN COTABATO UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE TASK FORCE OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE PHILIPPINES ORGANIZED IN SAID PROVINCE FOR THE PURPOSE Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I hereby revoke Proclamation No. 541, series of 1940, and declare the parcel or parcels of land embraced therein situated in the municipality of Gingoog, Province of Misairds Oriental, Island of Mindanao, open to disposition under the provisions of the Public Land Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 5 ), 1888-1890. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 21 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 41, SERIES OF 1923, AND DECLARING OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT THE PARCELS OP LAND COVERED THEREBY SITUATED IN THE BARRIO OP MIDSAYAP, MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OP DULAUAN, PROVINCE OP COTABATO, ISLAND OP MINDANAO Pursuant to the provisions of section 88 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby revoke Proclamation No. 41, series of 1923, and declare the parcels of land covered thereby situated in the barrio of Midsayap, municipal district of Dulauan, Province of Cotabato, Island of Mindanao, open to disposition under the provisions of said Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 9th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 5 ), 1890-1891. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 22 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 7, SERIES OF 1920, AND DECLARING THE PARCEL OR PARGETS OE LAND EMBRACED THERUN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OP TAGO, PROVINCE OP SURIGAO, ISLAND OP MINDANAO, OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation ol the Secretary ol Agriculture and Natural Resources, and pursuant to the provisions ol sections 83 and 88 ol Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby revoke Proclamation No. 7, series ol 1920, and declare the parcel or parcels ol land embraced therein situated in the municipality ol ol Tago, Province ol Surigao, Island ol Mindanao, open to disposition under the provisions ol said Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ol the Republic ol the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City ol Manila, this 9th day ol May, in the year olOur Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives 1891. Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(5), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 23 RESERVING FOR MUNICIPAL PLAZA AND MARKET SITE PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF STA. CRUZ, PROVINCE OF ZAMBALES, ISLAND OF LUZON Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for municipal plaza and market site purposes, under the administration of the municipality of Sta. Cmz, subject to private rights, if any there be, certain parcels of the public domain situated in the municipality of Sta. Cmz, Province ofZambales, Island of Luzon, and more particularly described in the Bureau of Lands plan Mr-1006, to wit: Lot No. 1 Mr-1006 (Municipal Plaza) A parcel of land (lot No. 1 as shown on plan Mr-1006, G.L.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the poblacion municipality of Sta. Cmz, Province ofZambales Bounded on the N., by lot l-B-2 of plan 11-2139 (no plan); on the NE., by lots, 1-A, 1-B-l-B and l-B-2 of plan. 11-2139 (no plan); on the E, by provincial road; on the SE, by lipay River; on the SW., by public land (Seashore)”; and on the NW., by property of Leocadio Merto. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 65° 83' W., 168.81 meters from B.L.L.M. 2, municipality of Sta. Cmz, Zambales, thence N. 70° 16' E, 94.82 meters to point 2; thence N. 70° 16' E, 7.17 meters to point 3; thence S. 31° 52' E., 49.69 meters, to point 4; thence S. 31° 52' E, 40.89 meters to point 5; thence S. 38° 41' E, 25.22 meters to point 6; thence S. 38° 41' E, 30.93 meters to point 7; thence S. 37° 07' E; 28.93 meters to point 8; thence S. 58° 30' E, 72.15 meters to point 9; thence S. 88° 45' E, 65.62 meters to point 10; thence N. 19° 50' E. 18.16 meters to point 11; thence S. 5° 30' E, 65.29. metersto point. ;12; thence S. 71° 08' W., 88.61 meters to point 13; thence N. 50° 19' W., 178.21 meters to point 14; thence N. 45° 55' W., 160.01 meters to the point of beginning; containing an. area of 25,155, square meters, more or less. AU paints referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1, 2 and 12, by Bureau of Lands cylindrical concrete monuments; point 3, by an intersection; points. 13 and 14, by stakes; and the rest, by old comers; bearings tme; declination 0° 35' E; date of survey. May 21, 1948 and that of the approval, Febmary 22, 1952. Lot No. 2 Mr-1006 (Market Site) A parcel of land (Lot No. 2 as shown on the plan Mr-1006, G.L.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of Sta. Cmz, Province of Zambales. Bounded on the N., by properties of the municipal government of Sta. Cmz (old market site) and Feliciano Alonzo, barrio road and property of Exequiel Maniego; on the E, by creek; on the SE. and SW., by lipay River; and on the W., by provincial road and property of the municipal government of Sta. Cmz (old market site). Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 18° 44' E, 314.65 meters from B.LL.M. 1, municipality of Sta. Cmz, Zambales, thence N. 3° 23' E, 53.47 meters to point 2; thence S. 78° 41' E, 35.08 meters to point 3; thence N. 11° 48' W., 43.94 meters to point 4; thence N. 76° 39' E, 20.27 meters to point 5; thence N. 75° 05' E. 10.03 meters to point 6; thence N. 78° 43' E, 30.58 meters to point l;thence S. 19° 26' E, 72.97 meters to point 8; thence S. 62° 39' W., 96.36 meters to point 9; thence N. 68° 49' W., 28.58 meters to the point, of beginning; containing an area of 7,705 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1, 5, 6, and 7, by the Bureau of Lands cylindrical concrete monuments; points 8 and 9, by stakes; and the rest, by old comers; bearings tme; decUnation 0° 35' E; date of survey. May 21, 1948 and that of the approval, Febmary 22, 1952. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 9th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 5 ), 1892-1893. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 24 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM JUNE 1, 1954, TO MAY 31, 1955, AS THRIFT YEAR WHEREAS, the effective prosecution of the nation’s investment program demands that the savings of the people be utilized in the financing of productive enterprises and activities that will accelerate our economic and industrial development; and WHEREAS, in the light of the foregoing imperative, it is desirable that the attention of the people be drawn to the necessity of practising thrift to the highest degree as a matter of patriotic duty; Now, THEREFORE I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of, the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare the period from June 1, 1954, to May 31, 1955, as Thrift Year, during which a thrift campaign will be undertaken under the sponsorship of the Bankers Association of the Philippines. I call upon aU banks and financial institutions operating in this country, and upon aU industrialists, businessmen, farmers and the people as a whole to lend their cooperation and assistance in making this campaign successful. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 9th day of May , in the year of Our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 5 ), 1893-1894. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 25 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 265, SERIES OF 1929, AND RESERVING THE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN SITUATED IN THE CITY OF DAVAO FOR PARK AND PLAYGROUND PURPOSES Pursuant to the provisions of section 88 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby revoke Proclamation No. 265, series of 1929, and reserve the parcel or parcels of land embraced therein, situated in the City of Davao, for park and playground purposes under the administration of said city. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 10th day of May, in the year of Our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 5 ), 1894-1895. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 26 DESIGNATING THE PERIOD FROM JUNE 1 TO JULY 15, 1954, FOR THE SIXTH ANNUAL FUND CAMPAIGN OF THE COMMUNITY CHEST OF GREATER MANILA To enable the Community Chest of Greater Manila to cany out its work of benevolence and community welfare services, through the agencies affiliated with it, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby designate the period from June 1 to July 15, 1954, for its Sixth Annual Fund Campaign. I call upon all residents, firms, and organizations in Manila and its suburbs to support this campaign and to give generously to the Community Chest of Greater Manila, which unites many campaigns in one yearly appeal. I authorize all government officials and employees, including school authorities and teachers, to accept, for the Community Chest of Greater Manila, fund-raising responsibilities and to give it active support and leadership in their communities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of .the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 1 1th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives 1895. Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 5 ), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 27 DESIGNATING THE PERIOD FROM JULY 1 TO AUGUST 14, 1954, AS THE PERIOD FOR THE NATIONAL FUND CAMPAIGN OF THE BOY SCOUTS OF THE PH ni PPTNFS IN PLACES OUTSIDE OF GREATER MANILA WHEREAS, the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, a public corporation created under Commonwealth Act No. Ill for the purpose of promoting the character development and citizenship training of the youth of the land, has more than amply demonstrated that it merits the continued moral encouragement and material support of our people and that there is a great need for this organization to make the Scouting Program available to the thousands of boys all over the Philippines; WHEREAS, said organization is in need of funds to carry on its operation effectively, to intensify its nation-wide training and recmiting program so that the great number of boys of Scout age seeking admission into the organization may be enrolled, to plan and promote other programs of activity for the greater benefit of its members, and to meet its obligations as a member of the Boy Scouts International Bureau; and WHEREAS, the annual campaign, aside from offering us an opportunity to give tangible ejqrression of our appreciation for the good work being done by the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, also affords a means by which we can meet a civic obligation by helping this organization train and mould every boy in the land to be a patriotic. God- fearing, upright, clean and responsible citizen; Now, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby designate and set aside the period from July 1 to August 14, 1954, for the Boy Scouts of the Philippines to conduct its 1954 Fund Campaign in the provinces and territories outride of Greater Manila and raise funds for the attainment of its avowed aims and purposes. I call upon all government officials and employees and aU citizens and residents of the Philippines outside of Greater Manila to assist in this campaign and to give it their entire support so that the Boy Scouts of the Philippines may be assured of funds that will enable it to carry on its work and administer its program to as many of our boys of Scout age as possible. I also authorize aU national authorities and teachers to accept, for the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, fund-raising responsibilities and urge them to give active support and leadership in their respective communities . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 12th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 5 ), 1896-1897. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 28 RESERVING FOR POST-OFHCE AND RADIO STATION PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF SAN JOSE, PROVINCE OF OCCIDENTAL MINDORO, ISLAND OF MINDORO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 76 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for post-office and radio station purposes, under the administration of the Director of Telecommunications, subject to private rights, if any there be, the following parcels of the public domain situated in the municipality of San Jose, Province of Occidental Mindoro, Island of Mindoro, to wit: Lot 2553 ( Swo-31900) San Jose Townsite Ts-90 (Republic of the Philippines — Bureau of Telecommunications A parcel of land (lot No. 2553 of San Jose Townsite), situated in the Poblacion, municipality of San Jose, Province of Mindoro Occidental. Bounded on the NE., by lot No. 2552, San Jose Townsite; on the SE, by lot 2550, San Jose Townsite; on the SW., by National road; and on the NW., by lot No. 2554, San Jose Townsite. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 42° 47' W., 454.50 ‘meters from B.L.L.M. 66, San Jose Townsite Ts-99, thence S. 10° 08' E, 19.86 meters to point 2; thence S. 79° 59' W., 33.66 meters to point 3; thence N. 17° 41' W., 6.98 meters to point 4; thence N. 18° 50' W., 13.32 meters to point 5; thence N. 80° 10' E, 36.60 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 705 square meters,, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; declination 1° 02’-E; date prepared, October 1, 1952. Lot 2554 ( Swo-31900) San Jose Townsite Ts-99 (Republic of the Philippines — Bureau of Telecommunications A parcel of land (lot No. 2554 of San Jose Townsite), situated in the poblacion, municipality of San Jose, Province of Mindoro Occidental. Bounded on the. NE, by lot 2555, San Jose Townsite; on the S’E, by lot 2553, San Jose Townsite; on the SW., by National road; and on the NW., by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 24° 47' W., 454.50 meters from B.LL.M. 66, San Jose Townsite Ts-99, thence S. 80' 10' W., 36.60 meters to point 2; thence N. 20° 24' W., 7.20 meters to point 3; thence N. 19° 39' W., 13.62 meters to point 4; thence N. 80° 32' E, 40.05 meters to point 5; thence S. 10° 34' E, 20.24 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 781 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; declination 1° 02' E, date prepared, October 1, 1952. IN WITMESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 20th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FMD RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 5 ), 1897-1898. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 29 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM JUNE 1 TO 7, 1954 AS NATIONAL MUSIC WEEK WHEREAS, music is a common cultural heritage that must be upheld and developed in order to assure our nation that fuUness of life which is the goal of aU civiMzed peoples; WHEREAS, in order to place the blessings of music within the reach of the humblest man in the barrio, we must systematically develop the inherent musical gift of our people; and WHEREAS, the attainment of this objective can be accelerated by making our people more music -conscious; Now, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare the period from June 1 to 7, 1954, as National Music Week, and designate the Department of Education to take charge of, and coordinate, all activities in commemoration of said week. I caU upon aU citizens and residents of the Philippines, of whatever race, nationality or creed, to observe this Week, and I enjoin ah governors, city mayors and officers and employees of the national and local governments to extend their assistance and cooperation in the celebration so that it will be a complete success. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 22nd day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 5 ), 1898-1899. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 30 RESERVING FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PROPERTY OF THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OP NAUJAN, PROVINCE OP MINDORO ORIENTAL, ISLAND OP MINDORO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 64 (e) of the Revised Administrative Code, I hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for school site purposes, under the administration of the Director of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain property of the private domain of the Government situated in the Municipality of Naujan, Province of Mindoro Oriental, Island of Mindoro, and. more particularly described as follows: Lot 3278, Naujan Cadastre 200 A parcel of land (lot S278 of the cadastral survey of Naujan, GL.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ) together with the improvements existing thereon situated in the barrio of San Jose, municipality of Naujan, Province of Oriental Mindoro. Bounded on the NE., by Pinagsalubungan River; on the SE, by lot 3270 of Naujan Cadastre; on the SW., by lot 3271 of Naujan Cadastre and Pinagsalubungan River; and on the NW.,by Pinagsalubungan River. Beginning at a paint marked 1 on plan, being N. 23° 11' W., 628.36 meters IfomB.L.L.M. 66, Naujan Cadastre No. 200; thence N. 59° 23' W., 68.50 meters to point 2; thence N. 4° 12' W., 49.07 meters to point 3; thence N. 50° 17' W., 130.32: meters to point 4; thence N. 56° 37' W., 95.10 meters to point 5; thence N. 52° 34' W., 175.97 meters to point 6; thence N. 82° 55' E, 3.00 meters to point 7; thence S. 70° 16' E, 102.70 meters to point 8; thence S. 59° 36' E, 149.44 meters to point 9; thence S. 56° 17' E. 243.20 meters to point 10; thence S. 30° 58' W., 95.07 meters to point of beginning; containing an area of 24,517 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; declination 1° 02' E; date to the cadastral survey, October 13, 1925. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 22nd day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(5), 1899-1900. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 31 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM JUNE 28 TO JULY 4 OF EVERY YEAR AS INDEPENDENCE ANNIVERSARY WEEK WHEREAS, since the proclamation and inauguration of the Republic of the Philippines on July 4, 1946, we have acted in the fine traditions of democracy and freedom, proving ourselves worthy of our independence; and WHEREAS, it is but natural that we rejoice at the blessings of independence without forgetting our responsibilities free and sovereign nation; Now, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare starting this year the period from June 28 to July 4 of every year as Independence Anniversary Week, during which I enjoin aU our people to ponder the significance of our independence to the end that we shall always be worthy of it. The National Committee created in Administrative Order No. 26 dated May 19, 1954, and ah succeeding national anniversary committees to be created thereafter shall take charge of, and coordinate, the activities in celebration of the week. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this twenty-sixth day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 5 ), 1900. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 32 DECLARING THE THIRD WEEK OE NOVEMBER OE EVERY YEAR AS SAEETY AND ACCIDENT PREVENTION WEEK WHEREAS, in this period of rehabilitation it is imperative that we preserve our manpower and conserve our material wealth; WHEREAS, the progressive industrialization of our country has increased hazards in workplaces with the consequent rise of accident frequency; WHEREAS, accidents entail not only heavy financial losses that adversely affect the economic stability of the country but also untold human sufferings and tragedies that cause dislocation in our social life; WHEREAS, to minimize such sufferings and losses, it is necessary that steps be taken towards making the people safety-conscious; NOW, THEREFORE I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby proclaim the third week of November of every year as Safety and Accident Prevention Week and designate the Department of Labor to take charge of, and coordinate, all activities in celebration of said Week. Public and private schools, public and private industrial and commercial establishments, government and private offices, and labor unions are hereby enjoined to observe the Week in an appropriate manner with a view to disseminating safety consciousness and propagating the gospel of the Gkeen Cross throughout the country. Proclamation No. 309 dated April 1, 1952, is hereby revoked. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 28th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary SoMrce.' University of the Philippnes, College of Law Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(6), 2331-2332. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 33 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 13, DATED APRIL 6, 1954, SO AS TO RESTORE THE STANDARD TIME By virtue of the powers vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby revoke Proclamation No. 13, dated April 6, 1954, establishing the daylight saving time for the Philippines during the summer season of 1954, and direct that at twelve o’clock midnight of June 4, 1954, the time fixed in the said proclamation shall be set back or retarded one hour so as to return to normal standard time. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary SoMrce.' University of the Philippnes, College of Law Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(6), 2332-2333. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 34 RESERVING FOR MARKET SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE BARRIO OF MAPANG MUNICIPAUTY OF REAL, PROVINCE OF ZAMBOANGA DEL NORTE, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for market site purposes under the administration of the municipality of Rizal, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the barrio of Mapang, municipality of Rizal, Province of Zamboanga del Norte, Island of Mindanao, and more particularly described in the Bureau of Lands plan MR-1032, to wit: Mr-1052 (Municipal Government of Rizal) — (Market Site) A parcel of land (as shown on plan Mr- 1052), situated in the barrio of Mapang, municipality of Rizal, Province of Zamboanga del Norte. Bounded on the NE., by lot 385 of Rizal Pls-100; on the SE by lot 385 of Rizal Pls-100; on the SW., national highway; and on the NW, by lot 385 of Rizal Pls-100, Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 47° 56' W., 1,557.86 meters from triangulation station Maniway, Pls-100; thence N. 67° 55-W., 121.50 meters to point 2; thence N. 27° 21' E, 83.94 meters to point 3; thence S. 68° 01' E, 120.05 meters to point 4; thence S. 26° 20' W., 84.04 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 10,108 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P. L. S. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 1° 27 E, date of survey, January 29, 1952 and that of the approval January 4, 1954. Note. — This is lot 19 of Rizal Pls-100. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 14th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source.' University of the Philippnes, College of Law Library Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 6 ), 2333-2334. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 35 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 24, SERIES OF 1923, AND DECLARING OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE PUBUC LAND LAW THE PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND COVERED THEREBY SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITIES OP CALAUAG AND GUINAYANGAN, PROVINCE OP QUEZON, ISLAND OP LUZON Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provision of section 88 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby revoke Proclamation No. 24, series of 1923, and declare the parcel or parcels of land covered thereby open to disposition under the provisions of the same Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 14th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(6), 2334-2335. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 36 DECLARING SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1954, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY In order to enable our people to celebrate the birthday of our greatest national hero and patriot. Dr. Jose Rizal, with appropriate ceremonies in keeping with his ideals, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Saturday, June 19, 1954, as a special public holiday throughout the Philippines . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 17th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Indepedence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(6), 2335. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA PROCLAMATION NO. 37 DECLARING THE THIRD WEEK OE SEPTEMBER OE EVERY YEAR AS NATIONAL MENTAL HEALTH WEEK WHEREAS, sound mental health is necessary to the attainment of individual happiness and efficiency, to the establishment of peace and order, and to the promotion of economic and cultural progress; NOW, THEREFORE I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby proclaim the third week of September of every year as National Mental Health Week and designate the Philippine Mental Health Association and the Health Education Association of the Philippines to take charge of the celebration thereof I call upon aU government and non-government entities and all residents of the Philippines to lend their cooperation and support to the observance of the week. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 25th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source.' University of the Philippnes, College of Law Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(7), 2908. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 38 DECLARING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1954, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY IN THE CITY OE TACLOBAN Pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, and the public interest so requiring, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare Wednesday, June 30, 1954, as a special public holiday in the City of Tacloban. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 28th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Sowrce.' University of the Philippnes, College of Law Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(7), 2908-2909. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA PROCLAMATION NO. 39 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 414, SERIES OF 1931, A CERTAIN PORTION OF THE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF PANABO, PROVINCE OF DAVAO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO, AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of both the Secretary of Justice and the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of sections 83 and 88 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 414, series of 1931, a certain portion of the land embraced therein situated in the municipality of Panabo, Province of Davao, Island of Mindanao, and declare the same open to disposition under the provisions of said Act, which portion of land is more particularly described, to wit: S1-V-19010-D (Philippine Women’s Educational Association) A parcel of land ( as shown on plan SI-V-19010-D), situated in the barrio of Ising, municipality of Panabo, Province of Davao. Bounded on the N., by Lucutan Hiver; on the E, by portion of lot 4710, (Davao Penal Colony); on the S., by lot 4880, Tagum cadastre (Davao Agricultural Development Co.); and on the W., by lots 4701, 4702 and 4703, Tagum cadastre. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 16° 09" E, 7,260.50 meters from B.B.M. 21, Tagum cadastre 276, thence S. 286.70 meters to point 2; thence S. 263.48 meters to point 3; thence S. 273.97 meters to point 4; thence S. 330.68 meters to point 5; thence S. 344.94 meters to point 6; thence W. 102.61 meters to point 7; thence W. 470.00 meters to point 8; thence W. 470.00 meters to point 9; thence W. 470.00 meters to point 10; thence W. 337.99 meters to point 11; thence N. 1° 50' E, 107.28 meters to point 12; thence N. 1° 56" E, 491.84 meters to point 13; thence N. 0° 36' E, 461.00 meters to paint 14; thence N. 0° 23' E, 469.26 meters to point 15; thence N. 89° 06' E, 284.22 meters to point 16; thence S. 89° 48' E, 333.21 meters to point 17; thence S. 35° 28' E, 111.25 meters to point 18; thence N. 74° 59" E, 308.25 meters to point 19; thence N. 73° 02' E, 249.30 meters to point 20; thence N. 88° 47' E, 184.38 meters to point 21; thence S. 86° 17' E, 184.21 meters to point 22; thence S. 69° 23' E, 251.58 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 2,820.217 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, by P. L. S. cylindrical concrete monuments; points 12, 13, 14 and 15, by old B. L. cylindrical monuments ; points 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, by stakes; and the rest, by old. P. L. S. cylindrical monuments; bearings tme; declination 1° 43' E; date of survey, November 25-30, 1953. NOTE: This is lot 5162, a portion of lot 4710, Tagum cadastre 276. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 30th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eighth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(7), 2909-2910. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 40 DECLARING THE FIRST WEEK OE AUGUST OE EVERY YEAR AS SIGHT-CONSERVATION WEEK WHEREAS, a preliminary survey made by the Philippine Eye Bank shows that approximately 40,000 blind Eilipinos could have saved their sight if the necessary precautions had been taken; and WHEREAS, this fact points up the necessity of carrying on an educational campaign throughout the country to prevent blindness among the people; Now; THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare the first week of August of every year as Sight-Conservation Week and designate the Philippine Eye Bank to take charge of the celebration of the Week. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal’ of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 5th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(7), 2910-291 1. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 41 RESERVING FOR NATIONAL PARK PURPOSES TO BE KNOWN AS “MANILA BAY BEACH RESORT” A CERTAIN PARCEL OE THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE CITIES OE MANILA AND PASAY AND THE MUNICIPAUTY OP PARANAQUE, PROVINCE OP REAL, ISLAND OP LUZON Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources as Chairman of the Commission on Parks and Wildlife, and pursuant to the provisions of section one of Act Numbered Thirty-nine hundred and fifteen, as amended, and of section two of Republic Act Numbered Eght hundred and twenty-six, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for national park purposes to be known as “Manila Bay Beach Resort” under the administration of the Commission on Parks and Wildlife, subject to private rights if any there be, the following parcel of land of the public domain, situated in the cities of Manila and Pasay and the municipality of Paranaque, Province of Rizal, Island of Luzon, and more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan N. P. No. 34 being S. 40" 48' W., 86.24 meters from M.B.M. 1, Pasay Cadastre 259, thence N. 12° 52' W., 727.26 meters to point 2; thence N. 15° 10' W., 343.48 meters to point 3; thence N. 17° 34' W., 238.63 meters to point 4; thence N. 21° 36' W., 224.00. meters to point 5; thence N. 27° 37' W., 216.00 meters to point 6; thence S. 61° 24' W., 1,028.00 meters to point 7; thence S, 14° 15' E, 1,200.00 meters to point 8; thence S. 14° 04' E.„ 718.00 meters to point 9; thence S. 9° 02,’ E., 1,200.00 meters to point 10; thence S. 8° 00' E. 344.00 meters to point 11; thence S. 2° 14' E., 728.00 meters to point 12; thence S. 87° 26' E., 1,019.99 meters to point 13; thence N. 0° 24' W., 352.00 meters to point 14; thence N. 7° 06' W., 1,200.00 meters to point 15; thence N. 6° 36' W., 867.00 meters to point 16; thence ‘ N. 9° 14’ W., 586.42 meters to the point of beginning. Bounded on the North, by Manila Bay; on the east, by Dewey Boulevard; and on time south and west, by Manila Bay. Containing an approximate area of 4,646,612 square meters, more or less. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 5th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(7), 2911-2912. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 42 REVOKING PROCLAMATIONS NOS. 422 AND 431, BOTH SERIES OF 1953, AND RESERVING THE PARCELS OF LAND EMBRACED THEREIN SITUATED IN QUEZON CITY FOR NATIONAL PARK PURPOSES TO BE KNOWN AS QUEZON MEMORIAL PARK Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources as Chairman of the Commission on Parks and Wildlife, and pursuant to the provisions of section One of Act Numbered Thirty-nine hundred and fifteen, as amended, and of section Two of Republic Act Numbered Eght hundred and twenty-six, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby revoke Proclamations Nos. 422 and 431, both series of 1953, and reserve for national park purposes to be known as Quezon Memorial Park, under the administration of the Commission on Parks and Wildlife, the parcels of land embraced therein situated in the District of DUiman, Quezon City, and more particularly described as follows, to wit: “LTR. P.-3-B-3-A-1 Bsd-10532 (People’s Homesite and Housing Corporation) A parcel of land (lot R. P.-3-B-3-A-1 of the subdivision plan Bsd-10532, being a portion of Lot R. P.-3-B-3-A described on plan Psd-26450, G.L.R.O. Record No. , situated in the District of DUiman, Quezon City. Bounded on the NE., by lot R.P.-3-B-3-A-5 of the subdivision plan; on the SE, by lot R.P.-3-B-3-A-4 (East Avenue) of the subdivision plan; on the SW., by lot R.P.-3-B-3-A-6 of the subdivision plan; on the W., by lots R.P.- 3-B-3-A-6 and R.P.-3-B-3-A-5 of the subdivision plan; and on the NW., by lot R.P.-3-B-3-A-5 of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 0° 26' E, 554.99 meters from B.L.L.M. 7, Quezon City, thence N. 38° 40' E., 2.05 meters to point 2; thence N. 37° 12' E, 2.05 meters to point 3; thence N. 35° 44' E, 2.05 meters to point 4; thence N. 34° 16' E, 2.05 meters to point 5; thence N. 32° 48' E, 2.05 meters to point 6; thence N. 31° 20' E, 2.05 meters to point 7; thence N. 29° 52' E, 2.05 meters to point 8; thence N. 28° 24' E, 2.05 meters to point 9; thence N. 26° 56' E, 2.05 meters to point 10; thence N. 26° 28' E, 2.05 meters to point 11; thence N. 24° 00' E, 2.05 meters to .point 12; thence N. 22° 32' E, 2.05 meters to point 13;, thence N. 21° 04' E, 2.05 meters to point 14; thence N. 19° 36' E, 2.05 meters to point 15; thence N. 18° 08' E, 2.05 meters to point 16; thence N. 16° 40' E, 2.05 meters to point 17; thence N. 15° 13' E, 2.00 meters to point 18; thence N. 13° 47' E, 2.00 meters to point 19; thence N. 12° 21' E, 2.00 meters to point 20; thence N. 10° 54' E, 2.05 meters to point 21; thence N. 9° 26' E, 2.05 meters to point 22; thence N. 7° 58' E, 2.05 meters to point 23; thence N. 6° 30' E, 2.05 meters to point 24; thence N. 5° 02' E, 2.05 meters to point 25; thence N. 2° 34' E, 2.05 meters to point 26; thence N. 2° 06' E, 2.05 meters to point 27; thence N. 0° 38' E, 2.05 meters to point 28; thence N. 0° 50' W., 2.05 meters to point 29; thence N. 2° 18' W., 2.05 meters to point 30; thence N. 3° 46' W., 2.05 meters to point 31; thence N. 5° 14' W., 2.05 meters to point 32; thence N. 6°. 42' W., 2.05 meters to point 33; thence N. 8° 10' W., 2.05 meters to point 34; thence N. 9° 38' W., 2.05 meters to point 35; thence N. 57° 37' E, 185.84 meters to point 36; thence N. 57° 37' E, 331.38 meters to point 37; thence N. 57° 37' EL, 324.31 meters to point 38; thence N. 57° 37' E, 282.85 meters to point 39; thence S. 37° 50' E, 22.12 meters to point 40; thence S. 40° 45' E, 21.87 meters to point 41; thence S. 43° 39' E, 21.87 meters to point 42; thence S. 46° 33' E, 21.87 meters to point 43; thence S. 49° 27' E, 21.87 meters to point 44; thence S. 52° 21' E, 21.87 meters to point 45; thence S. 55° 15' E, 21.87 meters to point 46; thence S. 58° 09' E, 21.87 meters to point 47; thence S. 61° 03' E, 21.87 meters to point 48; thence S. 63° 57' E, 4.49 meters to point 49; thence S. 12° 37' W., 233.67 meters to point 50; thence S. 12° 37' W., 500.00 meters to point 51; thence S. 12,° 37' W., 500.00 meters to point 52; thence S, 12° 37' W., 459.48 meters to point 53; thence S. 15° 19' W., 1.98 meters to point 54; thence S. 20° 42' W., 1.98 meters to point 55; thence S. 26° 07' W., 1.98 meters to point 56; thence S. 31° 31' W., 1.98 meters to point 57; thence S. 36° 55' W., 1.98 meters to point 58; thence S. 42° 19' W., 1.98 meters to point 59; thence ,S. 47° 43' W., 1.98 meters to point 60; thence S. 53° 07' W., 1.98 meters to point 61; thence S. 58° 31' W., 1.98 meters to point 62; thence S. 63° 55' W., 1.98 meters to point 63; thence S. 69° 19' W., 1.98 meters to point 64; thence S. 74° 43' W., 1.98 meters to point 65; thence S. 80° 07' W., 1.98 meters to point 66; thence S. 85° 31' W., 1.98 meters to point 67; thence N. 89° 05' W., 1.98 meters to point 68; thence N. 83° 41' W., 1.98 meters to point 69; thence N. 78° 17' W., 1.98 meters to point 70; thence N. 72° 53' W., 1.98 meters to point 71; thence N. 67° 29' W., 1.98 meters to point 72; thence N. 62°. 05' W., 1.98 meters to point 73; thence N. 56° 41' W., 1.98 meters to point 74; thence N. 51° 17' W., 1.98 meters to point 75; thence N. 45° 53' W., 1.98 meters to point 76; thence N. 40° 29' W., 1.98 meters to point 77; thence N. 35° 05' W., 1.98 meters to point 78; thence N. 32° 23' W., 162.96 meters to point 79; thence N. 32° 23' W., 324.31 meters to point 80; thence N. 32° 23' W., 324.31 meters to point 81; thence N. 32° 23' W., 331.38 meters to point 82; thence N. 32° 23' W., 184.01 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 986,108.60 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 2 to 34, inclusive, 40 to 48, inclusive and 54 to 77 inclusive, by points of curve and the rest by B.L. concrete monuments; bearings true; declination 0° 50' E, date of the original survey, December 1910 to June 1911 and that of the subdivision survey, January 16 to 20 and 24, 1951. LotR.P.-3-B-4-B-l Bsd-10532 (People’s Homesite and Housing Corporation) A parcel of land (lot R.P-3-B-4-B-1 of the subdivision plan Bsd-10532, being a portion of lot R.P.-3-B-4-B, described on plan Bsd-10532, G.L.RO. Record No. , situated in the District of DiUman, Quezon City. Bounded on the N., by (North Avenue) lot R.P.-3-B-4-B-9 of the subdivision plan; on the E., by lot R.P.-3-B4-B-8 of the subdivision plan; on the SE., by lot R.P.-3-B^-B-8 of the subdivision plan; on the S., by lots R.P.-3-B^-B-8 and R.P.-3-B-4-B-7 of the subdivision plan; on the SW., and NW., by lot R.P.-3-B-4-B-7 of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 0° 56' W., 670.90 meters ffomB.L.L.M. 7, Quezon City, thence N. 55° 08' W., 2.05 meters to point 2; thence N. 56° 36' W., 2.05 meters to point 3; thence N. 58° 04' W., 2.05 meters to point 4; thence N. 59° 32' W., 2.05 meters to point 5; thence N. 61° 00' W., 2.05 meters to point 6; thence N. 62° 28' W., 2.05 meters to point 7; thence N. 63° 56' W., 2.05 meters to point 8; thence N. 65° 24' W., 2.05 meters to point 9; thence N. 66° 52' W., 2.05 meters to point 10; thence N. 68° 20' W., 2.05 meters to point 11; thence N. 69° 48' W., 2.05 meters to point 12; thence N. 71° 16' W., 2.05 meters to point 13; thence N. 72° 44' W., 2.05 meters to point 14; thence N. 74° 12' W., 2.05 meters to point 15; thence N. 75° 40' W., 2.05 meters to point 16; thence N. 77° 08' W., 2.05 meters to point 17; thence N. 78° 35' W., 2.00 meters to point 18; thence N. 80° 01' W., 2.00 meters to point 19; thence N. 81° 27 W., 2.00 meters to point 20; thence N. 82° 54' W., 2.05 meters to point 21; thence N. 84° 22' W., 2.05 meters to point 22; thence N. 85° 50' W., 2.05 meters to point 23; thence N. 87° 18' W., 2.05 meters to point 24; thence N. 88° 46' W., 2.05 meters to point 25; thence N. 89° 46' W., 2.05 meters to point 26; thence 6. 88° 18' W., 2.05, meters to point 27; thence S. 86° 50' W., 2.05 meters to point 28; thence S. 85° 22' W., 2.05 meters to point 29; thence S. 83° 54' W., 2.05 meters to point 30; thence S. 82° 26' W., 2.05 meters to point 31; thence S. 80° 58' W., 2.05 meters to point 32; thence S. 79° 30' W., 2.05 meters to point 33; thence S. 78° 02' W., 2.05 meters to point 34; thence S. 76° 34' W., 2.05 meters to point 35; thence N. 32° 23' W., 184.01 meters to point 36; thence N. 32° 23' W., 331.38 meters to point 37; thence N. 32° 23' W., 324.31 meters to point 38; thence N. 32° 23' W., 324.31 meters to point 39; thence’ N. 32° 23' W., 208.21 meters to point 40; thence N. 30° 49' E., 2.07 meters to point 41; thence N. 28° 46' E., 2.06 meters to point 42; thence S. 77° 23' E., 304.38 meters to point 43; thence S, 77° 23' E., 218.80 meters to point 44; thence S. 77° 23' E., 482.00 meters to point 45; thence S. 77° 23' E., 376.00 meters to point 46; thence S. 77° 23' E, 357.64 meters to point 47; thence S. 0° 49' E., 4.51 meters to point 48; thence S. 3° 43' E., 21.87 meters to point 49; thence S. 6° 37' E., 21.87 meters to point 50; thence S. 9° 31' E., 21.87 meters to point 51; thence S. 12° 25' E., 21.87 meters to point 52; thence S. 15° 19' E., 21.87 meters to point 53; thence S. 18° 13' E., 21.87 meters to point 54; thence S. 21° 07' E., 21.87 meters to point 55; thence S. 24° 01' E., 21.87 meters to point 56; thence S. 26° 56' E., 22.12 meters to point 57; thence S. 57° 37' W., 283.84 meters to point 58; thence S. 57° 37' W., 324.31 meters to point 59; thence S. 57° 37' W., 331.38 meters to point 60; thence S. 57° 37' W., 185.84 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 986,687.30 square meters more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as foUows: points 2 to 34, inclusive, 41 and 48 to 56, inclusive, by points of curve and the rest by B.L. concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 0° 50' E.; date of the original survey, December 1910 to June 1911 and that of the subdivision survey, January 16 to 20, and 24, 1951. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the PhiUppines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 5th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(7), 2912-2915. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 43 AUTHORIZING THE PHILIPPINE TUBERCULOSIS SOCIETY TO CONDUCT A NATIONAL FUND AND EDUCATIONAL DRIVE DURING THE PERIOD FROM AUGUST 19 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1954 WHEREAS, the Philippine Tuberculosis Society, performing as it does an essential public health service, has long been cooperating, intensively and extensively, with the Government in its anti-tuberculosis program, as a result of which very marked progress has been attained in the crusade against this scourge in the Philippines; WHEREAS, it is necessary that this humanitarian work being undertaken by the Society be pursued more vigorously and without disruption so that the rate of mortality and incidence of tuberculosis may be kept gradually down to the minimum attainable and the health of the nation may thereby be preserved; and WHEREAS, tuberculosis being a socio-economic ill of incalculable deleterious effects upon our manpower and national economy, the Society deserves continued public support, moral as weU as material, to enable it to carry on its noble mission of service; Now, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, do hereby authorize the Philippine Tuberculosis Society to conduct a national fund and educational drive during the period from August 19 to September 30, 1954. I caU upon aU citizens and residents of the Philippines, irrespective of nationality or creed, to assist in this humanitarian campaign by giving generously of their means so that we may keep this dreadful disease under control. I authorize aU the treasurers of provincial, city and municipal governments as well as school officials to accept, for the Philippine Tuberculosis Society, voluntary contributions and donations and to issue official receipts therefor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 5th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(7), 2915-2916. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 44 CALUNG THE CONGRESS OF THE PHIUPPINES TO A SPECIAL SESSION Whereas, the public interest requires that the Congress of the Philippines be convened in a special session in order to consider urgent legislative measures; Now, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby call the Congress of the Philippines to a special session for such number of days as may be necessary, but not to exceed thirty days, commencing at ten o’clock in the morning of the nineteenth day of July, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, to consider the enactment of the following legislative measures : 1. An Act appropriating funds for Public Works and amending Republic Act No. 920. 2. An Act creating the Court of Agrarian Relations, prescribing its jurisdiction, and establishing its mles and procedure. 3. An Act to provide for the Civil Defense in time of war or other National Emergency, creating a National Defense Administration, and for other purposes. 4. An Act to govern the relation between Landlord and Tenant on Agricultural Lands under any systemof tenancy. 5. An Act authorizing the expenditure during the period from January first to June thirty, nineteen hundred and fifty- four, of the income accming to the general, special, tmst and other funds in the Philippine Treasury during the same period. 6. An Act to amend section 178-A of Act Numbered 2427, otherwise known as the Insurance Act, as amended by Republic Act No. 488, and to add another section to be known as section 197-A, and for other purposes. 7. An Act to amend and repeal certain sections of the Charter of the City of Manila in order to provide for two additional judges in the Traffic Court and five additional Assistant City Eiscals. 8. An Act to amend Republic Act Numbered Six hundred and ninety -eight entitled “An Act to limit the importation of Eoreign Leaf tobacco.’’ 9. An Act appropriating the sum of Three hundred thousand pesos for the expenses of a Trade Mission to the United States . 10. An Act to demonetize Treasury certificates and Central Bank notes of over one hundred-peso denominations, and for other purposes . 11. An Act amending Republic Act Numbered Six hundred sixty-three entitled “An Act to develop and improve the rice and com industries, to stabilize the price of rice and to promote the social and economic conditions of the people engaged in the production of these staple foods.’’ 12. An Act to create the positions of Special Prosecutors in the Office of the Solicitor General for the purpose of investigating and prosecuting graft, corruption, abuses and other violations of laws in the Government and/or Government owned or controlled corporations . 13. An Act to further amend section two of Republic Act Numbered Six hundred one, as amended by Republic Act Numbered Eleven seventy five (re special excise tax on foreign exchange). 14. An Act to amend certain sections of Republic Act Numbered Two hundred ninety-sk otherwise known as the Judiciary Act of 1948, as amended, so as to provide for additional branches of the Court of First Instance, and to authorize a district Judge of First Instance to decide cases heard and submitted to him for decision even after his appointment to another district. 15. An Act to amend the title and sections one, two and three of Republic Act Numbered Sk hundred and fifty- seven entitled “An Act to promote the production of cassava flour, to regulate the importation of wheat flour and for other purposes” and to regulate the production, manufacture, sale and distribution of cassava flour and starch, and for other purposes. AU persons entitled to sit as members of the Congress of the Philippines are requested to take notice of this proclamation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 7th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(7), 2916-2918. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION. NO. 45 DECLARING FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1954, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOUDAY IN THE PROVINCE OF BATANGAS WHEREAS, Apolinario Mabini, one of our greatest patriots, was bom in Tanauan, Batangas, on July 23, 1864; and WHEREAS, the people of Batangas desire to be given ample opportunity to celebrate the birthday of the “Sublime Paralytic”; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Friday, July 23, 1954, as a special public holiday in the Province of Batangas. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 7th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(7), 2918-2919. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 46 RESERVING FOR THE USE OF THE CITY OF MANILA AS SITES FOR THE MEISIC POUCE STATION; THE JOSE ABAD SANTOS HIGH SCHOOL; THE MEISIC HEALTH CENTER; AND THE DISTRICT NUMBER TWO, DIVISION OF STREETS AND BRIDGES, OEEICE OE THE CITY ENGINEER, THE PROPERTY OTHERWISE KNOWN AS “CUARTEL MEISIC” SITUATED IN THE DISTRICT OE BINONDO, CITY OE MANILA. Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, hereby excluded from sale or settlement and reserve for the use of the City of Manila as sites for the Meisic Police Station; the Jose Abad Santos High School; the Meisic Health Center; and the District Number Two, Division of Streets and Bridges, Office of the City Engineer, subject to private rights, if any there be, the property otherwise known as “Cuartel Meisic”, situated in the District ofBinondo, City of Manila. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 10th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives 2919. Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(7), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 47 REVOKING EXECUTIVE ORDER NUMBERED FORTY, SERIES OF NINETEEN HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN, AND CONVERTING THE AREA EMBRACED THEREIN SITUATED IN THE BARRIO OF NAGA, MUNICIPAUTY OF TIWI, PROVINCE OF ALBAY, ISLAND OF LUZON, INTO A NATIONAL PARK TO BE KNOWN AS THE “TIWI HOT SPRING NATIONAL PARK” Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, concurrently Chairman, Commission on Parks and Wildlife, and pursuant to the provisions of section one of Act Numbered Thirty-nine hundred and fifteen, as amended, and of section two of Republic Act Numbered Hght hundred and twenty-six, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby revoke Executive Order Numbered Forty, series of nineteen hundred and thirteen, and convert the area embraced therein situated in the barrio of Naga, municipality of Tiwi, Province of Albay, Island of Luzon, into a National Park to be known as the “Tiwi Hot Spring National Park” under the control and administration of the Commission on Parks and Wildlife. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 10th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(7), 2920. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA PROCLAMATION NO. 48 RESERVING FOR THE USE OF THE PRICE STABILIZATION CORPORATION A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT, SITUATED IN THE CITY OF DAVAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and pursuant to the provisions of section 64 (e) of the Revised Administrative Code in relation to Republic Act No. 477, 1 hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for the use of the Price Stabilization Corporation, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the private domain of the Government, situated in the City of Davao, and more, particularly described as follows: “Un terreno comprendido dentro de la Keserva CivU No. Ill de Davao, situado en el lado NE. de la Calle, Magallanes, Townsite de Davao, Distrito de Davao. linda por el NE. con propiedad de Antonio Dy Chiao; por el SO. con la Calle MagaUanes; y por el NO. con propiedad de Felipe Sandig. Partiendo de un punto marcado 1, en el piano, cuyo punto se halla al N. 84° 18' E, y cuarenta y seis metros con veinteocho centimetros (46.28) del Mojon No. 10, Davao; y desde dicho punto 1 S. 52° E. veinteocho metros con dieciocho centimetros (28.18) al punto 2; desde este punto S. 42° 03' 0., treinta metros con noventa y nueve centimetros (30.99) al punto 3; desde este punto NO. 47° 52' 0., veintisiete metros con cincuenta y ocho centimetros con noventa y seis centimetros (28.96) al punto de partida; mediendo unai extension superficial de 835 metros cuadrados. Todos los puntos nombrados se hallan marcados en el piano; la orientacion segunda es la verdadera; siendo la declinacion magnetic de 2° 34' E; y la fecha de la medicion Junio de 1908. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 10th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(7), 2920-2921. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 49 WHEREAS, paragraphs 1 and 2, article I of the Agreement between the Republic of the Philippines and the United States of America concerning Trade and Related Matters which was signed at Manila on July 4, 1946, provide as follows: ARTICLE I 1. During the period from the date of the entry into force of this Agreement to July 3, 1954, both dates inclusive. United States articles as defined in subparagraph (e) of paragraph I of the Protocol to this Agreement entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, in the Philippines for consumption, and Philippine articles as defined in Subparagraph (f) of Paragraph 1 of the Protocol entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, in the United States for consumption, shah be admitted into the Philippines and the United States, respectively, free of ordinary customs duty. 2. The ordinary customs duty to be collected on United States articles as defined in subparagraph (e) of paragraph 1 of the Protocol, which during the following portions of the period from July 4, 1954, to July 3, 1974, both dates inclusive, are entered, or withdrawn from warehouse; in the Philippines for consumption, and on Philippine articles as defined in subparagraph (f) of paragraph 1 of the Protocol, other than those specified in Items D to G, both inclusive, of the Schedule to Article II, which during such portions to such period are entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, in the United States for consumption, shall be determined by applying the following percentages of the Philippine duty as defined in subparagraph (h) of paragraph 1 of the Protocol, and of the United States duty as defined in subparagraph (g) of paragraph 1 of the Protocol, respectively: (a) During the period from July 4, 1954, to December 31, 1954, both dates inclusive, five per centum. (b) During the calendar year 1955, ten per centum. (c) During each calendar year after the calendar year 1955 until and including the calendar year 1972, a percentage equal to the percentage for the preceding calendar year increased by five per centum of the Philippine duty and the United States five per centum of the Philippine duty and the United States duty, respectively, as so defined. (d) During the period from January 1, 1973, to July 3, 1974, both dates inclusive, one hundred per centum. WHEREAS, Philippine Republic Act No. 1137 of June 16, 1954, entitled “An Act to Amend Commonwealth Act Seven Hundred and Thirty-Three” authorized the extension on the basis of reciprocity up to December 31, 1955, of the duty free entry of United States articles in the Philippines as provided for in paragraph 1, article I of the Agreement, in lieu of the treatment specified in subparagraphs (a) and (/?), paragraph 2, article I; WHEREAS, the United States public law of July 5, 1954, entitled “An Act to provide for an extension on a Reciprocal Basis of the period of the Free Entry of Philippine articles in the United States” likewise authorized the extension on the basis of reciprocity up to December 31, 1955, of the duty-free entry of Philippine articles in the United States as specified in paragraph 1, article I of the said Agreement, in lieu of the treatment specified in subparagraphs (a) and {b), paragraph 2, article I; and WHEREAS, in pursuance of the Act of the United States Congress of July 5, 1954, the President of the United States of America has issued a Proclamation dated July 10, 1954, extending the duty-free treatment provided for in paragraph 1, article I of the said agreement, in Ueu of the treatment specified in subparagraphs (a) and (b), paragraph 2, article I, to Philippine articles (as defined in the Protocol accompanying the Agreement) entered, or withdrawn from warehouse in the United States for consumption during the period from July 4, 1954, to December 31, 1955, both dates inclusive; Now, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, pursuant to Republic Act No. 1137, of June 16, 1954, do hereby proclaim the extension of the duty-free treatment provided for in article I, paragraph 1, of the Agreement, in lieu of the treatment provided for in article I, paragraph 2, subparagraphs (a) and (b), to United States articles (as defined in the Protocol) entered, or withdrawn from warehouse in the Philippines for consumption during the period from July 4, 1954, to December 31, 1955, both dates inclusive, to the end that the same and every part thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines, the citizens of the Republic of the Philippines and aU other persons subject to the jurisdiction thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 12th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. (SOD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(7), 2921-2923. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 50 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 67, SERIES OF 1912, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE IWAHIG PENAL COLONY, SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF PUERTO PRINCESA, PROVINCE AND ISLAND OF PALAWAN, A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND EMBRACED THEREIN AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I hereby exclude from the operation of Executive Order No. 67, series of 1912, which established the Iwahig Penal Colony, situated in the Municipality of Puerto Princesa, Province and Island of Palawan, a certain parcel of land embraced therein and declare the same open to disposition under the provisions of the Public Land Act, which parcel of land is more particularly described, to wit: A parcel of land bounded on the Northeast, by the Inagawan Residential site; on the southeast, by the Sulu Sea; on the southwest, by the Aborlan-Puerto Princesa National road, containing an area of 1,329 hectares, more or less. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 14th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(7), 2923. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 51 EXTENDING UP TO AND INCLUDING JULY 31, 1954, THE PERIOD FOR THE SIXTH ANNUAL FUND CAMPAIGN OF THE COMMUNITY CHEST OF GREATER MANILA WHEREAS, the period from June 1 to 15, 1954, was designated under Proclamation No. 26 dated May 11, 1954, for the Sixth Annual Fund Campaign of the Community Chest of Greater Manila; and WHEREAS, it appears that said organization needs additional time to carry out its campaign successfully; Now, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby extend up to and including July 31, 1954, the period for the Sixth Annual Fund Campaign of the Community Chest of Greater Manila. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 28th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives 3422. Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(8), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 52 DECLARING AUGUST 13, 1954, PHIUPPINE-AMERICAN DAY WHEREAS, August 13, 1898, marked the official beginning of relations between the Philippines and the United States and the commencement of a happy and mutually profitable association between Filipinos and Americans; WHEREAS, on the occassion of the 56th anniversary of that event, it is appropriate that the two peoples renew and further strengthen the bonds that bind them in view, particularly, of the prevailing critical world conditions that threaten their security and the democratic institutions that they have jointly developed and staunchly defended at the cost of their resources and blood; WHEREAS, it is meet and proper that this historic event in the lives of the two nations, loyal partners in the active defense of freedom, be properly commemorated so that it may ever remain a source of inspiration in the noble effort to insure the success and permanence of the free and democratic enterprises in which they are engaged and which constitute their contribution to the peace of the world and the happiness of mankind; and WHEREAS, it is desirable that the two peoples be afforded every opportunity to get together on an intimate basis and encouraged to find a common medium for the friendly, intelligent and unselfish appraisal of the problems as well as the advantages that arise from their present relationship, always in a spirit of cooperation and with due regard for each other’s right, interests and aspirations; Now, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare August 13, 1954, as PhiUppine-American Day. I call upon aU our people and aU Americans residing within Philippine territory to observe this date with appropriate ceremonies designed to promote mutual understanding and helpfulness and to enhance the practical significance of the intimate association existing between Filipinos and Americans and between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of the Republic of the United States of America. I especially call on all civic, business, religious and service organizations and schools, both public and private, to devote this date to exercises calculated to advance knowledge and wider appreciation of the value of PhiUppine-American relationship and of the benefits derived from it. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the PhiUppines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 29th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(8), 3423-3424. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 53 RESERVING FOR ADDITIONAL STOCKYARD AND SLAUGHTERHOUSE SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE CITY OF MANILA Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for additional stockyard and slaughterhouse site purposes under the administration of the City of Manila, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the City of Manila and more particularly described as follows, to wit: A parcel of land (portion of the Tondo Foreshore Land, as shown on the attached sketch, situated in the District of Tondo. Bounded on the N. by a road; on the N.E by a road behind the Government Tenement Houses; on the SE by a property of the National Government; and on the SW. and NW. by a proposed road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch, being S. 23° 00' E, 70.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 63° 15' W., 160.00 meters to point 3; thence N. 33° 50' W., 220.00 meters to point 4; thence N. 57° 15' E, 65.00 meters to point 5: thence S. 30° 15' E, 30.00 meters to point 6; thence S. 72° 02' E, 177.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 27,650 square meters, more or less. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RlUZ CASTOO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(8), 3424-3425. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 54 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 610, DATED AUGUST 29, 1940, AND RESERVING FOR CERTAIN SPECIFIED PUBUC PURPOSES CERTAIN PARGETS OE THE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN, SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OP ROXAS, PROVINCE OP ISABELA, ISLAND OP LUZON Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provision of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 610, dated August 29, 1940, and reserve for certain specified public purposes indicated hereunder under the administration of the Municipality of Roxas, subject to private rights, if any there be, the following parcels of land embraced therein, to wit: Lot Nos. Location Purpose Area in sq.m. 3201, Pis -15 Munos, Roxas, Isabela School site 13,002 3200, Pls-15 Munos, Roxas, Isabela Plaza site 12,958 2987, Pls-15 Munos, Eoxas, Isabela 1476, Pis -62 Callang, Roxas, Isabela Playground site 20,055 13437 Pis -62 Callang, Roxas, Isabela School site 24,067 1477, Pis -62 Callang, Roxas, Isabela Municipal Government site 8,967 13427 Pis -62 Callang, Roxas, Isabela Park site 10,807 2998, Pis -62 Callang, Roxas, Isabela Cemetery site 19,625 1631, Pls-62 Callang, Roxas, Isabela Market site 10,803 7225, Pls-62 Eden, Roxas, Isabela School site 21,018 7257, Pls-62 Eden, Roxas, Isabela Park site 9,972 7224, Pls-62 Eden, Roxas, Isabela Municipal Government site 9,469 7108, Pls-62 Sandiat, Roxas, Isabela School site 20,987 7106, Pls-62 Sandiat, Roxas, Isabela Park site 9,738 7107, Pls-62 Sandiat, Roxas, Isabela Municipal Government site 9,788 7089, Pls-62 Sandiat, Roxas, Isabela Playground site 21,014 7040, Pls-62 Sandiat, Roxas, Isabela Market site 13,459 58507 Pls-62 Vira, Roxas, Isabela Cemetery site 40,088 5518, Pls-62 Mararique, Roxas, Isabela School site 20,992 6760, Pls-62 Mararique, Roxas, Isabela Park site 9,000 6759, Pls-62 Mararique, Roxas, Isabela Municipal Government site 10,498 67947 Pls-62 Mararique, Roxas, Isabela Playground site 21,085 848, Pls-62 San Antonio, Roxas, Isabela School site 20,985 8737 Pls-62 San Antonio, Roxas, Isabela Park site 9,828 874, Pls-62 San Antonio, Roxas, Isabela Municipal Government site 9,761 8757 Pls-62 San Antonio, Roxas, Isabela Playground site 20,889 951, Pls-62 San Antonio, Roxas, Isabela Market site 13,509 In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 5th day of August, in the year of Our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 8 ), 3425-3426. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 55 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 294, DATED JULY 20, 1938, A PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN CERVANTES, ILOCOS SUR, ISLAND OF LUZON, AND TO ESTABUSH THE SAME AS BESSANG PASS NATIONAL SHRINE Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, as Chairman of the Commission on Parks and Wildlife, and pursuant to the provisions of section 1 of Act Numbered Thirty -nine hundred and fifteen, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 294, series of 1938, certain portion of the Tirad Pass National Park and establish the same as Bessang Pass National Shrine, under the control and administration of the Commission on Parks and Wildlife, subject to private rights, if any there be, situated in the municipality of Cervantes, Province of Ilocos Sur, Island of Luzon, which parcel of land is more particularly described as follows: “Beginning from a point marked 1 on the plan situated at barrio Naiba of the municipality of Cervantes, Province of Ilocos Sur, thence north 67° 30' east, 3,040 meters to point 2; south, 20° 30' West, 8,420 meters to point 3; north, 39° 00' west, 2,600 meters to point 1, point of beginning, containing an area of 3,040,000 square meters, more or less. The above described parcel of land is subject to future delimitation and survey. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 10th day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 8 ), 3426-3427. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 56 DECLARING THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1954, ASA SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY WHEREAS, the seventy-sixth anniversary of the birth of the late President Manuel L. Quezon falls on Thursday, August 19, 1954; WHEREAS, his life having been dedicated to the service of his country and people, it is but fit and proper that we commemorate his birthday; and WHEREAS, the nineteenth clay of August of every year is also Citizenship Day under Proclamation No. 331 dated August 4, 1952; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Thursday, August 19, 1954, as a special public holiday. I enjoin the observance of the day with appropriate ceremonies which would inculcate upon our people, especially the youth, the rights and duties of good citizenship to the end that they will consecrate themselves to the ideals and traditions of our Republic. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 14th day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 8 ), 3427-3428. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 57 RESERVING FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE BARRIO OF BAMBANG, MUNICIPAUTY OF PASIG, PROVINCE OF REAL, ISLAND OF LUZON Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provision of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141., as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for school site purposes under the administration of the Director of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, certain parcels of the public domain situated in the Barrio of Bambang, Municipality of Pasig, Province of Rizal, Island of Luzon, and more particularly described, to wit: Lot No. 1 . — Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 8° 44' W., 169.53 meters ffomB.L.LM. No. 2 Mp of Pasig, Rizal, thence S. 45° 41' W., 20.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 47° 07' W., 25.52 meters to point 3; thence N. 21° 54' W., 9.46 meters to point 4; thence N. 47° 40' E, 27.12 meters to point 5; thence N. 48° 52' W., 21.85 meters, to point 6; thence N. 51° 53' W., 31.40 meters to point 7; thence N. 72° 57' W., 38.53 meters to point 8; thence N. 31° 38' E, 17.35 meters to point 9; thence S. 82° 42' E., 16.84 meters to point 10; thence S. 58° 05' E., 37.49 meters to point 11; thence S. 58° 46' E., 6.00 meters to point 12; thence S. 36° 34' E, 24.78 meters to the point of beginning. Bounded on the N., by the property of Lucio JavUlonar; on the NE., by properties of Ramona Pozon and PetronUa Bartolome, Eduardo Legaspi and Susana Santos; on the SE, by properties of Petronilo Natividad et al and Public Land; on the S., by lot No. 2 of plan Psu-130762; on the SW., by property of Domingo de la Cmz(lot No. 4,. Psu-3354) and lot No. 2 of plan Psu-130762; on the W., by lot No. 3 of plan Psu-130762; and on the NW., by lot No. 2 ofplan Psu-130762. Containing an area of 1,989 square meters, more or less. Lot No. 3 . — Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 44° 46' “W., 157.79 meters fromB.EEM. No. 2 Mp of Pasig, Rizal, thence S. 31° 38” W., 17.35 meters to point 2; thence N. 79° 19' W., 11.27 meters to point 3; thence N. 80° 03' W., 8.56 meters to point 4; thence N. 22° 04' E, 13.84 meters to point 5; thence S. 86° 01' E, 23.46 meters to the point of beginning. Bounded on the N., by property of Francisco Lara et al; on the E, by lot No. 1 of plan Psu-130762; on the S. by lot No. 2 of plan Psu-130762 and on the W., by public land. Containing an area of 314 square meters, more or less. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 16th day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(8), 3428-3429. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 58 DECLARING THE EFFECTIVITY OF REPUBUC ACT NO. 832, ENTITLED “AN ACT TO REGULATE THE SALE, EXCHANGE, OR DELIVERY OE HOME POUNDED, UNDERMILLED, MILLED OR POUSHED RICE AND PROVIDING PENALTY EOR VIOLATION THEREOE,” IN ALL PROVINCES AND CITIES OE THE PH ni PPINES WHEREAS, section 10 of Republic Act No. 832, entitled “An Act to regulate the sale, exchange, or delivery of Home Pounded, UndermiUed, Milled or Polished Rice, and providing penalty for violation thereof,” provides that said Act shall take effect upon the proclamation of the President of the Philippines when the Secretary of Health certifies’ that the province or provinces and cities concerned have already the facilities necessary to implement the law; WHEREAS, the above-mentioned law is already effective in the provinces of Bataan, Tarlac and Pangas inan; and WHEREAS, the Secretary of Health certifies that aU provinces and cities in the Philippines wherein the law is not yet declared effective will have already had the necessary facilities to implement the law 30 days after the dates stated in said certificate ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 10 of Republic Act No. 832, do hereby proclaim that said Act shah take effect in the provinces and cities enumerated below 30 days after the respective dates set opposite the names of the provinces and cities. 1955 January 1 City of Manila Province of Rizal Pas ay City Quezon City Dagupan City April 1 Provinces of: Nueva Ecija Nueva Vizcaya Bulacan Pampanga Mindoro Oriental Mindoro Occidental City of: Cabanatuan July 1 Provinces of: Laguna Batangas Cavite Quezon Marinduque Zambales La Union Mountain Province Cities of: Baguio San Pablo lip a Cavite Tagaytay October 1 Provinces of: Cagayan Isabela Ilocos Norte Ilocos Sur Abra Batanes 1956 January 1 April 1 April 1 July 1 Provinces of: A lb ay Sorsogon Camarines Norte Camarines Sur Catanduanes Mas bate City of: Nag a Provinces of: Samar Leyte Cebu Negros Oriental Surigao Bukidnon Agusan Oriental Mis amis Occideaital Mis amis Lanao Cities of: Calbayog Cebu Dumaguete Ozarrnz Ormoc Provinces of: Negros Occideaital Romblon Iloilo Capiz Antique Bohol Cities of: Bacolod Iloilo October 1 Provinces of: Cotabato Davao Zamboanga del Norte Zamboanga del Sur Sulu Palawan Cities of: Davao Zamboanga IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 24th day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives 3429. Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(8), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 59 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 132, DATED JUNE 17, 1949, AND DECLARING SO MUCH OF THE REMAINING PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND EMBRACED THEREIN AS HAVE NOT YET BEEN SOLD, SITUATED IN PARANG, COTABATO, OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP REPUBUC ACT NO. 730 IN RELATION TO CHAPTER K OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of sections 72 and 88 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby revoke Proclamation No. 132 dated June 17, 1949, and declare so much of the remaining parcel or parcels of land embraced therein as have not yet been sold, situated in the municipality of Parang, Cotabato, open to disposition under the provisions of Republic Act No. 730 in relation to Chapter IX of the Public Land Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 31st day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(9), 4041. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 60 AUTHORIZING THE GIRL SCOUTS OF THE PH RI PPINFS TO CONDUCT A NATIONAL FUND DRIVE DURING THE PERIOD FROM NOVEMBER 15 TO DECEMBER 30, 1954, IN PLACES OUTSIDE OF GREATER MANILA WHEREAS, the Girl Scouts of the Philippines, through its untiring efforts and effective leadership during the last fourteen years, has contributed immensely to the character development and citizenship training of the Filipino girls; WHEREAS, this Organization has more than amply demonstrated that it merits, the continued moral encouragement and material support of our people and that there is a great need to extend Girl Scouting to thousands of other girls all over the country; and WHEREAS, the Girl Scouts of the Philippines is in need of funds to carry on its work effectively, to intensify and promote such program activities as will be of great benefit to its members and the communities in which they Hve, and to meet its obligations and participate actively as a member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, do hereby authorize the Girl Scouts of the Philippines to conduct a national fund drive during the period from November 15 to December 30, 1954, in the province and territories outside of Greater Manila. I call upon aU citizens and residents of the Philippines outside Greater Manila to assist wholeheartedly in this campaign and to give their utmost support so that the Girl Scouts of the Philippines may be assured of adequate funds with which to carry on its work. I authorize ah the treasurers of provincial, city and municipal government, as well as school officials and teachers, to accept, for the Girl Scouts of the Philippines, fund-raising responsibilities, and urge them to give active support and leadership in their respective communities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 31st day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(9), 4042-4043. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA PROCLAMATION NO. 61 PROCLAIMING THE EXISTENCE OF PUBUC CALAMITY IN THE PROVINCE OF OCCIDENTAL NEGROS AND THE CITY OF BACOLOD AND DECLARING IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT THEREIN THE PROVISIONS OP ACT NO. 4164 WHEREAS, it has been found that there is a widespread scarcity of the supply of rice and palay in the Province of Occidental Negros and the City of Bacolod caused by a long nationwide draught which prevented the farmers in the rice-producing regions of the Philippines to plant the rice-fields in due time; WHEREAS, this scarcity has brought about an increase in the price of rice and palay and has rendered more difficult the means of livelihood of the people of said province and city; WHEREAS, the resulting crisis has been aggravated by the hiding, concealing and hoarding of rice and palay by some owners and dealers of said commodities for purposes of profiteering; and WHEREAS, such a state of things has caused deep concern and fear among the people of said province and city and unless effective measures are immediately taken to cope with the emergency, panic and disorder therein wiU certainly ensue; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers conferred upon me by Act No. 4164 of the former Philippine Legislature, entitled “An Act to prevent the excessive increase in the prices of certain prime necessities of life on the occasion of a public calamity, penalizing the violation thereof, and for other purposes,’’ do hereby certify and declare that a public calamity resulting from drought and scarcity of rice and palay exists in the Province of Occidental Negros and City of Bacolod and declare in full force and effect therein the provisions of said Act No. 4164. The public order in the province and city above-named so requiring, I hereby order the Commander of the Philippine Constabulary of Occidental Negros, or his duly authorized representative, to seize any stock of rice or palay that is hidden, concealed, or hoarded for purposes of profiteering by any owner or dealer thereof when such a stock is in excess of one hundred cavanes. The stock of rice and palay so seized shall be delivered to the representative of the Price Stabilization Corporation (PRISCO) in Bacolod City to be sold and disposed of to the public in accordance with law and the proceeds of the sale at legal price shall be reimbursed to the respective owners thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(9), 4043-4044. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA PROCLAMATION NO. 62 FIXING THE DATE WHEN THE NEW EXEMPTIONS OF CERTAIN ITEMS FROM THE PAYMENT OF THE SPECIAL EXCISE TAX ON FOREIGN EXCHANGE SHALL TAKE EFFECT WHEREAS, under section 2 ol Republic Act No. 601, as amended by Republic Act No. 1175, the special excise tax ol 17 per centum assessed on the value in Philippine peso ol foreign exchange sold and/or authorized to be sold by the Central Bank ol the Philippines, or any ol its agents for the payment ol the cost, transportation and/or other charges incident to the importation into the Philippines or remittances abroad ol the articles, commodities or items mentioned in section 2 ol Republic Act No. 601, as amended by Republic Act No. 1175, shall not be collected; WHEREAS, section 2 ol Republic Act No. 601, as amended by Republic Act No. 1175, has been further amended by section 1 of Republic Act No. 1197, approved August 28, 1954, so as to include new items in the list of exemptions from the payment of the special excise tax on foreign exchange; and WHEREAS, the new exemptions from the payment of the 17 per centum special excise tax for the items mentioned in the preceding paragraph hereof, shah only take effect, in accordance with section 2 of Republic Act No. 1197, on the date or dates which the President of the Philippines shall fix when in his judgment the interest of the national economy and general welfare so require; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, pursuant to the powers vested in me by section 2 of Republic Act No. 1197, do hereby proclaim that new exemptions from the payment of the 17 per centum especial excise tax on foreign exchange sold and/or authorized to be sold by the Central Bank of the Philippines, or any of its agents, for the following items shall take effect on the date of the signing of this proclamation: (1) Remittances in payment of cattle and cocoa beans; (2) Remittances by airlines of American registry operating between the Philippines and the United States of income in the Philippines to their head offices in the United States; provided that such airlines have been granted a permit to operate under the Air Transport Agreement between the United States and the Philippines prior to the enactment of Republic Act No. 601; (3) Remittances for payment of living expenses of students pursuing studies abroad not exceeding the equivalent to $250 per month including payment of tuition, books, medical ejqrenses and other school fees; and (4) Dollar allocations for one trip a year and not exceeding $300 for each Moro pilgrim traveling abroad under permit of the Government. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(9), 4044-4045. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 63 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM SEPTEMBER 26 TO OCTOBER 2, 1954, AS FOREST CONSERVATION WEEK WHEREAS, our forest resources are to utmost importance to the welfare and economic well-being of our people; WHEREAS, these forest resources constitute a valuable heritage that must be passed on to those coming afterus; WHEREAS, wanton damage to these resources has been going on through kaingin making and destmctive logging practices ; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to stop such destmction and to impress upon our people the need of conserving these resources to the end that the benefits we derive from them and the services they renderus would not only remain unimparied but also made available to succeeding generations; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare the period from September 26 to October 2, 1954, as Eorest Conservation Week and designate the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources to take charge of, and coordinate, aU activities in celebration of the Week. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and cause the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 6th day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(9), 4046. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 64 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM SEPTEMBER 15, 1954, TO SEPTEMBER 15, 1955, AS THE UTERACY YEAR AND CREATING A COMMITTEE TO TAKE CHARGE OE THE NATIONAL CAMPAIGN EOR LITERACY In order to make the Philippines a completely functionally literate nation, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the period from September 15, 1954, to September 15, 1955, as the Literacy Year and create a committee to take charge of the national campaign for literacy. The committee shah be composed of the following: AU Heads of the Executive Departments of the Government Technical Consultants Chancellor Segundo Infantado Co-Chairman Dean Conrado Benitez Co-Chairman The Chief, Adult Education Division, Bureau of PubUc School Co-Chairman Dean Isidoro Panlasigui Co-Chairman Mrs. Elora E. Diaz Catapusan Co-Chairman Mrs. Geronima T. Pecs on Co-Chairman AU representatives of various institutions and organizations and others interested whose signatures appear on the enclosure of the memorandum of the National Literacy Campaign Delegation Members I hereby caU upon aU government and private offices, public and private schools, professional organizations, cultural, religious, civic and service clubs, the press and the radio to lend their cooperation and assistance in making the national campaign for’ literacy successful. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 11th day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(9), 4047. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 65 DECLARING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1954, A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY IN THE CITY OF ZAMBOANGA The twelfth day of October being a significant date in the history of Zamboanga City, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the authority vested in me by section 80 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Tuesday, October 12, 1954, as a special public holiday in said city. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of ManOa, this 14th day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(9), 4048. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 66 DECLARING FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1954, A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY IN THE PROVINCE OE ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR WHEREAS, the second anniversary of the organization of the Province of Zamboanga del Sur falls on September 17, 1954; and WHEREAS, the people of said province desire to be afforded full opportunity to celebrate the event with appropriate ceremonies, including an industrial and agricultural fair and athletic games; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby proclaim Eriday, September 17, 1954, as a special public holiday in the Province of Zamboanga del Sur. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 14th day of September, in the year of Our Lord, ninteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(9), 4048-4049. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 67 RESERVING FOR MARKET, SCHOOL AND MUNICIPAL SITE PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF PIKTT, PROVINCE OF COTABATO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for market, school and municipal site purposes as indicated hereunder, subject to private rights, if any there be, under the administration of the Municipality of Pikit, except the school site which is hereby placed under the administration of the Director of Public Schools, certain parcels of the public domain situated in the Municipality of Pikit, Province of Cotabato, Island of Mindanao, and more particularly described, to wit: Lot 1, Mr-1042 (Municipal Site) A parcel of land (lot 1 as shown on plan Mr-1042), situated in the Poblacion, municipality of Pikit, Province of Cotabato. Bounded on the E, by proposed road; on the S., by proposed road; on the W., by lot 6 of plan Mr-1042; and on the NW., by creek. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 38° 47' W., 801.12 meters from triangulation station Pikit (1930), thence N. 1° 44' E, 76.00 meters to point 2; thence N. 39° 41' E, 64.33 meters to point 3; thence N. 35° 02' E, 37.26 meters to point 4; thence S. 0° 39' W., 156.00 meters to point 5; thence West, 62.9,9 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 7,097 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: point 1, by Mr-1042/27 cylindrical concrete monument; point 2, by Mr-1042/31 cylindrical concrete monument; point 3, by stake; point 4, by Mr-1042/3 cylindrical concrete monument, and point 5, by Mr-1042/90 cylindrical concrete monument; bearings tme; declination 1" 213' E; date of survey, July 7-9 and August 14, 1953 and that of the approval, July 8, 1954. Lot 2, Mr-1042 (Municipal Site) A parcel of land (lot 2 assliown on plan Mr-1042), situated in the Poblacion, municipality of Pikit, Province of Cotabato. Bounded on the N., by Paidu Pulangi road; on the NE, by proposed road; on the SE, by proposed road and creek; on the S., by lot 5 of plan Mr- 1042; and on the W., by lots 5 and 3 of plan Mr-1042. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 54° 42' W., 605.73 meter from Pikit triangulation station (1930), thence west, 127.64 meters to point 2; thence N. 1° 46' E, 40.00 meters to point 3; thence east, 191.16 meters to point 4; thence S. 30° 06' E, 75.50 meters to point 5; thence S. 43° 21' W., 26.06 meters, to point 6; thence S. 34° 44' W., 55.16 meters to point 7; thence S. 33° 13' W., 61.53 meters to point 8; thence S. 33° 56' W., 42.72 meters to point 9; thence N. 1° 27' E, 175.59 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 18,015 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as foUows: point 1, by Mr-1042/ 13 cylindrical concrete monument; point 2, by Mr-1042/G cyUndrical concrete monument; point 3, by Mr-1042/4 cylindrical concrete monument; point 4, by Mr-1042/9 cyUndrical concrete monument; point 5, by Mr-1042/20 cylindrical concrete monument; points 6, 8 and 9, by stakes; and point 7, by Mr-1042/14 cyUndrical concrete monument; bearings tme; declination 1° 23' E; date of survey, July 7-9 and August 14, 1953 and that of the approval, July 8, 1954. Lot 3, Mr-1042 — (Municipal site) A parcel of land (lot 3 as shown on plan Mr-1042), situated in the Poblacion, municipality of PUdt, Province of Cotabato. Bounded on the N., by Paidu Pulangi road; on the E, by lot 2 of Plan Mr-1042; on the S., by lot 4 of plan Mr-1042; and on the W., by Cligli road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 63° 18' W., 777.04 meters from Pikit triangulation station (1930), thence N. 1° 46' E, 40.00 meters to point 2" thence east, 72.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 1° 46' W., 40.00 meters to point 4; thence west, 72.00 meters to the point ofbeginning; containing an area of 2,879 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: point 1, by Mr-1042/10 cylindrical concrete monument; point 2, by Mr-1042/22 cylindrical concrete monument; point 3, by Mr-1042/4 cylindrical concrete monument; and point 4, by Mr-1042/6 cylindrical concrete monument; bearings tme; declination 1° 23' E; date, of survey, July 7-9 and August 14, 1953 and that of the approval, July 8, 1954. Lot 5, Mr-1042 (School Site) A parcel of land (lot 5 as shown on plan Mr-1042), situated in the Poblacion, municipality of Pikit, Province of Cotabato. Bounded on the N., by lots 4 and 2 of plan Mr-1042; on the E, by lot 2 of plan Mr-1042; on the SE, by creek; on the S., by proposed road; and on the W., by Cligli road and lot 4 of plan Mr-1042. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 54° 42' W., 605.73 meters from Pikit triangulation station (1930), thence N. 1° 27' W., 175.59 meters to point 2; thence S. 54° 06' W., 27.13 meters to point 3; thence S. 53° 39' W., 39.21 meters to point 4; thence S. 53° 23' W.; 102.12 meters to point 5; thence N. 89° 03' W., 66.48 meters to point 6; thence N. 0° 47' E, 110.30 meters to point 7; thence S. 89° 45' E, 74.82 meters to point 8; thence N. 0° 47' E, 165.54 meters to point 9; thence east, 127.84 meters to the point ofbeginning; containing an area of 36,461 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: point 1, by Mr-1042/13 cylindrical concrete monument; points 2, 3 and 4, by stakes; point 5, by Mr-1042/ 16 cylindrical concrete monument; point 6, by Mr-1042 cylindrical concrete monument; point 7, by Mr-1042/5 cylindrical concrete monument; point 8, by Mr-1042/ 12 cylindrical concrete monument; and point 9, by Mr-1042/6 cyUndrical concrete monument; bearings tme; declination 1° 23' E; date of survey, July 7-9, and August 14, 1943 and that of the approval, July 8, 1954. Lot 6, Mr-1042 (School Site) A parcel of land (lot 6 as shown on plan Mr-1042), situated in the Poblacion, municipaUty of Pikit, Province of Cotabato. Bounded on the E, by lot 1 of plan Mr-1042; on the S., by proposed road; and on the NW., by creek. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 38° 47' W., 801.12 meters from Pikit triangulation station (1930), thence west, 94.(111 meters to point 2; thence N. 48° 00' E, 66.81 meters to point 3; thence N. 58° 54' E, 43.20 meters to point 4; thence N. 47° 11' E, 13.17 meters to point 5; thence S. 1° 44' W., 76.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 3,780 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as foUows: point 1, by Mr- 1042/27 cylindrical concrete monument; point 2, by Mr- 1042/19 cylindrical concrete monument; and the rest, by stakes; hearings tme; declination 1° 28' E; date of survey, July 7-9 and August 14, 1953 and that of the approval, July 8, 1954. Lot 7, Mr-1042 (Market Site) A parcel of land (lot; 7 as shown on plan Mr-1042), situated in the Poblacion, municipaUty of PUdt, Province of Cotabato Bounded on the NE. and SE., by proposed road; and on the SW. and NW, by proposed road and creek. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 22° 07' W., 329.14 meters from PUdt triangulation station (1930), thence S. 70° 15' E, 150.06 meters to point 2; thence S. 19° 57' W., 891.37 meters to point 3; thence N. 71° 24' W., 113.17 meters to point 4; thence E 12° 19' E, 23.15 meters to point 5; thence N. 19° 17' W., 13.02 meters to point 6; thence N. 67° 44' W., 26.28 meters to point 7; thence N. 20° 36' E, 57.44 meters to the point ofbeginning; containing an area of 12,517 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are mdicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as foUows: point 1, by Mr-1042/11 cyUndrical concrete monument; pomt 2, by Mr-1042/26 cylmdrical concrete monument; pomt 3, by Mr-1042/23 cylmdrical concrete monument; and the rest, by stakes; bearings tme; declination 1° 23' E; date of survey, July 7-9 and August 14, 1953 and that of the approval, July 8, 1954. Lot 8, Mr-1042 (Market Site) A parcel of land (lot 8 as shown on plan Mr- 1042), situated in the Poblacion, Municipality of PUdt, Province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE. and E, by creek; and on the SW. and NW., by proposed road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 21° 47' W., 421.53 meters from Pikit triangulation station (1930), thence N. 20° 36' E, 21.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 65° 32' E, 21.44 meters to point 3; thence S. 6° 27' W., 19.22 meters to point 4; thence E. 71° 25' W., 26.10 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 470 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: point 1, by Mr-1042/8 cylindrical concrete monument; and the rest, by stakes; bearings true; declination 1° 23' E; date of survey, July 7-9 and August 14, 1953 and that of the approval, July 8, 1954. Lot 9, Mr-1042 (Market Site) A parcel of land (lot 9 as shown on plan Mr- 1042), situated in the Poblacion, municipality off Pikit, Province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE., by proposed road and creek; on the SE. and SW., by proposed road; and on the NW., by proposed road and creek. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 21° 44' W., 439.73 meters from Pikit triangulation station (1930), thence S. 70° 24' E, 28.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 0° 47' E, 10.18 meters to point 3; thence S. 23° 28' E, 34.80 meters to point 4; thence S. 70° 03' E, 43.93 meters to point 5; thence N. 75° 52' E, 63.64-meters to point 6; thence S. 19° 52' W., 90.04 meters to point 7; thence N. 70° 47' W., 150.37 meters to point 8; thence N. 18° 44' E, 90.95 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 10,663 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows : point 1, by Mr-1042/7 cylindrical concrete monument; points 2, 3, 4 and 5, by stakes; point 6, by Mr-1042/25 cylindrical concrete monument; point 7, by Mr-1042/24 cylindrical concrete monument; and point 8, by Mr-1042/17 cylindrical concrete monument; bearings tme; declination 1° 23' E; date of survey, July 7-9 and August 14, 1953 and that of the approval, July 8, 1954. Lot 10, Mr-1042 (Market Site) A parcel of land (lot 10 as shown on plan Mr — 1042), situated in the Poblacion, municipality of Pikit, Province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE., by proposed road; and on the SE. and SW., by creek. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 10° 04' W., 466.26 meters from Pikit triangulation station (1930), thence N. 70° 17' W., 34.28 meters to point 2; thence N. 23° 40' W., 23.57 meters to point 3; thence N. 25° 46' W., 4.49 meters to point 4; thence S. 70° 27' E, 88.35 meters to point 5; thence S. 79° 05' W., 40.31 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 1,248 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by stakes; bearings tme; declination 1° 23' E; date of survey, July 7-9 and August 14, 1953 and that of the approval, July 8, 1954. In witness hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of ManOa, this 16th day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CAS'TRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(9), 4049-4053. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 68 DECLARING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1954, A SPECIAL PUBUC HOUDAY IN THE PROVINCE OF BATANGAS WHEREAS, General Miguel Malvar is one of the most heroic figures in our history, being the last Filipino general to surrender in the FUipino-American War; and WHEREAS, the people of Batangas desire to be given fuU opportunity to celebrate the 89th birthday of General Malvar on September 27, 1954; NOW, THEREFORE, I; Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Monday, September 27, 1954, as a special public holiday in the Province of Batangas . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(9), 40494053. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 69 RESERVING FOR GOVERNMENT CENTER PURPOSES OF THE CITY OF ZAMBOANGA A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN KNOWN AS PETTIT BARRACKS SITUATED IN SAID CITY Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provision of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for Government center purposes of the City ofZamboanga, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain known as Pettit Barracks, situated in said City and more particularly described to wit: A parcel of land (as shown in whiteprint plan of the Military Reservation, Pettit Barracks), situated in the City of Zamboanga. Bounded on the N., by property of the City of Zamboanga and swamp land; on the E, by Swamp land and river; on the SE, by sea; on the SW., by Basilan Strait; and on the NW., by property of the City ofZamboanga. Beginning at a point marked 1 on whiteprint plan, being thence S. 66° 44' E, 150.68 meters to point 27; thence N. 23° 24' E, 4.86 meters to point 3; thence S. 86° 41' E., 31.18 meters to point 4; thence S. 87° 59' E., 39.70 meters to point 5; thence N. 89° 41' E., 9.15 meters to point 6; thence N. 5° 10' W., 81.88 meters to point 7; thence S. 81° 21' E, 65.55 meters to point 8; thence S. 43° 26' E., 143.56 meters to point 9; thence N. 77° 40' E, 150.56 meters to point 10; thence N. 77° 39' E, 474.22 meters to point 11; thence N. 77° 39' E, 15.00 meters to point 12; thence S. 8° 35' E, 661.26 meters to point 13; thence S. 56° 56' W., 96.51 meters to point 14; thence S. 74° 12' W., 11.00 meters to point 15; thence S. 34° 08' W., 67.20 meters to point 16; thence S. 19° 08' W., 129.92 meters to point 17; thence N. 63° 58, W., 69.64 meters to point 18; thence due north, 113.68 meters to point 19; thence N. 62° 02' W., 581.28 meters to point 20; thence N. 38° 11' W., 41.96 meters to point 21; thence N. 58° 20' W., 190.12 meters to point 22; thence S. 85° 01' W., 19.79 meters to point 23; thence N. 57° 31' W., 103.93 meters to point 24; thence S. 66° 58' W., 7.21 meters to point 25; thence N. 57° 24' W., 134.86 meters to point 26; thence N. 38° 11' E, 34.20 meters to point 27; thence N. 60° 14" W., 33.78 meters to point 28; thence N. 27° 15' E, 47.30 meters to point 29; thence N. 27° 15' E, 92.65 meters to the point of beginning; containing an approximate area of 524,981 square meters, more or less. NOTE: There are hereby excluded from the operation of this Proclamation the area subject to the leasehold rights under Miscellaneous Lease Application No. V-552 and Foreshore Lease Application No. V-778 of Antonio M. Bayot and the portions earmarked for the sites of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the Philippine Constabulary, the National Library, the Philippine Anti-Tuberculosis Society, and the PhUippine National Red Cross, as shown and indacated in the revised plan of the Pettit Barracks. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(9), 4054-4055. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 70 RESERVING FOR PARK AND MARKET SITE EXTENSION PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE CITY OF ZAMBOANGA Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and purs ant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for park and market site extension purposes, under the administration of the City of Zamboanga, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the City of Zamboanga and more particularly described to wit: (MR-1066 — Municipal Reservation) A parcel of land (as shown on plan Mr-1066, situated in the City of Zamboanga, Island of Mindanao. Bounded on the NE, by lots Z-A (City of Zamboanga) and 2-B (John Spipig) of plan Swo-8392-Amd., Raja SoUman Eoad (existing and property of the City Government of Zamboanga (Sunken Garden); on the SE, by road; on the SW., by BasUan Strait; and on the NW., by BasUan Strait and property of the City Government ofZamboanga (Market Site). Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 12° 25' W., 200.92 meters from Mon. 51, Zamboanga Townsite Cadastre 14, thence N. 75° 58' W., 127.92 meters to point 2; thence N. 43° 19' E, 107.04 meters to point 3; thence N. 9° 59' E, 29.58 meters to point 4; thence N. 41° 25' E, 21.00 meters to point 5; thence S. 57° 49' E, 11.20 meters to point 6; thence S. 57° 49' E, 12.57 meters to point 7; thence S. 61° 30' E, 7.52 meters to point 8; thence S. 56° 52' E, 69.52 meters to point 9; thence S. 28° 10' W., 112.88 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 14,007 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: Point 1, by B. L. marked above cement; point 2, by C. & G. S. Bronze; point 3, by cross marked above side walk of Breakwater; point 4, by B. L. cylinder concrete monument; and the rest, by old comers; bearings tme; declination 0° 08' E, date of survey, August 27, 1954 and that of the approval, September 1 1, 1954. NOTE: This is lot 2046, an additional lot of Zamboanga Townsite Cadastre 14, formerly BasUan Strait. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of ManUa, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the PhUippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(9), 4055-4056. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 71 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 285, SERIES OF 1938, AND RESERVING THE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN FOR MARKET SITE PURPOSES, SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF TACLOBAN, NOW CITY OF TACLOBAN Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby revoke Proclamation No. 285, series of 1938, and reserve the land embraced therein situated in the Municipality of Tacloban, now City of Tacloban, for market site purposes under the administration of the City of Tacloban, subject to private rights, if any there be. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(9), 4056. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 72 RESERVING AS THE SABLAYAN PENAL COLONY AND FARM OF THE BUREAU OF PRISONS A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF SABLAYAN, PROVINCE OF OCCIDENTAL MINDORO, ISLAND OF MINDORO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve as the Sablayan Penal Colony and Farm, under the administration of the Bureau of Prisons, subject to private rights, if any there be, and to future classification and final survey, and to the condition that the timber and other forest products therein as well as the use and occupancy of the areas indicated as timber land or forest reserve shall be placed under the administration, and control of the Bureau of Forestry in accordance with the Forest Laws and Regulations, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the Municipality of Sablayan, Province of Occidental Mindoro, Island of Mindoro, more particularly described as follows: Technical Description of the Proposed Site of the Sablayan Rehabilitation Farm ( Bureau of Prisons), situated in the municipality of Sablayan, Province of Mindoro Occidental. A parcel of land (the proposed site of Sablayan Rehabilitation Farm, Bureau of Prisons), situated in the municipality of Sablayan, Province of Mindoro Occidental. Bounded on the N., by Rayusan River; on the NE., E. and BE, by Public Forest; on the S., by Calintaan Public Lands Subdivision PLS-15 (PHILCUSA-FOA); on the SW., by Calintaan Public Lands Subdivision PLS-15 (PHILCUSA-FOA) and Public Forest; and on the NW., by Mompong River and Sablayan Public Lands Subdivision PLS-14 (PHILCUSA-POA). Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being situated in the south bank of Rayusan River, thence following the Rayusan River in a southeasterly direction 2.880.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 32° 00' E, 200.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 52° 00' W., 960.00 mters to point 4; thence S. 37° 00' E, 3,720.00 meters to point 5; thence following Kinarawan River in a southeasterly direction 8,920.00 meters to point 6; thence S. 59° 00' W., 6,800.00 meters to point 7; thence. S. 11° 00' W., 1.400.00 meters to point 8; thence S. 45° 00' E, 840.00 meters to point 9; thence following Maltongtong River in a southward direction 2,200.00 meters to point 10; thence due south, 4,200.00 meters to point 11; thence due west, 2.200.00 meters to point 12; thence N. 34° 00' W., 450.00 meters to point 13; thence following Busuanga River in a north -north westerly direction 2,300.00 meters to point 14; thence S. 56° 00' W., 1,175.00 meters to point 15; thence N. 56° 00' W., 1,075.001 meters to point 16; thence N. 18° 00' W., 450.00 meters to point 17; thence N. 11° 00' W., 950.00 meters to point 18; thence N. 18° 00' W., 750.00 meters to point 19; thence N. 56° 00' E, 325.00 meters to point 20; thence N. 50° 00' E, 275.00 meters to point 21; thence N. 46° 00' E., 450.00 meters to point 22; thence N. 39° 00' E, 225.00 meters to point 23; thence due cast, 2,200.00 meters to point 24; thence N. 10° 00' E, 680.00 meters to point 25; thence N. 59° 00' W., 160.00 meters to point 26; thence S. 76° 00' W., 440.00 meters to point 27; thence N. 33° 00' W., 1,040.00 meters to point 28; thence following Pusog Creek in a northeasterly direction 1.080.00 meters to point 29; thence N. 45° 00' W., 160.00 meters to point 30; thence S. 65° 00' W., 320.00 meters to point 31; thence S. 60° 00' W., 160.00 meters to point 32; thence S. 58° 00' W., 680.00 meters to point 33; thence S. 12° 00' W., 720.00 meters to point 34; thence S. 37° 00' W., 560.00 meters to point 35; thence N. 69° 00' W., 120.00 meters to point 36; thence N. 16° 00' W., 360.00 meters to point 37; thence N. 2° 00' W., 240.00 meters to point 38; thence N. 38° 00' E, 520.00 meters to point 39; thence N. 28° 00' W.. 120.00 meters to paint 40; thence S. 52° 00' W., 440.00 meters to point 41; thence N. 50° 00' W., 520.00 meters to point 42; thence N. 35° 00' E 280.00 meters to point 43; thence N. 36° 00' W., 800.00 meters to point 44; thence N. 18° 00' E, 200.00 meters to point 45; thence N, 29° 00' E, 900.00 meters to point 46; thence due north, 320.00 meters to point 47; thence N. 87° 00' W., 880.00 meters to point 48; thence N. 60° 00' W., 400.00 meters to point 49; thence N. 20° 00' W., 400.00 meters to point 50; thence N. 35° 00' E, 880.00 meters to ;point 51; thence N. 28° 00' W., 240.00 meters to point 52; thence S. 85° 00' W., 520.00 meters to point 53; thence N. 50° 00' W., 640.00 meters to point 54; thence N. 45° 00' W., 200.00 meters to point 55; thence N. 38° 00' W., 760.00 meters to point 56; thence N. 86° 00' W., BOO.OO meters to point 57; thence N. 8° 00' W., 1,200.00 meters to point 58; thence N. 29° 00' E, 520.00 meters to point 59; thence N. 512° 00' E, 1,130.00 meters to point 60; thence N. 67° 00' E, 760.00 meters to point 61; thence N. 62° 00' E, 640.00 meters to point 62; thence following Mompong River in a northeasterly direction 720.00 meters to point 63; thence following Mompong River in a northeasterly direction 1,000.00 meters to point 64; thence following Mompong River in a southeasterly direction 1,120.00 meters to point 65; thence N. 12° 00' E, 1,080.00 meters to point 66; thence N. 57° 40' E, 600.00 meters to point 67; thence N. 32° 20' W., 500.00 meters to point 68; thence N. 57° 40' E, 806.00 meters to point 69; thence N. 32° 19' W., 506.00 meters to point 70; thence N. 57° 40' E, 606.00 meters to point i71; thence N. 32° 37' W., 1,000.00 meters to point 72; thence N. 57° 41' E, 400.00 meters to point 73; thence N. 32° 37' W., 481.24 meters to point 74; thence N. 57° 42' E, 1,200.00 meters to point .75; thence N. 32° 18' W., 500.00 meters to point 76; thence N. 57° 41' E, 400.00 meters to point 77; thence N. 37° 16' W., 500.00 meters to point 78; thence N. 57° 42' E, 200.00 meters to point 79; thence N. -32° 17' W., 500.00 meters to point 80; thence N. 57° 41' E, 600.00 meters to point 81; thence N. 32° 17' W., 501.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an approximate area of 16,190 hectares, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1 to 12 and 14 by comers; point 50, by stones; points 58 and 66 to 81, inclusive, by B. L. cylindrical concrete monuments; and the rest, by different trees; bearings tme. Note. — There are excluded from the operation of this proclamation a strip of 15 meters in width on: each side of any public traU therein used as outlet for timber and other forest products, and a strip of 40 meters in width from the highest bank on each side of any streamfor streambank protection, in such areas that wUlbe released as not needed for forest purposes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of ManOa, this 27th day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(70),46144616. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 73 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 637 DATED NOVEMBER 23, 1933, CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND EMBRACED THEREIN SITUATED IN THE BARRIO OF DALWANGAN, MUNICIPAUTY OF MALAYBALAY, PROVINCE OF BUKIDNON, ISLAND OF MINDANAO, AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of sections 83 and 88 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 637 dated November 23, 1933, certain parcels of land embraced therein, otherwise described as lots Nos. 7 and 11 of the Bureau of Lands plan IR-329, containing a total area of 253.4551 hectares more or less, situated in the barrio of Dalwangan, municipality of Malaybalay, Province of Bukidnon, Island of Mindanao, and declare the same open to disposition under the provisions of the Public Land Act, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 27th day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representative Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(10) A616-A6Y1. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 74 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 515 DATED NOVEMBER 7, 1932, AND DECLARING OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE PUBUC LAND ACT THE PARCEL OR PARGETS OF LAND COVERED THEREBY SITUATED IN THE BARRIO OF TANABAG, MUNICIPALITY OF PUERTO PRINCESA, PROVINCE AND ISLAND OF PALAWAN Upon recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 88 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby revoke Proclamation No. 515 dated November 7, 1932, and declare the parcel or parcels of land covered thereby situated in the Barrio of Tanabag, Municipality of Puerto Princesa, Province and Island of Palawan, open to disposition under the provisions of the said Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 30th day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(70),46174618. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 75 DECLARING THE LAST WEEK OE OCTOBER, 1954, ASPUBUC ADMINISTRATION WEEK WHEREAS, one of the principal and immediate objectives of this administration is to achieve efficiency in the public service; and WHEREAS, in order to attain this objective, it is necessary to focus national attention to the problem by designating a period during which ah the officials and employees of the Republic of the Philippines in particular and the people in general may devote their time, thought and energies to helping in the solution of said problem; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare the last week of October, 1954, as Public Administration Week and designate the Executive Secretary to take charge of, and coordinate, aU activities in the celebration of said week. I hereby enjoin aU offices in the national, provincial, city and municipal governments, as weU as aU universities, colleges and schools throughout the country to participate actively in the celebration by holding practical projects, programs, demonstrations or similar activities with efficient public administration as the theme. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 30th day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(70),46184619. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 76 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM OCTOBER 24 TO 31, 1954, AND EVERY WEEK BEGINNING WITH THE EOURTH SUNDAY OE EVERY OCTOBER THEREAFTER AS BARRIO EARMERS’ WEEK WHEREAS, there are fifteen mUlion Eihpinos living in the rural areas under economic and social conditions which can for more desirable improvement; WHEREAS, national progress may be advanced a great deal by pursuing a program of amelioration operating at the barrio level and which aims to broaden the opportunities of the people for developing human and natural resources available in mral areas ; and WHEREAS, it is essential to focus public attention on the requirements and capacities of our barrios, to foster mral- mindedness and leadership among the barrio people, and to stimulate nationwide efforts of self-help towards mral betterment; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare the period from October 24 to 31, 1954 and every week beginning with the fourth Sunday of every October thereafter, as Barrio Earmers’ Week and authorize and direct municipal, provincial and national government officials to make available their facilities and personnel in the successful prosecution of the objectives of the Barrio Earmers’ Week, and designate the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources to take charge of, and coordinate, aU activities in commemoration of said week. I also urge civic-spirited citizens and civic organizations to cooperate wholeheartedly to insure the success of this observance. Proclamation No. 398, dated June 16, 1953, on Barrio Improvement Week is hereby repealed. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 12th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence off the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(70),46194620. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 77 RESERVING FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PRIVTE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT SITUATED IN THE CITY OE TAGAYTAY Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 64(c) of the Revised Administrative Code in relation to section 1 of Republic Act No. 477, I hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for school site purposes, under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, certain parcels of the private domain of the Government, situated in the City of Tagaytay, and more particularly described as follows: Transfer Certificate of Title No. 474 A parcel of land (lot No. 36 of the amendment subdivision plan, Psu-88294, Adm 3 being a portion of lot No. 7, Psu-68294, G.L.R.O. Record No. 46984), situated in the barrio of Bayayungan, municipality of Talisay, Province of Batangas, Island of Luzon (now City of Tagaytay). Bounded on the NE., by lot No. 35 of the amendment subdivision plan; on the SE, by lot No. 1, Psu-75410 (heirs of Erancisco Malabanan); on the SW., by lot No. 37 of the amendment subdivision plan; on the NW., by lot No. 6, Psu-96841 Amd. (Tagaytay Development Company). Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, Psia-88294, Amd-3, being S. 39° 49' E, 7,322.83 meters more or less from B.L.B.M. No. 1, municipality of Alfonso; thence S. 84° 48' E, 41.32 meters to point 2; thence N. 21° 22' W., 87.53 meters to point 3; thence N. 68° 07' E, 39.09 meters to point 4; thence S. 21° 57' E, 39.49 meters to point 5; thence S. 21° 33' E, 59.92 meters to point 1, point ofbeginning, containing an area of 3,688 square meters, more or less. Transfer Certificate of Title No. 475 A parcel of land (lot No. 6, plan Psu-99235) with the improvements thereon, situated in the sitio of Maybalong, barrio of Esperanza, municipality of Alfonso (now City of Tagaytay). Bounded on the NE., by lot No. 5; on the SE, by property of Tagaytay Company; on the SW., by lot No. 7; and on the NW., by lot No. 31. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan being S. 6° 58' W., 5,024.89 meters from B.L.LM. No. 2, Mendez-Nunez. Thence S. 21° 57' E, 13.45 meters to point 3; thence S. 68° 08' W., 39.09 meters to point 4; thence N. 21° 22' W., 14.32 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 542 square meters, more or less. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 13th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(70),46204621. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 78 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NUMBERED FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIVE, DATED DECEMBER TWENTY-THREE NINETEEN HUNDRED AND EIFTY-THREE, A CERTAIN PARCEL OE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN SITUATED IN THE DISTRICT OE ERMITA, CITY OE MANILA, AND RESERVING THE SAME EOR BUILDING SITE PURPOSES OE THE GOVERNMENT SERVICE INSURANCE SYSTEM Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 485, dated December 23, 1953, a certain parcel of land embraced therein situated in the District of Ermita, City of Manila, and reserve the same for building site purposes of the Government Service Insurance System, subject to private rights, if any there be, which parcel of land is more particularly described, to Wit: Lot 3 -B-1, Psd-27859 A parcel of land (lot No. 3-B-l of the subdivision plan Psd-27859, being a portion of lot No. 3-B described on plan Psd-27342, G.L.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the District of Ermita, City of Manila. Bounded on the N., by lot No. 3-B-2 of the subdivision plan; on the E., by lot 4-B of plan Psd-27342; on the S., by Calle Concepcion; and on the W., by Calle Arroceros. Beginning at a point marked 11 on plan, being N. 18° 44' W., 923.92 meters from B.L.L.M. No. 47, Manila Cadastre No. 13, thence N. 44° 26' W., 10.03 meters to point 2; thence N. 1° 37' W., 71.17 meters to point 3; thence S. 89° 42' E., 137.89 meters to point 4; thence S. 2° 21' E., 78.52 meters to point 5; thence N. 89° 37' W., 132.08 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 10,818.10 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: Point 3 by P. L. S. cylindrical concrete monument and the rest, by old G.I. spikes on wall; bearings tme; declination variable; date of the original survey, August, 1919-March, 1920 and that of the subdivision survey, November 7, 1949. IN WITNESS WHEREOE I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 13th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(70),46214622. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 79 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM NOVEMBER 21 TO 27, 1954, AS PHILIPPINE NATIONAL SCIENCE WEEK AND CREATING A COMMITTEE TO TAKE CHARGE OE THE OBSERVANCE THEREOE WHEREAS, the progress of the world greatly depends upon achievements in science; WHEREAS, scientific education in the Philippines can be enhanced by the development of satisfactory media for the exchange of ideas concerning new methods and techniques ; WHEREAS, the Eive-Year Economic Development Program of the Government wiU depend to a great extent upon contributions of science and scientists; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to give impetus to scientific endeavors; NOW, THEREFORE I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the period from November 21 to 27, 1954, as Philippine National Science Week, to be observed: throughout the country, particularly in schools, colleges and universities, with appropriate ceremonies. The following are hereby designated members of a committee which is hereby created to take charge of the observance of Philippine National Science Week: The Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources Chairman The Secretary of Health Member The Secretary of Education Member The Administrator of Economic Coordination Member The Chairman, National Research Council of the Philippines Member The Director of Science and Technology Member The President, Philippine Association for the Advancement of Science Member IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 14th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(70),4622-4623. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 79-A DECLARING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1954, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY IN THE PROVINCE OE LEYTE INCLUDING ORMOC CITY WHEREAS, the twentieth day of October is of special significance to the people of Leyte, being the anniversary of the landing on the shores of said province of the United States Armed Eorces in their mission to liberate the country from enemy occupation; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Wednesday, October 20, 1954, as a special public holiday in the province of Leyte, including Ormoc City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 20th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(70),46234624. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 80 FKING THE DATE OF THE EXEMPTION OF WHEAT FLOUR FROM THE SPECIAL EXCUSE TAX ON FOREIGN EXCHANGE WHEREAS, the imposition of the 17 percent special excise taxon foreign exchange on imported wheat flour tends to increase the price of bread and other essential commodities made from wheat flour; and WHEREAS, the interests of the national economy and the general welfare require that wheat flour be procured at the lowest possible price so as to place bread and other essential articles derived from wheat flour within the reach of the masses; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 2 of Republic Act No. 1197, do hereby proclaim that effective upon the signing and promulgation of this proclamation, wheat flour shall be exempted from the payment of the 17 percent special excise tax on foreign exchange. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 21st day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(10), 4624A625. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 81 DECLARING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1954, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOUDAY IN THE PROVINCE OE OCCIDENTAL MINDORO WHEREAS, the fourth anniversary of the creation of the province of Occidental Mindoro will fall on November 15, 1954; and WHEREAS, the people of said province desire to celebrate the occasion with appropriate ceremonies; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Monday, November 15, 1954, as a special public holiday in the province of Occidental Mindoro. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(10), 4625. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 82 RESERVING FOR MARKET SITE PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN CAVITE CITY Upon, the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for market site purposes under the administration of the City of Cavite, subject to private rights, if any there be, certain parcels of the public domain situated in the City of Cavite and more particularly described, to wit: Lot No. 1, Psu-143099 — (City of Cavite) A parcel of land (lot No., 1 of plan Psn-143099), situated in the Districts of San Roque and Caridad, City of Cavite. Bounded on the N., by lots Nos. 10616 (City of Cavite, Market Site), of Cavite Cadastre, Calle Hermiana del Trabajo, lots Nos. 753 (Regino Bautista), 752 (Regino Fernandez), 1231, 700 (Heuteria Peralta) and 699 (Presentation Herrera) of Cavite Cadastre, lot No. 696-B of plan Psd-3389D (Maria Palmero), and lot No. 694 (Lucia Sasis) of Cavite Cadastre, Calle General Luna, lots Nos. 693 (Aurea Ortega), 692 (Jose de la Rosa), 691 (Paulina Ballesteros), 690 (Brigida Garcia) and 689 of Cavite Cadastre, Callejon, lots Nos. 688 (SUveria Mariano) and 684 (Dominador RoseU) of Cavite Cadastre, Cake Basa, lots Nos. 683 and 1225 (Bernardo Rojas) of Cavite Cadastre, Calle Gorilla and. lots Nos. 548 and 581 (Dominga Sipriaso) of Cavite Cadastre; on the SE, by Bacoor Bay; and on the NW., by lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, block 70 of Caridad Estate, Cake Ronmaldo, lots Nos. 5, 4 and. 6, block 57 of Caridad Estate, Callejon, lots Nos. 5 and 6, block 68 of Caridad Estate, Cake Mokna, lots Nos. 9 and 6, block 69 of Caridad Estate, Calle Rivero,, lot No. 2 of plan Psu-143099 and lot No. 1066 (City of Cavite Market Site) of Cavite Cadastre. Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being S. 12° 00' N., 289.68 meters from B.L.L.M. No. 3, Caridad Extension Cadastre No. 11, thence S. 21° 13' E, 18.51 meters to point No. 2; thence N. 65° 56' E., 42.58 meters to point No. 3; thence N. 22° 18' W., 33.19 meters to point No. 4; thence N. 47° 03' E., 27J91 meters to point No. 5; thence N. 69° 07' E, 50.08 meters to point No. 6; thence N. 64° 24' E, 3.96 meters to point No. 7; thence K 81° 35' E, 14.00 meters to point No. 8; thence S. 2° 61' E, 1.81 meters to point No. 9; thence N. 78° 49' E, 16.82 meters to point No. 10; thence N. 84° 22' E, 12.74 meters to point No. 11; thence S. 6° 03' E, 17.65 meters to point No. 12; thence N. 83° 45' E, 13'. 52 meters to point No. 13; thence N. 84° 06' E, 14.68 meters to point No. 14; thence N. 6° 58' W., 3.54 meters to point No. 15; thence N. 89° 19' E, 14.13 meters to point No. 16; thence S. 9° 30" E, 6.12 meters to point No. 17; thence N. 86° 44' E, 12.26 meters to point No. 18; thence S. 49° 30' E, 5.40 meters to point No. 19; thence N. 88° 24' E, 7.54 meters to point No. 20; thence N. 4° 39' W., 3.61 meters to point No. 21; thence N. 86° 34' E, 8.69 meters to point No; 22; thence S. 81° 40' E, 11.11 meters to point No. 23; thence S. 83° 45' E, 14.71 meters to point No. 24; thence S. 80° 21' E, 13.71 meters to point No. 25; thence S. 74° 37' E, 3.92 meters to point No. 26; thence S. 84° 18' E, 15.72 meters to. point No. 27; thence S. 3° 33' W., 3.88 meters to point No. 28; thence S. 84° 33” E, 14.62 meters to point No. 20; thence N. 29" 02' E, 7.66 meters to point No. 30; thence S. 88° 36' E, 16.30 meters to point No. 31;. thence S. 85° 42' E, 14.39 meters to point No. 32; thence S. 23° 08' E, 12.04 meters to point No. 33; thence S. 82° 19' E, 12.48 meters to point No. 34; thence S. 80° 31' E, 19.49 meters to point No. 35; thence S. 63° 14' W., 450.01 meters to point No. 36; thence S. 63° 13' W., 127.20 meters to point No. 37; thence N. 33° 25' E, 18.81 meters to point No. 38; thence N. 33° 25' E, 12.00 meters to point No. 39; thence N. 33° 25' E, 13.00 meters to point No. 40; thence N. 33° 25' E, 13.50 meters to point No. 41; thence 33° 25' E, 13.00 meters to point No. 42; thence N. 33° 25' E, 7.58 meters to point No. 43; thence N. 43° 16' E, 1J5.00 meters to point No. 44; thence N. 43° 16' E, 12.00 meters to point No. 45; thence N. 11° 51' E, 13.18 meters to point No. 46;. thence N. 32° 28' E, 30.01 meters to point No. 47; thence 32° 28' E, 10.60 meters to point No. 48; thence N. 32° 26' E, 10.50 meters to point No. 49; thence N. 32° 15' E, 2.98 meters to point No. 50; thence N. 32° 27' E, 18.00 meters to point No. 51; thence N. 32° 27' E, 14.64 meters to point No. 52; thence N. 32° 18': E, 10.65 meters to point No. 53; thence N. 32° 28' E., 23.01 meters to point No. 54; thence N. 32° 27' E., 21.41 meters to point No. 55; thence N. 43° 19' E., 11.52 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 50,340 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows : points Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 by old P. L. S. cylindrical concrete monuments; points Nos. 35 and 37 by P. L. S. concrete monuments; point 36 by G. I. pipe 2 inches diameter by 2 meters long; and the rest, by old comers; bearings tme; declination 0° 50' E., date of survey, July 18, 1954. Lot No. 2, Psu-143099 — ( City of Cavite) A parcel of land (lot No. 2 of plan Psu-143099), situated in the Districts of San Roque and Caridad, City of Cavite. Bounded on the NE,, SE., and SW., by lot No. 1 of plan Psu-143099; and on the NW„ by lot No. 1, block 216 of Caridad Estate (Lorenza Luyog Ing). Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 12° 00' W., 289.68 meters from B.L.L.M. No. 3, Caridad Extension cadastre No. 11, thence N. 46° 57' E., 45.14 meters to point -No. 2; thence S. 22° 18' E., 33.19 meters to point No. 3; thence S. 65° 56' W., 42.58 meters to point No. 4; thence N. 21° 13' W., 18.51 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 1,094 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old P. L. S. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 0° 50' E., date of survey, July 16, 1954. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the RepubUc of the PhUippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the PhUippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the PhUippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 50(70),46264628. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 83 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATIONS NOS. 763 AND 516, DATED lANUARY 16, 1935, AND MARCH 1, 1940, RESPECTIVELY, CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN, SITUATED IN THE BARRIO OF CALAMAGUI, MUNICIPALITY OF ILAGAN, PROVINCE OF ISABELA, ISLAND OF LUZON, AND RESERVING THE SAME FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES OF THE ISABELA TRADE SCHOOL Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provision of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamations Nos. 763 and 516, dated January 16, 1935, and March 1, 1940, respectively, certain portions of the land embraced therein, situated in the Barrio of Calamagui, Municipality of Hagan, Province of Isabela, Island of Luzon, and reserve the same for school site purposes of the Isabela Trade School under the administration of the Director of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, which portions of land are more particularly described as follows: “A parcel of land (lot 1 of the consolidation and subdivision plan Bcs-2045, being a portion of the consolidation of lots 2, 3, 4 and 6 described on plan Ts-205, G.L.R.O. No. ), situated in the barrio of Calamagui,. municipality of Ilagan, Province of Isabela. Bounded on the NE., by lots 4, 5 and 3 of the consolidation and subdivision plan; on the SE, by lots 3 and 2 of the consolidation and subdivision plan; on the S., by National road; on the SW. by lot 2 of the consolidation and subdivision plan and National road; and on the W, and NW., by National Highway. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 76° 07' W., 812.25 meters from B.L.B.M. 1, Barrio of Guinatan, Municipality of Ilagan, Isalbela, then S. 23° 42' W., 45.14 meters to point 2; thence S. 23° 43' W., 174.71 meters to point 3; thence S. 55° 22' W., 19.29 meters to point 4; thence N. 59° 20' W., 18.02 meters to point 5; thence N. 49° 07' W., 20.97 meters to point 6; thence N. ’71° 22' W., 49.00 meters to point 7; thence S. 84° 39' W., 117.40 meters to point 8; thence N. 50° 56' W., 64.84 meters to point 9; thence N. 4° 53' E, 87.74 meters to point 10; thence N. 24° 11' E., 32.52 meters to point 11; thence N. 43° 19' E., 101.62 meters to point 12; thence N. 36° 47' E., 89.34 meters to point 13; thence S. 59° 56' E., 177.11 meters to point 14; thence S. 59° 56' E., 10.14 meters to point 15; thence S. 59° 56' E, 49.95 meters to the point of beginning; containing’ an area of 72,202 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 14 and 15, by B. L. cylindrical concede monuments; and the rest, by old comers; bearings tme; declination 0° 12' E.; date of the consolidation and subdivision survey. May ,24-27, 1954.” In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(70),4628-4629. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 84 DECLARING DECEMBER 5, 1954, AS PEACE THROUGH PRAYER DAY WHEREAS, peace is the common concern and obsession of all mankind; and WHEREAS, there can be no durable peace, peace with justice and dignity, unless it is buUt on some spiritual foundation in the hearts and souls of men; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare December 5, 1954, as Peace Through Prayer Day. I call upon all the people and residents of the Philippines, regardless of race or creed, to take active part in the observance of this Day to the end that we may enjoy the blessings of tme and pasting peace. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Ramon Magsaysay President of the Philippines Done in the City of Manila, this 27th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50( 11), 520\. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 85 DECLARING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1954, A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY WHEREAS, paying homage to the dead on AU Saints’ Day is one of the cherished traditions of the EiUpino people; and WHEREAS, in keeping with that tradition, the people should be given full opportunity to observe the day with aU its religious fervor; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RAMON MAGSAYSAY, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Monday, November 1, 1954, as a special public holiday. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 27th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(11), 5201-5202. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 86 CHANGING THE “REPUBUC MEMORIAL CEMETERY’ AT FORT WM MCKINLEY, REAL PROVINCE, TO “UBINGAN NG MGA BAYANI” WHEREAS, the name “Republic Memorial Cemetery’’ at Fort Wm McKinley, Rizal province, is not symbolic of the cause for which our soldiers have died, and does not tmly ejqrress the nation’s esteem and reverence for her war dead; NOW, T HEREF ORE, T, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare that the “Republic Memorial Cemetery’’ shall henceforth be called “OBINGAN NG MGA BAYANI”. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 27th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(11), 5202. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 87 RESERVING FOR PLAYGROUND SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT SITUATED IN THE CITY OF PAS AY Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and pursuant to the provision of section 64(e) of the Revised Administrative Code, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for playground site purposes, under the administration of the City of Pasay, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the private domain of the Government, situated in the City of Pasay and more particularly described, to wit: “Lot No. 2 (Republic of the Philippines) A parcel of land (lot No. 2 of the resurvey and sub-division plan being a portion of the land desecribed in Transfer Certificate of Title No. 6562, G.L.R.O. Record Na. ), situated in Pasay City. Bounded on the NE., by F. B. Harrison Street ;on the SE, by lot No. 1 of the resurvey and subdivision plan; on the SW., by Park and Planting strip; and on the NW, by lots Nos. 405, 404 and 403 of Pasay cadastre. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 13° 41' W., 44.61 meters from B.B.M. No. 3, Pasay Cadastre 259; thence S. 13° 13' 27" E, 77.67 meters to point No. 2; thence S. 74° “16' 23" W., 259.00 meters to point No. 3; thence N. 11° 29' 15" W., 77.76 meters to point No. 4; thence N. 74° 15' 48” E, 256.63 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 20,000 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: Points Nos. 1 and 4 by concrete monuments; and points Nos. 2 and 3 by concrete monuments marked U. S.; bearings tme; declination 0° 15' E; date of original survey, June, 1909 and that of the resurvey and subdivision survey, May 5-7, 1952.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 27th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(11), 5203. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 88 DESIGNATING THE PERIOD FROM NOVEMBER 5 TO DECEMBER 18, 1954, EOR THE NATIONAL EUND CAMPAIGN OP THE UBERTY WELLS ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, the liberty Wells Association has been doing a splendid job in providing the rural areas with artesian wells, thereby contributing to the health and happiness of the people living in those places; and WHEREAS, the Association is in need of funds to carry out as speedOy as possible its noble and worthy mission of strengthening and broadening the foundation of the Republic ; NOW, THEREFORE I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of Philippines, do hereby designate the: period from November 5 to December 18, 1954, for the national fund campaign of the Liberty Wells Association. I call upon all residents, firms and organizations aU over the country to support this campaign. I authorize all government officials and school authorities and teachers to accept, for the Liberty Wells Association, fund-raising responsibilities and to give it active support and leadership in their respective communities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 1st day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(77), 5204. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 89 RESERVING FOR BUILDING SITE PURPOSES OF THE BICOL SCHOOL OF FISHERIES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE POBLACION, MUNICIPAUTY OF TABACO, PROVINCE OF ALBAY, ISLAND OF LUZON Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provision of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for building site purposes of the Bicol School of Fisheries, under the administration of the Director of Fisheries, subject to private rights, if any there be, certain parcels of the public domain situated in the Poblacion, municipality of Tabaco, province of Albay, Island of Luzon, and more particularly described in the Bureau of Lands plan Ir-1037, to wit: “Lot 1, Ir-1037 (Republic of the Philippines) Bicol School of Fisheries ( School Site) A parcel of land (lot No. 1 of plan Ir-1037), situated in the Poblacion, municipality of Tabaca, province of Albay. Bounded on the NE., by proposed road; on the SE, by creek; on the SW., by road; and on the NW., by Bonifacio Street. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being M. 73° 07' E. 582.90 meters from B.L.L.M. No. 2, Tabaco Cadastre 221; thence N. 80° 57' E, 29.95 meters to point 2; thence S. 8° 49' E, 51.04 meters to point 3; thence S. 70" 52' W., 30.60 meters to point 4; thence N. 8° 40' W., 56.40 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 1,613 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 0° 06' E.; date of survey, September 14 and November 20, 1953 and that of the approval, April 2, 1954. NOTE — This lot is equal to lot 7686, an additional lot of Tabaco Cadastre 221 (formerly Tabaco Beach). “Lot 2, Ir-1037, (Republic of the Philippines) Bicol School of Fisheries ( School Site) A parcel of land (lot No. 2 of plan Ir-1037), situated in the Poblacion, municipality of Tabaco., province of Albay. Bounded on the NE., by proposed road; on the SE, by Rizal Street; on the SW., by road; and on the NW, by creek. Beginning at a point barked 1 on plan, being N. 80° 03' E. 607.22 meters from B.L.L.M. No. 2, Tabaco Cadastre 221; thence S. 80" 40' W., 30.14 deters to point 2; thence N. 8° 41' W., 9.60 meters to point 3; thence N; 70° 30' E, 30.65 meters to point 4; thence’ S. 8° 49' E, 15.01 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 371 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings true; declination 0° 06' E. date of survey, September 14 and November 20, 1953 and that of the approval, April 2, 1954. NOTE — This lot is equal to lot 7687, an additional lot of Tabaco Cadastre 221 (formerly Tabaco Beach).” IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 1st day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 0(11), 5205-5206. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 90 RESERVING FOR SETTLEMENT PURPOSES UNDER THE ADMINISTRATION AND DISPOSITION OF THE NATIONAL RESETTLEMENT AND REHABIUTATION ADMINISTRATION (NARRA) A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTIES OF TINAMBAC AND SIRUMA, PROVINCE OF CAMARINES SUR, ISLAND OF LUZON Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provision of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby reserve for settlement and development purposes, under the administration and control of the National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration (NARRA), subject to private rights, if any there be, and to future classification and survey, and to the condition that the timber and other forest products therein, as well as the use and occupancy of the area indicated as timber land or forest reserve, shall remain under the administration and control of the Bureau of Forestry in. accordance with the Forest Law and Regulations, a parcel of the public domain situated in the municipalites of Tinambac and Simma, province ofCamarines Sur, island of Luzon, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point marked 1 in attached sketch plan, which is at MUe 15 of the Woodsworks, Inc., Railroad Une, thence comer 2, which is equivalent to MUe 12, which crosses the line formed by comers 62 and 63 of block I, project I-G, Camarines Sur; thence comer 3, which is equivalent to comer 63 of block I, project 1-G, Camarines Sur; thence comer 4, which is equivalent to comer 8 of block I, project 1-G, Camarines Sur; thence comer 5, N. 4-30 W, 3,520 meters, stake on ground; thence comer 6, 18-00 E 2,280 meters, which is equivalent to comer 43 of block fV, project 10, Camarines Sur; thence comer 7, which is equivalent to comer 37 of block fV, project 10, Camarines Sur; thence comer 8, following the coast line down the mouth of Tambang River; thence comer 9, foUowing the Tambang River upsteam untU it is interested by Karamboan River; thence comer 1, following the course of Karamboan River, to MUe 15 of Railroad Une, the pomt of begmnmg; contammg an area of approximately 8,500 hectares . (NOTE — Subject to change to conform with final survey.) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the PhiUppines to be affixed. Done m the City of Manila, this 1st day of November, m the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the PhUippmes, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the PhUippmes. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 50(77),5206-5207. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 91 DECLARING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1954, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY IN THE PROVINCES OE LANAO, COTABATO, SULU, AND ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR, AND IN THE CITIES OE DANSALAN, lUGAN, ZAMBOANGA AND BASILAN In commemoration of the birthday of Mohammed, I, Ration Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Tuesday, November 9, 1954, as a special public holiday in the provinces of Lanao, Cotabato, Sulu and Zamboanga del Sur, and in the cities of Dansalan, lUgan, Zamboanga, and Basilan. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 8th day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(77), 5207-5208. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 92 DECLARING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1954, A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY IN DUMAGUETE CITY WHEREAS, the anniversary of the organization of the City ofDumaguete falls on November 24, 1954; and WHEREAS, the people of the said city desire to be afforded fuU opportunity to celebrate the event with appropriate ceremonies ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby proclaim Wednesday, November 24, 1954, as a special public holiday in the City ofDumaguete. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of ManOa, this 17th day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(77), 5208. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 93 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 19, SERIES OF 1923, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE RESERVATION OE THE SITE OE THE LANAO HIGH SCHOOL SITUATED IN THE CITY OE DANSALAN, A CERTAIN PORTION OP THE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation at the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 19, series of 1923, which established the reservation of the site of theLanao High School situated in the City of Dansalan, a certain portion of the land embraced therein and declare the same open to disposition under the provisions of the Public Land Act, which portion of land is more particularly described, to wit: “Lot 36, Q-124 (Hadji Serad Bauduli Data, Hadji Musa Abdulan Bauduli Datu, Hadji Mangoao Bauduli Datu, Hadji Unti Gaorac Bauduli Datu and Hadji Mohammend Malawani Bauduli Datu). “A parcel of land (lot 36 of Dansalan Townsite Q-124), situated in the municipality of Dansalan, province ofLanao. Bounded on the NE., by Lot 56 of Dansalan Townsite Q-124; on the SE, by lot 37 of Dansalan Townsite Q-124; on the SW., by provincial road; and on the NW., by lot 35 of Dansalan Townsite Q-124. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 33° 39' W., 509.82 meters from B.L.L.M. 1, municipality of Dansalan, Lanao, thence S. 26° 06' E, 113.80 square meters to point 2; thence S. 58° 21' W., 90.32 meters to point 3; thence N. 36° 55' W., 132.18 meters to point 4; thence N. 67° 32' E, 114.92 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 12,470 square meters, more or less. AU Points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; declination 2° 10' E, date of survey, during 1914.” IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 20th day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(77), 5209-5210. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 94 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 19, DATED MARCH 8, 1923, AND RESERVING THE PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND EMBRACED THEREIN FOR CITY HALL, PUERICULTURE CENTER, CITY HOSPITAL AND PLAZA SITES PURPOSES, SITUATED IN THE CITY OF DANS ALAN Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provision of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby revoke Proclamation No. 19, dated March 8, 1923, and reserve the parcel or parcels of land embraced therein, except lot 36, Q-124, which is declared open to disposition under Proclamation No. 93 issued on November 20, 1954, for city haH, puericulture center, city hospital and plaza sites purposes, subject to private rights, if any there be, situated in the City of Dansalan. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this, 20th day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(77), 5210. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 95 DECLARING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1954, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY IN THE PROVINCE AND CITY OP CEBU On the occasion of the Marian Congress in the Province and city of Cebu, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Saturday, November 27, 1954, as a special public holiday in those places. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 50(11),51\\. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 96 DECLARING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1954, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY FOR NATIONAL THANKSGIVING WHEREAS, it is fitting that a day be set aside on which to dedicate our noblest thoughts in prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God for the blessings He has bestowed upon us; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare Thursday, November 25, 1954, as a special public holiday far national thanksgiving. I caU upon aU the people to turn their thoughts and actions on that day towards Almighty God and offer Him a prayer of thanks for all the blessings He has showered upon us. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 50(7 7), 521 1-5212. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 97 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 67, SERIES OF 1912, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE IWAHIG PENAL COLONY, SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF PUERTO PRINCESA, PROVINCE AND ISLAND OF PALAWAN, A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND EMBRACED THEREIN AND DECLARING THE SAME, AS THE SITE FOR THE TAGUMPAY SETTLEMENT, OPEN TO DISPOSITION EOR SETTLEMENT PURPOSES, PREFERENCE TO BE QVEN TO QUALIFIED AND DESERVING LANDLESS COLONISTS (PRISONERS) AND RELEASED COLONISTS IN THE ACQUISITION OE LOTS THEREIN, SUBIECT TO THE PROVISIONS OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby exclude from the operation of Executive Order No. 67, series of 1912, which established the Iwahig Penal Colony, situated in the municipality of Puerto Princesa, province and island of Palawan, a certain parcel of land embraced therein and declare the same, as the site for the Tagumpay: Settlement, open to disposition for settlement purposes, preference to be given to ualifed and deserving colonists (prisoner) and released colonists in the acquisition of lots therein, subject to the provisions of the Public Land Act, which parcel of land is more particularly described to wit: “A parcel of land situated in the Inagawan Sub-Colony, Iwahig Penal Colony Reservation, municipality of Puerto Princesa, province and island of Palawan, bounded on the NE., by Inagawan Sub-Colony; on the SE, by National Highway; on the SW., by Public Land; and on the NW., by Penal Colony Reservation. “Containing an approximate area of 10,666,018 square meters, more or less.” The Directors of the Bureau of Prisons and the Bureau of Lands are authorized to promulgate the necessary mles and regulations for the proper implementation of this proclamation. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of ManOa, this 29th day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(72), 5728-5729. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 98 DECLARING MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1954, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY IN THE MUNICIPALITY OP MAGALANG, PAMPANGA WHEREAS, the ninety-fifth anniversary of the creation of the municipality of Magalang, Pampanga, falls on December 13, 1954; and WHEREAS, the people of said municipality desire to be given fuU opportunity to celebrate the day with appropriate ceremonies ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the authority vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, to hereby declare Monday, December 13, 1954, as a special public holiday in the municipality of Magalang, Pampanga. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 4th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(72), 5729-5730. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 99 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM DECEMBER 26 TO 31, 1954, AS PHILATELIC WEEK In order to commemorate the centenary of the first postage stamp issued in the Philippines in 1854, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare the period from December 26 to 31, 1954, as Philatelic Week. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 15th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(1 2), 5130. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 100 AMENDING PROCLAMATION NO. 369 DATED FEBRUARY 13, 1953, BY DECLARING THE LAST WEEK OE EEBRUARY OE EVERY YEAR, INSTEAD OE THE PERIOD FROM MARCH 15 to 21, AS PHILIPPINE INDUSTRIAL WEEK By virtue of the powers vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby amend Proclamation No. 369 dated Eebmary 13, 1953, by declaring the last week of Eebmary of every year, instead of the period from March 15 to 21, as Philippine Industrial Week.” IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 15th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(72), 5730-5731. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 101 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 359 DATED DECEMBER 16, 1952, AND RESERVING AS SITE OF THE EDUCATION CENTER THE PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN THEREIN RESERVED, SITUATED IN THE CITY OF MANILA Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby revoke Proclamation No. 359 dated December 16, 1952, and reserve the parcels of the public domain embraced therein as sites of the Education Center, subject to private rights, if any there be, situated in the City of Manila. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 15th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(12), 5131. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 102 EXTENDING THE PERIOD FOR THE NATIONAL FUND CAMPAIGN OF THE UBERTY WELLS ASSOCIATION UP TO JANUARY 18, 1955 WHEREAS, the period from November 5 to December 18, 1954, has been designated for the national fund campaign of the Liberty Wells Association under Proclamation No. 88 dated November 1, 1954; WHEREAS, it appears that the association needs additional time to carry out its campaign successfully; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby extend the period for the national fund campaign of the Liberty Wells Association up to January 18, 1955. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 17th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(1 2), 5132. malacaMng RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 103 DECLARING FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1954, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY WHEREAS, the thirtieth day (Thursday) of December, 1954, and the first day (Saturday) of January, 1955, being holidays, the thirty-first day (Eriday) of December, 1954, may be declared a special ‘pubHc holiday to enable the people to enjoy an unintermpted Christmas holiday without prejudice to the public interests; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby proclaim Eriday, December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, as a special public holiday. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 27th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1954). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 50(1 2), 5132. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 104 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM FEBRUARY 14 TO MARCH 31, 1955, AS THE TIME EOR THE EIGHTH ANNUAL EUND CAMPAIGN OP THE PH BI PPINE NATIONAL RED CROSS WHEREAS, the Philippine National Red Cross, officially designated and created by Republic Act No. 95 as the body corporate and politic to assist the Republic of the Philippines in discharging its obligations set forth in the Geneva Red Cross Convention and to perform other functions vested upon a national Red Cross society, has no regular source of funds with which to carry out its duties and responsibilities, except the voluntary contributions through personal solicitation campaigns conducted by its chapters in accordance with its Charter; and WHEREAS, said organization has time and again proven itself as an indispensable institution in helping the government promote our people’s welfare, especially in times of emergency and calamity, thereby serving as the united expression of our national spirit ofcompassion and universal sentiments forpeace and understanding ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the period from Eebmary 14 to March 31, 1955, as the time for the Eghth Annual Eund Campaign of the Philippine National Red Cross. I urge aU citizens and residents of this country, irrespective of creed or color, as well as aU civic-spirited associations and organizations, to lend a hand in this campaign by giving generously according to their means and circumstances to help realize the aims and purposes of the Philippine National Red Cross. I authorize ah national, provincial, city and municipal government officials and school authorities to accept, for the Philippine National Red Cross, fund-raising responsibilities, and urge them to take the initiative and active leadership in their respective communities. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 5th day of January, in the year of Our Lord,; nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives 6-7. Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(1), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 105 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 32, SERIES OF 1936, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE TOWNSITE RESERVATION SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OP SAN JOSE PROVINCE OP OCCIDENTAL MINDORO, ISLAND OP MINDORO AND DECLARING SO MUCH OP THE PARCEL OR PARCELS OP LAND EMBRACED THEREIN AS HAVE NOT BEEN DISPOSED OP OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP CHAPTER K OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT, AS AMENDED BY REPUBLIC ACT NO. 730 Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby revoke Proclamation No. 32, series of 1936, which established the townsite reservation situated in the municipality of San Jose, province of Occidental Mindoro, island of Mindoro, and declare so much of the parcel or parcels of land embraced therein as have not been set aside or earmarked for public purposes and/ordisposedofopen to disposition under the provisions of Chapter IX of the Public Land Act, as amended by Republic Act No. 730. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 5th day of January, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(1), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 106 DECLARING THE PERIOD, FROM lANUARY 10 TO 15, 1955, AS TAX INFORMATION WEEK WHEREAS, the ejq)ansion of the Government’s development program demands increased national revenues; WHEREAS, the national revenues can be increased only by popular endorsement and support of tax-conscious citizens; and WHEREAS, tax-consciousness should be aroused, promoted and extended on a nation-wide scale by a govemment- citizen-initiated campaign of tax information and education directed to people in aU social levels; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby proclaim the period from January 10 to 15, 1954, as Tax Information Week, and hereby authorize the League of Women Voters to intensify the tax-education drive for the period from January to March, 1955- IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 6th day of January, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(1), 9. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 107 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 45, SERIES OF 1906, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE MASBATE HIGH SCHOOL SITE RESERVATION SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF MASBATE, PROVINCE AND ISLAND OF MASBATE, A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND EMBRACED THEREIN AND RESERVING THE SAME FOR CAPITOL SITE PURPOSES OF THE SAID PROVINCE Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby exclude from the operation of Executive Order No. 45, series of 1906, which established the Masbate High School Site Reservation situated in the municipality of Masbate, province and island of Masbate, a certain portion of the land embraced therein and reserve the same for capitol site purposes of said province, subject to private rights, if any there be, and to final survey, which portion of land is more particularly described, to wit: “Description of lot Z portion of the proposed Provincial Capitol site grounds” Beginning at a point marked 1 of lot Z as shown on the sketch plan of the Provincial Grounds showing proposed developments, thence N. 61° 08' W., 464.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 55° 49' E, 140.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 43° 01' W., 99.00 meters to point 4; thence S. 67° 16' W., 109.50 meters to point 5; thence N. 80° 24' W., 109.50 meters to point 6; thence N. 48° 01' W., 93.39 meters to the point of beginning; containing an approximate area of 31,210 square meters, more or less.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 6th day of January, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(1), 9-10. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 108 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 208, DATED JANUARY 12, 1929, A PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN EMBRACED THEREIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF RAPU-RAPU, PROVINCE OF ALBAY, ISLAND OF BATAN, AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE MINING ACT WHEREAS, Luis B. Montero has applied for the lease of a coal bearing land under Survey No. Cl- 105 of the Bureau of Mines, located on the western part of Batan Island and containing an area of 285.7039 hectares; WHEREAS, the land surveyed partly affects the northwestern part of lot 1 of the Batan Island Forest Reserve established under Proclamation No. 208, dated January 12, 1929, and, according to the Director of Mines, contains coal of considerable quantity and value; and WHEREAS, one of the purposes of the forest reserve being to conserve the standing timber to help in the development of the coal mine therein. NOW, THEREFORE upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 14 of Commonwealth Act No. 137, as amended, I hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 208, dated January 12, 1929, the northwestern portion of Lot 1 of the Batan Island Forest Reserve, to wit: AU that portion of lot 1 of Batan Island Forest Reserve lying west of the line N. 29° E, connecting comer 24 and comer 43 of said lot, containing an approximate area of 261.00 hectares. The cutting, removal, utilization of timber and other forest products shall be in accordance with the existing forest and internal revenue laws, and at any time the said area shah be abandoned for mining purposes, the same shall revert as part of the Batan Island Forest Reserve. This proclamation shall take effect only upon the concurrence of the Congress of the Philippines. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 6th day of January, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(1), 10 - 11 . MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS PROCLAMATION NO. 109 MAKING PUBUC THE TTIEATY OF AMITY BETWEEN THE TIEPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES AND THE TIEPUBLIC OF CHINA WHEREAS, a Treaty of Amity between the Republic of the Philippines and the Republic of China was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at Manila on April eighteenth, nineteen hundred and forty-seven; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 32 adopted on May 15, 1947, concurred in the ratification of the said Treaty in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the instmments of ratification of the said Treaty by the two Governments were exchanged at Manila on October 24, nineteen hundred and forty-seven; and WHEREAS, it is stipulated in the said Treaty that it shall enter into force upon the exchange of the instmments of ratification; Now, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, have caused the said Treaty, a certified copy of which in the English text is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and. the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Reference: Treaty of amity between the Republic of the Philippines and the Republic of China Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(2), 598-602. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 110 MAKING PUBUC THE PROTOCOL RELATING TO AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION WHEREAS, the Assembly of the International CivU Aviation Organization convened at Montreal on May 6th, 1947, approved on the thirteenth day of May of the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven, in accordance with the provisions of Article 94 (a) of the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed at Chicago on December 7th 1944, an amendment to said Convention embodied in the present Protocol, which shall be numbered as “Article 93 bis’’ of the said Convention; WHEREAS, the aforesaid Protocol, pursuant to the final clauses thereof, is subject to ratification by any State which has ratified or acceded to the said Convention; WHEREAS, the Philippines is a member of the International CivU Aviation Organization and a signatory of the Convention on International CivU Aviation held at Chicago on December 7th, 1954; WHEREAS, the Senate of the PhiUppmes, by its Resolution No. 81 adopted on May 5,1952, concurred m the ratification by the President of the Philippines of the said Protocol m accordance with the Constitution of the PhiUppmes; and WHEREAS, the RepubUc of the PhiUppmes has formaUy ratified the said Protocol which became effective in respect of the PhUippmes on November 17, 1952; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the PhiUppmes, have caused the said Protocol, a certified copy of which is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the PhiUppines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the PhiUppines to be affixed. Done m the City of Manila, this 3rd day of Febmary, m the year of Our Lord, nmeteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the PhUippmes, the nmth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President; FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Reference: Protocol relating to an Amendment to the Convention on International CivU Aviation Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republicof the Philippines, 51(2), 602-605. malacaMng RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. Ill DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM FEBRUARY 20 TO 26, 1955, AS NATIONAL STATISTICS WEEK WHEREAS, in the interest of a more progressive and prosperous Philippines, it is desirable to encourage and promote the use of statistical data in the solution of social and economic problems; WHEREAS, to attain this objective, it is necessary to fuUy inform the public of the benefits to be derived from a program of statistical promotion and development and to disseminate applications of statistics to the service of human welfare; NOW, THEREFORE I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the period from Febmary 20 to 26, 1955, as National Statistics Week. I call upon aU government offices and instmmentalities throughout the country as well as all private entities and individuals to participate in the proper observance of said period, to give fullest publicity to the statistical promotion activities organized in connection therewith, and otherwise to generously support the Philippine Statistical Association, Inc. in its task of fostering statistics and its applications, of promoting unity and effectiveness of effort among aU concerned with statistical problem and of increasing the contribution of statistics to human welfare. I call especially on the schools, various chambers of commerce, professional organizations and societies, civic organizations and service clubs to devote one day of said period to a program of education for the promotion of knowledge of facts and figures as a healthy basis forknowing our social and economic status and progress. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the” Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(2), 605-606. malacaMng RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 112 RESERVING FOR ELECTRIC PLANT SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF PARANG PROVINCE OF COTABATO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of: the Secretary of Agriture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provision of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for electric plant site purposes under the administration of the municipality of Parang, subject to private rights, if any, there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the Municipality of Parang, Province of Cotabato, Island of Mindanao and more particularly described, to wit: “A parcel of land (The Proposed Parang Hectric Plant Site) situated in the municipality of Parang, Province of Cotabato, bounded on the NE., SW. and NW., by Nursery Reservation (Px-1012, portion of lot No. 2032-B, Ts- 215); and on the SE, by Nursery Reservation (Pr-1012, portion of lot No. 2032-A, Ts-215). “Beginning at a point marked 1 on the sketch plan, being identical to sub-lot No. 3 of lot No. 2332-A, Ts-215; thence N. 48° 39' N., 25.00 meters to point 2; thence N. 48° 39' E, 40.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 48° 39' W., 25.00 meters to point 4; thence S. 48° 39' W. 40.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an approximate area of 1,000 square meters, more, or less.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(2), 606-607. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 113 RESERVING FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE BARRIO OF COLOMBITIN (NAGCURALA), MUNICIPAUTY OF CUYAPO, PROVINCE OF NUEVA ECUA, ISLAND OF LUZON Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for school site purposes under the administration of the Director of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the barrio of Colombitin (Nagcurala), municipality of Cuyapo, province of Nueva Ecija, Island of Luzon, and more particularly described, to wit: “Lot No. 1463, Cuyapo Cad- 163 “A parcel of land (lot 1163 of the cadastral survey of Cuyapo, G.L.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Colombitin (Nagcurala), municipality of Cuyapo, province of Nueva Ecija. Bounded on the N. by lot 1162-portion, Cuyapo Cadastre; on the SE, by road; and on the W., by lot 1161, Cuyapo Cadastre. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 34° 41' W., 539.40 meters IfomB.B.M. 19, Cuyapo Cad-163, thence N. 2° 44' W., 150.82 meters to point 2; thence S. 87° 22' E, 204.36 meters to point 3; thence S. 54° 21' W., 242.38 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 15,343 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; declination 0° 42' E; date of the cadastral survey, September, 1919 to December, 1921.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. DONE in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. (SEAL) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Presidential Museum and Library Office of the President of the Philippines . (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(2), 607-608. malacaMng RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 114 RESERVING FOR CAMP SITE PURPOSES OF THE BOY SCOUTS OF THE PHILIPPINES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF PARANG, PROVINCE OF COTABATO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for camp site purposes of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the municipality of Parang, Province of Cotabato, Island of Mindanao, and more particularly described as follows: “Lot 1480, Parang Residential Site (Boy Scouts of the Philippines — Camp Site) “A parcel of land (lot 14130 of Parang Residential Site, GL.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE., SE, SW. and NW., by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 34° 05' E, 1,179.38 meters from B.L.L.M. 4, municipality of Parang, Cotabato, thence N. 46° 54' E, 191.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 35° 31' E, 60.53 meters to point 3; thence S. 46° 54' W., 183.00 meters to point 4; thence N. 43° 06' W., 60.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 11,220 square meters, more or less. All pionts referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 2° 12' E; date of survey, February 1, 1951-July 31, 1952. “Note. — This survey is identical to lot 1430, Parang Ts-215.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 7th day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(2), 608-609. malacaMng RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 115 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 377 DATED MARCH 13, 1953, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE CAPITOL SITE OF THE PROVINCE OF NUEVA ECHA SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF BONGABON, SAID PROVINCE, ISLAND OF LUZON, AND DECLARING THE PARCEL OR PARCELS OE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN OPEN EOR SETTLEMENT AND DISPOSITION IN ACCORDANCE WITH EXISTING LAWS ON THE MATTER Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby revoke Proclamation No. 377 dated March 13, 1953, which established the capitol site of the province of Nueva Ecija situated in the municipality of Bongabon, said province, island of Luzon, and declare the parcel or parcels of land embraced therein open to settlement and disposition in accordance with existing laws on the matter. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 7th day of Eebmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(2), 609-610. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 116 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 414, SERIES OF 1931, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE DAVAO PENAL COLONY, SITUATED IN THE SITIO OF TUGANAY, MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF PANABO (FORMERLY TAGUM), PROVINCE OF DAVAO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO, A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND EMBRACED THEREIN AND DECLARING THE SAME AS “TANGLAW SETTLEMENT” OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested, in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 414, series of 1931, which established the Davao Penal Colony, situated in the sitio of Tuganay, municipal District of Panabo (formerly Tagum), province of Davao, island of Mindanao, a certain parcel of land embraced therein and declare the same as “Tanglaw Settlement” open to disposition under the provisions, of the Public Land Act, which parcel of land is more particularly described, to wit: “Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan (white print), being S. 52° W., 2,8(X).00 meters from M.B.M. 19, Tagum Cadastre; thence due south, 800.00 meters to point 2 which is at the west bank of Bacali Creek; thence following the west bank of Bacali Creek in a southeast direction 2,050 meters to point 3 at the junction of Tuganay River and Bacali Creek; thence following the west bank of Tuganay River in a southeast direction 3,750 meters to point 4; which is at the west bank of Tuganay River, opposite the mouth of Kagitgitan River; thence following the bank of Tuganay River in a southeast direction 80.00 meters to point 5 which is at west bank of Tuganay River; thence due west, 4,120 meters to point 6; thence due north, 4,910 meters to point 7; thence due east, 600 meters to point 1, point of beginning; containing- an approximate area of 1,(X)0 hectares.” IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 7th day of Eebmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives 610 . Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(2), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 117 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM MARCH 14 TO 20, 1955, AS “AID TO THE BUND AND HANDICAPPED WEEK” WHEREAS, section 10(a) of Republic Act No. 1179 authorizes the President of the Philippines to set aside an annual fund-raising week to be known as “Aid to the Blind and Handicapped Week,” the money realized therefrom to constitute a tmst fund called the “Blind and Handicapped Eund” under the control and administration of the Social Welfare Administrator; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the period from March 14 to 20, 1955, as “Aid to the Blind and Handicapped Week,” during which the Social Welfare Administration shall conduct a campaign for funds for the blind and other handicapped persons. I call upon all citizens and residents of this country, as well as aU civic-spirited organizations and associations, to support this campaign. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 26th day of Eebmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(3), 1178-1179. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 118 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM MARCH 7 TO 13, 1955, AS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY WEEK AND CREATING A COMMITTEE TO TAKE CHARGE OE THE OBSERVANCE THEREOE In order to give impetus to scientific endeavors and thereby promote the cause of science and technology in the Philippines, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the period from March 7 to 13, 1955, as Science and Technology Week to be observed with appropriate ceremonies throughout the country. The following are designated members of a committee which is hereby created to take charge of the celebration of Science and Technology Week: The Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources Chairman The Secretary of Health Member The Secretary of Education Member The Administrator of Economic Coordination Member The Director of Science and Technology Member The President, National Research Council of the Philippines Member The President, Philippine Council of Science and Technology Member The President, Philippine Association for the Advancement of Science Member IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 26th day of Eebmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(3), 1179-1180. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 119 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 101 DATED OCTOBER 26, 1948, ENTITLED “DECLARING THE LAST SATURDAY OF OCTOBER OF EACH YEAR AS FISH CONSERVATION DAY AND CREATING COMMITTEES FOR THE PURPOSE,” AS AMENDED BY PROCLAMATION NO. 280 DATED OCTOBER 12, 1951 WHEREAS, the last Saturday of October of each year was declared Fish Conservation Day under Proclamation No. 101 dated October 26, 1948, as amended by Proclamation No. 280 dated October 12, 1951; WHEREAS, the week beginning with the fourth Sunday of October of every year was declared Barrio Farmers’ Week in Proclamation No. 76 dated October 12, 1954; WHEREAS, one ofthe days ofBarrio Farmers’ Weekis set aside as Fish Production and Conservation Day; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby revoke Proclamation No. 101 dated October 26, 1948, as amended by Proclamation No. 280 dated October 12, 1951. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 26th day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette ofthe Republic ofthe Philippines, 5 1(3), 1180-1181. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 120 RESERVING FOR MARKET AND ABATTOIR SITE PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE POBLACION, MUNICIPAUTY OF MIDSAYAP, PROVINCE OF COTABATO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for market and abattoir site purposes under the administration of the municipality of Midsayap, subject to private rights, if any there be, certain parcels of the public domain situated in the Poblacion, municipality, of Midsayap, province of Cotabato, island of Mindanao, and more particularly described, to wit: “Lot 7, Mr-1061 (The Municipal Government of Midsayap) (Market Site) “A parcel of land (lot 1 of plan Mr-1061), situated in the Poblacion, municipality of Midsayap, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE. and SE, by proposed road; on the SW., by road (existing); and on the NW, by proposed road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 8° 30' E, 45.64 meters IfomB.L. L.M. 65, Dulawan Cadastre 107, thence N. 60° 48' W., 163.70 meters to point 2; thence N. 31° 05' E, 106.04 meters to point 3; thence S. 60° 33' E., 161.88 meters to point 4; thence S. 30” 05' W., 105.32 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 17,199 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. concrete monuments; bearings true; declination 2° 02' E.; date of survey, July 21, 1954, and that of the approval, October 28, 1954. Note: Lot 1 = Lot 10938, a portion of lot 2517 of Dulawan Cadastre 107. “Lot 2, Mr-1061 (The Municipal Government of Midsayap) (Slaughter House Site) “A parcel of land (lot 2 of plan Mr-1061), situated in the Poblacion, municipality of Midsayap, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE. and E, by Salunayan Creek; on the SW., by proposed road; and on the NW., by proposed alley. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 25° 18' E, 109.71 meters from B.EE M. 65, Dulawan Cadastre 107; thence S. 51° 59' E, 14.50 meters to point 2; thence S. 20° 00' E, 36.00 meters to point 3; thence N. 60° 59' W., 40.87 meters to point 4; thence N. 27” 38' E, 25.89 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 667 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: point 2 by old B.L. cyUndrical concrete monuments and the rest by P.L.S. concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 2° 02' E; date of survey, July 21, 1954 and that, of the approval, October 28, 1954. NOTE: Lot 2 = Lot 10939, a portion of lot 2517 of Dulawan Cadastre 107. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the PhiUppines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 26th day of February, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(3), 1181-1182. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 121 RESERVING FOR CERTAIN SPECIHC PUBUC PURPOSES CERTAIN PROPERTIES OF THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT SITUATED IN THE CITY OF ZAMBOANGA Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 64 (3) of the Revised Administrative Code in relation to section 1 of Republic Act No. 477, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for certain specific public purposes indicated hereunder, under the administration of the City ofZamboanga, subject to private rights, if any there be, the following properties of the private domain of the Government situated in the City ofZamboanga and more particularly described as follows: For Puericulture Center Purposes “Un terreno (lote No. 843-B del piano cadastral del municipio de Zamboanga), con las mejoras existentes en el mismo, situado en el municipio de Zamboanga, distrito de Zamboanga. linda por el NE. con la CaUe Bailen; por el BE. con la Calle Azcarraga; por el SO. con propiedad de Francisco Atienza Uy Chuco, et al.; y por el NO. con propiedad de Francisco Camins, et al. Partiendo de un punto marcado 1 en el piano, cuyo pun to se halla alN. 58° 52' 0., y seis metros con setenta y nueve centimetros al monumento No. 44; y desde dicho punto 1 S. 74° 36' 0., cincuenta y cinco metros con doce centimetros al punto 2; desde este punto N. 14° 58' 0.,y sesentay nueve metros con cincuenta y siete centimetros al punto 3; desde este punto No. 79° 45' E, cincuenta y un metros con cuarenta y dos centimetros al punto 4; desde este punto S. 18° 20' E., sesenta y cuatro metros con noventa y siete centimetros al punto de partida; midiendo una extension superficial de tres mU quinientos setenta y tres metros cuadrados, mas o menos. Todos los puntos nombrados se haUan marcados en el piano aprobado por el Director de Terrenos en 25 de Enero de 1910; y la orientacion seguida es la verdadera, siendo la decUnacion magnetica. For Telephone Central Building Purposes “Un terreno (lote No. 7 del block No. 7 del block No. 27 del piano cadastral del municipio de Zamboanga), con las mejoras existentes en el mismo situado en el municipio de Zamboanga, distrito de Zamboanga. linda por el NE. con una caUe; por el SE. con la CaUe Jovellar; por el SO. con propiedad de Henry E. Teck; y por el NO. con propiedades de H’emry E. Teck, et al., y Valentin Montojo Toy Chow-Ym, et al. Partiendo de un punto marcado 1 en el piano cuyo punto se halla el N. 62° 15' 0., y seis metros con sesenta y ocho centimetros del monumento No. 47; y desde dicho punto 1 S. 69° 11' 0., veinticuatro metros con treinta y un centimetros al punto 2; desde este punto S. 69° 22' 0., dos metros al punto 3; desde este punto N. 21° 38' 0., treinta y dos metros con tres cetimetros al punto 4; desde este punto N. 76° 50' E, once metros con once centimetros al punto 5; desde este punto N. 24° 33' 0., dos metros con diecisiete centimetros al punto 6; desde este punto N. 76° 43' E, dieciseis metros con cuarenta y seis centimetros al punto 7; desde este punto S. 20° 01' E, treinta metros con cincuenta y seis centimetros al punto de partida; midiendo una extension superficial da ochocientos cuarenta y dos metros cuadrados, mas o menos. Todos los puntos nombrados se haUan marcados en el piano aprobado por el Director de Terrenos en 25 de enero de 1910; y la orientacion seguida es la verdadera, siendo la decUnacion magnetica de 2° 05' E For Waterworks, Warehouse and Shop Purposes “Un terreno (lote No. 9 del block No. 22 del piano Cadastral del municipio de Zamboanga), con las mejoras existentes en el mismo situado en el municipio de Zamboanga, distrito de Zamboanga. linda por el NE. con la Calle Pilar; por el SE. con propiedad de Gottlieb D. Schlewing y BasUio Sam Juan, et al.; por el NO. con propiedades de Petrona Antonio l.“y Antonio Alvarez, et al. Partiendo de un punto marcado 1 en el piano, cuyo punto se haUa alN. 73° 32' O., y sesenta y cinco metros con cincuenta y ocho centimetres delmonumento No. 9; y desde dicho punto 1 S. 24° 06' O., trece metros con seis centimetros al punto 2; desde este punto N. 65° 43' 0., dos metros con catorce centimetros al punto 3; desde este punto N. 66° 39' 0., siete metros con noventa y siete centimetros al punto 4; desde este punto N.; 24° 07' E, trece metros con sesenta y siete centimetros al punlto 5; desde este punto S. 66° con sesenta y siete centimetros al punto 5; desde este punto S.66° 32' E, dies metros con once centimetros al punto de partida; midiendo una extension superficial de ciento treinta y ocho metros cuadrados mas o menos. Todos los puntos nombrados se hallan marcados en el piano aprobado por el Director de Terrenos en 25 de Enero de 1910; y la orientacion seguida es la verdadera, siendo la declinacion magnetica de 2° 05' E “Tres parcelas de terreno, con las mejoras existentes en las mismas, situadas en elmunicipio de Zamboanga, distrito de Zamboanga. Parcela l.‘‘(lote No. 6-A del block No. 22 del piano catastral del municipio de Zamboanga). Linda por el NE. con la caUe Pilar; por el SE. con propiedades de J. A. Simoes, et al. y Pedro Delgado; por el SO. con la cake S. Jose; por el NO. con propiedad de Gottlieb D. Schlewing. Partiendo de un punto marcado 1 en el piano, cuyo punto se halla el N. 74° 49' 0., y cincuenta y cinco metros con cincuenta centimetros delmonumento 9; desde dicho punto 1 S. 66° 32' E, cutro metros con veintitres centimetros al punto 2; desde este punto S. 23° 45' 0., veintiseis metros con veinticinco centimetros al punto 3; desde este punto N. 64° 28' O., cuatro metros con catorce centimetros al punto 4; desde este punto N. 22° 55' E, doce metros eon nu eve centimetros al punto 5; desde este punto N. 24° 07' E, catorce metros con un centimetro a] punto de partida; midiendo una extension superficial de ciento once metros cuadrados, mas o menos. “Parcela 2.^“ (lote No. 7 del block No. 22 del piano catastral del municipio de Zamboanga); Unda por el NE. con la cake PUar; por el SE. con propiedad de Gottlieb D. Schlewing; por el SO. con propiedad de Gottlieb Schlewing; y por el NO. con propiedad de Norberto Sebastian, et al. Partiendo de un punto marcado 1 en el piano, cuyo punto se halla el 74" 49' O., y cincuenta y cinco metros con cincuenta centimetros del monumento No. 9; y desde dicho punto 1 S. 24° 07' 0., catorce rrrietros con un centimetro al punto 2; desde este punto N. 64° 34' 0.» dies metros con dies y ocho centimetros al punto 3; desde este punto N. 24° 06' E, trece metros con sesenta y seis centimetros al punto 4; desde este punto S. 66° 32' E, dies metros con dies y siete centimetros al punto de partida; midiendo una extenci6n superficial de ciento cuarenta y un metros cuadrados mas o menos. “Parcela 3.^ (lote No. 8 del block 22 del piano catastral del municipio de Zamboanga). linda por el NE. con propiedades de Norberto Sebastian, et al., y Gottlieb D. Schlewing; por el SO. con la caUe S. Jose; y por el NO. con propiedad de Basilio San Juan, et al. Partiendo de un punto marcado 1 en el piano, cuyo punto se halla alN. 59° 02' O., y cincuenta y tres metros con cuarenta y dos centimetros del monumento No. 10; y desde dicho punto 1 N. 64° 28' O., doce metros con treinta y cinco centimetros al punto 2; desde este punto N. 23° 06' E, doce metros con cuatro centimetros al punto 3; desde este punto S. 65° 43' E, dos metros con catorce centimetros al punto 4; desde este punto S. 64° 34' E, dies metros con dies y ocho centimetros al punto 5; desde este punto S. 22° 55' 0., docemetros con nueve centimetros al punto de partida; midiendo una extension superficial de ciiento cuarenta y nueve metros cuadrados mas o menos. Todos los puntos nombrados en las descritas parcelas se hallan marcados en el piano aprobado por el Director de Terrenos en 25 de Enero de 1910; y la orientation seguida en las mismas es la verdadera, siendo la declinacion magnetiea de 2° 05' E. “A parcel of land (lot No. 10 of block No. 22 of the Cadastral plan of the municipality of Zamboanga) with the improvements existing thereon, situated in the municipality of Zamboanga, District of Zamboanga. Bounded on the NE., by property of Norberto Sebastian, et al.; on the SE. by property of Gottlieb D. Schlewing; on the SW., by CaUe San Jose; and on the NW., by property of Petrona Antonio 1.““ ; containing an area of 97 s(j^uare meters, more or less, covered by Transfer Certificate ofTitle No. 2774 of the Register of Deeds ofZamboanga, .” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 26th day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(3), 1182-1185. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 122 RESERVING FOR PARK PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN COMPRISING LOTS Nos. 544, 5202, 3025 and 545, CEBU CADASTRE AND A PORTION OF THE RECLAIMED AREA OF THE CEBU WATERFRONT, SITUATED IN THE CITY OF CEBU Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for park purposes under the administration of the Commission of Parks and Wildlife, subject to private rights, if any there be, and to future survey a certain parcel of the public domain comprising lots Nos. 544, 5202, 3025 and 545, Cebu cadastre, and a portion of the reclaimed area of the Cebu waterfront, situated in Cebu City and particularly described as follows: “Bounded on the north, by Legaspi street; on the east and south, by Quezon Boulevard; and on the west, by the area reserved for the Custom House and Plaza Independencia; containing an area of 39,965 square meters, more or less.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. DONE in the City of Manila, this 26th day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. Source: Presidentia Museum and Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republicof the Philippines, 51(3), 1185-1186. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 123 RESERVING FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE BARRIOS OF MARBEL MAGPET, MANONGOL AND MATEO, MUNICIPAUTY OF KIDAPAWAN, PROVINCE OF COTABATO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for school site purposes under the administration of the Director of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, certain parcels of the public domain situated in the barrios of Marbel, Magpet, Manongol and Mateo, municipality of Kidapawan, province of Cotabato, island of Mindanao, and more particularly described, to wit: Lot 4276 Mr- 106-3, Sheet 1 (The Municipal Government ofKidnapawan — Marbel School Site) “A parcel of land (lot 4276 of Kidapawan Pls-59 and shown on plan Mr-1063, sheet 1, GL.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Marbel, municipality of Kidapawan, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE, by Marbel River and lot 4278, Kidapawan Pls-59; on the E, by Marbel River; on the SE, by lot 4275, Kidapawan PIs-59; on the SW., by lot 4274, Kidapawan Pls-59; and on the NW., by homestead road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 37° 10' E, 3,344.58 meters from B.LL.M. 31, Kidapawan Pls-59, thence S. 25° 26' W., 140.84 meters to point 2; thence N. 71° 04' W., 342.95 meters to point S; thence N. 22° 52' E, 274.61 meters to point 4; thence S. 78° 07' E, 77.24 meters to point 5; thence S. 36° 00' E, 22.25 meters to point 6; thence S. 18° 31' W., 26.87 meters to point 7; thence S. 3° 03 E, 91.06 meters to point 8; thence S. 62° 35' E, 63.46 meters to point 9; thence S. 62° 21' W., 22.98 meters to point 10; thence W. 77° 28' E, 53.22 meters to point 11; thence S. 55° 08' E, 85.91 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 66,230 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan, and are marked on the ground as follows: point 1, by P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monument; point 2, by B.L.B.M. 2; points 3, 4 and 11, by B.L. cylindrical monuments; point 5, by cross on stone; points 61, 8, 9 and 10, by stakes; and point 7, by hole in stake; bearings tme; declination 1° 51' E; date of survey, June 20-22, 1949. Note. — This lot is an advanced survey of Kidapawan Pls-59. Lot 5077, Mr-1063, sheet 2 (The Municipal Government of Kidapawan — Magpet School Site) “A parcel of land (lot 5077 of Kidapawan Pls-59 and shown on plan Mr-1063, sheet 2, G.L.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Magpet, municipality of Kidapawan, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE., by Magpet River; on the SE. and SW., by lot 374, Kidapawan Pls-59; and on the NW., by lot 2923, Kidapawan Pls-59. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 89° 26' W., 394.43 meters from B.L.L.M. 25, Kidapawan Pls-59, thence N. 23° 12' E, 201.22 meters to point 2; thence S. 78° 30' E, 47.33 meters to point 3; thece S. 57° 32' E, 68.01 meters to point 4; thence S. 26° 41' W., 18B.50 meters to point 5; thence N. 69° 41' W., 103.02 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 21,517 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: point 1, by old B.L. cylindrical concrete monument; points 2, 4 and 5, by P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments; and point 3, by hole in stake; bearings true; declination 1° 51' E; date of survey, September 5-12, 1951. Note. — This lot is an advanced survey of Kidapawan Pls-59. Lot 5652, Mr-1063, sheet 3 (The Municipal Government ofKidapawan — Manongol School Site) “A parcel of land (lot 5625 ofKidapawan Pls-59 and shown on plan Mr-1063, sheet 3, G.L.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Manongol, municipality ofKidapawan, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE., by lots 434 and 442, Kidapawan Pls-59; on the SE, by lot 444 (portion) Manobo Townsite; on the SW., by homestead road; and on the NW., by lot 443, Kidapawan Pls-59. Beginning at a point marked 1 oil plan, being S. 65° 45' E, 1,960.91 meters from triangulation station “Kid” 1930, Kidapawan Pls-59, thence S. 71° 36' E, 257.91 meters to point 2; thence S. 74° 25' E, 93.89 meters to point 3; thence S. 21° 14' W., 96.70 meters to point 4; thence N. 80° 03' W., 79.26 meters to point 5; thence N. 66° 45' W., 272.57 meters to point 6; thence N. 20° 36' E, 80.58 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 32,973 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1 and 2, by old B.L cylindrical monuments; and the rest, by B.L cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings true; declination 1° 51' E; date of survey, April 7-9, 1953. Note. — This lot is an advanced survey ofKidapawan Pls-59. Lot 5659, Mr-1063, sheet 4 (The Municipal Government ofKidapawan — Mateo School Site) “A parcel of land (lot 5659 ofKidapawan Pls-59 and shown on plan Mr-1063, sheet 4, G.LRO. Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Mateo, municipality of Kidapawan, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE., SE. and SW., by lot 5658, Kidapawan Pls-59; and on the NW., by lot 5656, Kidapawan Pls-59. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 84° 34' E, 2,291.74 meters from B.LLM. 3, Kidapawan Pls-59, thence N. 22° 38' E, 100.10 meters to point 2; thence S. 75° 02' E, 209.37 meters to point 3; thence S. 28° 12' W., 100.48 meters to point 4; thence N. 75° 53' W., 175.87 meters to point 5; thence N. 72° 06' W., 23.89 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 20,276 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.LS. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 1° 51' E; date of survey, December 8, 1949. Note. — This lot is an advanced survey ofKidapawan Pls-59. fN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 26th day of February, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette ofthe Republicof the Philippines, 51(3), 1186-1188. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 124 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 208 DATED OCTOBER 5, 1937, A PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE BARRIOS OF TAPOE CAMP VI, CAMP VH, MANDUANG AND KUANOS, MUNICIPALITIES OF TAUSAY AND MINGLANILLA, PROVINCE OF CEBU, ISLAND OF CEBU, AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN FOR DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE MINING ACT WEEBEAS, luan B. Echavez has requested for the exclusion of a certain area under Survey Bsm-69 of the Bureau of Mines containing 396 hectares from the Talisay-MinglanUla Eorest Reserve established under Proclamation No. 208 dated October 5, 1937; WHEREAS, according to the report of the Director of Mines, the area sought to be excluded from the TaMsay- MinglaniUa Eorest Reserve appears to be mineralized; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of section fourteen of Commonwealth Act Numbered one hundred and thirty- seven, otherwise known as the Mining Act, lands within reservations for purposes other than mining, which, after such reservation is made, are found to be more valuable for their mineral contents than for the purpose for which the reservation was made, may be withdrawn from such reservation by the President of the Philippines only with the concurrence of the Congress. NOW, THEREFORE upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section Fourteen of Commonwealth Act One hundred and thirty-seven, otherwise known as the Mining Act, I hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation Numbered Two hundred and eight, dated October 5, 1937, a portion of the Talisay-MinglaniUa Forest Reserve as shown on the Bureau ofForestry Map F. R.-79 and technically described as follows: Beginning at comer 1, identical to monument No. 17, on the map or M.B.M. No. 28 of the TaMsay and MinglanUla Estate FLR 133, B.L. Case No. 2 Minglanilla, thence N. 19° 58' E, 405.0 meters to comer 2; thence N. 57° 53' E, 182.89 meters to comer 3; thence N. 44° 00' E, 18.63 meters to coiner 4; thence S. 72° 30' E. 255.63 meters to comer 5; thence S. 80° 20' E, 111.89 meters to comer 6; thence N. 59° 08' E, 49.51 meters to comer 7; thence N. 59° 24' E, 37.50 meters to comer 8; thence N. 39° 47' W., 88.60 meters to comer 9; thence N. 07° 20' W., 140.0 meters to comer 10; thence S. 80° 24' W., 46.0 meters to comer 11; thence N. 37° 30' W., 307.0 meters to comer 12; thence N. 37° 30' W., 35.0 meters to comer 13; thence N. 37° 30' W., 70.0 meters to comer 14; thence N. 19° 58' E, 455.0 meters to comer 15: thence due east, 290.0 meters to comer 16; thence S. 70° 02' E, 930.0 meters to comer 17; thence S. 19° 58' W., 600.0 meters to comer 18; thence S. 70° 02' E, 600.0 meters to comer 19; thence S. 19° 58' W., 1,077.0 meters to comer 20; thence N. 59° 05' W., 220.0 meters to comer 211; thence S. 47° 57' W., 545.0 meters to comer 22; thence S. 24° 00' W., 57.50 meters to comer 23; thence S. 58° 09' W., 42.30 meters to comer 24; thence S. 05° 33' W., 10.30 meters to comer 25; thence S. 21° 46' E, 66.90 meters to comer 26; thence S. 84° 09' W., 355.20 meters to comer 27; thence N. 70° 02' W., 1,050.0 meters to comer 281; thence N. 19° 58' E, 792.0 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of approximately 356.20 hectares. All comers referred to are indicated in red ink on Eorestry Map E.R.-79 and are marked on the ground as follows: 1 by M.B.M. No. 28; 17, 18, 19 and 28 concrete monuments 2/Bsm-69, 3/Bsm-69, 4/Bsm-69, and 6/Bsm-69 respectively; 15, 20 and 27 are points; and 2 to 14, 16 and 21 to 26 are old comers of lots of Talisay-MinglaniUa Estate indicated on the map. The cutting, removal and utilization of the timber and other forest products therefrom shall be in accordance with the provisions of the forest laws and regulations, and at any time the said area within the forest reservation shall be abandoned for mining purposes, the same shall revert as part of the forest reserve. This proclamation shall take effect only upon the concurrence of the Congress of the Philippines. fN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 26th day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republicof the Philippines, 51(3), 1188-1190. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 125 CALUNG A NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF EMPLOYERS AND OF LABOR ORGANIZATIONS ON MAY 26, 27, AND 28, 1955 By virtue of the power conferred upon me by section 20 of Republic Act No. 875 and upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Labor, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby call a national conference of representatives of employers and of labor organizations on May 26, 27, and 28, 1955, in the City of Manila, for the consideration and adoption of voluntary codes of principles in regard to labor-management relations designed to promote industrial peace and the general welfare. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 28th day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(3), 1190 . MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 126 RESERVING FOR HOSPITAL SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT, SITUATED IN THE SITIO OF MINT AL, CITY OF DAVAO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and pursuant to the provisions of section 64fejof the Revised Administrative Code in relation to section 1 of Republic Act No. 477, I hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for hospital site purposes, under the administration of the Bureau of Hospitals, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the private domain of the Government, situated in the sitio of Mintal, City of Davao, island of Mindanao, and more particularly described in subdivision plan Psd- 25093, to wit: “A parcel of land (lot 85 of the subdivision plan Psd-25093, being a portion of lot 824-B-2 described on plan Psd- 24479, GL.R.O. Cadastral Eecord No. ), situated in the City of Davao. Bounded on the N. and NE., by lot 403 of the subdivision plan; on the SE, by lots 28, 33 and 34 of the subdivision plan; on the S., by lot 422 of the subdivision plan; and on the W., by lot 421 of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 40° 13' E, 496.14 meters from M.B.M. 16, Davao Cadastre, thence S. 48° 37' W., 30.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 48° 39' W., 12.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 48° 38' W., 52.90 meters to point 4; thence S. 88° 45' W., 75.06 meters to point 5; thence N. 1° 15' W., 135.00 meters to point 6; thence N. 88° 45' W., 40.00 meters to point 7; thence S. 84°’ 49' E, 19.81 meters to point 8; thence S. 74° 56' E, 18.15 meters to point 9; thence S. 69° 21' E, 11.15 meters to point 10; thence S. 55° 45' E, 14.84 meters to point 11; thence S. 45° 26' E, 32.66 meters to point 12; thence S. 41° 22' E, 40.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 15,104 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings true; declination 2° 12' E; date of original survey Febmary, 1916-May, 1920 and that of the subdivision survey, December 23, 1946-March 29, 1947.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(3), 1191-1192. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 127 RESERVING FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT, SITUATED IN THE SITIO OF MINT AL, CITY OF DAVAO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and pursuant to the provisions of section 64fejof the Revised Administrative Code in relation to section 1 of Republic Act No. 477, I hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for school site purposes, under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the private domain of the Government, situated in the sitio of Mintal, City of Davao, island of Mindanao, and more particularly described in subdivision plan Psd-25093, to wit: “A parcel of land (lot 758-B of the subdivision plan Psd-25093, being a portion of lot 758 of the cadastral survey of Davao, GL.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the City of Davao. Bounded on the N., NE. and E, by lot 758-A of the subdivision plan; on the S., by lot 1961 of Davao Cadastre; and on the SW., by lot 758-C of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 24° 09' W., 273.70 meters from M.B.M. 16, Davao Cadastre, thence N. 36° 36' W., 137.10 meters to point 2; thence S. 64° 11' E, 148.14 meters to point 3; thence N. 81° 15' E, 235.50 meters to point 4; thence S. 57° 31' E, 93.14 meters to point 5; thence S. 14° 35' W., 69.B4 meters to point 6; thence N. 78° 33' W., 130.92 meters to point 7; thence S. 85° 57' W., 193.35 meters to point 8; thence N. 45° 30' W., 33.92 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 31,657 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: point 7 by old comer and the rest, by P. L. S. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 2° 12' N.; date of the original survey, Febmary 1916-May 1920 and that of the subdivision survey, December 23, 1946 to March 29, 1947.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(3), 1192-1193. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 128 RESERVING FOR PUBUC PARK AND MARKET SITE PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT, SITUATED IN THE SITIO OE MINTAL, CITY OE DAVAO, ISLAND OE MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and pursuant to the provisions of section 64(e) of the Revised Administrative Code in relation to section 1 of Republic Act No. 477, I hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for public park and market site purposes, under the administration of the City of Davao, subject to private rights, if any there be, certain parcels of the private domain of the Government, situated in the sitio of Mintal, City of Davao, island of Mindanao, and more particularly described in subdivision plan Psd-25093, to wit: For Public Park “A parcel of land (lot 394 of the subdivision plan Psd-25093, being a portion of lot 82I4-B-2 described on Plan Psd- 24479, GL.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the City of Davao. Bounded on the NB., by lot 1962 of Davao Cadastre; on the E, by lot 114 of the subdivision ;plan; on the SW. by lot 403, of the subdivision plan; and on the W., by lot . Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 42° 21' E, 563.77 meters IfomM.B.M. 16, Davao Cadastre, thence N. 41° 22' W., 129.10 meters to point 2; thence N. 48° 08' W., 35.30 meters to point 3; thence S. 78° 33' E., 115.87 meters to point 4; thence S. 1° 09' W., 97.47 meters to the point of beginning: containing an area of 5,288 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and on the ground are marked by P. L. S. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 2° 12' E; date of the original survey, Eebmary 1916-May 1920 and that of the subdivision survey, December 23, 1946-March 29, 1947.” For Market Site “A parcel of land (lot 256 of the subdivision plan Psd-25093, being portion of lot 824-B-2 described on plan Psd- 24479, G.L.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the City of Davao. Bounded on the N., by lot 424 of the subdivision plan; on the E, by lot 431 of the subdivision plan; on the S., by lot 423 of the subdivision plan; and on the W., by lot 421 of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the plan, being S. 16° 17' E, 633.57 meters from M.B.M. 16, Davao Cadastre; thence W. 88° 44' E, 100.02 meters to point 27; thence S. 1° 15' E, 60.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 88° 04' W., 100.02 meters to point 4; thence N. 1°15' W., 60.00 meters to point of beginning; containing an area of 6,000 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and on the ground are marked by P. L. S. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings true; declination 2° 12' E; date of the original survey, Eebmary 1916-May 1920 and that of the subdivision survey, December 23, 1946-March 29, 1947.” IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FMD RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette ofthe Republicofthe Philippines, 51(3), 1193-1194. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 129 DECLARING THE WEEK ENDING WITH THE LAST SATURDAY OF JULY EACH YEAR AS ARBOR WEEK WHEREAS, trees are of paramount importance to the welfare and economic weU-being of our country and people; WHEREAS, trees and forests continue to be wantonly destroyed because their importance is not yet sufficiently appreciated; and WHEREAS, there is urgent need to awaken tree consciousness among our people, to undertake a vigorous campaign for the planting of trees to beautify our yards, plazas, highways, parks, etc., and to reforest our bare and denuded lands through sustained tree planting work participated in by all elements of the community; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby proclaim the week ending with the last Saturday of July of each year as Arbor Week to be observed throughout the country with appropriate programs and actual planting of shade, ornamental, fruit and forest trees . The observance of Arbor Week shall be under the auspices of the National Forestry Council. The Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, as Chairman of said Council, is hereby empowered to create such committees as may be necessary to attain the objectives of this proclamation. He may call upon any department, bureau, office, agency or instmmentality of the Government for assistance and cooperation in the successful celebration of Arbor Week. Proclamation No 30 dated July 30, 1947, as amended by Proclamation No. 41 dated September 3, 1947, is hereby revoked. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 5th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(3), 1194-1195. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 130 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM MARCH 21 TO 27, 1955, AS GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES WEEK WHEREAS, the employees constituting the backbone of the governmental machinery are fuUy dedicated to the public service; and WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper that the people take cognizance of the invaluable services rendered by these public servants, and of their loyalty and devotion to duty; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the period from March 21 to 27, 1955, as Government Employees Week. I call upon all citizens and residents of the Philippines as weU as all schools and civic organizations to turn their thoughts to the honest, loyal and devoted government employees in grateful appreciation of the services rendered by them The Week should likewise be devoted to the attainment of maximum service efficiency and the highest degree of harmony and cooperation between the public and the employees. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 5th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republicof the Philippines, 51(3), 1195-1196. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 131 RESERVING FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN BARRIO ANUUNG MUNICIPALITY OF NAUJAN, PROVINCE OF ORIENTAL MINDORO, ISLAND OF MINDORO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for school site purposes under the administration of the Director of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, certain parcels of the public domain situated in barrio AnuUng, municipality of Naujan, province of Oriental Mindoro, island of Mindoro, and more particularly described, to wit: “Lot 3790, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension “A parcel of land (lot 3790 of the cadastral survey of Naujan, GL.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Mag-asawang Tubig (now AnuUng), municipaUty of Naujan, province of Oriental Mindoro. Bounded on the N., by road; on the E, by road and Bangaya River; om the SE, and S., by Bangaya River; and’ on the SW., and W., by Bangaya River. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 3" 35' W., 720.48 meters from B.L.L.M. 121, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension, thence S. 5° 32' W., 44. 54 meters to point 2; thence S. 69° 30' W., 19.48 meters to point 3; thence N. 57” 20' W., 7.35 meters to point 4; thence S. 52° 54' W., 12.65 meters to point 5; thence S. 9° 26' E.,! 7.74 meters to point 6; thence N. 83° 54' W., 7.81 meters to point 7; thence N. 24° 45' W., 6.50 meters to point 8; thence N. 43° 02' E, 34.43 meters to point 9; thence N. 12° 27' E., 10.62 meters to point 10; thence N. 7° 34' E., 22.50 meters to point 11; thence S. 84° 38' E., 19.25 meters to the point of beginning, containing an area of 1,267 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as foUows: points 1, 2 and 11, by B. L. concretemonuments; and the rest, by stakes; bearings tme; declination 0° 48' E; date of the cadastral survey, October, 1927-May, 1931. “Lot 3793, Naujan Cadastre 200 — Extension “A parcel of land (lot 3793 of the cadastral survey of Naujan, G.L.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Mag-asawang Tubig (now AnuUng), municipaUty of Naujan, province of Oriental Mindoro. Bounded on the N., E. and S., by road; and onthe SW. and NW., by Bangaya River. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 3° 25' W., 735.05 meters from B.L.L.M. 121, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension, thence N. 84° 19' W., 24.86 meters to point 2; thence N. 11° 26' W., 15.18 meters to point 3; thence N. 27° 11' E, 17.22 meters to point 4; thence N. 32° 46' E, 31.76 meters to point 5; thence N. 2° 44' W., 7.11 meters to point 6; thence N. 34° 28' W., 18.30 meters to point 7; thence S. 84° 29' E, 20.93 meters to point 8; thence S. 5° 21' W., 79.90 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 1,521 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as foUows: points 1, 2, 7 and 8, by B. L. concrete monuments ; and the rest, by stakes; bearings true; declination 0° 48' E; date of the cadastral survey, October, 1927-May, 1931. “Lot 4304, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension “A parcel of land (lot 4304 of the cadastral survey of Naujan, G.L.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Magasawang Tubig (now AnuUng), municipaUty of Naujan, province of Oriental Mindoro. Bounded on the N., by road and Bangaya River; on the E, by Bangaya River and road; and on the S. and W., by road;. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 11° 33' W., 660.45 meters from B.L.L.M. 121, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension, thence N., 5° 33' E, 79.66 meters to point 2; thence S. 85° OF E, 45.80 meters to point 3; thence S. 5° 05' E, 23.81 meters to point 4; thence S. 40° 09' W., 40.92 meters to point 5; thence S. 1° 42' W., 10.40 meters to point 6; thence S. 30° 52' E, 6.31 meters to point 7; thence S. 79° 55' E, 22.79 meters to point 8; thence N. 53° 44' E, 15.65 meters to point 9; thence N. 76° 28' E, 15.01 meters to point 10; thence S. 5° 48' W., 21.16 meters to point 11; thence N. 84° 25' W., 79.89 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 3,629 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1, 2, 3, 10 and 11, by B. L concrete monuments; and the rest, by stakes; bearings tme; declination 0° 48' E; date of the cadastral survey, October, 1927-May, 1931. “Lot 4305, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension “A parcel of land (lot 4305 of the cadastral survey of Naujan, G.L.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Mag-asawang Tubig (now AnuUng), municipality of Naujan, province of Oriental Mindoro. Bounded on the N., by Bangaya River; on the E, by Bangaya River; and on the S. and W., by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 0° 14' W., 634.37 meters from B.EEM. 121. Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension, thence N. 84° 19' W., 40.44 meters to point 2; thence N. 5° 27' E, 26.03 meters to point 3; thence S. 75° 52' E, 41.00 meters to point 4; thence S. 5° 42' W., 20.01 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of932 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L cncretemonuments ; bearings tme; declination 0° 48' E; date of the cadastral survey, October, 1927-May, 1931. “Lot 4306, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension “A parcel of land (lot 4306 of the cadastral survey of Naujan, C.L.RO. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Magasawang Tubig (now AnuUng), municipaUty of Naujan, province of Oriental Mindoro. Bounded on the N., by lot 4307, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension; on the E, by lots 4309 and 4308, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension; on the SW., by Bangaya River; and on the W., by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 0° 17' E, 694.10 meters from B.L.L.M. 121; Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension, thence S. 5° 15' W., 19.97 meters to point 2; thence S. 5° 23' W., 6.72 meters to point 3; thence N. 69° 31' W., 42.12 meters to point 4; thence N. 5° 27' E, 15.91 meters to point 5; thence S. 84° 2T E, 40.61 meters to point of beginning; containing an area of 866 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated; on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. Lconcrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 0° 48' E; date of the cadastral survey, October, 1927-May, 1931. “Lot 4307, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension “A parcel of land (lot 4307 of the cadastral, survey of Naujan, G.L.RO. Cadastral Record No. ), situated m the barrio of Magasawang Tubig (now AnuUng), municipaUty of Naujan, province of Oriental Mmdoro. Bounded on the N., by road; on the E, bylot 4310, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension; on the S., by lot 4306, Naujan Cadastre 200- Extension; and on the W., by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 0° 17' E, 694.10 meters from B.L.L.M. 121, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension, thence N. 84° 21' W., 40.61 meters to point 2; thence N. 5° 26' E, 19.99 meters to point 3; thence S. 33° 57' E, 39.37 meters to point 4; thence S. 1° 50' W., 19.76 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 794 square meters, more or less. All pomts referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 0° 48' E; date of the cadastral survey, October, 1927-May, 1931. “Lot 4308, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension “A parcel of land (lot 4308 of the cadastral survey of Naujan, G.LRO. Cadastral Record No. ), situated m the barrio of Magasawang Tubig (now AnuUng), municipaUty of Naujan, provmce of Oriental Mmdoro. Bounded on the N., by lot 4309, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension; on the E, by road; on the SW., by Bangaya River; and on the W., by lot 4306, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 0° 08' E, 674.19 meters from B.L.L.M. 121, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension, thence S. 84° 42' E., 39.42 meters to pomt 2; thence S. 5° 43' W., 40.68 meters to point 3; thence N. 43° 45' W., 51.82 meters to point 4; thence N. 5° 23' E, 6.72 meters to the pomt of beginning; containing an area of 933 square meters, more or less. AU pomts referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. concrete monuments; bearings tme; decUnation 0° 48' E; date of the cadastral survey, October, 1927-May, 1931. ‘Lot 4309, Naujan Cadastre 200 -Extension “A parcel of land (lot 4309 of the cadastral survey of Naujan, G.L.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Magasawang Tubig (now AnuUng), municipality of Naujan, province of Oriental Mindoro. Bounded on the N., by lot 4310, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension; on the E., by road; on the S., by lot 4308, Naujan Cadastre 200- Extension; and on the W., by lot 4306, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension. Beginning at a I point marked 1 on plan, being N. 0° 17' E., 694.10 meters from B.LL.M. 121, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension, thence S. 84° 42' E., 39.57 meters to point 2-j, thence S. 5° 41' W., 19.98 meters to point 3; thence N. 84° 42' W., 39.42 meters to point 4; thence N. 5° 15' E, 19.97 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 789 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. concrete monuments; bearingstme; declination 0° 48' E; date of the cadastral survey, October, 1927-May, 1931. “Lot 4310, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension “A parcel of land (lot 4310 of the cadastral survey of Naujan, CL.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Magasawang Tubig (now AnuUng), municipaUty of Naujan, province of Oriental Mindoro. Bounded on the N. and E, by road; on the S., by lot 4309, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension; and on the W., by lot 4307, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 0° 17' E, 694.10 meters from B.LL.M. 121, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension thence N. 1° 50' E, 19.76 meters to point 2; thence S. 85° 07' E, 40.94 meters to point 3; thence S. 5° 48' W., 20.01 meters to point 4; thence N. 84° 42' W., 39.57 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 800 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 0° 48' E; date of the cadastral survey, October, 1927-May, 1931. “Lot 4319, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extmision “A parcel of land (lot 4319 of the cadastral survey of Naujan, C.L.RO. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Magasawang Tubig (now AnuUng), municipaUty of Naujan, province of Oriental Mindoro. Bounded on the N., by lot 4320, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension; on the E. and S., by road; and on the W., by lot 4323, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan), being N. 0° 36' E, 748.84 meters from B.LL.M. 121, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension, thence S. 84° 38' E, 40.13 meters to point 2; thence S. 5° 04' W., 19.90 meters to point 3; thence N. 84° 42' W., 40.06 meters to point 4; thence N. 4° 53' E, 19.94 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 799 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 0° 48' E; date of the cadastral survey, October, 1927-May, 1931. “Lot 4320, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension “A parcel of land (lot 4320 of the cadastral survey of Naujan, G.L.RO. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Magasawang Tubig (now AnuUng), municipaUty of Naujan, province of Oriental Mindoro. Bounded on the N., by lot 4321, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension; on the E, /byroad; on the S., by lot 4319, Naujan Cadastre 200- Extension; and on the W., by lot 4324, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 0° 36' E, 746.84, meters from B.LL.M. 121, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension, thence N. 5° 29' E, 19.97 meters to point 2; thence 3. 84° 41' E, 40.19 meters to point 3; thence S. 5° 41' W., 20.00 meters to point 4; thence N. 84° 38' W., 40.13 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 203 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. concrete monuments; bearingstme; declination 0° 48' E, date of the cadastral survey, October, 1927-May, 1931. “Lot 4321, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension “A parcel of land (lot 4321 of the; cadastral survey of Naujan, GL.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Magasawang Tubig (now AnuUng), municipaUty of Naujan, province of Oriental Mindoro. Bounded on the N., by lot 4322, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension; on the E, by road; on the S. by lot 4320, Naujan Cadastre 200- Extension; and on the W., by lot 4325, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan. being N. 0° 51' E., 788.76 meters from B.LL.M. 121, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension, thence S. 84° 39' E., 40.18 meters to point 2; thence S. 5° 02' W., 20.06 meters to point 3; thence N. 84° 41' W., 40.19 meters to point 4; thence N. 5° 05' E, 20.07 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 806 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. concrete monuments; bearingstme; declination 0° 48' E.; date of the cadastral survey, October, 1927-May, 1931. “Lot 4322, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension “A parcel of land: (lot 4322 of the cadastral survey of Naujan, G.L.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Magasawang Tubig (now AnuUng), municipality of Naujan, province of Oriental Mindoro. Bounded on the N. andE., by road; on the S., by lot 4321, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension; and on the W., by lot 4326, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 0° 51' E., 788.76 meters from B.LL.M. 121, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension, thence N. 5° 17' E, 19.98 meters to point 2; thence S. 84° 40' E, 40.26 meters to point 3; thence S. 5° 32' W., 19.99 meters to point 4; thence N. 84° 39' W., 40.18 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 804 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 0° 48' E; date of the cadastral survey, October, 1927-May, 1937. “Lot 4323, Naujan Cadastre, 200-Extension “A parcel of land (lot 4323 of the cadastral survey of Naujan, G.L.RO. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Mag-asawang Tubig (now Anuhng), municipality of Naujan, province of Oriental Mindoro. Bounded on the N., by lot 4323, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension; on the E, by lot 4319, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension; and on the S. and W., by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 0° 36' E, 748.84 meters from B.EEM. 121, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension, thence S. 4° 53' W., 19.94 meters to point 2; thence N. 84° 24' W., 40.07 meters to point 3; thence N. 5° 57' E, 20.01 meters to point 4; thence S. 84° 18' E, 39.71 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 797 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated On the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 0° 48' E; date of the cadastral survey, October, 1927-May, 1931. “Lot 4324, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension “A parcel of land (lot 4324 of the cadastral survey of Naujan, G.L.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Magasawang Tubig (now AnuUng), municipaUty of Naujan, province of Oriental Mindoro. Bounded on the N., by lot 4325, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension; on the E, by lot 4320, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension; on the S., by lot 4323, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension; and on the W., by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 0° 36' E, 748.84 meters from B.EEM. 121, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension, thence N. 84° 18' W., 39.71 meters to point 2; thence N. 5° 03' E, 20.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 84° 16” E, 39.86 meters’ to point 4; thence S. 5° 29' W., 19.97 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 795 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. concrete monuments ;bearings tme; declination 0° 48' E; date of the cadastral survey, October, 1927-May, 1931. “Lot 4325, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension “A parcel of land (lot 4325 of the cadastral survey of Naujan, G.L.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Magasawang Tubig (now AnuUng), municipaUty of Naujan, province of Oriental Mindoro. Bbunded on the N., by lot 4326, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension; on the E, by lot 4321, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension; on the S., by lot 4324, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension; and on the W., by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 0° .51' E, 788.76 meters from B.EEM. 121, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension, thence S. 5° 05' W., 20.07 meters to point 2; thence N. 84° 16' W., 39.86 meters to point 3; thence N. 5° 30' E, 19.94 meters to point 4; thence S. 84° 27' E, 39.72 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 796 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. concrete monuments ;bearings tme; declination 0° 48' E, date of the cadastral survey, October, 1927-May, 1931. ‘Lot 4326, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension “A parcel of land (lot 4326 of the cadastral survey of Naujan, G.L.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Magasawang Tubig (now Anuling), municipality of Naujan, province of Oriental Mindoro. Bounded on the N. byroad; on the E., by lot4322, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension; on the S., by lot 4325, Naujan Cadastre 200- Extension; and on the “W., by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 0° 51' E., 788.76 meters from B.L.L.M. 121, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension, thence N. 84° 27' W., 39.72 meters to point 2; thence N. 5° 24' E., 19.90 meters to point 3; thence S. 84° 35' E., 39.68 meters to point 4; thence S. 5° 17' W., 19.98 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 792 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. concrete monuments:; bearings tme; declination 0° 48' E.; date of the cadastral survey, October, 1927-November 1931.” “Lot 4327, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension “A parcel of land (lot 4327 of the cadastral survey of Naujan, Magasawang Tubig (now Anuling), municipality of Naujan, province of Oriental Mindoro. Bounded on the N., by road; on the NE. andE., by Bangaya River; and on the S. and W., by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 9° 27' W., 751.50 meters from B.L.LM. 121, Naujan Cadastre 200-Extension, thence N. 5° 48' E, 79.80 meters to point 2; thence S. 84° 39' E, 39.67 meters to point 3; thence S. 50° 22' E, 31.07 meters to point 4; thence S. 32° 35' W., 30.32 meters to point 5; thence S. 29° 55' W., 19.95 meters to point 6; thence S. 3° 35' W., 17.28 meters to point 7; thence N. 84° 32' W., 44.34 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 4,126 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as foUows: points 4, 5 and 6 by stakes; and the rest, by B. L. concretemonuments ; bearings tme; declination 0° 48' E; date of the cadastral survey, October, 1927-November 1931.” fN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the PhiUppines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 5th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the PhUippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the PhiUppines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(3), II96-I202. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 132 RESERVING FOR SETTLEMENT PURPOSES UNDER THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE NATIONAL RESETTLEMENT AND REHABIUTATION ADMINISTRATION A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTIES OF KAPALONG AND PANABO, PROVINCE OF DAVAO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby reserve for settlement purposes under the administration of the National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration, subject to private rights, if any there be, and to future classification and survey, the parcel of land covered by Proclamation No. 103, series of 1948, situated in the municipalities of Kapalong and Panabo, province of Davao, island of Mindanao, and more particularly described as follows: “Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being identical to MBM No. 18 of Tagum Cadastre No. 276; thence due North, 10,150 meters to point 2; thence due east 6,660 meters to point 3; thence following the southern boundary of lot 1800 of the Sagana Plantation (SC-V-12067-D) up to lot 817 of the Kapalong Cadastre to point 4; thence in a southeastern direction following the western boundary of lot 1360 of the Kapalong Cadastre to point 5; which is identical to BBM No. 8, Kapalong Cadastre; thence in a southeasterly direction to MBM No. 2 of the Kapalong Cadastre, which is point 6; thence in a southeasterly direction to point 7, which is identical to the middle comer on western boundary of lot 2901, Tagum Cadastre; thence a westerly direction to the point of beginning, containing an area of 9,860 hectares more or less.’’ From the operation of this proclamation, there are hereby excepted the portion of 1,024 hectares covered by sales application No. V-28072 of the Philippine Abaca Development Company, the portion embraced in the NAFCO Abaca Project, and the portions covered by Proclamation No. 39, series of 1954. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 9th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette ofthe Republicofthe Philippines, 51(3), 1202-1203. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 133 RESERVING FOR WAREHOUSE SITE PURPOSES OF THE BUREAU OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF DIPOLOG, PROVINCE OF ZAMBOANGA DEL NORTE ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for warehouse site purposes, under the administration of the Director of the Bureau of Telecommunications, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the municipality of Dipolog, province of Zamboanga del Norte, island of Mindanao, to wit: “Lot 32 Dipolog Cadastre 85 (The Bureau of Telecommunications) (Radio Station Reservation) (Swo-31179) “A parcel of land (lot 32 of the cadastral survey of Dipolog, GL.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the Poblacion, municipality of Dipolog, province of Zaniboanga, (now Zamboanga del Norte). Bounded on the NE. by lot 80 of Dipolog Cadastre; on the E, by lot 31 of Dipolog Cadastre; on the SW., by Zamora Street; and on the NW., by Jones Street. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 11° 45' W., 314.80 meters IfomB.L.L.M. 2, Dipolog Cadastre 85, thence N. 11° 10' E, 17.38 meters to point 2; thence S. 79° 58' E, 19.36 meters to point 3; thence S. 3° 29' E, 19.29 meters to point 4; thence N. 76° 43' W., 24.25 meters to the point ofbeginning; containing an area of 392 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings true; declination 1° 50' E; date of the cadastral survey, November, 1910-January 1911.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 9th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(3), 1203-1204. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 134 DECLARING SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1955, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOUDAY IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF SAGA Y, NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare Saturday, March 19, 1955, as a special public holiday in the municipality of Sagay, Negros Occidental. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 10th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(3), 1204-1205. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 135 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 118 DATED FEBRUARY 26, 1955, ENTITLED “DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM MARCH 7 TO 13, 1955, AS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY WEEK AND CREATING A COMMITTEE TO TAKE CHARGE OF THE OBSERVANCE THEREOF’ WHEREAS, the period from March 7 to 13, 1955, has been declared as Science and Technology Week under Proclamation No. 118 dated Febmary 26, 1955; WHEREAS, the Committee created to take charge of the celebration of the Week has not had sufficient time to prepare for said celebration; and WHEREAS, the Philippine National Science Week was celebrated on November 21 to 27, 1955, under Proclamation No. 79 dated October 14, 1954; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby revoke Proclamation No. 118 dated Febmary 26, 1955, declaring the period from March 7 to 13, 1955, as Science and Technology Week. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 10th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(3), 1205-1206. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 136 RESERVING FOR NURSERY SITE PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF ILAGAN, PROVINCE OF ISABELA, ISLAND OF LUZON Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for nursery site purposes under the administration of the Bureau of Agricultural Extension, subject to private rights, if any there be, certain parcels of the public domain situated in the municipality of Hagan, province of Isabela, island of Luzon, and more particularly described, to wit: “Lot 11, Hagan Ts-205, (Agricultural Extension — Nursery Site of Hagan) “A parcel of land (lot 11 of Hagan Ts-205, GL.R.O. Record No ), situated in the barrio of Calamaqui, municipality of Hagan, province of Isabela. Bounded on the N., by lot 1 of plan Ir-1026 and lot 6 of Hagan Ts-205; on the NE., by national road; on the SE, and S., by lot 12, Ts-205; on the SW., by lot 12 of Ts-205 and BaUgatan Creek; and on the W., by Baligatan Creek and national road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 44° OF W., 763.12 meters from B.L.B.M. 1, barrio ofGuinatan, municipality of Hagan, Isabela, thence S. 24° 05' E, 228.60 meters to point 27; thence S. 6° 44' W., 115.92 meters to point 3; thence S. 60° 34' W., 69.93 meters to point 4; thence S. 14° 54' W-, 196.54 meters to point 5; thence S. 16° 56' W. 235.78 meters to point 6; thence N. 77" 21' W\, 251.38 meters to point 7; thence N. 19° 49' W., 173.60 meters to point 8; thence N. 45° 44' W., 113.63 meters to point 9; thence N. 20° 14' E, 62.70 meters to point 10; thence N. 15° 47' W., 47.22 meters to point 11; thence N. 73° 45' E, 38.96 meters to point 12; thence N. 21° 05' W., 96.74 meters to point 13; thence N. 66° 12' W., 63.58 meters to point 14; thence N. 2° 39' W., 22.99 meters to point 15; thence N. A\°2& W., 82.68 meters to point 16; thence N. 32° 38' W., 75.98 meters to point 17; thence N. 4° 49' E, 125.62 meters to point 18; thence S. 70° 25' E, 354.51 meters to point 19; thence N. 16° 49' E, 14.61 meters to point 20; thence S. 76° 12' E, 22.06 meters to point 21; thence N. 72° 40' E, 271.60 meters to the point: of beginning; containing an area of 346,079 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1, 2, 17, 19 and 20, by B. L. concrete monument; points S, 4, 5, 6 and 7, by old B. L. concrete monuments; point 8, by G.I.S. in tree; point 18, by P.L.S. concrete monument; point 21, by concrete post; and the rest, by stakes; bearings true; declination 0° 21' E; date of survey, September 1, 1948-December 17, 1949. “Lot 23, Hagan Ts-20S, ( Claimed by Benito M. Zipagan) “A parcel of land (lot 23 of Hagan Ts-205, G.L.R.O. Record No ), situated in the barrio of Calamagui, municipality of Hagan, province of Isabels. Bounded on the N., NE. and SE, by Baligatan Creek; on the S., by lot 22 of Ts-205; and on the W., by national road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 48° 24' W., 1,522138 meters from B.L.B.M. 1, barrio ofGuinatan, municipality of Hagan, Isabela, thence N. 6° 02' W., 182.01 meters to point 2; thence N. 2° 36' W., 139.84 meters to point 3; thence S. 42° 49' E, 54.80 meters to point 4; thence S. 39° 12' E, 58.66 meters to point 5; thence S. 20° OF W., 40.29 meters to point 6; thence S. 74° 12' E, 91.28 meters to point 7; thence S. 21° 07' E, 62.53 meters to point 8; thence S. 68° OF W., 36.81 meters to point 9; thence S. 10° 13' E, 60.93 meters to point 10; thence S. 48° 34' W., 68.68 meters to point 11; thence N. 85° 48' W., 70.78 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 30,283 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: Points 1, 2 and 3, by B. L. concrete monuments; point 11, by old P.L.S. concrete monuments; and the the rest, by stakes; bearings true; declination 0° 21' E; date of survey, September 1, 1948-December 17, 1949.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 12th day of March, in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(3), 1206-1207. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 137 MAKING PUBUC THE ACCESSION OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHIUPPINES TO THE BERNE CONVENTION FOR THE PROTECTION OF UTERARY AND ARTISTIC WORKS, REVISED AT BRUSSELS ON JUNE 26, 1948 WHEREAS, the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works was concluded and signed on the 9th September 1886, completed at Paris on the 4th May 1896, revised at Berlin on the 13th November 1908, completed at Berne on the 20th March 1914, revised at Rome on the 2nd June 1928 and later revised at Bmssels on the 26th June 1948; WHEREAS, the main objective of the Convention is to protect in as effective and uniform a manner as possible the rights of authors over their literary and artistic works; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 21 adapted on May 16, 1950, concurred in theaccession thereto of the Republic of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the Republic of the Philippines has formally acceded to the said Convention which became effective in respect of the Philippines on August 1, 1951; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby proclaim and make public the said Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, a copy of which is hereto attached, to the end that the same, and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be afixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 15th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Republic of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(3), 1208 . MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 138 RESERVING FOR CITY GOVERNMENT CENTER SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN WITHIN THE FORMER CAMP BUMPUS SITUATED IN TACLOBAN CITY Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provision of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for Government center site purposes of the City of Tacloban, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain within the former Camp Bumpus situated in said City and more particularly described, to wit: “Lot I-L Psd-42973 (Tacloban City Government Center Site) “A parcel of land (Lot I-l of the subdivision plan Psd-42.973, being a portion of lot 1 described on plan Bsd-450, GL.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the City of Tacloban. Bounded on the NE., by lot 1-2 of the subdivision plan; on the SE, by provincial road (lot B, Bsd-450) and lot P of plan Bsd-450; on the SW., by Calle Gtan Capitan and lot P of plan Bsd-450; and on the NW., by lot P of plain Bsd-450 and lot 1-2 of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 86° 25' E, 269.19 meters from B.L.LM. 1, muncipality of Tacloban, thence S. 49° 08'. W., 12.15 meters to point 2; thence S. 85° 20' W., 191.51 meters to point 3; thence N. 41° 26' E, 59.62 meters to point 4; thence N. 50° 30' W., 78.25 meters to point 5; thence S. 41° 23' W., 59.64 meters to point 6; thence N. 50° 13' W., 104.12 meters to point 7; thence N. 40° 31' E, 3.60 meters to point 8; thence N. 40° 04' E., 79.08 meters to point 9; thence N. 58° 04' E., 20.31 meters to point 10; thence N. 62° 23' E., 82.28 meters to point 11; thence N. 69° 51' E., 38.87 meters to point 12; thence N. 66° 16' E., 37.19 meters to point 13; thence N. 57° 41' E., 28.47 meters to point 14; thence N. 43° 36' E., 25.38 meters to point 15; thence N. 35° 48' E., 36.67 meters to point 16; thence N. 27° 07' E., 14.50 to point 17; thence S. 36° 06' E, 244.76 meters to point 18; thence S. 26° 14' E, 98.33 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 63,480 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 4, 5 and 6, by old comers; point 7 by 6" nails driven on road; and the rest, by P. L. S. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 1° 30' E; date of the original survey, January 17, 1912 and that of the subdivision survey, March 11-20, 1954.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF; I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 15th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(3), 1209-1210. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 139 MAKING PUBUC THE SOUTHEAST ASIA COLLECTIVE DEFENSE TREATY AND THE PROTOCOL THERETO SIGNED AT MANILA ON SEPTEMBER 8, 1954 WHEREAS, the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty and the Protocol thereto were concluded and signed by the respective plenipotentiaries of the Governments of Australia, France, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, the Kingdom of Thailand, the United Kingdom of Gteat Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America at Manila on the 8th day of September, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-four; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Philippines by its Resolution No. 32, adopted on Febmary 14, 1955, concurred in the making by the President of the Philippines of the said Treaty and Protocol, in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, aU the signatory States have already ratified and deposited their respective instmments of ratification of the said Treaty and the Protocol thereto, the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand having made its deposit on December 2, 1954, and those of Australia, France, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, the United Kingdom of Geat Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America, on Febmary 19, 1955; WHEREAS, it is stipulated in the said Treaty that it shall enter into force between the States which have ratified it as soon as the instmments of ratification of a majority of the signatories shall have been deposited with the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, and shall come into effect with respect to each other State on the date of the deposit of each instmment of ratification with the Government of the Republic of the Philippines ; and WHEREAS, the said Treaty and the Protocol thereto entered into fuU force and effect on Febmary 19, 1955, at 11:00 o’clock a.m. Standard Time 120 East Meridian. NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Republic of the Philippines, have caused the said Treaty and the Protocol thereto, a certified copy of which is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the .Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila this 23rd day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(3), 1210 - 1211 . MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 140 PROCLAIMING SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1955, AS BATAAN DAY AND DECLARING IT AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOUDAY WHEREAS, the ninth day of April, 1955, which marks the thirteenth anniversary of the EaU of Bataan, has become a shining symbol of courage and heroismto ah freedom-loving peoples of the world; WHEREAS, Bataan Day has strengthened the everlasting bonds of friendship and cooperation between the Philippines and the United States ; WHEREAS, the commemoration of the Eall of Bataan is a fitting homage to the heroism of EUipino and American forces who fought side by side against overwhelming odds in the epic stmggle for democracy and freedom; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby proclaim Saturday, April 9, 1955, as Bataan Day and declare it as a special public holiday throughout the Philippines. I call upon all public officials and citizens of the Philippines, and invite aU American nationals residing in this country to observe the day with a one-minute silence at 4:30 o’clock in the afternoon of that day, and to hold appropriate rites in honor of the heroic defenders of Bataan. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 25th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(4), 1211 . MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 141 RESERVING FOR BOYS’ TOWN SITE PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT SITUATED IN THE CITY OF DAVAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 64(e) of the Revised Administrative Code in relation to section 1 of Republic Act No. 477, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for Boys’ Town site purposes under the administration of the City of Davao, subject to private rights if any there be, certain parcels of the private domain of the government situated in the City of Davao and more particularly described, to wit: “Lot 195-B-l-C-l, Psd- “A parcel of land (lot 195-B-l-C-l of the subdivision plan Psd , being a portion of lot 195-B-l-C described on plan Psd-39912, GL.R.O. Record No. ):, situated in the City of Davao. Bounded on the NE., by lot 195-B-1-C-2 (road); on the SE, W. and SW., by Ortobon Creek; and on the NW., by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 82° 55' E, 1,190.83 meters from B.L.B.M. 2, Davao Cadastre 102, thence 3. 42° 22' E., 405.11 meters to point 2; thence N. 80" 56' W., 10.50 meters to point 3; thence S. 64° 56' W., 10.29 meters to point 4; thence S. 62° 12' W., 36.81 meters to point 5; thence S. 42" 29' W., 58.29 meters to point 6; thence S. 30° 00' W., 64.70 meters to point 7; thence N. 44° 01' W., 68.29 meters to point 8; thence S. 69° 26' W., 27.70 meters to point 9; thence N. 7° 49' W., 15.82 meters to point 10;; thence N. 32° 33' W., 65.92 meters to point 11; thence N. 5° 14' E, 129.55 meters to point 12; thence N. 7° 35' E, 39.28 meters to point 13; thence N. 64° 38' W., 121.66 meters to point 14; thence N. 32° 04' E, 103.28 meters to point of beginning; containing an area of 48,632 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1, 2 and 14, by P. L. S. cylindrical concrete monuments; and the rest, by old comers; bearings tme; declination 2° 12' E, date of the original survey, Febmary, 1916 — August, 192D and that of the subdivision survey, August 24, 1954. NOTE: All data are approximate. “Lot 185-B-2-A, Psd- “A parcel of land (lot 186-B-2-A of the subdivision plan Psd , being a portion of lot 186-B-2 described on plan Psd- 37142, G.L.R.O Record No. ), situated in the City of Davao. Bounded on the NE. and E, by Ortobon Creek; on the SE, by public land; on the SW., by lot 186-B-l of plan Psd-37142; and on the NW., by road and Ortobon Creek. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 89° 44' E, 1,234.21 meters from B.L.B.M. 2, Davao Cadastre 102, thence S. 10° 04' W., 31.92 meters to point 2; thence S. 4° 28' W., 136.71 meters to point 3; thence S. 28° 56' E, 56.26 meters to point 4; thence S. 14° 56' E, 18.36 meters to point 15; thence S. 54° 54' E, 18.63 meters to point 6; thence N. 57° 09' E, 23.26 meters to point 7; thence S. 43° 26' E, 62.91 meters to point 8; thence N. 66° 49' E, 11.38 meters to point 9; thence N. 31° 39' E, 60.67 meters to point 10; thence N. 53° 18' E, 61:66 meters to point 11; thence N. 37° 12' E, 24.81 meters to point 12; thence N. 84° 38' E, 15.50 meters to point 13; thence S. 60° 51' E, 38.59 meters to point 14; thence S. 47° 56' W., 467.06 meters to point 15; thence N. 45° 36' W., 312.41 meters to point 16; thence N. 33° 08' E, 400.75 meters to point 17; thence S. 64° 14' E, 119.93 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 129,758 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1 and 17, by P. L. S. cylindrical concrete monuments; and the rest, by old comers; bearings tme; declination 2° 12' E; date of the original survey, Febmary, 1916 — August, 1920 and that of the subdivision survey, August 24, 1954. NOTE: All data are approxiinate.” IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 29th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(4), 1762-1764. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 142 PROCLAIMING THE EXISTENCE OF A PUBUC CALAMITY IN THE PROVINCES OF MISAMIS ORIENTAL, MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL, SURIGAO, AND LANAO, AND IN THE CITIES OF CAGAYAN DE ORO, OZAMIS, nJGAN, AND DANSALAN Having found that the occurrence of widespread earthquakes in the provinces of Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Surigao, and Lanao, and in the cities of Cagayan de Oro, Ozairds, Iligan, and Dansalan, has not only wrought death and havoc among the inhabitants of said provinces and cities but has also threatened them with famine, disorder, and epidemic, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers conferred upon me by section 1 of Act No. 4164 of the former Philippine Legislature, entitled “An Act to Prevent Excessive Increase in the Prices of Certain Prime Necessities of life on the Occasion of a Public Calamity, Penalizing the Violation Thereof, and For Other Purposes,’’ do hereby proclaim that a public calamity exists in the above- mentioned provinces and cities and declare in full force and effect therein the provisions of Act No. 4164 which prohibits and penalizes the hoarding ofpalay, rice, com, building or constmction materials, and the other prime necessities of life specified in the list accompanying this proclamation and holding them out for sale or selling them at prices higher by twenty-five per cent or more over and above the average current local price of such commodities one month previous to the occurrence of the disaster above mentioned. The public order in the provinces and cities above named so requiring, I hereby order the Commander of the Philippine Constabulary of said provinces or their duly authorized representatives and Chiefs of Police of said cities or their duly authorized representatives to seize any stock of palay, rice, com, building or constmction materials’, and articles of prime necessities of life specified in the list accompanying this proclamation when they are concealed or hoarded for purposes of profiteering by any owner or dealer thereof when his stock is in excess of his reasonable needs for business or for subsistence. The articles so seized shall be delivered to the representatives of the Price Stabilization Corporation (PRISCO) in the capitals of said provinces and in the said cities to be sold and disposed of to the public in accordance with law, and the proceeds of the sale at legal prices shall be reimbursed to the respective owners thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 1st day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Reference: list of other prime necessities of life included in the proclamation of the existence of a state of public calamity issued on April 1, 1955. Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette ofthe Republicof the Philippines, 51(4), 1764-1766. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 143 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM APRIL 18 TO 24 OF EVERY YEAR AS WATER CONSERVATION WEEK In order to apprise the public of the danger arising from the indiscriminate use and wastage of water during summer, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare the period from April 18 to 24 of every year as Water Conservation Week. I authorize the General Manager of the Metropolitan Water District to take appropriate measures to carry out the objective of this proclamation. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 13th day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives 1766. Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(4), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 144 RESERVING FOR STREET WIDENING AND PARKING SPACE PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF MALABON, PROVINCE OF REAL, ISLAND OF LUZON Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for street widening and parking space purposes, subject to private rights, if any there be, certain parcels of the public domain situated in the municipality of Malabon, province of Rizal, Island of Luzon, and more particularly described, to wit: “Lot 1, Mr-1018-D “A parcel of land (lot 1 as shown on plan Mr-1018-D, GL.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Tanong, municipality of Malabon, province of Rizal. Bounded on the NE., by lot 2 of plan Mr-1018-D and properties of Jaime Lapus (lot 1, Psu-76535) and Ricardo Gutierrez (lot 5, Psu-52202); on the SE, by provincial road; and on the SW., by Francisco Sevilla Boulevard. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 44° 36' W., 90.02 meters from B.LL.M. 1, municipality of Malabon, Rizal, thence S. 23° 08' E, 164.04 meters to point 2; thence S. 66° 09' W., 1.51 meters to point 3; thence S. 70° 58' W., 2.45 meters to point 4; thence N. 66° 19' W., 1.69 meters to point 5; thence N. 44° 51' W., 2.61 meters to point 6; thence N. 33° 04' W., 3.79 meters to point 7; thence N. 28° 53' W., 3.11 meters to point 8; thence N. 20° 30' W., 153.54 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 605 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: point 1, by old stake; point 2, by old Int.; point 3, by old tack on stake; point 4, by old cross on concrete pavement; point 5, by old iron bolt on concrete pavement; point 6, by old cross on pavement; point 7, by old tack on stake; and point 8, by old B. L. concrete monument; bearingstrue, declination 0° 56' R; date of survey. May 15, 1950 and that of the approval, January 17, 1951. “Lot 2, Mr-1018-D “A parcel of land (lot 2 as shown on plan Mr-1018-D, G.L.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Tanong, municipality of Malabon, province of Rizal. Bounded on the NE., by lots D-3-B and D-3-A of plan Psd-29152 (Vicente Madrigal) and properties of Maxima Sy-Jueco and Rosario de Ocampo; on the SE, by property of Jaime Lapus (lot 1, Bsu-76535); on the SW., by lot 1 of plan Mr-1018-D; and on the NW., by Avenida Rizal. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 44° 36' W., 90.02 meters from B.LL.M. 1, municipality of Malabon, Rizal, thence N. 68° 44' E, 5.81 meters to point 2; thence S. 23° 11' E, 32.85 meters to point 3; thence S. 23° 11' E, 47.00 meters to point 4; thence S. 23° 34' E, 15.33 meters to point 5; thence S. 22° 59' E, 17.24 meters to point 6; thence S. 61° 37' W., 5.99 meters to point 7; thence N. 23° 08' W., 113.14 to the: point of beginning; containing an area of 664 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as foUows: point 1, by old stake;paints 2 and 4, by old comers; point 3, by P. L. S. cylindrical concrete monuments; and points 5, 6 and 7, by old P. L. S. stone, monuments; bearings tme; declination 0° 56' E; date of survey. May 15, 1950 and that of the approval, January 17, 1951.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the PhiUppines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 14th day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(4), nei -116?,. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 145 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 375, SERIES OF 1953, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE EDCOR FARM RESERVATION SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF KAPATAGAN, PROVINCE OF LANAO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO, CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND EMBRACED THEREIN AND RESERVING THE SAME FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 375, series of 1953, which established the EDCOR Farm Reservation situated in the municipality of Kapatagan, province of Lanao, Island of Mindanao, certain parcels of land embraced therein and reserve the same for school site purposes under the administration of the Director of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, which parcels of land are more particularly described, to wit: "Lot 578, Kapatagan Pls-35 (The Municipal Government of Kapatagan) “A parcel of land (lot 5718 of Kapatagan PLS-35), situated in the municipality of Kapatagan, province of Lanao. Bounded on the NE., by national highway; on the SE, by lot 577, Kapatagan PLS-35; on the SW., by lot 576, Kapatagan PLS-35; and on the NW., by lot 579, Kapatagan PLS-35. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 11° 17' E, 824.06: meters from B.L.L.M. 20, Kapatagan PLS-35, thence S. 44° 24' E., 156.44 meters to point 2; thence S. 48° 20' W., 252.12 meters to point 3; thence. N. 42° 57' W., 150.36 meters to point 4; thence N. 46° 58' E., 248.09 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 38,350 square meters more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; declination 1° 43' E; date of survey. May 17, 1940 and that of the approval, December 2, 1954. “Lot 579, Kapatagan PLS-35 (The Municipal Government of Kapatagan) “A parcel of land (lot 579 of Kapatagan PLS-35), situated in the municipality of Kapatagan, province of Lanao. Bounded on the NE, by national highway; on the SE, by lot 578, Kapatagan PLS-35; on the SW., by lots 576 and 575, Kapatagan PLS-35; and on the NW., by Koad. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being 11° 17' E., 824.06 meters from B.LL.M. 20, Kapatagan PLS-35, thence S. 46° 58' W., 248.09 meters to point 2; thence N. 43° 57' W., 58.85 meters to point 3; thence N. 65° 17' W., 77.79 meters to point 4; thence N. 44° 56' E, 280.19 meters to point 5; thence S. 42° 25' E, 140.75 meters to point of beginning; containing an area of 35,095 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; declination 1° 43' E, date of survey, May 17, 1940 and that of the approval, December 2, 1954.” IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 14th day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(4), 1768-1769. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 146 RESERVING FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF MANDATE, PROVINCE OF CEBU, ISLAND OF CEBU Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for school site purposes under the administration of the Director of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the municipality of Mandaue, province of Cebu, Island of Cebu, and more particularly described, to wit: “MR-1068 (The Municipal Government of Mandaue) “A parcel of land (as shown on plan Mr-1068, GL.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the Poblacion, municipality of Mandaue, province of Cebu. Bounded on the NE., by properties of Angel Gonzaga, EmUiano Barte, Patricia Mendoza, Beatriz C. Mendoza and Lorenzo Cabahug, municipal road and properties of Marcelina F. Avancena and the Municipal Government of Mandaue (school site) and Plaridel Street; on the SE, and SW., by public land; and on the NW., by Mandaue Causeway and property of Marcelina F. Avancena. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 43° 03' E, 309.08 from B.L.L.M. 1, Municipality of Mandaue, Cebu, thence S. 33° 46' “W., 149.83 meters to point 2; thence N. 69° 06' W., 267.39 meters to point 3; thence N. 33° 53' E, 110.21 meters to point 4; thence N. 66° 38' E, 156.54 meters to point 5; thence N. 27° 21' E, 27.58 meters to point 6; thence S. 70° 43' E, 18.62 meters to point 7; then S. 63° 05' E, 22.22. meters to point 8; thence S. 85° 54' E, 69.96 meters to point 9; thence S. 66° 13' E, 8.85 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 31,150 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 3 and 4, by spikes on crosses on concrete pavement; point 6, by old P. L S. concretemonument and points 7 and 8, by wooden posts; and the rest, by B. L concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 1° 02' E, date of survey, November 22-24, 1954 and that of the approval, January 28, 1955.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. The public order in the City of Bacolod so requiring, I hereby order the Provincial Commander of the Philippine Constabulary of Negros Occidental, or his duly authorized representatives, to seize any stock ofpalay, rice, com, building or constmction materials, and articles of prime necessities of life specified in the last accompanying this proclamation when they are concealed or hoarded for purposes of speculation or profiteering by any owner or dealer thereofin excess ofhis reasonable needs for business or for subsistence. The articles so seized shall be delivered to the representatives of the Price Stabilization Corporation (PRISCO) in the City of Bacolod, to be sold and disposed of to the public in accordance with law and the proceeds of the sale at legal price shall be reimbursed to the respective owners thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 16th day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Reference: list of other prime necessities of life included in the proclamation of the existence of a state of public calamity in the City of Bacolod issued on April 16, 1955. Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republicof the Philippines, 51(4), 1768-1769. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 147 PROCLAIMING THE EXISTENCE OF PUBUC CALAMITY IN THE CITY OF BACOLOD AND DECLARING IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT THEREIN THE PROVISIONS OP ACT NO. 4164 WHEREAS, a fire of great magnitude recently destroyed a considerable portion of the City of Bacolod and the catastrophe has caused not only death and destmction but also lawless violence, looting, and sufferings among the populace due to scarcity of articles of prime necessities of life; and WHEREAS, such a state of things demands that effective measures be taken immediately to cope with the resulting emergency; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers conferred upon me by Act No. 4164 of the former Philippine Legislature, entitled “An Act to prevent the excessive increase in the prices of certain prime necessities of life on the occasion of a public calamity, penalizing the violation thereof, and for other purposes,’’ do hereby proclaim that a public calamity Resulting from destmction by fire exists in the City of Bacolod and declare in fuU force and effect therein the Provisions of said Act No. 4164, which prohibits and penalizes the hoarding of palay, rice, com, building or constmction materials, and the other prime necessities of life specified in the list accompanying this proclamation and folding them out for sale or selling themat prices higher by twenty -five per cent or more over and above the average current local price of such commodities one month previous co occurrence of the disaster above mentioned. The public order in the City of Bacolod so requiring, I hereby order the Provincial Commander of the Philippine Constabulary of Negros Occidental, or his duly authorized representatives, to seize any stock of palay, rice, com, building or constmction materials, and articles of prime necessities of life specified in the list accompanying this proclamation when they are concealed or hoarded for purposes of speculation or profiteering by any owner or dealer thereof in excess of his reasonable needs for business or for subsistence. The articles so seized shah be delivered to the representatives of the Price Stabilization Corporation (PRISCO) in the City of Bacolod, to be sold and disposed of to the public in accordance with law and the proceeds of the sale at legal price shall be reimbursed to the respective owners thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 16th day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Reference: list of otherprime necessities of life included in the proclamation of theexistence of a stateof public calamity in the City ofBacolod issued on April 16, 1955. Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(4), 1771-1773. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 148 RESERVING FOR PROVINCIAL LIBRARY SITE PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE CITY OF TACLOBAN Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for provincial library site purposes under the administration of the province of Leyte, subject to private rights, if any there be, certain parcels of the public domain situated in the City of Tacloban and more particularly described, to wit: “Lot 2-A, Bsd-10927 (The Provincial Government of Leyte) “A parcel of land (lot 2-A of the subdivision plan, Bsd-10927, being a portion of lot 2 described on plan Bsd-10713, GL.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the Poblacion, municipality of Tacloban, province of Leyte. Bounded on the NE., by lot 2-D of the subdivision plan; on the SE, by lots 2-C and 2-B of the subdivision plan; and on the SW., and NW., by lot 2-D of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 44° 07' W., 320.07 meters from B.L.L.M. 1, municipality of Tacloban, Leyte, thence S. 39° 39' E, 20.00 meters to point 2; thence N. 50° 39' W., 35.00 meters to point 3; thence N. 39° 39' E, 40.00 meters to point 4; thence S. 50° 39' E 35.00 meters to point 5; thence S. 39° 29' W., 20.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 1,400 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. cylindrical concrete monuments. Bearings tme; declination 1° 30' E; date of the original survey, January 17, 1912 and that of the subdivision survey, September 9, 1952. “Lot 2-B, Bsd-10927 (The Provincial Government of Leyte) “A pared of land (lot 2-B of the subdivision plan, Bsd-10927, being a portion of lot 2 described on plan Bsd-10713, G.L.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the Poblacion, municipality of Tacloban, province of Leyte. Bounded on the NE., by lot 2-C of the subdivision plan; on the SE, by lot 1, Bsd-10713; on the SW., by lot 2-D of the subdivision plan; and on the NW., by lot 2-A of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 44° 07' W., 32a07 meters from B.LL.M. 1, municipality of Tacloban, Leyte, thence S. 50° 39' E, 15.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 39° 39' W., 20.00 meters to point 3; thence N. 50° 39' W., 15.00 meters to point 4; thence N. 39° 39' E, 20.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 300 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B.L cylindrical concrete monuments except point 3 by oldpoint. Bearings tme; declination 1° 30' E; date of the original survey, January 17, 1912 and that of the subdivision survey, September 9, 1952. “Lot 2-C, Bsd-10927 (The Provincial Government of Leyte) “A parcel of land (lot 2-C of the subdivision plan, Bsd-10927, being a portion of lot 2 described on plan Bsd-19713, G.L.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the Poblacion, municipality of Tacloban, province of Leyte. Bounded on the NE., by lot 2-D of the subdivision plan; on the SE, by lot 1, Bsd-10713; on the SW., by lot 2-B of the subdivision plan; and on the NW., by lot 2-A of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 44° 07' W., 320.07 meters from B.L.L.M. 1, municipality of Tacloban, Leyte, thence N. 39° 39' E, 20.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 50° 39' E., 15.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 39° 3,9' W., 20.00 meters to point 4; thence N. 50° 39' W., 15.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 300 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B.L. cylindrical concrete monuments except point 3 by old comer. Bearings tme; declination 1° 30' E; date of the original survey, January 17, 1912 and that of the subdivision survey, September 9, 1952.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 16th day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(4), 1773-1774. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 149 AMENDING PROCLAMATION NO. 204, DATED DECEMBER 28, 1928, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE TOWN SITE OF MAKAR, SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF BUAYAN, PROVINCE OF COTABATO, BY CORRECTING THE TIE UNE AND BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OP THE LAND APPEARING THEREIN Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby amend Proclamation No. 204 dated December 28, 1928, by correcting the tie line and boundary description of the land embraced therein to read as follows: Lot 1, TS-50 “A parcel of land (lot 1 as shown on plan Ts-50, G.L.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Makar, municipal District of Buayan, province of Cotabato, island of Mindanao. Bounded on the NE., by properties of Olarte Hermanos y Cia and Tumas (Moro); and SUuay River; on the SE, by Sarangani Bay and lot 3 of plan Ts-50; on the SW., by lot 3 of plan Ts-50, lot 1 of plan 11-1315 and property of Olarte Hermanos y Cia.; and on the NW., by property of Olarte Hermanos y Cia. The property of the Provincial Government of Cotabato (school site under Er- 123) is entirely surrounded by this lot. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 50° 07' E, 200.02 meters from B.L.L.M. 1, Makar, thence N. 39° 53' W., 300.00 meters to point 2; thence N. 50° 09' E, 200.15 meters to point 3; thence N. 50° 07' E, 200.16 meters to point 4; thence N. 32° 03' W., 398.66 meters to point 5; thence N. 55° 41' E., 199.93 meters to point 6; thence N. 55° 41' E., 200.00 meters to point 7; thence S. 31° 58' E., 190.03 meters to point 8; thence N. 54° 57' E., 324.73 meters to point 9; thence S. 38° 58' E., 589.82 meters to point 10; thence S. 51° 29' “W., 152.03 meters to point 11; thence N. 89° 03' W., 148.66 meters to point 12; thence S. 0° 52' W., 198.76 meters to point 13; thence S. 88° 29' E, 152.56 meters to point 14; thence N. 0° 15' W., 200.29 meters to point 15; thence N. 51° 29' E, 152.03 meters Ito point 16; thence S. 76° 43' E, 35.16 meters to point 17; thence S. 6° 01' E, 56.42 meters to point 18; thence S. 56° 02' E, 114.26 meters to point 19; thence S. 42° 38' E, 102.38 meters to point 20; thence S. 36° 04' W., 300.46 meters to point 21; thence S. 28° 54' E, 48.09 meters to point 22; thence S. 28° 15' W., 465.01 meters to point 23; thence S. 42° 26' W., 319.34 meters to point 24; thence N. 38° 39' W., 191.52 meters to point 25; thence S. 46° 17' W., 204.56 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 893,833 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1, 2, 5, 6, 8 and 9, by old B.L.concrete monuments; points 3, 4 and 5 by old P.L.S. concrete monu- ments; points 10 to 16, inclusive, and 25, by B.L. concrete monuments ; point 21, by stump; point 23, by concrete monument of Triangulation Station C. & G. S.; point 24, by P.LS. concretemonuments; the rest, by stakes; and points 17 to 24, incluisve are along the coast of Sarangani Bay; bearings tme; declination 1° 57' E.,; date of survey, August 19-22, 1927 and that of the approval, Eebmary 1, 1928.” IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 16th day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(4), 1775-1776. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 150 RESERVING FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE BARRIO OF SAGUING, MUNICIPAUTY OF KIDAPAWAN, PROVINCE OF COTABATO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for school site purposes under the administration of the Director of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain, otherwise described as lot No. 79, Block No. 4, Case 1, Pls-60, situated in the barrio of Saguing, Municipality of Kidapawan, Province ofCotabato, Island of Mindanao. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 16th day of April, in the year of Our Loud, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(4), 1776-1776. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 151 RESERVING FOR BUILDING SITE PURPOSES OF THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL RED CROSS A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE CITY OF BAGUIO. Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and pursuant to the provisions of section 72 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for building site purposes under the administration of the Philippine National Red Cross, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the City of Baguio and more particularly described, to wit: “Lot 94, Baguio Townsite (Philippine National Red Cross) “A parcel of land (lot 94 of Baguio Townsite), situated in the Business Section C, City of Baguio. Bounded on the NE., by street; on the SE, by lot; 93, Baguio Townsite; on the SW., by Harrison Road; and on the NW., by lot 95, Baguio Townsite. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 63° 54' W., 190.95 meters IfomB.L. 34, Baguio Townsite, thence N. 45° 00' W., 16.00 meters to point 2; thence N. 44° 47' E, 23.94 meters to point 3; thence S. 45° 05' E, 16.03 meters to point 4; thence S. 44° 52' W., 23.96 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 383 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1 and 4, by edge of concrete wall; point 2, by old B. L. cylindrical concrete monument; and point 3, by iron pipe; bearings tme; declination (D° 05' E.; date of survey, June 23-26, 1954 and that of the approval, Febmary 16, 1955.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 21st day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(4), 1777-1778. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 152 RESERVING FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE BARRIO OF MAYBATO, MUNICIPALITY OF SAN lOSE, PROVINCE OF ANTIQUE, ISLAND OF PANAY Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources: and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for school site purposes under the administration of the Director of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, certain parcels of the public domain situated in the barrio of Maybato, municipality of San Jose, province of Antique, island of Panay, and more particularly described, to wit: “Lot 3953, San Jose Cadastre 216 (The Municipal Government of San Jose) “A parcel of land (lot 3953 of the cadastral survey of San Jose, GL.R.O. cadastral Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Maybato, municipality of San Jose, province of Antique. Bounded on the NE., by lot 3836 of San Jose cadastre; on the SE, by lot 3954 of San Jose cadastre; on the SW., by provincial road; and on the NW., by lot 1796 of San Jose Cadastre. Beginning’ at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 49° 05' W., 1,013.84 meters from B.B.M. 9, San Jose Cadastre; thence N. 21° 12' W., 13.28 meters to point 2; thence N. 68’° 25' E, 60.94 meters to point 3; thence S. 34° 33' E, 11.18 meters to point 4; thence S. 66° 17' W., 63.58 meters to the point ofbeginning; containing an area of 754 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings true; declination 1° 31' E.; date of survey, January 29, 1926. “Lot 3957, Sun Jose Cadastre. 216 (The Municipal Government of San Jose) “A parcel of land (lot 3957 of the cadastral survey of San Jose, G.L.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Maybato, municipality of San Jose, province of Antique. Bounded on the NE., by lot 3962 of San Jose Cadastre; on the SE, by lot 3962 of San Jose Cadastre; on the SIW., by lot 3965 of San Jose Cadastre;’ and on the NW., by lot 3955 of San Jose Cadastre. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 49° 41' W., 937.52 meters from B.B.M. 9, San Jose Cadastre; thence N. 30° 31' W., 20.14 meters to point 2; thence N. 56° 23' E, 17.84 meters to point 3; thence S. 25° 14' E., 12.95 meters to point 4; thence S. 39° 47' E., 9.03 meters to point 5; thence S. 61° 42' W., 18.09 meters to the point ofbeginning; containing an area of 362 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; declination 1° 31' E; date of survey, January 29, 1926.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the PhiUppines to be affixed. Done in the City of ManUa, this 21st day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the PhUippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(4), 1778-1779. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 153 RESERVING FOR CEMETERY SITE PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE BARRIO OF TINIGUIBAN, MUNICIPAUTY OF CALAUAG, PROVINCE OF QUEZON, ISLAND OE LUZON Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for cemetery site purposes under the administration of the municipality of Calauag, subject to private rights, if any there be, certain parcels of the public domain situated in the barrio of Tiniguiban, municipality of Calauag, province of Quezon, island of Luzon, and more particularly- described, to wit: “Lot 1, Mr-1070 (Cemetery Site) “A parcel of land (lot 1 as shown, on plan Mr-1070, GL.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the Barrio of Tiniguiban, municipality of Calauag, province of Quezon. Bounded on the N., E, S. and W., by barrio road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 66° OF E, 970.26 meters from B.L.L.M. 100, Calauag Pls-45, thence S. 0° 57' E, 25.04 meters to point 2; thence N. 89° 26' W., 20.35 meters to point 3; thence S^ 89° 41' W., 20.04 meters to point 4; thence !N. 89° 53' W., 19.79 meters to point 5; thence S. 89° 19' W., 20.25 meters to point 6; thence N. 89° 33' W., 19.38 meters to point 7; thence N. 1° IF W., 25.10 meters to point 8; thence N. 0° 39' E, 24.80 meters to point 9; thence’N. 89° 58' E, 20.10 meters to point 10; thence N. 89° 53' E, 20.10 meters to point 11; thence N. 89° 53' E, 20.12 meters to point 12; thence S. 89° 56' E, 19.38 meters to point 13; thence N. 89° 53' E, 19.30 meters to point 14; thence S. 0° 30' E, 25.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 4,979 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; declination 0° 52' E; date of the original survey, July 29, 1953-December 31, 1936. “Note: Lot 1 is a consolidation of lots 5388 to 5397 of Calauag Public Lands Subdivision Pls-45. “Lot 2, Mr-1070 (Cemetery Site) “A parcel of land (lot 2 as shown on plan Mr- 1070, G.L.E.Q. Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Tiniguiban, municipality of Calauag, province of Quezon. Bounded on the N., E, S. and W., by barrio road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 66° 59' E, 855.08 meters from B.L.L.M. 100, Calauag Pls-45, thence N. 0° 43' E, 24.69 meters to point 2; thence N. S9° 58' E, 19.88 meters to point 3; thence N. 89° 50' E, 20.02 meters to point 4; thence N. 89° 43' E, 19.71 meters to point 5; thence N. 89° 55' E, 19.9$ meters to point 6; thence due east, 20.12 meters to point 7; thence S. 0° 49' E, 24.93 meters to point 8; thence S. 0° 37' E, 25.04 meters to point 9; thence S. 89° 51' W., 20.10 meters to point 10; thence S. 89° 38' W., 19.95 meters to point 11; thence S. 89° 53' W., 19.78 meters to point 12; thence due west, 20.03 meters to point 13; thence N. 89° 48' W., 19.90 meters to point 14; thence N. 1° 54' W., 25.24 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 5,003 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; declination 0° 52' E, date of the original survey, July 29, 1935 — December 31, 1936. “Note: Lot 2 is a consolidation of lots 5338 to 5347 of Calauag PubUc Lands Subdivision Pls-45.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 21st day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(4), 1779. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 154 PRESCRIBING QUAUFICATIONS IN THE SELECTION OF TRAINEES TO BE CALLED FOR MIUTARY TRAINING Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of National Defense and pursuant to the provisions of section 55 of the National Defense Act (Commonwealth Act No. 1), I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby require that eligibility for trainee instmction for any period beginning with the year nineteen hundred and fifty-five be limited to those registrants who are able-bodied, free from disease, of good moral character and habits, of average intelligence and who have finished at least the primary course of instmction in any school of recognized standing. In the fulfillment of this requirement, the drawing provided for in section 56 of the National Defense Act shall continue until the desired quota for trainee instmction in any particular calendar year is filled. This Proclamation supersedes Proclamation No. 255 dated May 26, 1951. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 2nd day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(5), 2284. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 155 DECLARING THE FIFTH DAY OF MAY OF EVERY YEAR AS AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE DAY AND CREATING A COMMITTEE TO TAKE CHARGE OF THE OBSERVANCE THEREOF In order to give impetus to agricultural science which will undoubtedly accelerate Philippine progress and prosperity, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the fifth day of May of every year as Agricultural Science Day to be observed throughout the country, particularly in schools, colleges and universities, with appropriate ceremonies. The following are hereby designated members of a committee which is hereby created to take charge of the observance ofAgricultural Science Day: The Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources Chairman The Secretary of Education Member The Dean, College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines Member The President, Central Luzon Agricultural College Member The Dean, Araneta Institute of Agriculture Member The President, Philippine Association of Agriculturists Member IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 2nd day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(5), 2284-2285. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 156 DESIGNATING THE PERIOD FROM lULY 1 TO AUGUST 14, 1955, AS THE PERIOD FOR THE NATIONAL FUND CAMPAIGN OF THE BOY SCOUTS OF THE PH ni PPTNFS IN PLACES OUTSIDE OF GREATER MANILA WHEREAS, the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, a public corporation created under Commonwealth Act No. lU for the purpose of promoting the character development and citizenship training of the youth of the land, has more than amply demonstrated that it merits the continued moral encouragement and material support of our people and that there is a great need for this organization to make the Scouting Program available to the thousands of boys all over the Philippines; WHEREAS, said organization is in need of funds to carry on its operations effectively, to intensify its nationwide training and recmiting program so that the great number of boys of Scout age seeking admission into the organization may be enrolled, to plan and promote other programs of activity for the greater benefit of its members, and to meet its obligations as a member of the Boy Scouts International Bureau; and WHEREAS, the annual campaign, aside from offering us an opportunity to give tangible ejqrression of our appreciation for the good work being done by the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, also affords a means by which we can meet a civic obligation by helping this organization train and mould every boy in the land to be a patriotic. God- fearing, upright, clean and responsible citizen; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby designate and set aside the period from July 1 to August 14, 1955, for the Boy Scouts of the Philippines to conduct its 1955 Fund Campaign in the provinces and territories outside of Greater Manila and raise funds for the attainment of its avowed aims and pur- poses. I call upon aU government officials and employees and all citizens and residents of the Philippines outside of Greater Manila to assist in this campaign to give it their entire support so that the Boy Scouts of the Philippines may be assured of funds that will enable it to carry on its work and administer its program to as many of our boys of Scout age as possible. I also authorize all national authorities and teachers to accept, for the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, fund-raising responsibilities and urge them to give active support and leadership in their respective communities . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 2nd day of May , in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(5), 2285-2286. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 157 RESERVING FOR SETTLEMENT PURPOSES EOR DISPLACED SETTLERS OE AMBUKLAO, BOKOD, SUB-PROVINCE OE BENGUET, MOUNTAIN PROVINCE, CERTAIN PARCELS OE THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED PARTLY IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OP BAMBANG, PROVINCE OP NUEVA VIZCAYA AND PARTLY IN THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OP KIANGAN, SUB-PROVINCE OP IFUGAO, MOUNTAIN PROVINCE Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, hereby reserve for settlement purposes for displace settlers of Ambuklao, Bokod, Sub-province of Benguet, Mountain province, subject to private rights, if any there be, and to future survey and to certain restrictions imposed by the Bureau of Porestry, to wit: 1. There are reserved as timber land in the areas affected herein a strip of 15 meters in width on each side of any public trail therein used as outlet for timber and other forest products, and a strip of 40 meters in width fromthe highest bank on each side of any streambank protection; and 2. The utilization of forest products existing in the areas affected herein shall remain to be subject to the Porest and Internal Revenue Laws and Regulations, and the present licensees, or future holders of licenses which may be granted by the Director of Porestry covering such areas that may be occupied under the authorization of the Director of Lands, for purposes of such, utilization of the existing forest products thereof, and also shall have the right to constmct and. maintain logging’ trails and roads within the concessions as timber outlets . certain parcels of the public domain, situated partly in the municipality of Bambang, province of Nueva Vizcaya, and partly in the municipal district of Kiangan, sub-province of Ifugao, Mountain province, island of Luzon and more particularly described as follows: “A parcel of land (the proposed AUay Valley Reservation), situated in the municipality of Bambang, province of Nueva Vizcaya. Bounded on the N., by Salinas, River; on the E, by Porest Reserve; on the S. and W., by Porest Reserve; and on the NW., by Salinas River. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan, being S. 29° W., 960.00 meters from B.LL.M. 1, Salinas, Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya, thence S. 79° E, 275,00 meters to point 2; thence N. 87° E, 220.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 44° W., 70.00 meters to point 4; thence S. 46° W., 175.00 meters to point 5; thence S. 23° W. 200.00 meters to point 6; thence S. 24° E, 250.00 meters to point 7; thence S. 19° W., 250.00 meters to point 8; thence S. 9° W., 175.00 meters to point 9; thence S. 45° W., 150.00 meters to point 10; thence SI 35° W., 250.00 meters to point 11; thence N. 20° W., 150.00 meters to point 12; thence N. 44° W., 275.00 meters to point 13; thence N. 64° W., 200.00 meters to point 14; thence S. 34° N., 200.00 meters to point 15; thence S. 29° W., 70.00 meters to point 16; thence S. 7° E, 175.00 meters to point 17; thence S. 10° E, 200.00 meters to point 18; thence S. 15° E, 200.00 meters to point 19; thence . S. 14° W., 180.00 meters to point 20; thence S. 16° W., 250.00 meters to point 21; thence S. 13° W., 126.00 meters to point 22; thence S. 26° E, 180.00 meters to point 23; thence S. 14° E, 135.00 meters to point 24; thence S. 69° E, 125.00 meters to point 25; thence S. 24° W., 150.00 meters to point 26; thence S. 81° W., 129.00 meters to point 27; thence N. 36° W., 100.00 meters to point 28; thence N. 12° W., 50.00 meters to point 29; thence N. 13° E, 90.00 meters to point 30; thence N. 13° E, 154.00 meters to point 31; thence N. 29° W., 225.00 meters to point 32; thence N. 38° W., 175.00 meters to point 33; thence N. 66° W., 104.00 meters to point 34; thence N. 45° W., 84.00 meters to point 35; thence N. 8° W., 160.00 meters to point 36; thence N. 38° E, 207.00 meters to point 37; thence N. 4° E, 160.00 meters to point 38; thence due north, 250.00 meters to point 39; thence N. 22° W., 130.00 meters to point 40; thence N. 75° E, 258.00 meters to point .41; thence N. 75° E, 100.00 meters to point 42; thence S. 30° E, 62.00 meters to point 43; thence N. 65° E, 50.00 meters to point 44; thence N. 30° E., 160.00 meters to point 45; thence N. 40° E, 126.00 meters to point 46; thence N. 25° E., 275.00 meters to point 47; thence N. 25° E, 248.00 meters to point 48; thence N. 55° E, 99.00 meters to point 49; thence N. 75° E, 100.00 meters to point 50; thence N. 80° E, 97.00 meters to point 51; thence due east, 59.00 meters to point of beginning; containing an approximate area of 165 hectares, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by trees; bearings tme. “A parcel of land (the Proposed Resettlement by the National Power Corporation for Displaced EamUies), situated in the sitios of Nabanganan, Bugnay and Ayangan, barrio of Lamut, Municipal District of Kiangan, sub-province of Ifugao, Mountain Province. Bounded on the N. and NE. by public forest; on the E, SE. and S., by proposed timberland; on the W., by proposed timberland and project I, block HI; and on the NW., by Payawan Creek, public forest and Masapsaplac Creek. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 50° E, 720.00 meters from B.L.L.M. 1, barrio of Lamut, municipal District of Kiangan, sub-province of Ifugao, Mountain Province, thence following Payawan Creek upstream in a northeasterly direction about 450.00 meters to point 2; thence following Payawan Creek upstream in a northeasterly direction about 480.00 meters to point 3; thence N. 37° E, 280.00 meters to point 4; thence N. 25° E, 390.00 meters to point 5; thence N. 13° E, 220.00 meters to point 6; thence following the Masapsaplac Creek upstream in a northeasterly direction about 450.00 meters to point 7; thence following the Masapsaplac Creek upstream in a northeasterly direction about 600.00 meters to point 8; thence following the Masapsaplac Creek upstream in a northeasterly direction about 700.00 meters to point 9; thence N. 79° E, 440.00 meters to point 10; thence S. 24° E, 310.00 meters to point 11; thence following the Bugnay -Pangea trail in a southeasterly direction about 520.00 meters to point 12; thence S. 76° E, 220.00 meters to point 13; thence S. 19° E, 360.00 meters to point 14; thence S. 30° W., 300.00 meters to point 15; thence S. 21° W., 200.00 meters to point 16; thence S. 8° W., 340.00 meters to point 17; thence S. 25° W., 330.00 meters to point 18; thence S. 77° W., 260.00 meters to point 19; thence S. 45° W., 240.00 meters to point 20; thence S. 52° W., 330.00 meters to point 21; thence S. 58° W., 340.00 meters to point 22; thence following a foot trail in a southwesterly direction about 300.00 meters to point 23; thence N. 80° W., 160.00 meters to point 24; thence following Hadongol Creek upstream, in a northwesterly direction about 280.00 meters to point 25; thence following Banit Creek downstream in a westerly direction about 600.00 meters to point 26; thence S. 37° Vk, 250.00 meters to point 27; thence following Banit Creek downstream in a southwesterly direction about 550.00 meters to point 28; thence following^ Banit Creek downstream in a southwesterly direction about 500.00 meters to point 29; thence following Banit Creek upstream in a northwesterly direction about 200.00 meters to point 80; thence following Bagabag-Kiangan road in a northwesterly direction about 300.00 meters to point 31; thence following Bagabag-Kiangan road in a northwesterly direction about 800.00 meters to point 82; thence following Bagabag-Kiangan road in a northeasterly direction about 700.00 meters to the point of beginning containing an approximate area of 654 hectares, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by trees; bearings tme.” IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 9th day of May , in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(5), 2287-2289. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 158 DESIGNATING THE PERIOD FROM JUNE 1 TO JULY 15, 1955, FOR THE SEVENTH ANNUAL EUND CAMPAIGN OP THE COMMUNITY CHEST OP GREATER MANILA To enable the Community Chest of Greater Manila, through its affiliate agencies, to cany on its community welfare services, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby designate the period from June 1 to July 15, 1955, for its seventh Annual Fund Campaign. I call upon ah residents, firms and organizations in Manila and suburbs to support this campaign and to give generously to the Community Chest of Greater Manila, which unites many campaigns into one yearly appeal. I authorize all government officials and employees, including school authorities and teachers, to accept, for the Community Chest of Greater Manila, fund-raising responsibilities and to give it active support and leadership in their communities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 9th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(5), 2289-2290. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 159 DECLARING MONDAY, MAY 23, 1955, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY IN THE PROVINCES OF SULU, COTABATO, ZAMBOANGA DEL NORTE, ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR, DAVAO, LANAO, BUKIDNON AND PALAWAN AND IN THE CITIES OE ZAMBOANGA, BASILAN, DAVAO, lUGAN AND DANSALAN In connection with the feast of li-Eedil-Eitr, one of the most important holidays for Muslims, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Monday, May 23, 1955, as a special public holiday in the provinces of Sulu, Cotabato, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Davao, Lanao, Bukidnon and Palawan and in the cities of Zamboanga, Basilan, Davao, lUgan and Dansalan. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of ManOa, this 15th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(5), 2290-2291. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 160 RESERVING FOR CERTAIN SPECIFIC PUBUC PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF M’LANG, PROVINCE OF COTABATO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale and settlement and reserve for certain specific public purposes indicated hereunder, under the administration of the municipality of MTang, except the school site and nursery site which shaUbe under the administration of the Director of Public Schools and the Director of Agricultural Extension, respectively, subject to private rights, if any there be, the following parcels of the public domain situated in the municipality of MTang, province of Cotabato, island of Mindanao, and more particularly described as follows: Lot 2014, M’lang Pls-1 16 (The Municipal Government of MTang — Cemetery Site) A parcel of land (lot 2014 of MTang Pls-116), situated in the barrio of Sangat, municipality of MTang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the N., by road; on the E, by lot 2015, MTang Pls-116; on the S., by lot 2016, MTang Pls- 116; and on the W., by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 15° 21' W., 908.54 meters from B.L.L.M. 32, MTang Pls-116; thence S. 0° 06' E, 199.18 meters to point 2; thence N. 89° 51' W., 245.97 meters to point 3; thence N. 0° ’04’ E, 198.58 meters to point 4; thence East, 245.36 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 48,858 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and. are marked on the ground by B.L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, August, 1936 — December 31, 1941 and that of the approval. May 18, 1955. Lot 3852, M’lang Pls-1 16 (The Municipal Government of M’lang — Nursery Site) A parcel of land (lot 3852 of M’lang Pls-116), situated in the municipality of M’lang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the N., by road and M’lang River; on the E, by M’lang River and road; on the S., by road; and on the W., by Quilada M’lang Buluan Tacu-rong Road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 84° 4' W., 1,726.94 meters from B.L.L.M. 32, M’lang Pls-116; thence N. 5° 13' E„ 143.39 meters to point 2; thence N. 5° 34' E. 159.10 meters to point 3; thence S. 75° 12' E., 18.16 meters to point 4; thence S. 9° 17' E., 52.51 meters to point 5; thence S. 76° 03' E, 42.58 meters to point 6; thence S. 83° 18' E, 111.35 meters to point 7; thence S. 0° 05' E, 225.17 meters to point 8; thence N. 88° 58' W., 206.81 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 47,430 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as foUows: points 5 and 6, by stakes; and the rest, by B.L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, August, 1936 — December 31, 1941 and that of the approval. May 18, 1955. Lot 3289, M’lang Townsite Ts-268 (The Municipal Government of M’lang — School Site) A parcel of land (lot 3289 of M’lang Townsite Ts-268, situated in the poblacion, municipality of M’lang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the N., E, S. and W., by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 22° 57' E, 2,033.10 meters from B.L.L.M. 33, M’lang Townsite (Ts-268); thence S. 89° 49' N., 322.23 meters to point 2; thence N. 0° 18' W., 217.00 meters to point 3; thence N. 89° 58' E, 321.37 meters to point 4; thence S. 0° 32' E, 216.13 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 69,690 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B.L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, August 16 — December 31, 1951 and that of the approval. May 18, 1955. Lot 3290, M'lang Townsite Ts-268 (The Municipal Government of MTang — Hospital Site) A parcel of land (lot 3290 of MTang Townsite Ts-268), situated in the Poblacion, municipality of MTang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the N., E, S. and W., by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N”, 23° 44' E., 2,045.27 meters from B.L.LM. 33, MTang Townsite (Ts-268), thence N. 0° 36' W., 99.52 meters to point 2; thence S. 89° 48' E, 215,78 meters to point 3; thence S. 0° IT E, 98.72 meters to point 4; thence S. 89° 59' W., 215.05 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 21,351 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, August 16 — December 31, 1951 and that off the approval. May 18, 1955. Lot 3291, M’lang Townsite Ts-268 (The Municipal Government of MTang — Plaza Site) A parcel of land (lot 3291 of MTang Townsite Ts-268), situated in the poblacion, municipality of MTang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the N., E., S. and W., by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 24° 26' E, 1,990.55 meters from B.L.LM. 33, MTang Townsite (Ts-268), thence East, 215.19 meters to point 2; thence S. 0° 07' W., 98.98 meters to point 3; thence N. 89° 55' W., 214.64 meters to point 4; thence N. 0° 12' W., 98.65 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 21,237 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; decimation 2° 04' E; date of survey, August 16 — December 31, 1951 and that of the approval. May 18, 1955. Lot 3292, M’lang Townsite Ts-268 (The Municipal Government of MTang — Municipal Site) A parcel of land (lot 3292 of MTang Townsite Ts-268), situated in the poblacion, municipality of MTang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the N., E, S. and W., by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 31° 32' E, 1,986.68 meters from B.L.LM. 33, MTang Townsite (Ts-268), thence S. 0° 09' W., 98.83 meters to point 2;; thence N. 89° 53' W., 215.23 meters to point 3; thence N. 0° 01" E, 98.61 meters to point 4; thence S. 89° 56' E, 215.29 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 21,251 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. cyUndrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, August 16 — December 31, 1951 and that of the approval. May 18, 1955. Lot 3293, M’lang Townsite Ts-268 (The Municipal Government of MTang — Park Site) A parcel of land (lot 8293 of MTang Townsite Ts-268), situated in the poblacion, municipality of MTang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the N., E, S. and W., by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 18° 03' E, 1,904.99 meters from B.L.LM. 33, MTang Townsite (Ts-268), thence N. 89° 43' E, 202.68 meters to point 2; thence N. 89° 53' E, 217.38 meters to point 3; thence N. 89° 43' W., 202.86 meters to point 4; thence N. 0° 08' W., 215.34 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 43,871 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. cyUndrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, August 16 — December 31, 1951 and that of the approval. May 18, 1955. Lot 8294, M’lang Townsite Ts-268 (The Municipal Government of MTang — Market Site) A parcel of land (lot 3294 of MTang Townsite Ts-268), situated in the poblacion, municipality of MTang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the N., E, S. and W., by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 41° 14' E, 2,409.94 meters from B.LL.M. 33, MTang Townsite (Ts-268), thence S. 89° 57' E, 229.84 meters to point 2; thence S. 0° 08' E, 98.79 meters to point 3; thence S. 89° 57' W.„ 230.20 meters to point 4; thence N. 0° 11' E., 99.18 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 22,759 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, August 16 — December 31, 1951 and that of the approval. May 18, 1955. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 27th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(6), 2769-2771. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS PROCLAMATION NO. 161 TIESERVING FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN BARRIO MALUNGON, MUNICIPALITY OF BUAYAN, PROVINCE OF COTABATO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for school site purposes under the administration of the Director of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, certain parcels of the public domain situated in barrio Malungon, municipality of Buayan, province of Cotabato, island of Mindanao, and more particularly described, to wit: “Lot-755, Buayan Pls-219 (Buayan School Site) A parcel of land (lot 755. of Buayan Pls-219), situated in the barrio of Malungon, municipality of Buayan, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE. by lots 762, 754 and 1106, Buayan Pls-219; on the SE. and S., by national highway; on the SW., by road; and on the NW., by lot 761, Buayan Pls-219. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 21° 02' W., 1889.26 meters from B.LL.M. 39, Buayan Pls-219, thence S. 38° 29' E, 245.46 meters to point 2; thence S. 20° 25' E, 33.92 meters to point 3; thence S. 59° 23' W., 33.63 meters to point 4; thence S. 83° 33' W., 28.10 meters to point 5; thence N. 63° 46' W., 27.61 meters to point 6; thence N. 87° 04' W., 70.15 meters to point 7; thence S. 77° 24' W., 63.60 meters to point 8; thence S. 4S° 30' W., 30.60 meters to point ;); thence N. 40° 22' W., 312.54 meters to point 10; thence N. 75° 02' E, 253.04 meters to point 11; thence S. 36° 40' E, 51.02 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 70,611 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. by G.I.S. on trees; and the rest, by B.L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, Febmary 21 and 25, June 11-12, 1952. NOTES Lot 1— Lot 755 of Buayan Pls-219.” “Lot 756, Buayan Pls-219 (Buayan School Site.) A parcel of land (lot 756 of Buayan Pls-219), situated in the barrio of Malungon, municipality of Buayan, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE., by road; on the SE. and E, by national highway; on the SW., by forest zone (Municipality of Buayan); and on the NW. by lot 575, Buayan Pls-219. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 38° 38' W. 1,847.04 meters from B.L.LM. 39, Buayan Pls-219, thence N. 49° 25' E, 334.03 meters to point 2; thence S. 39° 31' E, 2D9.12 meters to point 3; thence S. 61° 01' W., 225.11 meters to point 4; thence S. 4° 02' E, 17.17 meters to point 5; thence S. 13° 06' E, 108.27 meters to point 6; thence N. 51° 45' W., 46.68 meters to point 7; thence N. 50° 38' W., 231.48 meters to the point of beginning; ‘containing an area of 61,418 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as foUows : points 3,4, 5 and 6, by G.I.S. on trees; and the rest, by B.L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, Eebmary 21 and 25, June 11-12, 1952. NOTE: Lot 2— Lot 756, Buayan Pls-219.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 30th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette ofthe Republicof the Philippines, 51(6), 2772-2773. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 162 EXTENDING UP TO MAY 31, 1956, THE THRIFT CAMPAIGN DECLARED IN PROCLAMATION NO. 24 DATED MAY 9, 1954 WHEREAS, the period from June 1, 1954, to May 31, 1955, was declared as Thrift Year in Proclamation No. 24 dated May 9, 1954; and WHEREAS, the result of the thrift campaign under the sponsorship of the Bankers Association of the Philippines warrants the extension of the campaign for another year; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby extend up to May 31, 1956, the thrift campaign declared in Proclamation No. 24 dated May 9, 1954. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 31st day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(6), 2113-2114. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 163 RESERVING FOR BULACAN NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL HIGH SCHOOL SITE CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE BUENA VISTA ESTATE, PROVINCE OF BULACAN Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 64(e) of the Revised Administrative Code in relation to section 10 of Commonwealth Act No. 539, 1, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from disposition or settlement and reserve for the site of the Bulacan National Agricultural High School, under the administration of the province of Bulacan, certain portions of the Buenavista Estate, situated in the municipality of San Udefonso, province of Bulacan, more particularly described as follows: Lot 1. Bsd-20234 “A parcel of land (lot 1 of the subdivision plan Bsd-20234, being a portion of lot 2 described on plan Psu-1211 And., G.L.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the poblacion and barrio Pinaod, municipality of San Udefonso-; province of Bulacan, Bounded on the N., E, S. and W., by Buenavista Estate. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S, 70° 50' E, 229.82 meters more or less from B.L.L.M. No. 1, San Udefonso, Bulacan, thence N. 10° 34' W., 20.57 meters to point 2; thence N. 67° 32' E, 3.01 meters to point 8; thence N. 50" 38" E, 107.04 meters to point 4; thence N, 59° 19' E, 19.99 meters to point 5; thence S. 18° 42' E, 25.51 meters to point 6; thence N. 55° 38' E, 149.46 meters to point 7; thence N. 67° 24' E. 149.75 meters to point 8; thence N. 19° 05' E, 8.04 meters to point 9; thence S. 86' 12' E’.s 64.14 meters to point 10; thence N. 8° 36' E, 39.82 meters to point 11; thence N. 6° 11' N., B6.77 meters to point 12; thence S. 88" 02' W., 17.42 meters to point 13; thence N. 28° 13' E, 62.05 meters to point 14; thence N. 44° 02' E, 103,32 meters to point 15; thence N. 60° 02' E, 197.63 meters to point 16; thence N. 79° 57' E, 221.22 meters to point 17; thence ,S. 76° 28' E, 245.83 meters to point 18; thence S. 60° 23' E, 223.04 meters to point 19; thence S. 32° 12' W., 152.19 meters to point 20; thence N. 87° 55' W., 80.39 meters to point 21; thence S. 89° 25' W., 150.68 meters to point 22; thence N. 89° 44' W., 179.57 meters to point 23; thence S. 11° 49' E, 99.99 meters to point 24; thence S. 14° 08' E, 40.03 meters to point 25; thence S. 78° 28' W., 106.73 meters to point 26; thence N. 89° 43' W., 97.49 meters to point 27; thence S. 21° 04' E, 231.80 meters to point 28; thence S. 39° 39' E, 60.24 meters to point 29; thence S, 56° 49' E, 58.91 meters to point 30; thence N. 29° 59' E, 86.32 meters to point 31; thence S. 68° 32' E, 121.63 meters to point 32; thence N. 71° 36' E, 31.81 meters to point 33; thence S. 50° 56' E, 42.38 meters to point 34; thence S. 78° 29' E, 150.48 meters to point 35; thence N. 61° 26' E, 39.17 meters to point 36: thence S. 80° OF E, 75.95 meters to point 37; thence N. 58° 24' E, 103.90 meters to point 38; thence S. 58° 23' E, 195.89 meters to point 39; thence S. 31° IF W., 166.17 meters to point 40; thence S. 30° 36' W., 167.00 meters to point 41; thence N. 87° 47' W., 97.18 meters to point 42; thence N. 58° 09' W., 239.42 meters to point 43; thence N. 56° 49' W., 216.06 meters to point 44; thence S. 31° 26' W., 214.19 meters to point 45; thence N. 72° 28' W., 124.44 meters to point 46; thence N. 72° 56' W., 154.31 meters to point 47; thence N. 13° 35' E, 38.94 meters to point 48; thence N. 77° 16' W., 180.56 meters to point 49; thence N. 77° 26' W., 35.49 meters to point 50; thence N. 74° 12' W., 58.51 meters to point 51; thence N. 5° 55' E, 10.39 meters to point 52; thence N. 82° 07° W., 46.60 meters to point 53; thence S. 23° 29' W., 21.88 meters to point 54; thence N. 76° 08' W., 68.97 meters to point 55; thence N. 21° 19' W., 11.61 meters to point 56; thence N. 73° 14' W., 53.24 meters to point; 57; thence S. 81° 52' W., 48.88 meters to point 58; thence S. 60° 38' W., 31.84 meters to point 59; thence N. 16° 13' W., 89.17 meters to point 60; thence N. 21° 13' W., 12.24 meters to point 61; thence N. 28° 38' W., 18.55 meters to point 62; thence N. 1S° 20' W., 17.99 meters to point 63: thence N. 79° 27 E, 20.86 meters to point 64; thence N. 8° 19' W., 18.74 meters to point 65; thence N. 12° 17' W., 9.31 meters to point 66; thence N. 7" OF W., 9.33 meters to point 67; thence N. 2° 14' W., 12.62 meters to point 68; thence N. 7° 39' W., 41.04 meters to point 69; thence N. 18° 59' W., 20.28 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 786,047 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground, by old points . Lot 2, Bsd-20234 “A parcel of land (lot 2 of the subdivision plan Bsd-20234, being a portion of lot 2 described on plan Psu-1211 Amd., G.L.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the Poblacion, municipality of San Udefonso, provnice of Bulacan. Bounded on the N., E, S., and W., by Buenavista Estate. Beginning’ at a. point marked 1 on plan, being S. 62° 04' E. 1,154.32 meters more or less from B.LL.M. No. 1, San Udefonso, Bulacan. thence S. 30° 44' W., 214.98 meters to point 2; thence S. 71° 18' W., 250.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 71° 10' W., 152,33 meters to point 4; thence S. 71° 14' W., 98.52 meters to point 5; thence N. 19° 37' W., 232.96 meters to point 6: thence N. 17° 16' W., 219.28 meters to point 7; thence N. 83° 38' E, 158.05 meters to point 8; thence N. 86° 15' E, 120.76 meters to point 9; thence N. 24° 26' E, 29.97 meters to point 10; thence S. 72° 56' E, 172.40 meters to point 11; thence S. 71° 07' E, 46.64 meters to point 12; thence S. 72° 48' E, 97.78 meters to point 13; thence S. 73° 02' E, 141.21 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 213,953 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by Old Points . Lot 3, Bsd “A parcel of land (lot 3 of the subdivision plan Bsd , being a portion of lot 2, described on plan Psu-1211 Amd., G.L.RO. Record No. ), situated in the barrio of Pinaod, municipality of San Udefonso, province of Bulacan. Bounded on the N., S. and W., by Buenavista Estate and on the SE, by Manila railroad. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 62° 04' E, 1,154.32 meters from B.LL.M. 1, municipality of San Udefonso, Bulacan; thence N. 31° 34' E, 25.15 meters to point 2; thence N. 31° 26' E, 214.19 meters to point 3; thence S. 56° 49' E, 216.06 meters to point 4; thence S. 58° 09' E, 239.42 meters to point 5; thence S. 87° 47' E, 97.18 meters to point 6; thence S. 30° 36' E, 167.00-meters to point 7; thence N. 31° 11' Eg 166.17 meters to point 18; thence N. 58° 23' W., 195.89 meters to point 9; thence N. 44° 30' E, 40.00 meters to point 10; thence N. 31° 10' E, 276.J6 meters to point 11; thence N. 58° 48' W., 350.00 meters to point 12; thence N. 32° 12' E, 105.00 meters to point 13; thence N. 31° 00' E, 57.00 meters to point 1’4; thence S. 58° 51' E, 1,029.86 meters to point 15; thence S. 40° 19' E, 123.24 meters to point 16; thence S. 50° 00' W., 215.00 meters to point 17; thence N. 40° 00' W., 15.00 meters to point 18; thence S. 50° 00' W., 350.00 meters to point 19; thence S. 40° 00' E, 5.00 meters to point 20; thence S. 50° 00' W., 190.00 meters to point 21; thence S. 40° 00' E, 7.00 meters to point 22; thence S. .50° 00' W., 4.88 meters to point 23; thence S. 49° 08' W., 31.2.6 meters to point 24; thence S. 47° 24' W., 31.27 meters to point 25; thence S. 45° 40' W., 31.27 meters to point 26; thence S. 43° 56' W., 31.26 meters to point 27; thence S. 42° 12' W., 31.28 meters to point 28; thence S. 40° 28' W., 31.27 meters to point 29; thence .S. 39° 15' W., 13.83 meters to point 30; thence S. 51° 10' E, 3.00 meters to point 31; thence S. 38° 22' W., 17.38 meters to point 32; thence S. 37° 00' W., 31.18 meters to point 33; thence S. 35° 16' W., meters to point 34; thence S. 33° 32' W., 31.18 meters to point 35; thence S. 31° 48' W. 31.18 meters to point 36; thence S. 30° 04' W., 31.17 meters to point 37; thence S. 28° 20' W., meters to point 38; thence S. 26° 36' W., 31.18 meters to point 39; thence S. 24° 52' W., 31.17 meters to point 40; thence S. 23° 08' W., 31.18 meters to point 41; thence S. 21° 12' W., 37.78 meters to point 42; thence S. 20° 10' W., 5.00 meters to point 43; thence N. 58° 45' W., 869.46 meters to point 44; thence N. 30° 44' E, 211.98 meters to point of beginning; containing an area of 921,605 square meters, more or less. (Subject to adjustment in the final survey). This reservation is subject to the private rights of the individuals to whom portions of the site are leased who shah be compensated by the Government of Bulacan Province for their leasehold rights and improvements thereon and to the condition that the province of Bulacan shah reimburse the Bureau of Lands the cost of the land hereby reserved. fN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 8th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(6), niA-nn. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 164 RESERVING A PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN FOR AGRICULTURAL SETTLEMENT PURPOSES OF THE CAMARINES SUR AGRICULTURAL HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI, SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITIES OF CARAMAON, LAGONOY AND TINAMBAC, PROVINCE OF CAMARINES SUR, ISLAND OF LUZON Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby reserve for agricultural settlement purposes of the alumni of the Camarines Sur Agricultural High School, subject to private rights, if any there be and to future classifications and final survey and to such conditions and restrictions as may be imposed in accordance with the Forest Laws and Regulations, the following parcel of land, excluding such portions thereof already classified and certified as alienable and disposable or timber lands and such others as may be segregated and delimited by the Bureau of Forestry as timber lands under its control and administration, of the public domain situated in the Municipalities of Caramoan, Lagonoy and Tinambac, Proince of Camarines Sur, Island of Luzon, particularly and technically described on the Bureau of Forestry Map CR-22. to wit: Beginning from comer 1, a piU tree, which is N. 23° W., about 21,400 meters more or less from B.LL.M. No. 1, municipality of Lagomoy, Camarines Sur, identical to comer 10 of block n, Camarines Sur Land Classification Project No. 2-B; thence S; 13° 15' W., 5,300 meters to comer 2, a point at the junction of Quinstongan Creek and a small creek; thence following Quinatongan Creek downstream in a general northwesterly direction about 2,935 meters to comer 3, a point at the junction of Tambang River and Absayan Creek; thence N. 68° W., 3,450 meters to comer 4, a point at the junction of Lansonganan River and a logging railroad; thence following logging railroad in a generally northeasterly direction about 2,1700 meters to comer 5, a point along the logging railroad; thence N. 89° E, 500 meters to comer 6, a point at the junction of Caramoan River and small creek; thence following Caramoan River downstream in a general easterly direction about 1,575 meters to comer 7, a point at the junction of Tambang River and Caramoan River thence following Tambang River downstream in a general northeasterly direction about 8,100 meters to comer 8, which is identical to comer 98 of F. C. T.-23-1; thence following Coastal lines in a general northeasterly direction and southeasterly direction about 39,760 meters to comer 9, a point at the mouth ofHinamag River; thence following Hinamag River upstream in a general southeasterly direction about 3,300 meters to comer 10, a Eugenia sp. tree 25 cm in diameter marked P. Z. 137/50 which is identical to comer 23, BUc. X, alienable and disposable, Camarines Sur Land Classification Project No. 2-B; thence following land classification lines from comers 23-28 of block X, alienable and disposable, Camarines Sur Land Classification Project 2-B about 1,950 meters to comer 11, a Putian tree 20 cm in diameter marked F. Z. 117/100 identical to comer 28. Blocks X, alienable and disposable, Camarines Sur Land Classification Project 2-B; thence S. 25° 00' W., 3,000 meters to comer 12, a point at the junction of Sipaco River and small creek; thence following Sipaco River upstream in a general northwesterly direction about 3,500 meters to comer 13, a point at the junction of Sipaco River and branch creek; thence N. 53° W., 1,900 meters to comer 14, a point at the junction of Sipaco River and Creek; thence N. 36°. W., 1,625 meters to comer 15, a point at the junction of Pinamboran Creek and small creek; thence N. 59° W., 1,000 meters to comer 16, a point at the junction of the Meycawayan River and small creek; thence following Meycawayan Creek downstreams in a general northwesterly direction about 1,350 meters to comer 17, a point at the junction of Olas River and Saguitan creek; thence following Olas River downstream in a general northwesterly direction about 7,050 meters to comer 18, which is identical to comer 99, Camarines Sur F. C. T-2.3-1; thence following land classification lines from comer 4 to comer 10 of bloc n, alienable and disposable, Camarines Sur Land Classification Project 2-B; about 1,250 meters to the point of beginning; containing an approximate area of 6,275 hectares, more or less. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 8th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(6), Till-Til'S,. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 165 MAKING PUBUC THE AGREEMENT FOR FACIUTATING THE INTERNATIONAL CIRCULATION OF VISUAL AND AUDITORY MATERIALS OF AN EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC, AND CULTURAL CHARACTER WHEREAS, an Agreement for Facilitating the International Circulation of Visual and Auditory Materials of an Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Character which was opened for signature at Lake Success from July 15 to December 31, 1949, was signed by the authorized representatives of the Philippines and other countries ; WHEREAS, the Agreement is designed to encourage and promote the mutual understanding of peoples through the free flow of ideas by word or image by facilitating the international circulation of visual and auditory materials of educational, scientific, and culture character; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 93 adopted on May 22, 1952, concurred in the acceptance of the said Agreement in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the Republic of Philippines has accepted the said Agreement and deposited her instmment of acceptance on November 13, 1952 with the Secretary -General of the United Nations; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, have caused the said Agreement, a copy of which is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 13th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(6), 2779. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 166 RESERVING FOR SETTLEMENT PURPOSES UNDER THE ADMINISTRATION AND DISPOSITION OF THE NATIONAL RESETTLEMENT AND REHABIUTATION ADMINISTRATION (NARRA) A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTIES OF STA. INES, SAN LUIS, PROSPERIDAD, TALACOGON, BORBON, AND GUADALUPE, PROVINCE OF AGUSAN, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby reserve for settlement and development purposes, under the administration and control of the National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration (NARRA), subject to private rights, if any there be, and to future classification and survey, and to the condition that the portion affected by public land subdivision project of the Bureau of Lands shall be excluded and that the timber and other forest products therein, as weU as the use and occupancy of the area indicated as timber land or forest reserve, shall remain under the administration and control of the Bureau of Forestry in accordance with the Forest Law and Regulations, a parcel of public domain situated in the municipalities of Guadalupe, Sta. Ines, San Luis, Prosperidad, Talacogon, Borbon, province of Agusan, and more particularly described as follows: Bounded on the NE, by Project No. 21-C, Project No. 40-B and Project No, 12; on the SE, by public land; on the S., by public land and Project No. 1; on the SW., by Project No. 1 and public forest; and on the NW., by public forest. Beginning at a point marked I on sketch plan, thence N. 25° E, 12,000 meters to point 2; thence Ni. 80° E, 12,000 meters to point 3; thence S. 25° E, 12,000 meters to point 4; thence following Borbon-Talacogon trail in a general SW. direction about 16,000 meters to the point of beginning containing an approximate area of 16,440 hectares, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground; bearings tme. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 21st day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines . (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(6), 2780-2781. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 167 RESERVING FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE CITY OF DAVAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions’ of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for school site purposes under the administration of the Director of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the City of Davao, and more particularly described, to wit: Lot 3 117 -A Bsd-10777 (The City of Davao-Sirawan School Site) A parcel -of land (lot 3117-A of the subdivision plan Bsd-10777, being a portion of lot 3117 of the cadastral survey of Davao, GL.R.O. Cadastral Record No , situated in the City of Davao. Bounded on the N. by lot 3117-B of the Subdivision plan; on the E, by national highway; and on the S. and W., by lot 3117-B of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked I on plan, being N. 27° OF W., 964.22 meters IfomB.L.L.M. 33, Davao Cadastre 102., thence S. 7° 55' W., 100,000 meters to point 2; thence N. 82° 05' W., 100.00 meters to point 3: thence N. 7° 55' E, 100.00 meters to point 4; thence S. 82° 05' E., 100.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area, of 10,000 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as foUows: point 1, by old B. L. cylindrical concrete monument: and the rest by B. P. W/D.C.S.M. concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 2° OF E, date of the original survey, February, 1916 — ^Febmary, 1918 and that of the subdivision survey, December 20, 1951. NOTE: Lot2117-A — Lot 3127 of Davao Cadastre 102. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 22nd day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines . (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(6), 2781-2782. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 168 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM AUGUST 24 TO 30, 1955, AS THE “GOLDEN JUBILEE WEEK COMMEMORATING EIETY YEARS OE RED CROSS SERVICE IN THE PHILIPPINES” WHEREAS, 1955 is the fiftieth anniversary of the organization of Red Cross service in the Philippines: WHEREAS, the Philippine Reel Cross has contributed for half a century to the amelioration of suffering, the promotion of health, and the development of national consciousness of humanitarian service among our people; WHEREAS, Red Cross volunteers and workers aU over the country have formed civic groups to work for the proper celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Red Cross service in the Philippines; NOW, THEREFORE I- Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby proclaim the period from August 24 to 30, 1955, as the “Golden Jubilee Week Commemorating Fifty Years of Red Cross Service in the Philippines,” and call upon aU government entities and instmmentalities as well as aU private organizations and individuals to join in making the celebration significant and memorable. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 22nd day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(6), 2782-2783. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 169 AUTHORIZING THE PHILIPPINE TUBERCULOSIS SOCIETY TO CONDUCT A NATIONAL FUND AND EDUCATIONAL DRIVE DURING THE PERIOD FROM AUGUST 19 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1955 WHEREAS, the general public health demands that the Philippine Tuberculosis Society keep up the fight it is effectively waging against tuberculosis which, despite the appreciable progress so far achieved towards its control and prevention, stUl kills close to 30,000 of our people yearly; and WHEREAS, the Society’s cause is decidedly worthy of continued public support, without which the humanitarian work being undertaken by it will be greatly hampered to the detriment of the people’s health and the national welfare; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, do hereby authorize the Philippine Tuberculosis Society to conduct a national fund and educational drive during the period from August 19 to September 30, 1955. I call upon aU citizens and residents of the Philippines, irrespective of nationality or creed, to assist in this humanitarian campaign by giving generously of their means that we may keep this, dreadful disease under control. I authorize aU the treasurers of provincial, city and municipal governments, as well as school officials to accept, for the Philippine Tuberculosis Society, voluntary contributions and donations and issue official receipts therefor. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 27th day of lune, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives 3317. Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(7), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 170 CALLING THE CONGRESS OF THE PHIUPPINES TO A SPECIAL SESSION WHEREAS, the public interest requires that the Congress of the Philippines be convened in a special session in order to consider urgent legislative measures; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby call the Congress of the Philippines to a special session for such number of days as may be necessary, but not to exceed thirty days, commencing at ten o’clock in the morning of the seventh day of July, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, to consider the enactment of the following legislative measures and such others as I may submit: 1. AN ACT DEFINING A LAND TENURE POUCY, PROVIDING FOR AN INSTRUMENTAUTY TO CARRY OUT THE POUCY, APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR ITS IMPLEMENTATION, AND EOR OTHER PURPOSESj^ 2. AN ACT APPROPRIATING EUNDS EOR PUBUC WORKSj^ 3. AN ACT TO AMEND, REPEAL, AND ADD NEW SECTIONS TO REPUBUC ACT NUMBERED EIVE HUNDRED UGHTY, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE HOME FINANCING ACT, TO ENABLE THE HOME EINANCING COMMISSION TO CARRY OUT ITS EUNCTIONS ETEECTIVELY AND TO CORRECT THE DEFICIENCIES OE THE ACT IN ORDER TO MAKE IT MORE RESPONSIVE TO PECUUAR LOCAL NEEDS AND REQUIREMENTS^ 4. AN ACT TO PROVIDE A SOUND BASIS EOR EORUGN CAPITAL INVESTMENT IN THE PHI LIP PINES, PROVIDING EOR THE ADMINISTRATION OE THIS ACT BY THE NATIONAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL, APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL EUNDS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, AND EOR OTHER PURPOSESj^ 5. AN ACT TO AMEND REPUBLIC ACT NUMBERED TWELVE HUNDRED EORTY-EIVE, ENTITLED “AN ACT AMENDING SECTION TWENTY-TWO HUNDRED AND NINETEEN AND ONE-HALF OF THE REVISED ADMINISTRATIVE CODE AND EOR OTHER PURPOSES’’j^ 6. AN ACT TO AMEND REPUBLIC ACT NUMBERED TWELVE HUNDRED^ SKTY-SEVEN, ENTITLED “AN ACT CREATING THE COURT OE AGRARIAN RELATIONS, PRESCRIBING ITS JURISDICTION, AND ESTABUSHING ITS RULES OE PROCEDURES”; 7. AN ACT TO AMEND REPUBLIC ACT NUMBERED ONE HUNDRED UGHTY, AS AMENDED, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE REVISED ELECTION CODE; 8. AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION TWO(K) OE COMMONWEALTH ACT NUMBERED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY, ENTITLED “AN ACT CREATING THE NATIONAL POWER CORPORATION, PRESCRIBING ITS POWERS AND ACTIVITIES, APPROPR1A.TING THE NECESSARY EUNDS THEREFOR, AND RESERVING THE UNAPPROPR1A.TED PUBUC WATERS EOR ITS USE,” AS AMENDED BY SECTION ONE OE REPUBUC ACT NUMBERED THREE HUNDRED EIFTY-UGHT; AND 9. AN ACT TO PROHIBIT THE SO-CALLED NO-DOLLAR IMPORTS EXCEPT UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS. AU persons entitled to sit as members of the Congress of the Philippines are requested to take notice of this proclamation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 1st day of luly, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(7), 3318-3319. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 171 DECLARING FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1955, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOUDAY IN THE PROVINCES OF SULU, COTABATO, ZAMBOANGA DEL NORTE, ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR, DAVAO, LANAO, BUKIDNON, AND PALAWAN AND IN THE CITIES OE ZAMBOANGA, BASILAN, DAVAO, lUGAN, AND DANSALAN In connection with the feast of HT Aduha (Eeast of Sacrifice), of the Muslims, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Eriday, July 29, 1955, as a special public holiday in the provinces of Sulu, Cotabato, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Davao, Lanao, Bukidnon, and Palawan and in the cities of Zamboanga, BasUan, Davao, Digan, and Dansalan. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 11th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(7), 3319-3320. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 172 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 387, SERIES OF 1953, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE TOWNSITE RESERVATION SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF DIGOS, PROVINCE OF DAVAO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO, AND DECLARING SO MUCH OE THE PARCEL OR PARGETS OE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN AS HAVE NOT BEEN DISPOSED OE, RESERVED, OR EARMARKED EOR PUBUC PURPOSES OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP CHAPTER K OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT, AS AMENDED BY REPUBUC ACT NO. 730 Upon the recomendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby revoke Proclamation No. 387, series of 1953, which established the townsite reservation situated in the municipality of Digos, province of Davao, island of Mindanao, and declare so much of the parcel or parcels of land embraced therein as have not been disposed of, reserved, or earmarked for public purposes open to disposition under the provisions of Chapter IX of the Public Land Act, as amended by Republic Act No. 730. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 18th day of luly , in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(7), 3320-3321. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 173 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 94 DATED NOVEMBER 20, 1954, AND DECLARING THE PARCEL OR PARGETS OF LAND EMBRACED THEREIN SITUATED IN THE CITY OF DANSALAN OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and pursuant to the provisions of section 88 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, hereby revoke Proclamation No. 94, dated November 20, 1954, and declare the parcel or parcels of land embraced therein open to disposition under the provisions of said Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of July, in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republicof the Philippines, 51(7), 3321. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 174 AMENDING PROCLAMATION NO. 19 DATED MAY 3, 1954, BY REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 372, SERIES OF 1931, AND DECLARING THE PARCEL OR PARGETS OE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OP GINGOOG, PROVINCE OP MISAMIS ORIENTAL, ISLAND OP MINDANAO, OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, T, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby amend Proclamation No. 19 dated May 3, 1954, by revoking Proclamation No. 372, series of 1931, establishing the Lanzon Porest Reserve and declaring the parcel or parcels of land embraced therein situated in the municipality of Gingoog, province of Misamis Oriental, island of Mindanao, open to disposition under the provisions of the Public Land Act. Proclamation No, 541, series of 1940, establishing the Punta Diwata Porest Reserve, which has been revoked by Proclamation No. 19, series of 1954, situated in the same municipality and province is hereby revived. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 2nd day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives 3853. Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(8), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 175 DECLARING FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1955, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY WHEREAS, the seventy-seventh anniversary of the birth of the late President Manuel L. Quezon falls on Friday, August 19, 1955; WHEREAS, it is desirable that the people be afforded fuU opportunity to render homage to the memory of our Ulustrious leader; and WHEREAS, the nineteenth day of August of every year is also Citizenship Day under Proclamation No. 331 dated August 4, 1952; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Friday, August 19, 1955, as a special public holiday. I enjoin the observance of the day with appropriate ceremonies designed to inculcate upon our people, especially the youth, the rights and duties of good citizenship to the end that they will consecrate themselves to the ideals and traditions of our Republic. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 8th day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(8), 3854. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 176 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM AUGUST 19 TO 25, 1955, AS COCONUT INDUSTRY WEEK In order to focus public attention on the coconut industry, one of the piUars of the national economy, and thereby give impetus to its development and to the solution of the problems confronting it, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, do hereby declare the period from August 19 to 25, 1955, as Coconut Industry Week. The Philippine Coconut Administration is hereby designated to take charge of the celebration of the Week. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 8th day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(8), 3854-3855. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 177 FIXING AUGUST 9, 1955, FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF SAN NICOLAS, PROVINCE OFBATANGAS Pursuant to the authority conlerred upon me by section 3 ol Republic Act No. 1229, creating the municipality ol San Nicolas, province ol Batangas, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President ol the Philippines, do hereby fix August 9, 1955, as date for the organization ol the municipal government olthe municipality olSan Nicolas, province ol Batangas. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ol the Republic ol the Philippines to be alfixed. Done in the City ol Manila, this 9th day ol August, in the year ol Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(8), 3855-3856. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 178 CALLING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION TO FILL EXISTING VACANCIES IN THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Whereas, the Senate has certified that a vacancy exists in the Senate due to the election of Senator Carlos P. Garcia as Vice President of the Philippines; and Whereas, the House of Representatives also certified that vacancies exist in the first district of the province of Albay and in the first district of the province of Samar; Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority conferred upon me by section 20 of Republic Act No. 180, known as the Revised Hection Code, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby proclaim and caU special elections shall take place on Tuesday, the eighth day of member of the Senate to fill the unejqtired portion of the vacancy therein; in the first district of the province of Albay and in the first district of the province of Samar for the purpose of electing the members who are to fill the unejqtired portions of the terms of the aforementioned existing vacancies in the House of Representatives, which elections shall take place on Tuesday, the eight day of November, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, to coincide with the general elections for provincial, city, and municipal officials and for eight senators. The provisions of the Revised Hection Code insofar as they are applicable shall be followed in the conduct of the elections herein called. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 10th day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence, of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(8), 3856. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 179 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM SEPTEMBER 1 TO 30, 1955, AND EVERY SEPTEMBER THEREAFTER AS ANTI-RAT CAMPAIGN MONTH WHEREAS, rats are now considered the most destmctive agricultural pest in the Philippines, causing mUlions of pesos worth of damage to almost aU kinds of agricultural crops every year; WHEREAS, rat control should be a responsibility of every citizen of this country; and WHEREAS, a joint and concerted effort of the Government and private citizens: is necessary to bring rat infestation under control; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare the period from September 1 to 30, 1955, and every September thereafter, as Anti-Rat Campaign Month, and authorize and direct barrio, municipal, city, and provincial government officials to sponsor and undertake a thorough anti-rat campaign in their respective communities and to make available their facilities and personnel in the successful prosecution of the objectives of the Anti-Rat Campaign Month. A committee consisting of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources as Chairman and the following as members: Social Welfare Administrator, Undersecretary of Education, Undersecretary of Public Works and Communications, Undersecretary of Health, Chief of Staff, Armed Eorces of the Philippines, the Technical Assistant on Civil Affairs, Office of the President of the Philippines, and such representatives of civic organizations as the Chairman may designate, shall take charge of and coordinate ah activities in connection with the said Anti-Rat Campaign Month. I also urge aU civic organizations and civic-spirited citizens to take the initiative and leadership in sponsoring such activities in their respective communities that will insure the success of the campaign. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 11th day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(8), 3857-3858. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 180 MAKING PUBUC THE CONVENTION ON THE PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES OF THE UNITED NATIONS, FEBRUARY 13, 1946 WHEREAS, a Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations was adopted on Febmary 13, 1946, by the General Assembly of the United Nations; WHEREAS, on December 11, 1946, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted another resolution inviting the Members of the United Nations to accede to the aforesaid Convention at as early a date as possible; WHEREAS, the said Convention fully implements Articles 104 and 105 of the Charter of the United Nations of which the Republic of the Philippines is a signatory, by providing that the Organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members such legal capacities, privileges, and immunities of its purposes, and that representatives of the Members of the United Nations and officials of the Organization shall similarly enjoy such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions in connection with the Organization; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 28 adopted on Febmary 18, 1947, concurred in the accession thereto of the Republic of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the Republic of the Philippines has formally acceded to the said Convention which became effective in respect of the Philippines on October 28, 1947; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsayasy, President of the Philippines, do hereby proclaim and make public the said Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, a copy of which hereto attached, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done in the City of Manila, this 11th day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(8), 3858-3859. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 181 FIXING SEPTEMBER 5, 1955, FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE CITY OF TRECE MARTIRES Pursuant to the authority conlerred upon me by section 42 ol Republic Act No. 981, creating the City ol Trece Martires, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President ol the Philippines, do hereby fix September 5, 1955, for the organization ol the Government ol the City ol Trece Martires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ol the Republic ol the Philippines to be alfixed. Done in the City ol Manila, this 30th day ol August, in the year ol Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(9), 4418. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 182 DECLARING THE THIRD WEEK OE OCTOBER, 1955, ASPUBUC ADMINISTRATION WEEK In order to achieve further efficiency in the public service, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare the third week of October, 1955, as Public Administration Week and designate the Executive Secretary to take charge of and coordinate, all activities in the celebration of said week. I hereby enjoin aU offices in the national, provincial city, and municipal governments, as well as all universities, college, and schools throughout the country to participate actively in the celebration by holding practical projects, programs, demonstrations or similar activities with efficient public administration as the theme. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 17th day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(9), 4418-4419. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 183 AUTHORIZING THE GIRL SCOUTS OF THE PHI TJ PPTNFS TO CONDUCT A FUND DRIVE DURING THE PERIOD FROM NOVEMBER 15 TO DECEMBER 30, 1955, IN PLACES OUTSIDE OF GREATER MANILA WHEREAS, the Girl Scouts of the Philippines has been of great service to the nation through its program of character development and citizenship training of Filipino girls, thereby meriting the continued moral encouragement and material support of our people; WHEREAS, there is a great need to extend Girl Scouting to thousand of other girls all over the country; and WHEREAS, the Girl Scouts of the Philippines is in need of funds with which to carry out its program of expansion, to promote, and initiate activities beneficial to the country, and to meet its obligations and participate actively as a (member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, do hereby authorize the Girl Scouts of the Philippines to conduct a national fund drive during the period from November 15 to December 30, 1955, in the provinces .and territories outside of Greater Manila, I call upon aU citizens and residents of the Philippines outside of Greater Manila to assist wholeheartedly in this campaign and to give their utmost support so that the Girl Scouts of the Philippines may be assured of adequate funds with which to carry on its work. I authorize aU the treasurers of proincial, city, and municipal governments, as well as school officials and teachers, to accept, for the Girl Scouts of the Philippines, fund-raising responsibilities, and urge them to give active support and leadership in their respective communities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 19th day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(9), 4419-4420. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 184 PLACING UNDER THE ADMINISTRATION AND CONTROL OF THE CITY OF MANILA THE PARCELS OF LAND RESERVED FOR PARK, GOLF COURSES, AND PLAYGROUND PURPOSES BY PROCLAMATION NO. 25, SERIES OF 1926 By virtue of the powers vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby place under the administration and control of the City of Manila the parcels of land reserved for park, golf course, and playground purposes by Proclamation No. 25, series of 1926, subject to the restriction imposed in the proviso of Proclamation No. 314, dated April 30, 1952. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENGKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(10), 4413. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 185 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM DECEMBER 4 TO 11, 1955, AND EVERY WEEK BEGINNING WITH THE FIRST SUNDAY OF EVERY DECEMBER THEREAFTER AS BARRIO EARMERS’ WEEK WHEREAS, there are fifteen mUlion EUipinos living in the rural areas under economic and social conditions which can for more desirable improvement; WHEREAS, national progress may be advanced a great deal by pursuing a program of amelioration operating at the barrio level and which aims to broaden the opportunities of the people for developing human and natural resources available in mral areas ; and WHEREAS, it is essential to focus attention on the requirements and capacities of our barrios, to foster mral- mindedness and leadership among the barrio people, and to stimulate nationwide efforts of self-help towards mral betterment; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare the period from December 4 to 11, 1955, and every week beginning with the first Sunday of every December thereafter, as Barrio Partners’ Week and authorize and direct municipal, provincial, and national government officials to make available their facilities and personnel in the successful prosecution of the objectives of the Barrio Partners’ Week, and designate the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources to take charge of, and coordinate, all activities in commemoration of said week. I also hereby authorize and direct the Department of Education, the Department of Health, the Department of Public Works and Communications, the Social Welfare Administration, the Agricultural Credit and Cooperative Pinancing Administration, and other related government agencies to participate actively in the celebration and to cooperate with the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. I likewise urge civic-spirited citizens and civic associations or organizations, such as the Rotary, lions, Jaycees, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, National Pederation of Women’s Clubs, PRRM, PRUCIS, NAMPREL, Chamber of Agriculture, Parmers Clubs of the Philippines, and others, to participate actively in the celebration and to extend their wholehearted cooperation to insure its success. Proclamation No. 76, dated October 12, 1954, is hereby repealed. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENGKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 57(70), 4914-4915. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 186 AMENDING PROCLAMATION NO. 12 DATED MARCH 26, 1954, BY TRANSFERRING THE CELEBRATION OF NATIONAL LANGUAGE WEEK FROM MARCH 29 - APRIL 4 TO AUGUST 13-19 OF EVERY YEAR. WHEREAS, the period from March 29 to April 4 of every year was declared as National Language Week under proclamation No. 12 dated March 26, 1954; and WHEREAS, this period is outside of the school year, thereby precluding the participation of schools in its celebration; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RAMON MAGSAYSAY, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby amend Proclamation No. 12 dated March 26, 1954, by declaring the period from August 13 to 19 of every year, in lieu of that from March 29 to April 4, as National Language Week. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of thePhUippines By the President: (SGD.) MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary 9/27/55 Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 57(70),4915. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 187 RESERVING FOR PROVINCIAL BUILDING SITES AND FOR GOVERNMENT OEEICES PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OP THE PUBUC DOMAIN TOGETHER WITH THE IMPROVEMENTS EXISTING THEREON SITUATED IN THE POBLACION, MUNICIPAUTY OP ROMBLON, PROVINCE AND ISLAND OP ROMBLON Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw fromsale or settlement and reserve for provincial building sites and for government offices purposes, under the administration of the province of Romblon, subject to private rights, if any there be, certain parcels of the public domain together with the improvements existing thereon, if any, situated in the poblacion, municipality of Romblon, province of Romblon, and more particularly described as follows: A parcel of land (as shown on plan Sh-153), together with the improvements existing thereon, situated in the poblacion, municipality of Romblon, province of Romblon, island of Romblon. Bounded on the NE. and SE, by property of Charles T. Williams (P1-288-A); on the SW., by public land; and en the NW., by Paseo de Magallanes. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being 51° 53' W., 194.76 meters IfomB.L.L.M. 1, municipality of Romblon, Romblon, thence N. 55° 53' W., 15.24 meters to point 2; thence N. 34° 31' E, 29.99 meters to point 3; thence S. 55° 53' E., 15.24 meters to point 4; thence S. 34° 31' W., 29.99 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area mf 455 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of survey. May 7, 1923 and that of the approval, luly 12, 1923. A parcel of land (as shown on plan E1-288-A), together with the improvements existing’ thereon, situated in the poblacion, municipality of Romblon, province of Romblon, island of Romblon. Bounded on the NE., by provincial road; on the SE, by public land; on the S., by RepubMca EiUpina Street; on the SW., by property of Charles T. Williams (Sh-153); and on the NW., by property of Charles T. Williams and Paseo de MagaUanes. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 55° 11' E, 33.56 meters from B.L.L.M. 2, municipality of Romblon, Romblon, thence S. 32° 10' W., 33.21 meters to point 2; thence S. 88° 24' W., 19.67 meters to point 3; thence N. 34° 31' E, 29.99 meters to point 4; thence. N. 55° 53' W., 15.24 meters to point 5; thence N. 40° 04' E, 7.66 meters to point 6; thence S. 69° 16' E, 13.93 meters to point 7; thence S. 69° 46' E, 16.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 708 square meters, mare or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 3 and 5, by old B. L. concrete monuments; point 4, by old P.L.S./B.L. concrete monuments; and the rest, by P.L.S./B.L. concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, April 15, 1925 and that of the approval, October 19, 1925. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FMD RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 57(70), 49164917. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 188 RESERVING FOR MARKET SITE EXTENSION PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF MARGOSATUBIG, PROVINCE OF ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of sections! of Commonwealth ActNo. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay,Presidentofthe Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale and settlement and reserve for market site extension purposes underthe administration of the municipality of Margosatubig, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the municipality of Margosatubig, province of Zamboanga del Sur, island of Mindanao, and more particularly described as follows, to wit: Lot hMr-1005-A (The Municipal Government of Margosatubig) A parcel of land (lot 1 as shown on plan Mr-1005-A, GL.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of Margosatubig, province of Zamboanga del Sur. Bounded on the N. andNE., by lot 2 of plan Mr- 1005-A (sea) ; on the SE, by property of Francisco Paragas; on the SW., by municipal road and creek; and on the NW., by creek. Beginning at a pointmarked 1 on plan, being N. 60° 07' W., 101.17 meters from B.L.L.M. 1, municipality of Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur, thence N. 68° 12' W., 39.25 meters to point 2; thence N. 58° 43' W., 10.17 meters to point!; thence N. 17° 49' E, 33.57 meters to point 4; thence N. 58° 28' W., 16.21 meters to point 5; thence N. 34° 27' W., 15.61 meters to point 6; thence N. 20° 28' E, 13.24 meters to point 7; thence S. 88° 51' E, 53.85 meters to point 8; thence S. 45° 04' E, 24.96 meters to point 9; thence S. 15° 34' W., 60.40 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 4,248 square meters more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows : points 1 and 2, by B. L. cylindrical concrete monuments ; point 3, by stake; point 9, by old B. L. cylindrical concrete monument; and the rest, by nails on crosses on trees; bearings tme; date of survey, March 2, 1955 and that of the approval. May 14, 1955. Lot 2, Mr-1 005 -A (The Municipal Government of Margosatubig) A parcel of land (lot 2 as shown on plan Mr-1005-A, G.L.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of Margosatubig, province of Zamboanga del Sur. Bounded on the NE. andSE, by sea; on the S. and SW., by lot 1 of plan Mr-1005A; and on the NW., by sea. Beginning at a pointmarked 1 on plan, being N. 24° 38' W., 272.98 meters from B.L.L.M. 1, PLS-251, thence N. 45° 04' W., 24.96 meters to point 2; thence N. 88° 51' W., 53.85 meters to point 3; thence N. 15° 02' E, 102.03 meters to point 4; thence S. 67° 25' W., 72.40 meters to point 5; thence S. 15° 36' W., 92.37 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 6,769 square meters, more or less . All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows : points 2 and 3, by nails on crosses on trees; and the rest, by B. L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, March 2,-1955 and that of the approval. May 14, 1955. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. [SEAL] RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Presidential Museum and Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 57(70), 4917-4918. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 189 RESERVING FOR SETTLEMENT PURPOSES UNDER THE ADMINISTRATION AND DISPOSITION OF THE NATIONAL RESETTLEMENT AND REHABIUTATION ADMINISTRATION (NARRA) A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTIES OF MILAGROS, CAWAYAN, AND USON, PROVINCE OF MASBATE Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, hereby reserve for settlement and development purposes, under the administration and control of the National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration (NARRA), subject to private rights, if any there be, and to future classification and survey, and to the conditions that the timber and other forest products therein, as well as the use and occupancy of the area indicated as timberland and forest reserves, shall remain under the administration and control of the Bureau of Forestry in accordance with Forest Laws and Regulations, a parcel of land of the public domain, situated in the municipalities of MUagros, Cawayan, and Uson, province of Masbate, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point marked 1, which is on the intersection of Malbug River and Banga River; thence going due east, until it intersects Guinalasan River, which is point 2; thence southwest following the Guinalasan River until it intersects the municipal boundary of Uson and MUagros, which is point 3; thence southeast, following the Uson- MUagros municipal boundary, 1,400 meters to point 4; thence S. 51°, W. 9,3-00 meters (in straight Une) but conforming with the boundary of PLS-241 (B.L.) to point 5; thence N. 27° W. 8,200 meters to point 6; thence N. 48° E 6,950 meters to point 7; which lies on the municipal boundary of Uson and MUagros; thence southeast, following the Uson-MUagros municipal boundary, 2,430 meters to point 8; thence due east untU it intersects the Malbug River which is point 9; thence northeast, following the Malbug River until it reaches the point of beginning; containing an approximate area of 8,800 hectares, more or less. (NOTE: This is subject to change to conform with future survey.) To protect the rights of the different public land applicants as well as those of other occupants and/or claimants to certain portions of the land to be reserved, the portions claimed and/or occupied by said applicants, occupants and/or claimants are hereby excluded from this reservation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of ManUa, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 57(70), 49194920. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 190 RESERVING FOR STOCK FARM PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE BARRIO OF DAING, MUNICIPALITY OF CERVANTES, PROVINCE OF ILOCOS SUR, ISLAND OF LUZON Upon the recommendation ol the Secretary ol Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions ol section 83 ol Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President ol the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale and settlement and reserve lor stock larm site purposes under the administration ol the Bureau ol Animal Industry, subject to private rights, il any there be, and to the loUowing conditions, to wit: 1. The utilization ol timber and other lorest products therein shah be subject to lores try laws and regulations ; and 2. At any time the area is abandoned lor the purposes it is intended, the same shall revert to the category ol timber land under the jurisdiction olthe Bureau oIForestry; a certain parcel ol the public domain situated in the barrio ol Daing, municipality ol Cervantes, province ol Hocos Sur, island ol Luzon, and more particularly described as loUows: ILOCOS SUR STOCK FARM (Bureau ol Animal Industry) A parcel ol land (the proposed Ilocos Sur Stock Farm ol the Bureau ol Animal Industry), situated in the sitios ol Cayos and Tabayag, barrio ol Daing, municipality ol Cervantes, province ol Ilocos Sur. Bounded on the N. by public lorest; on the E, by parcel ol I Amd. — Cn F.-674-I) and the Ilocos Sur Project No. 9, block I (AUen, and Dis.) and Abia Ever; on the S., by the Ilocos Sur Project No. 9, block I (AUen, and Dis.) and pubUc land; and on the W., by pubUc lorest and the Ilocos Sur Project No. 9, block II (AUen, and Dis.). Beginnmg at a point marked 1 on the attached plan, thence due west, 360.00 meters to point 2; thence N. 57° W., 990.00 meters to point 3; thence N. 77° W., 100.00 meters to point 4; thence S. 50° W., 380.00 meters to point 5; thence S. 39° W., 450.00 meters to point 6; thence N. 31° W., 240.00 meters to point 7; thence N. 14° W., 330.00 meters to point 8; thence N. 16° W., 560.00 to point 9; thence N. 58° W., 860.00 meters to point 10; thence N. 8° E, 510.00 meters to point 11; thence N. 78° W., 190.00 meters to point 12; thence N. 46° W., 640.00 meters to point 13; thence N. 1° E, 180.00 meters to point 14; thence N. 19° E, 500.00 meters to point 15; thence Ni. 46° E, 610.00 meters to point 16; thence S. 37° E, 280.00 meters to point 17; thence N. 49° E, 440.00 meters to point 18; thence loUowing the Cayos and MiU Creek in a northeasterly direction about 1,100.00 meters to point 19; thence N. 31° E, 210.00 meters to point 20; thence N. 74° W., 230.00 meters to point 21; thence N. 55° W., 500.00 meters to point 22; thence N.. 25° E, 280.00 meters to point 23; thence N. 22° E, 200.00 meters to point 24; thence N. 55° W., 320.00 meters to point 25;. thence N. 3° E, 340.00 meters to point 26; thence S. 82° E, 660.00 meters to point 27; thence S. 51° E, 830.00 meters to point 28; thence S. 76° E, 380.00 meters to point 29; thence N. 76° E, 460.00 meters to point 30; thence N. 63° E, 740.00 meters to point 31; thence S. 4° W., 430.00 meters to point 32; thence S. 14° W., 450.00 meters to point 33; thence S, 30° W., 410.00 meters to point 34; thence S. 5° W., 260.00 meters to point 35; thence S. 51° E, 300.00 meters to point 36; thence S. 22:° E, 360.00 meters to point 37; thence S. 25° E, 530.00 meters to point 38; thence S. 12° E, 300.00 meters to point 39; thence due south, 450.00 meters to point 40; thence S. 5° E, 620.00 meters to point 41; thence S. 12° E, 420.00 meters to point 42; thence S. 53° E, 300.00 meters to point 43; thence S. 81° E, 220.00 meters to point 44; thence loUowing the Abra River upstream in a southerly direction about 1,350.00 meters to point 45; thence N. 58° W., 480.00 meters to point 46; thence N. 8° W., 520.00 meters to point 47; thence N. 18° W., 300.00 meters to point 48: thence due west, 260.00 meters to point 49; thence S. 9° W., 300.00 meters to point 50; thence S. 77° W., 240.00 meters to point 51; thence S. 75° W., 240.00 meters to point 52; thence S. 68° W., 340.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an approximate area of 1,756 hectares, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 11, 13, 36, 37 and 51, by big rocks; point 12, by pile of rocks; point 15, by rock; point 45, by pile of stones; and the rest, by trees; bearings tme. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 57(70),49204922. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 191 RESERVING FOR WEATHER OBSERVATION STATION SITE PURPOSES, A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE POBLACION, MUNICIPAUTY OF MASBATE, PROVINCE AND ISLAND OF MASBATE Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby withdraw from sale and settlement and reserve for weather observation station site purposes under the administration of the Weather Bureau, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situauted in the poblacion, municipality of Masbate, province and island of Masbate, and more particularly described as follows: IR-1043 (The Republic of the Philippines — ^Weather Bureau) A parcel of land (as shown on plan Ir-1043, GL.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of Masbate, province of Masbate, island of Masbate. Bounded on the NE., by property of H. L. Health; on the SE, by national road; on the SW., by property of Bureau of Telecommunications (portion of lot 2, Ir-1003); and on the NW., !by property of the Philippine Plantation Company (H. L. Heath). Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 42° 23' W., 277.84 meters from B.L.L.M. 2, municipality of Masbate, Masbate, thence S. 82° 19' W., 11- 00 meters to point 2; thence S. 62° 01' W., 3.12 meters to point 3; thence N. 30° 41' W., 57.45 meters to point 4; thence N. 49° 44' E, 11.60 meters to point 5; thence S. 32° 18' E, 63.85 meters to the point ofbeginning; containing an area of 741 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: point 1, by old concrete monument; point 2. by old iron nail on cross on tree; points 3 and.4, by B. L. cylindrical concrete monuments; and point 5, by old P. L. S. cylindrical concrete monument; bearings tme; declination 1° 04' E.; date of survey, November 12-13, 1954 and that of the approval, Febmary 2, 1955.” NOTE: This survey is a portion of lot 2, Ir-1003 as surveyed for the Republic of the Philippines (Bureau of Posts). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(10), 4922-4923. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 192 RESERVING FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT SITUATED IN THE DISTRICT OF GUIANGA, CITY OF DAVAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 64 (e) of the Revised Administrative Code in relation to section 1 of Republic Act No. 477, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for school site purposes under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, certain parcels of the private domain, of the Government situated in the district of Guianga, City of Davao, and more particularly described as follows: “A parcel of land (lot 163 of the subdivision plan Psd-34052, being a portion of lot 217 of the Cadastral Survey of Guianga, GL.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the district of Guianga, City of Davao, island of Mindanao. Bounded on the N., by lot 102 of the subdivision plan; on the NE., by lot 158 of the subdivision plan; on the S., by lot 164 of the subdivision plan: and on the SW., by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 29° 08' W, 289.13 meters from B.B.M. 2, Guianga Cadastre 174, thence S. 80° 19' E, 33.93 meters to point 2; thence S. 21° 38' E, 111.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 21° 38' E, 111.73 meters to point 4: thence N 87° 59' W., 27.57 meters to point 5; thence N. 22° 34' W., 229.34 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 6,106 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S., cylindrical concrete monuments. Bearings true, declination 1° 51' E, date of the original survey, July, 1920 — June, 1922 and that of the subdivision survey. May 16 to August 25, 1950. “A parcel of land (lot 109 of the subdivision plan Psd-34052, being a portion of lot 110 of the Cadastral survey of Guianga, G.L.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the district of Guianga, City of Davao, island of Mindanao. Bounded on the NE., by road; on the. S., by lots 114 and 113 of the subdivision plan; and on the W., by lots 113, 108 and 143 of the subdivision plan: Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 71° 11' W., 162.95 meters from B.B.M. 2, Guianga Cadastre 174, thence N. 6° 41' E, 100.01 meters to point 2; thence N. 83° 19' W., 100.00 meters to point 3; thence N. 6" 41' E, 100.01 meters to point 4; thence N. 16° 12' E, 101.44 meters to point 5; thence S. 22° 30' E, 343.62 meters to point 6; thence N. 83° 22' W., 84.34 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 19,339 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments. Bearings thme, declination 1° 51' E, date of original survey, July, 1920 — June, 1922 and that of the subdivision survey. May 16 to August 25, 1950.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 57(70), 4923-4924. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 193 RESERVING FOR LAND SETTLEMENT PURPOSES A PARCEL OF LAND OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF KABAN-KALAN, PROVINCE OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL, ISLAND OF NEGROS, PHI LIP PINES Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby reserved for land settlement purposes, under the administration of the National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration, subject to private rights, if any there be, the following described parcel of public domain situated in the municipality of Kabankalan, province of Negros Occidental, island of Negros, to wit: Beginning from comer 1 which is the provincial boundary monument (PBM) No. 9-B (marked 9-A) dividing the municipalities of Manjuyod, Bais, and Kabankalan in a southwesterly direction, to comer 2 which is equivalent to PBM 9-C (marked 9-B); thence in a southwestemly direction to comer 3 which is equivalent to PBM No. 9-D (marked 9-C); thence in a southwestemly direction to comer 4 which is equivalent to PBM No. 9-E (marked 9-D); thence to comer 5 in a southwestemly direction about 700 meters which is equivalent to the southwest comer of lot 308 of the FOA-PHILCUSA Pls-38; thence to comer 6 along the boundary of FOA-PHILCUSA Pls-38, in a westemly and northemly direction until it touches the southwest comer of Pis -167; thence to comer 7 which is equivalent to the southernmost comer of lot 3315 of Pls-167; thence to comer 8 in a northeastemly direction to northwest comer of lot 1402 of FOA-PHILCUSA Pls-38; thence to comer 9 in an eastemly direction until it touches a comer of the western boundary of Kabankalan Cadastre Case No. 2 which is equivalent to northeast comer of lot 1409 of FOA-PHILCUSA Pls-38; thence to comer. 10 following the boundary of Kabankalan Cadastre Case No. 2 which intersects Hog River; thence following the Hog River to comer 11 which is the intersection of the Hog River and the boundary line of Kabankalan and Manjuyod municipalities ; thence in a southwestemly direction to comer 1, the point ofbeginning, containing an area of 21,500 hectares, more or less. Bounded on the north, by Pls-167, public forest and Kabankalan Cadastre Case No. 2; on the south, by Tabla River, public forest and provincial boundary of Negros Occidental and Negros Oriental; on the east, by provincial, boundary of Negros Occidental and Negros Oriental; and on the west, by public forest and Pls-167. NOTE: (The land included in this reservation is the FAO-PHIL-CUSA Project, Pls-38. Settlers who have been occupying portions thereof before the war, during the Japanese occupation and those who have filed their public land, applications with the Bureau of Lands and are actually occupying the portions applied for by them before and after the inauguration of the subdivision Pls-38 will be respected and allocated to their respective occupations and improvements). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FMD RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 57(70), 49244925. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 194 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 496, SERIES OF 1939, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE CAPOOCAN FOREST RESERVE SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CAPOOCAN, PROVINCE OF LEYTE, ISLAND OF LEYTE, CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND EMBRACED THEREIN AND DECLARING THE SAME AVAILABLE FOR VISARES BARRIO SITE PURPOSES Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 1826 of the Revised Administrative Code, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 496, series of 1939, which established the Capoocan Forest Reserve, situated in the municipality of Capoocan, province of Leyte, island of Leyte, a certain parcel of land embraced therein and declare the same available for Visares barrio site under the disposition of the Bureau of Lands, subject to private rights, if any there be, which parcel of land is more particularly shown in Bureau of Forestry Map F.R. 94-1 and technically described to wit: Beginning from comer 1 which is pest Km 78 of the national highway between Ormoc City and Capoocan, province of Leyte, thence N. 75° E, 300 meters to comer 2, a white lauan tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence following a creek downstream in a southemly direction about 220 meters to comer 3, a white lauan tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 24° E, 140 meters to comer 4, a mangasinoro tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 2° E, 200 meters to comer 5i, an apitong tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 45° W., 210 meters to comer 6, a white lauan tree 25 centimeters in diameter; thence following the national highway in a general north westemly direction about. 760 meters to comer 1, the point of beginning. Containing an approximate area of 14 hectares. This is subject to future survey in accordance with the Bureau of Lands standard. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENGKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 57(70),4926-4927. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 195 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 448 DATED SEPTEMBER 4, 1939, AND DECLARING THE AREA EMBRACED THEREIN, SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTIES OF MAKILALA AND M’LANG (FORMERLY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KIDAPAWAN), PROVINCE OF COTABATO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO, OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 1826 of the Revised Administrative Code, I hereby revoke Proclamation No. 448, dated September 4, 1939, establishing the Sinkatulan Forest Reserve, and declaring the area embraced therein situated in the municipalities of Makilala and MTang (formerly municipal district of Kidapawan), province of Cotabato, island of Mindanao, open to disposition under the provisions of the Public Land Act, subject to private rights, if any there be, and to any of the following conditions: 1. There are reserved as timberlands in the areas herein declared agricultural lands, a strip of 15 meters wide on each side of any public trail therein used as outlet for timber and other forest products, and a strip of 40 meters in width from the highest bank on each side of any stream for stream bank protection. 2. The utilization of timber and other forest products existing in the area herein declared agricultural lands shall be governed by the Forest and Internal Revenue Laws and Regulations, and the present licensees, or future holders of licenses which may be granted by the Director of Forestry covering such area for purposes of utilization, shall have the preferential right in the utilization of the existing timber therein and also shall ha\re the right to constmct and maintain logging trails and roads within the concession as timber outlet. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 57(70),49274928. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 196 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 714, SERIES OF 1934, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE NON-CHRISTIAN RESERVATION SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF SAN CARLOS, PROVINCE OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL ISLAND OF NEGROS, AND DECLARING THE PARCEL OR PARCELS OE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN OPEN TO SETTLEMENT AND DISPOSITION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of sections 83 and 88 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby revoke Proclamation No. 714, series of 1934, which established the Non-Christian Reservation situated in the municipality of San Carlos, province of Negros Occidental, island of Negros, and declare the parcel or parcels of land embraced therein open to settlement and disposition in accordance with the provisions of the said Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 57(70),49284929. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 197 REVOKING EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 99, SERIES OF 1913, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE NON-CHRISTIAN RESERVATION SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OP SIBALOM, PROVINCE OP ANTIQUE ISLAND OP PANAY, AND DECLARING THE PARCEL OR PARCELS OP LAND EMBRACED THEREIN OPEN TO SETTLEMENT AND DISPOSITION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 88 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby revoke Executive Order No. 99, series of 1913, which established the Non-Christian Reservation situated in the municipality of Sibalom, province of Antique, island of Panay, and declare the parcel or parcels of land embraced therein open to settlement and disposition in accordance with the provisions of the said Act. To protect and safeguard the occupation of the Non-Christians in the reservation, preference should be given themin the acquisition of lots in the subdivision. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 57(70),4929-4930. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 198 MAKING PUBUC THE CONVENTION OF THE WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION, 1947 WHEREAS, a Convention of the World Meteorological Organization established by the Conference of Directors of the International Meteorological Organization, during its session in Washington, September-October, 1947, has been signed on October 1 1, 1947, by the authorized representatives of the Philippines and of other countries ; WHEREAS, following Article 32 of the aforesaid Convention, the same shall be ratified, by the signatory states and the instmments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the United States of America; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 56 adopted on May 20, 1948, concurred in the ratification by the President of the aforesaid Convention in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines ; WEREAS, the Republic of the Philippines has formally ratified the said Convention and deposited on April 5, 1949, herinstmment of ratification with the Government of the United States of America; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, have caused the said Convention, a copy of the English text which is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 57(70),49304931. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 199 MAKING PUBUC THE AIR TRANSPORT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHI TJ PPTNES AND THE GOVERNMENT OF SPAIN WHEREAS, an Air Transport Agreement between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of Spain was concluded and signed at Madrid, Spain, on the sixth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and fifty -one, by the respective Plenipotentiaries of the two Governments; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 96, adopted on May 22, 1955, concurred in the ratification of the aforesaid Agreement in accordance with the constitutional procedure of the Philippines ; WHEREAS, the said Agreement has been duly ratified on both parts, and the instmments of ratification of the two Governments were exchanged at Manila on the fourth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and fifty -three; and WHEREAS, it is stipulated in the said Agreement that it shall come into force definitely upon its ratification; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay President of the Philippines, have caused the said Agreement, a copy of which in the English language is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 57(70),4931-4932. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 200 MAKING PUBUC THE AGREEMENT ON THE IM PORTION OF EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC, AND CULTURAL MATERIALS, NOVEMBER 22, 1950 WHEREAS, the Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Materials, which was opened for signature at Lake Success, New York, U.S.A., on November 22, 1950, was signed by the authorized representatives of the Philippines and of other countries ; WHEREAS, the Agreement is designed to promote and facilitate the free exchange of ideas and knowledge and, in general, the widest possible dissemination of the diverse forms and self-ejq)ression used by civilizations which are vitally important to international progress and international understanding, and consequently for the maintenance of world peace; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 78 adopted on May 2, 1952, concurred in the ratification of the said Agreement in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the Republic of the Philippines has ratified the said Agreement and deposited her instmment of ratification on August 30, 1952 with, the Secretary-General of the United Nations; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, have caused the said Agreement, a copy of which is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done at Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(10), 4932-4933. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 201 MAKING PUBUC THE ADHERENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES TO THE CONVENTION FOR THE UNIFICATION OF CERTAIN RULES RELATING TO INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORTATION BY AIR AND THE ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL THERETO, 1929 WHEREAS, a Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Transportation by Air and an Additional Protocol thereto relating to Article 2 of the Convention were signed at Warsaw by the plenipotentiaries of thirty-two countries ; WHEREAS, Article 38 of the aforesaid Convention provides that a Government on behalf of which this Convention has not been signed, shall be allowed to adhere thereto at any time after the Convention has come into force, by means of a notification addressed to the Government of the Republic of Poland; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 19 adopted on May 16, 1950, concurred in the adherence by the Government of the Republic of the Philippines to the said Convention and the said Protocol in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines, subject to the reservation, as provided in the Additional Protocol, that the first paragraph of Article 2 of the Convention shah not apply to international transportation that may be performed by the Republic of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the Government of the Republic of the Philippines has formally adhered to the said Convention its Additional Protocol, and the Government of the Republic of Poland was notified of said adherence on November 9, 1950, when the instmment of adherence was registered in accordance with Article 38 (2) of said Convention; and. WHEREAS, the adherence of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, pursuant to Article 38 (3) of said Convention, took effect as from the ninetieth day after November 9, 1950. NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, in pursuance of the aforesaid concurrence of the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines and subject to the reservation as provided, in the Additional Protocol that the first paragraph of Article 2 of the Convention shah not apply to international transportation that may be performed by the Republic of the Philippines, do hereby proclaim and make public the said Convention and said Protocol, a copy of which is hereto attached, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 57(70), 4933-4934. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 202 DECLARING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1955, AS SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY IN THE PROVINCE OE BATANGAS WHEREAS, General Miguel Malvar is one of the most heroic figures in our history, being the last EUipino general to surrender in the EUipino-American War; and WHEREAS, the people of Batangas desire to be given fuU opportunity to celebrate the 90th birthday of General Malvar on September 27, 1955; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Tuesday, September 27, 1955, as a special public holiday in the province of Batangas. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 26th day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(10), 4934A935. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 203 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM NOVEMBER 20 TO 26, 1955, AS NATIONAL SCIENCE WEEK AND CREATING A COMMITTEE TO TAKE CHARGE OE THE OBSERVANCE THEREOE WHEREAS, the progress of the world greatly depends upon the achievements in science; WHEREAS, scientific education in the Philippines can be enhanced by the development of effective media for the exchange of ideas concerning new methods and techniques; WHEREAS, the Economic Development Program of the Government wiU depend to a great extent upon contributions of science and scientists; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to give impetus to scientific endeavors aimed at community improvement; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the period from November 20 to 26, 1955, as National Science Week, to be observed throughout the country, particularly in schools, colleges, universities, scientific institutions, and societies with appropriate ceremonies. The following are hereby designated members of a committee which is hereby created to take charge of the observance of National Science Week: The Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources Chairman The President, Philippine Association for the Advancement of Science Vice-Chairman The Chairman, National Economic Council Member The Secretary of Health Member The Secretary of Education Member The Chairman, National Research Council of the Philippines Member The Director, Institute of Science and Technology Member The President, Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Member IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 10th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED ROZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 57(70), 4935-4936. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 204 DECLARING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1955, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOUDAY IN THE PROVINCE OE LEYTE, INCLUDING ORMOC CITY WHEREAS, the twentieth day of October is of special significance to the people of Leyte, being the anniversary of the landing on the shores of said province of the United States Armed Eorces in their mission to liberate the country from enemy occupation; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Thursday, October 20, 1955, as a special public holiday in the province of Leyte, including Ormoc City. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 14th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, ninteen hundred and fifty five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 57(70),49364937. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 205 DECLARING FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1955, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOUDAY IN THE PROVINCES OE LANAO, DAVAO, PALAWAN, COTABATO, SULU, BUKIDNON, ZAMBOANGA DEL NORTE, AND ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR, AND IN THE CITIES OE DAVAO, DANSALAN, lUGAN, ZAMBOANGA, AND BASILAN In commemoration of the Muslim national feast of Mauledin Nabi (Muslim Christmas), I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Eriday, October 28, 1955, as a special public holiday in the provinces of Lanao, Davao, Palawan, Cotabato, Sulu, Bukidnon, Zamboanga del Norte, and Zamboanga del Sur, and in the cities of Davao, Dansalan, nigan, Zamboanga, and Basilan. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 14th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(10), 4931. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 206 MAKING PUBUC THE INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT FOR THE REGULATION OF THE PRODUCTION AND MARKETING OF SUGAR, 1953 WHEREAS, the International Agreement for the Regulation of the Production and Marketing of Sugar, which was adopted by the Sugar Conference convoked by the United Nations in London from July 13 to August 24, 1953, to take the place of the Sugar Agreement of 1937, was signed by the authorized representatives of the Philippines and twenty -three other countries ; WHEREAS, Article 41 (2) of the aforementioned Agreement provides that it shall be subject to ratification or acceptance by the signatory Governments in accordance with their respective constitutional procedures and that the instmments of ratification or acceptance shall be deposited with the Government of the United Kingdom of Gkeat Britain and Northern Ireland; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 8, adopted on April 8, 1954, concurred in the ratification of the said International Sugar Agreement subject to the following reservation: “That in case the Executive Agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of the Philippines whereby the latter is allowed to eiqiort to the former 850,000 long tons of sugar duty free is abrogated, the Philippines will seek a revision of this treaty to protect its own interest”; and WHEREAS, the Republic of the Philippines formally ratified the said Agreement subject to the reservation above quoted, and deposited her instmment of ratification on May 1, 1954, with the Government of the United Kingdomof Gkeat Britain and Northern Ireland; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, have caused the said Agreement, a copy of which is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same, and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof, subject to the aforesaid reservation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 17th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 57(70), 4938-4939. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 207 RESERVING FOR AGRICULTURAL HIGH SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN BARRIO CAROMATAN, MUNICIPAUTY OF CAROMATAN, PROVINCE OF LANAO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale and settlement and reserve for agricultural high school site purposes under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in barrio Caromatan, municipality of Caromatan, province of Lanao, island of Mindanao, and more particularly described as follows: Ir-1041-D (The Provincial Government of Lanao) (Lambatan Agricultural High School) A parcel of land (as shown on plan Ir-1041-D), situated in the barrio of Caromatan, municipality of Caromatan, province of Lanao. Bounded on the N., by Ramain Creek; on the E. and SE, by public land; on the SW., by public land claimed by the Mayor of Caromatan; and on the NW., by public land claimed by the Mayor of Caromatan and Ramain Creek. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 73° 54' E, 4,520.67 meters from Dugo-loan. Point Coast and Geodetic Survey, thence N. 24° 16' E, 410.99 meters to point 2; thence N. 21° 59' E, 395.04 meters to point 3; thence S. 71° 45' E, 135.07 meters to point 4; thence N. 27° 50' 122.46 meters to point 5; thence N. 85° 13' E, 52.80 meters to point 6; thence S. 72° 16' E, 67.51 meters to point 7; thence S. 7° 49' E, 63.61 meters to point 8; thence S. 33° 45' E, 87.42 meters to point 9; thence S. 70° 07' E, 57.80 meters to point 10; thence S. 70° 43' E, 72.42 meters to point 11; thence N. 77° 58' E, 67.99 meters to point 12; thence S. 62° 59' E, 58.99 meters to point 13; thence N. 67° 08' E, 98.17 meters to point 14; thence S. 50° 10' E, 84.88 meters to point 15; thence N. 63° 36' E, 72.59 meters to point 16; thence N. 6° 41' E, 92.64 meters to point 17; thence N. 37° 50' E, 63.10 meters to point 18; thence S. 79° 12' E, 64.66 meters to point 19; thence N. 60° 14' E, 45.91 meters to point 20; thence S. 1° 00' W., 69.80 meters to point 21; thence S. 30° 33' E, 49.28 meters to point 22; thence S. 87° 32' E, 39.08 meters to point 23; thence N. 62° 24' E, 122.36 meters to point 24; thence N. 30° 55' E, 22.73 meters to point 25; thence N. 27° 13' W., 49.91 meters to point 26; thence N. 86° 31' E, 59.52 meters to point 27; thence N. 51° 18° E, 128.64 meters to point 28; thence N. 86° 20' E, 61.71 meters to point 29; thence N. 18° 08' E, 87.52 meters to point 30; thence S. 88° 07' E, 58.87 meters to point 31; thence N. 30° OF E, 43.25 meters to point 32; thence N. 13° 53' W., 48.19 meters to point 33; thence N. 71° 56' E, 96.61 meters to point 34; thence S. 88° 12' E, 69.61 meters to point 35; thence N. 53° 04' E, 77.66 meters to point 36; thence S. 11° 57' W., 391.12 meters to point 37; thence S. 11° 39' W., 484.38 meters to point 38; thence S. 15° 13' W., 135.82 meters to point 39; thence S. 25° 56' W., 299.73 meters to point 40; thence S. 59° 47' W., 385.71 meters to point 41; thence S. 78° 41' W., 478.77 meters to point 42; thence N. 63° 27' W., 492.34 meters to point 43; thence N. 62° 02' W., 460.40 meters to point of beginning; containing an area of 1,727,741 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1, 2, 3, and 4 by P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments; points 36 to 40 inclusive, 42 and 43 by crosses on trees; and the rest, by stakes; bearings true; declination 1° 54' E; date of survey, October 29- November 1, 1953. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of ManUa, this 17th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 57(70),49394940. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 208 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 743, SERIES OF 1934, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE RESERVATION OF THE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY FOR SEMI-TEMPERATE FRUIT STATION SITUATED IN BAGUIO CITY, A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND EMBRACED THEREIN AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation ol the Secretary ol Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President ol the Philippines, de hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 743, series of 1934, which established the reservation of the Bureau of Plant Industry for semi- temperate fmit station, situated in Baguio City, a certain parcel of land embraced therein and more particularly described as lots Nos. 96 and 183 containing a total area of 5.9756 hectares, more or less, and declaring the same open to disposition under the provisions of the Public Land Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 20th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 51(10), 4940-4941. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 209 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATIONS NOS. 99, 64, 39, 102, AND 698, SERIES OF 1914, 1919, 1920, 1927, AND 1934, RESPECTIVELY, AND DECLARING THE PARCEL OR PARGETS OE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN OR PORTIONS THEREOE SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OP LA TRINIDAD, SUB-PROVINCE OP BENGUET, MOUNTAIN PROVINCE, OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of sections 83 and 88 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines do hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamations Nos. 99, 64, 39, 102 and 698, series of 1914, 1919, 1920, 1927 and 1934, respectively, and declare the parcel or parcels; of land embraced therein or portions thereof situated in the municipality of La Trinidad, Sub-province of Benguet, Mountain Province, open to disposition under the provisions of the Public Land Act, to wit: “Lot A “A parcel of land (lot “A” as shown on the attached sketch plan), situated in the municipality of La Trinidad, Sub- province of Benguet, Mountain Province. Bounded on the N., by lot 5 of Mn-68, public land, mountain trail and lake; on the E, by mountain trail; on the SE, and S., by public land and on the W., by public land, lots 1 and 2 of 11-11965 and public land. Beginning at a point marked 1 on sketch plan, being thence S. 54° 10' W., 200.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 29° 30' E, 780.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 52° 00' W., 960.55 meters to point 4; thence S. 30° 10' W., 1,100.00 meters to point 5; thence S. 54° 15' W., 5-23.00 meters to point 6; thence S. 54° 15' W., 128.00 meters to point 7; thence N. 85° 30' W., 465.00 meters to point 8; thence N. 27° 46' W., 560.00 meters to point 9; thence N. 33° 44' E, 417.00 meters to point 10; thence S. 34° 10' E, 38.00 meters to point 11; thence S. 68° 30' E, 100.00 meters to point 12; thence S. 12° 15' E, 75.00 meters to point 13; thence S, 13° 00' W., 170.00 meters to point 14; thence S. 57° 25' E, 150.00 meters to point 15; thence N. 18° 46' E, 140.00 meters to point 16; thence N. 48° 10' E, 218.00 meters to point 17; thence N. 30° 30' W., 110.00 meters to point 18; thence N. 56° 15' W., 142.00 meters to point 19; thence N. 7° 05' W., 275.00 meters to point 20; thence N. 25° 00' W., 228.00 meters to point 21; thence N. 56° 20' W., 40.00 meters to point 22; thence N. 75° 50 E, 1,190.00 meters to point 23; thence N. 36° 50' E, 145.00 meters to point 24; thence N. 20° 00' W., 200.00 meters to point 25; thence N. 15° 50' W., 360.00 meters to point 26; thence S. 70° 35' W., 725.00 meters to point 27; thence N. 54° 35' W., 355.00 meters to point 28; thence N. 83° 00' W., 450.00 meters to point 29; thence N. 43° 50' W., 65.00 meters to point 30; thence N. 55° 35' E, 75.00 meters to point 31; thence N. 22° 45' W., 80.00 meters to point 32; thence N. 4° 00' E, 270.00 meters to point 33; thence N. 40° 00' W., 130.00 meters to point 34; thence N. 66° 00' W., 60.00 meters to point 35; thence N. 50° 00' E, 50.00 meters to point 36; thence N. 32° 05' W., 120.00 meters to point 37; thence S. 62° 40' E, 57.00 meters to point 38; thence N. 56° 20' E, 220.00 meters to point 39; thence N. 52° 10' W., 140.00 meters to point 40; thence N. 70° 20' E, 55.00 meters to point 41; thence N. 27° 20' E, 95.00 meters to point 42; thence E 44° 00' E, 122.00 meters to point 43; thence S. 88° 40' E, 98.00 meters to paint 44; thence S. 5° 20' E, 355.00 meters to point 45; thence N. 81° 30' E, 390.00 meters to point 46; thence N. 5° 15' W., 127.00 meters to point 47; thence N. 11° 15' W., 135.00 meters to point 48; thence N. 49° 15' W., 198.00 meters to point 49; thence S. 79° 05' W., 150.00 meters to point 50; thence N. 82° 30' W., 270.00 meters to point 51; thence S. 49° 50' W., 145.00 meters to point 52; thence S. 34° 45' W., 160.00 meters to point 53; thence S. 34° 45' W., 40.00 meters to point 54; thence S. 75° 00' W., 165.00 meters to point 55; thence S. 38° 15' W., 105.00 meters to point 56; thence S. 35° 00' W., 50.00 meters to point 57; thence N. 50° 50' W., 45.00 meters to point 58; thence N. 39° 00' W., 178.00 meters to point 59; thence N. 75° 40' W., 150.00 meters to point 60; thence N. 55° 30' W., 135.00 meters to point 61; thence N. 32° 30' W., 480.00 meters to. point 62; thence N. 77° 10' E, 440.00 meters to point 63; thence S. 10° 00' E, 230.00 meters to point 64; thence S. 21° 50' E, 90.00 meters to point 65; thence N. 86° 20' E, 288.00 meters to point 66; thence N. 4° 30' E., 305.00 meters to point 67; thence S. 69° 15' E., 155.00 meters to point 68; thence N. 64° 15' E., 240.00 meters to point 6.9; thence S. 20° 00' E., 110.00 meters to point 70; thence S. 16° 10' E., 210.00 meters to point 71; thence S. 77° 00' E., 320.00 meters to point 72; thence N. 68° 50' E., 340.00 meters to point 73; thence S. 7° 15' W., 360.00 meters to point 74; thence S. 22° 20' W., 150.00 meters to point 75; thence S. 44° 40' E., 145.00 meters to point 76; thence S. 69° 30' E, 260.00 meters to point 77; thence N. 5° 00' E., 65.00 meters to point 78; thence N. 76° 30' E., 70.00 meters to point 79; thence S. 84° 15' E, 75.00 meters to point 80; thence N. 83° 00' E., 330.00 meters to point 81; thence S. 65° 30' E, 405.00 meters to point 82; thence N. 68° 45' E., 175.00 meters to point 83; thence N. 79° 05' E., 157.00 meters to point 84; thence N. 8° 50' E, 70.00 meters to point 85; thence N. 37° 30' E., 265.00 meters to point 86; thence S. 39° 00' E., 35.00 meters to point 87; thence N. 83° 50' E., 220.00 meters to point 88; thence S. 51° 20' W., 355.00 meters to point 89; thence S. 13° 30' W., 425.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an approximate area of 508 hectares . AU data are approximate and subject for future surveys . “Lot B “A parcel of land (lot B as shown on the attached sketch plan), situated in the municipality of La Trinidad, Sub- province of Benguet, Mountain Province. Bounded on the N. by public land and lot 1 of Pr-113; on the NE., by river; on the S., by road. Insular Gov’t. Survey No. In-66 (Executive Order 99) and public land; and on the W., by public land. Beginning at a point marked 1 on sketch plan, being thence N. 14° 12' W., 1,000.00 meters to point 2; thence N. 23° 35' W., 830.30 meters to point 3; thence N. 16° 10' E., 315.00 meters to point 4; thence S. 42° 25' E., 790.50 to point, 5; thence S. 54° 10' E., 170.81 meters to point 6; thence S. 52° 05' E., 440,90 meters to point 7; thence S. 17° 50' W., 90.25 meters to point 8; thence S. 18° 10' E., 489.20 meters to point 9; thence S. 16° 55' W., 60.85 meters to point 10; thence S. 44° 50' E., 250.00 meters to point 11; thence N. 86° 50' E., 410.40 meters to point 12; thence N. 60° 04' E., 315.20 meters to point 13; thence N. 21° 00' E., 265.15 meters to point 14; thence N. 55° 10' E., 450.00 meters to point 15; thence S. 47° 05' E., 810.00 meters to point 16; thence S. 75° 40' E., 220.25 meters to point 17; thence S. 49° 05' W., 140.00 meters to point 18; thence S. 53° 30' E., 23.00 meters to point 19; thence S. 33° 05' W., 52.00 meters to point 20; thence S. 67° 40' W., 51.00 meters to point 21; thence N. 68° 20' W., 31.00 meters to point 22; thence S. 11° 50' W., 105.00 meters to point 23; thence S. 62° 05' E., 60.00 meters to point 24; thence N. 80° 10' E., 40.00 meters to point 25; thence S. 54° 30' E., 31.00 meters to point 26; thence S. 63° 00' W., 460.00 meters to point 27; thence N. 16° 10' W., 50.00 meters to point 28; thence S. 68° 20' W., 135.00 meters to point 29; thence S. 13° 10' E, 173.00 meters to point 30; thence S. 58° 56' W., 320.00 meters to point 31; thence S. 31° 50' W., 230.00 meters to point 32; thence S. 10° 10' W., 315.00 meters to point 33; thence N. 9° 25' W., 160.00 meters to point 34; thence N. 14° 30' E., 45.00 meters to point 35; thence N. 0° 25' E, 190.00 meters to point 36; thence N. 52° 10' W., 868.00 meters to point 37; thence S. 49° 05' W., 462.00 meters to point 38; thence S. 11° 05' W., 76.00 meters to point 39; thence S. 2' 05' W., 140.00 meters to point 40; thence S. 12° 45' W., 240.00 meters to point 41; thence S. 37° 40' E, 70.00 meters to point 42; thence S. 0° 25' W., 90.00 meters to point 43; thence S. 21° 20' E., 65.00 meters to point 44; thence S. 49° 30' W., 300.00 meters to paint 45; thence N. 48° 35' W., 30.00 meters to point 46; thence S. 62° 40' W., 180.00 meters to point 47; thence N. 47° 00' W., 160.00 meters to point 48; thence S. 51° 05' W., 143.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an approximate area of 360 hectares. “Lot C “A parcel of land (lot C as shown on the attached sketch plan), situated in the municipality of La Trinidad, Sub- province of Benguet, Mountain Province. Bounded on the N., by Pico road and public land; on the E., by lot 1 of Mn-68 (Executive Order No. 26) and public land; and on the W., and NW., by Pico road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on sketch plan, being thence N. 17° 00' W., 250.00 meters to point 2; thence N. 23° 10' W., 200.00 meters to point 3; thence N. 10° 00' E., 215.00 meters to point 4; thence N. 4° 15' E., 80.00 meters to point 5; thence N. 30° 25' E., 250.00 meters to point 6; thence N. 58° 20' E., 465.00 meters to point 7; thence due east 185.00 meters to point 8; thence S. 57° 45' W., 530.00 meters to point 9; thence S. 14° 15' E., 310.00 meters to point 10; thence S. 7° 00' W., 110.00 meters to point 11; thence S. 25° 00' W., 65.00 meters to point 12; thence S. 77° 15' W., 40.00 meters to point 13; thence S. 31° 50' W., 60.00 meters to point 14; thence S. 30° 00' E, 43.00 meters to point 15; thence S. 14° 50' W., 325.00 meters to point 16; thence S. 65° 40' W., 53.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an approximate area of 23 hectares. Subject to future surveys.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 20th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 57(70),49414944. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 210 MAKING PUBUC THE INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION CONVENTION, GENERAL REGULATIONS ANNEXED TO THE INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION CONVENTION, FINAL PROTOCOL TO THE INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION CONVENTION, ADDITIONAL PROTOCOLS TO THE INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION CONVENTION, RADIO REGULATIONS ANNEXED TO THE INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMMUNICATION CONVENTION AND ADDITIONAL RADIO REGULATIONS SIGNED AT ATLANTIC CITY ON OCTOBER 2, 1947 WHEREAS, an International Telecommunication Convention, General Regulations annexed to the International Telecommunication Convention, Final Protocol to the International Telecommunication Convention, Additional Protocols to the International Telecommunication Convention, Radio Regulations annexed to the International Telecommunication Convention and Additional Radio Regulations, was concluded and signed at Atlantic City on October 2, 1947, by the authorized representatives of the Philippines and of other countries ; WHEREAS, the major purposes of this Convention and the Regulations annexed thereto are to maintain and extend international cooperation for the improvement and rational use of telecommunication of all kinds; to promote the development of the technical facilities and their most efficient operation with a view of improving the efficiency of telecommunication services, increasing their usefulness and making them, as far as possible, generally available to the public; and to harmonize the actions of nations in the attainment of those common ends; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 99 adopted on May 22, 1952, did concur in the ratification by the President of the Philippines of the aforesaid Convention, together with the Regulations and Protocols annexed thereto, in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the Republic of the Philippines has formally ratified the said Convention, together with the Regulations and Potocols annexed thereto, and deposited her instmment of ratification on November 13, 1952 with the General Secretary of the International Union of Telecommunication; NOW, THEREEORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, have caused the said Convention, together with the Regulations and Protocols annexed thereto, a copy of which is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof, subject to the reservation that, for the present, the Republic of the Philippines cannot agree to be bound by the Telephone and Telegraph Regulations referred to in Paragraph 3 of Article 13 of the aforesaid Convention. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done at Manila, this 24th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FMD RUIZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 57(77), 5532-5533. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 211 DECLARING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1955, A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY WHEREAS, paying homage to the dead on AU Saints’ Day is one of the cherished traditions of the EUipino people; and WHEREAS, in keeping with that tradition, the people should be given full opportunity to observe the day with aU its religious fervor; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Tuesday, November 1, 1955, as a special public holiday. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 25th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(11), 5533-5534. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 212 DECLARING NOVEMBER 15, 1955, PHIUPPINE- AMERICAN DAY WHEREAS, the observance of PhUippine-American Day last year has proved the value of keeping alive the spirit of friendship and mutual helpfulness between the American and EUipino peoples; WHEREAS, it is appropriate that the two nations continue renewing and further strengthening the bonds that bind them in view, particularly, of the prevailing critical world conditions that threaten their security and the democratic institutions that they have jointly developed and staunchly defended at the cost of their resources and blood; WHEREAS, it is desirable that the two peoples be afforded every opportunity to get together on an intimate basis and encouraged to find a common medium for the friendly, intelligent, and unselfish appraisal of the problems as well as the advantages that arise from their present relationship, always in a spirit of cooperation and with due regard for each other’s rights, interest, and aspirations; WHEREAS, it is meet and proper that one day during the year should be devoted to the commemoration of the historic partnership of the two nations in the noble effort to insure the success and permanence of the free and democratic enterprises in which they are engaged and which constitute their contribution to the peace of the world and the happiness of mankind; and WHEREAS, the PhUippine-American Day Committee of 1954 has recommended November 15 as the most appropriate occasion for this year’s celebration, that date being reminiscent of the first official implementation of the Philippine Independence Act of the U. S. Congress through the formal establishment of the former government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines preparatory to the inauguration of our Republic; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare November 15, 1955, as PhiUppine-American Day. I caU upon aU our people and aU Americans residing within Philippine territory to observe this date with appropriate ceremonies designed to promote mutual understanding and helpfulness and to enhance the practical significance of the intimate association existing between Filipinos and Americans and between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of the Republic of the United States of America. I especially caU on all civic, business, religious, and service organizations and schools, both public and private, to devote this date to exercises calculated to advance knowledge and wider appreciation of the value of PhiUppine-American relationship and of the benefits derived from it. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the PhiUppines to be affixed. Done in the City of ManUa, this 4th day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the PhiUppines, the tenth. [seal] RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FMD RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Presidential Museum and Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 57(77), 5534-5535. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 213 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM NOVEMBER 25 TO DECEMBER 1, 1955, BOTH DATES INCLUSIVE, AS CORN PRODUCTION WEEK WHEREAS, in order to encourage the production of com, one of the basic commodities of our country, it is necessary to set aside a period during which the people’s attention may be drawn to the importance of increasing our com production; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the authority vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare the period from November 25 to December 1, 1955, both dates inclusive, as Com Production Week. The Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall take charge of and coordinate aU activities in connection with the celebration of said Week. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 19th day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RlUZ CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(11), 5535-5536. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 214 DECLARING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1955, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY FOR NATIONAL THANKSGIVING WHEREAS, it is fitting that a day be set aside on which to dedicate our noblest thoughts in prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God for the blessings He has bestowed upon us; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare Thursday, November 24, 1955, as a special public holiday for national thanksgiving. I caU upon aU the people to turn their thoughts and actions on that day towards Almighty God and offer Him a prayer of thanks for all the blessings he has showered upon us. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 21st day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FRED RUE CASTRO Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 57(77), 5536-5537. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 215 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM FEBRUARY 14 TO MARCH 31, 1956, AS THE TIME FOR THE NINTH ANNUAL FUND CAMPAIGN OF THE PHIUPPINE NATIONAL RED CROSS WHEREAS, the Philippine National Red Cross, the body corporate and politic duly created and officially designated by Republic Act No. 95 to assist the Republic of the Philippines in discharging its obligations set forth in the Geneva Convention and to perform other functions vested upon a national Red Cross society, depends solely upon voluntary public contributions to carry out its duties and responsibilities, having no other regular source ofincome; and WHEREAS, said organization has, through unstinted labor, proven itself an indispensable institution in the promotion of public welfare, especially in times of emergency, symbolizing our national spirit of compassion and our universal aspirations for peace and understanding; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the period from Febmary 14 to March 31, 1956, as the time for the Ninth Annual Fund Campaign of the Philippine National Red Cross. I urge all citizens and residents of this country, as well as aU associations and organizations, to help actively in this campaign by giving of their means, time, and effort to realize the aims and purposes of the Philippine National Red Cross. I authorize aU national, provincial, city, and municipal government officials and school authorities to accept, for the PhiUppine National Red Cross, fund-raising responsibiUties, and urge them to take the initiative and active leadership in their respective communities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the PhiUppines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 25th day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the PhUippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the PhUippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 5 1(12), 6036. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 216 WHEREAS, section 1 of Republic Act No. 1355, approved on June 18, 1955, authorizes the President of the Philippines, at any time prior to January 1, 1956, to enter into an agreement with the President of the United States of America for the revision of the 1946 Trade Agreement between the Philippines and the United States on the basis of the Final Act of Negotiations, which was signed at Washington, D. C, on December 15, 1954; WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of said section 1 of Republic Act No. 1355 and section 201 of the Act of Congress of the United States of America, entitled “Philippine Trade Agreement Revision Act of 1955,” the President of the Philippines and the President of the United States of America, through their respective plenipotentiaries, signed an agreement at Washington on September 6, 1955, revising the Agreement concerning Trade and Related Matters entered into by the President of the Philippines and the President of the United States of America on July 4, 1946; WHEREAS, on September 6, 1955, the two Governments exchanged notes clarifying certain provisions of the said Agreement between the Republic of the Philippines and the United States of America concerning Trade and Related Matters during a Transitional Period following the institution of Philippine Independence signed at Manila on July 4, 1946, as revised; WHEREAS, section 3 of Republic Act No. 1355 provides that “If the revised agreement has been entered into prior to January 1, 1956, the President of the Philippines shall so proclaim, and such agreement shall be effective in, and binding on, the Philippines in accordance with the terms thereof’; and WHEREAS, on October 26, 1955, the President of the United States of America proclaimed the aforesaid Revised Agreement, including a Protocol, Annexes, and related exchange of notes, in pursuance of section 301 (a) of the Philippine Trade Agreement Revision Act of 1955 of the Congress of the United States of America; Now, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, in pursuance of the aforesaid section 3 of Republic Act No. 1355, do hereby proclaim and make public the Agreement between the Republic of the Philippines and the United States of America concerning Trade and Related Matters during a Transitional Period following the institution of Philippine Independence signed at Manila on July 4, 1946, as Revised in Washington on September 6, 1955, including a Protocol, Annexes, and Related Exchange of Notes both dated September 6, 1955, copies of which are hereto attached, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the ‘citizens thereof on and after January 1, 1956. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done in the City of Manila, this 28th day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 57(72),6037-6038. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 217 CALLING UPON ALL YOUNG MEN, CITIZENS OF THE PH RI PPINFS, WHO SHALL ATTAIN THE AGE OF 20 YEARS IN A CALENDAR YEAR TO REGISTER FOR MILITARY INSTRUCTION By virtue of the powers conferred upon me by sections 54 and 55 of Commonwealth Act No. 1, entitled “The National Defense Act,” I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby caU upon aU young men, citizens of the Philippines, who shall attain the age of twenty years in a calendar year, to register for military instmction in the city, municipality, or municipal district in which they reside. The following mles and regulations shall be followed in the registration and selection of trainees for military service: 1. All male citizens of the Philippines who have attained or shall attain the age of twenty years in a calendar year shall register for military service. 2. Registration shall take place in suitable registration places to be prescribed by the Mayor of the city, municipality, or municipal district government in which the registrants reside, during regular office hours, between eight o’clock a.m, April first, and eight o’clock p.m, on April seventh. 3. Those unable to visit registration places because of Ulness, or for any other reason, shall be registered by their parents or legal guardians. 4. No person convicted of a crime against the Government or of an offense involving moral turpitude shall be permitted to register for military service unless he shall have been previously pardoned by the President. 5. The following persons are exempted from registration : (a) Members of the Army of the United States, the Philippine Constabulary, and the Armed Forces of the Philippines . (b) Young men, citizens of the Philippines, who are residing abroad. These persons shall register within five days after their return to the Philippines: in order to determine their obligation for military training. If under thirty years of age on their return they shall be liable for military instmction, and shall submit thereto if drawn at the next national drawing following their return. (c) Persons who, because of incarceration awaiting trial or undergoing sentence of a court of law, are prevented from registering. They shall, upon their release from custody, register for military instmction with the mayor of the municipality or township in which they reside. If under thirty years of age at the time of release, they shall be liable for trainee instmction; if over that age, they shall „ be exempted. 6. Any government official or employee who is the official custodian of records pertaining to births shall furnish the registering or deputy registering officers a list of citizens who will attain twenty years of age for such calendar year within thirty days from January 1st of such year. 7. In municipalities and municipal districts, the municipal secretaries and in their absence or disability, the respective treasurers, acting under the immediate supervision of the respective mayors, are hereby designated as registering officers. The municipal councils may designate government officers or employees who shall act as deputy registering officers in outlying barrios. In chartered cities, the Chiefs of Police thereof shall designate responsible officers of the police department to act as registering officers and deputy registering officers. It shall be the duty of the officers or employees who may be designated as registering or deputy registering officers under this paragraph to notify in person or through their duly authorized representatives each and every individual who win attain the age of twenty years within that calendar year of their obligation to register for military instmction. The latter should acknowledge by signature the receipt of such notification. A coppy of the acknowledgment of the notification by the persons concerned should be immediately forwarded to the Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the Philippines . 8. In each city, municipality, or municipal district, the municipal secretary, or other official designated as registering officer, shall keep a military register as part of the permanent record of his office, subject to the inspection by the Provincial commander of the Province, or such other officer who may be authorized to conduct such inspection by the Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the Philippines . 9. The name of registrants shah be entered serially in the military register in the order that they report. 10. Each registrant shall be required to furnish the following information: (a) Name. (b) Address. (c) Date and place of birth. ((f) Civil Status (single, married or widower). (e) Name of each dependent and degree dependency. (f) Employment, nature of the same, and the name of the employer. (g) Educational attainment, special aptitude or qualification. (h) Preference for branch of service, that is. Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, Engineers, Air Corps, Medical Service, Quartermaster Service, Ordnance Service, etc. 11. On completion of registration formalities each registrant shah be issued a registration card bearing a serial number corresponding to his number in the military register of the city, municipality, or municipal district in which he resides. 12. Any change of address of a registrant subsequent to registration shall be promptly reported to the registering officer who shall make appropriate notation in the military register and on the registration card, and if the change of address involves a domicile in another city, municipality or municipal district, the registering officer shall immediately report the facts to the Chief of Staff, Armed Eorces of the Philippines. 13. Upon termination of the registration period in each calendar year, the registering officer shall immediately prepare copies in triplicate from the military register, the number and description of the registrants for that year, one copy of which shall be forwarded to the corresponding acceptance board as prescribed in Military Service Regulations, one copy to the provincial governor or city mayor and another copy to the Chief of Staff, Armed Eorces of the Philippines. The registering officer shall also prepare the cards for drawing by lot and submit same to the provincial governor or city mayor at the same time as the military register. 14. The provincial governors and city mayors, or their duly appointed assistants, shall supervise the recmitment of manpower in their respective provinces or cities. They shall have access at all times to the records pertaining to registration and selection of trainess. They shall give necessary instmctions as to the proper manner of making entries in the military register, and shall report aU irregularities coming to their attention to the Secretary of National Defense. 15. Detailed instructions governing the method and procedure of registration, examination, classification, and the selection of trainees for military service are prescribed in Military Service Regulations. 16. Registration cards shall be carefully preserved by the registrants. Each card shall constitute a certificate that the holder has carried out his first mUitary obligation to the State. 17. All provisions of Proclamation No. 23, dated January 11, 1936, and Proclamation No. 48, dated December 30, 1947, inconsistent herewith are hereby revoked, or amended accordingly. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 28th day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 57(72),6038-6041. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 218 DECLARING THE FIRST WEEK OE JANUARY, 1956, AS TAX INFORMATION WEEK WHEREAS, the ejq)ansion of the Government’s development program demands increased national revenues; WHEREAS, the national revenues can be increased only by popular endorsement and support of tax measures by tax-conscious citizens; and WHEREAS, tax-consciousness should be aroused, promoted, and extended on a nation-wide scale by a govemment- citizen-initiated campaign of tax information and education directed to people in aU social levels; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby proclaim the first week of January, 1956, as Tax Information Week, and hereby authorize the League of Women Voters to intensify the tax-education drive for the period from January to March, 1956. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 29th day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1( 12), mi-6042. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 219 RESERVING FOR BUILDING SITE PURPOSES OF THE BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT SITUATED ON MAGALLANES DRIVE, DISTRICT OE INTRAMUROS, CITY OE MANILA Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 64 (e) of the Revised Administrative Code, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for building site purposes of the Bureau of Immigration, subject to private rights, if any there be, certain parcels of the private domain of the Government situated on Magallanes Drive, District of Intramuros, City of Manila, and more particularly described, to wit: Lot 5 -A, BSD-11429 (Bureau of Immigration) A parcel of land (lot 5-A of the subdivision plan Bsd-11429, being a portion of lot 5, block 1(98 of the cadastral survey of the City of Manila, GL.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the District of Intramuros, City of Manila. Bounded on the N., by lot 5-C of the subdivision plan; on the E, by lot 7-B-2-A of the subdivision plan; on the S., by lot 5-D of the subdivision plan; and on the W., by lot 5-B of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the plan, being N. 33° 20' E, 292.36 meters from B.L.L.M. 42, Manila Cadastre 13; thence S. 84° 23' W., 20.28 meters to point 2; thence N. 12° 21' W., 25.07 meters to point 3; thence N. 83° 16' E., 24.82 meters to point 4; thence S. 2° 00' E, 25.43 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 567 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: point 1 by B. L. cylindrical concrete monuments; point 2 by cross on center of curb and points 3 and 4 by crosses on curb; bearings tme; date of the original survey. May, 1916 — ^lanuary, 1917 and that of the subdivision survey, March 8, 9, 18, and 28, 1955. Lot 7-B-2-A, BSD-11429 (Bureau of Immigration) A parcel of land (lot 7-B-2-A of the subdivision plan Bsd-11429, being a portion oflot7-B-2 described on plan Swo-35328, G.L.R.O. Record No. , situated in the District of Intramuros, City of Manila. Bounded on the N., by lot 7-B-2-B of the subdivision plan; on the E, by lot 7-A of plan Swo-12994; on the S., by lot 7-B-2-C of the subdivision plan; and on the W., by lot 5-A of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 43° 31' E, 347.49 meters from B.LL.M. 42, Manila Cadastre 13; thence S, 84° 23' W., 79.00 meters to point 2; thence N. 2° 00' W., 25.43 meters to point 3; thence N. 79° 21' E, 75.23 meters to point 4; thence S. 10° 01' E, 32.08 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 2,209 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1 and 4 by old comers, point 2 by B. L. cylindrical concrete monument and point 3 by cross on curb; bearings tme; date of the original survey. May, 1916 — January, 1917 and. that of the subdivision survey, March 8, 9, 18, and 28, 1955. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the PhiUppines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 1st day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the PhUippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(12), 6042-6043. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 220 MAKING PUBUC THE TREATY OF FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES AND PAKISTAN WHEREAS, a Treaty of Friendship between the Republic of the Philippines and Pakistan, designed to strengthen and perpetuate the friendly relations so happily existing between them in a manner befitting their spiritual, cultural, and economic ties, was concluded and signed at Washington, D. C, on the 3rd day of January, nineteen hundred and fifty -one by the respective plenipotentiaries of the two Governments ; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its resolution No. 95, adopted on May 22, 1952, concurred in the making of the said Treaty of Friendship in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the instmments of ratification of the two Governments were exchange at Washington, D. C, on September 25, 1953; WHEREAS, it is stipulated in the said Treaty that it shall enter into force upon the exchange of the instmments of ratification; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, have caused the said Treaty, a certified copy of which is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done at Manila, this 2nd day of December, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(12), 6044. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 221 MAKING PUBUC THE TREATY OF FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES AND THE DOMINICAN REPUBUCAN WHEREAS, a Treaty of Friendship between the Republic of the Philippines and the Dominican Republic was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington, D. C, on November 2, 1952; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution Na. 129 adopted on May 19, 1953, concurred in the ratification of the said Treaty in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the instmments of ratification of the said Treaty by the two Governments were exchanged at Washington, D. C, on September 9, 1954; and WHEREAS, it is stipulated in the said Treaty that it shall enter into force upon the exchange of the instmments of ratification; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, have caused the said Treaty, a certified copy of which in the English and Spanish languages is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sent my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done in the City of Manila, this 2nd day of December, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifty- five, and of the: Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 51(12),m5. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 222 DECLARING THE LAST WEEK OE FEBRUARY OE EVERY YEAR AS “PHILIPPINE INDUSTRY AND MADE-IN-THE-PHILIPPINES PRODUCTS WEEK” WHEREAS, the period from Eebmary 7 to 13 of every year is Made-in-the-PhUippines Products Week under Proclamation No. 52 dated Eebmary 2, 1948, and the last week of Eebmary of every year is Philippine Industry Week under Proclamation No. 369 dated Eebmary 13, 1953, as amended by Proclamation No. 100 dated December 15, 1954; and WHEREAS, in view of the almost identical objectives of the two celebrations, it is desirable that the same be consolidated in order to avoid confusion in the public mind and secure the support and cooperation of the parties concerned only once; NOW, THEREFORE I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the last week of Febmary of every year as “Philippine Industry and Made-in-the-PhUippines Products Week.” This supersedes Proclamation No. 52 dated Febmary 2, 1948, and Proclamation No. 369 dated Febmary 13, 1953, as amended by Proclamation No. 100 dated December 15, 1954. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of title Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President; MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(12), me. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 223 AMENDING PROCLAMATION NO. 300, SERIES OF 1938, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE KISOLON CITRUS RESERVATION BY REDUCING THE AREA EMBRACED THEREIN EROM 199.6521 HECTARES TO 49.6540 HECTARES AND DECLARING THE PARCEL OR PARCELS OE LAND THUS EXCLUDED OPEN TO SETTLEMENT AND DISPOSITION UNDER THE PUBUC LAND ACT, SITUATED IN THE BARRIO OE KISOLON, MUNICIPAUTY OP IMPASUGONG, PROVINCE OP BUKIDNON, ISLAND OP MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of sections 83 and 88 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby amend Proclamation No. 300, series of 1938,which established the Kisolon Citms Reservation by reducing the area embraced therein from 199.6521 hectares to 49.6540 hectares, subject to future survey, and declaring the parcel or parcels of land thus excluded open to settlement and disposition under the provisions of the Public Land Act except a certain portion thereof containing an area of 10 hectares which is earmarked for school site purposes, situated in the barrio of Kisolon, municipality of Impasugong, province of Bukidnon, island of Mindanao, which area is more particularly described as follows: (AREA OP CITRUS RESERVATION AS REDUCED) A parcel of land (The Citms Reservation), situated in the barrio of Kisolon, municipality of Impasugong, province of Bukidnon. “Bounded on the N., by area to be subdivided to actual occupants ; on the E., by public land; on the S., by school site; and on the W., by Sayre Highway and area to be subdivided to actual occupants; Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, thence N. 13° 30' W., 70.00 meters to point 2; thence N. 31° 30' W., 92.00 meters to point 3; thence N. 22° 17' W., 48.00 meters to point 4; thence N. 20° 31' W., 100.00 meters to point 5; thence N. 69° 08' E., 300.00 meters to point 6; thence N. 20° 25' W., 388.00 meters to point 7; thence N. 6° 30' W., 28.00 meters to point 8; thence N. 2° 33' E., 504.00 meters to point 9; thence S. 87° 53' E., 320.00 meters to point 10; thence S. 0° 50' W., 124.00 meters to point 11; thence S. 3° 12' E., 242.00 meters to point 12; thence S. 2° 15' E., 176.00 meters to point 13; thence S. 3° 16' E, 242.00 meters to point 14; thence S. 2° 22' E, 184.00 meters to point 15; thence S. 2° 35' W., 194.00 meters to point 16; thence S. 2° 35' W., 128.00 meters to point 17; thence S. 3° 05' W., 122.00 meters to point 18; thence N. 15° 34' W., 242.00 meters to point 19; thence S. 58° 06' W., 150.00 meters to point 20; thence S. 60° 45' W., 238.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an approximate area of forty-nine hectares, sixty- five ares, and forty centares (49.6540), more or less. AU points referredto are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground; bearings tme. NOTE: Data are aU approximate. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 57(72),6047-6048. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 224 RESERVING FOR BUILDING SITE PURPOSES OF THE BUREAU OF PUBUC WORKS A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE SOUTH HARBOR, PORT AREA DISTRICT, CITY OF MANILA Upon recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for building site purposes of the Bureau of Public Works, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the South Harbor, Port Area District, City of Manila, and more particularly described, to wit: “Lot 2, block 2, Swo-20567 “A parcel of land (lot 2, block 2 of the resurvey and subdivision plan Swo-20567, being a certain portion of Reclamation Plan 1), situated in the South Harbor, Port Area District, City of Manila. Bounded on the NE, by Bonifacio Drive; on the SE, by 20th Street; on the SW., by Railroad Street; and on theNW., by lot 1, block 2 of the resurvey and subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 27” 34' W., 299.80 meters from Fire Hydrant 31 No. 1948 New, City of Manila and N. 27° 34' W., 249.88 meters from Fire Hydrant (unnumbered), City of Manila, thence N. 31° 52' W., 182.71 meters to point 2; thence N. 58° 47' E, 50.48 meters to point 3; thence S. 31° 13' E, 171.18 meters to point 4; thence S. 45° 22' W., 49.74 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 8,752 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by concrete monuments marked B. L.; bearings tme; date of the resurvey and subdivision survey, December 2-3, 1947 and March 29, 1948. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(12), 6048-6049. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 225 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 258 DATED FEBRUARY 11, 1938, A PARCEL OF LAND OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF BOAC, PROVINCE OF MARINDUQUE, ISLAND OF MARINDUQUE, AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE MINING ACT WHEREAS, petitions have been filed to exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 258 establishing the Marinduque Forest Reserve certain portion which is highly mineralized; WHEREAS, according to the findings of the Director of Mines, the area sought to be excluded from the Marinduque Forest Reserve appears to contain valuable mineral deposits and as such it is more valuable for mining than for forest purposes; WHEREAS, under the provisions of section fourteen of Commonwealth Act One hundred and thirty-seven, as amended, otherwise known as the Mining Act, lands within reservations for purposes otherthan mining, which after such reservation is made, are found to be more valuable for their mineral contents than for the purpose for which the reservation was made, may be withdrawn from such reservation by the President with the concurrence of the Congres s ; NOW, THEREFORE, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section fourteen of Commonwealth Act One hundred and thirty-seven, as amended, otherwise known as the Mining Act, I hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation Numbered Two hundred and fifty-eight, Timberland Block-B, Project No. 1, Boac, Marinduque, containing an area of two thousand six hundred hectares, which is technically described therein and specifically shown on the Bureau of Forestry Map FR- 78, and declaring the same open to disposition under the Mining Act. The cutting, removal, and utilization of the timber and other forest products therefrom shall be in accordance with the provisions of the existing Forest and Internal Revenue Law and Regulations, and at any time the said area shall be abandoned for mining purposes, the same shallrevert as part of the forest reserve. This proclamation shall take effect only upon the concurrence of the Congress of the Philippines. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(12), 6049-6050. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 226 RESERVING FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT SITUATED IN THE SITIO OF ALAMBRE, CITY OF DAVAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and pursuant to the provisions of section 64(c) of the Revised Administrative Code in relation to section 1 of Republic Act No. 477, I hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for school site purposes, under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the private domain of the Government, situated in the sitio of Alambre, City of Davao, and more particularly described in the subdivision plan Bsd-10746, to wit: “A parcel of land (lot 4160-A of the subdivision plan Bsd-10746, being portion of lot 460 of the cadastral survey of Guianga, GL.R.O. Cadastral Record No. , situated in the City of Davao. Bounded on the NE, by lot 460-B of the subdivision plan; on the SE, by lot 376, Guianga Cadastre; and on the SW. and NW, by lot 460-B of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 9° OF W., 164.35 meters IfomM.B.M. 9, Guianga Cadastre 174, thence S. 20° 52' W., 152.45 meters to point 2; thence N. 60° 37' W., 197.55 meters to point 3; thence N. 19° 32' E, 147.73 meters to point 4; thence S. 62° 06' E, 200. 32 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 29,532 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as foUows: point 1, by old B. L. concrete monument; and the rest by P.L.S. concrete monuments; bearings true; declination 1° 50' E, date of the subdivision survey, August 22, 1951. “NOTE: Lot460-A — Lot; 3901 of Davao Cadastre 102.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of-Manila, this 3rd day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(12), 6050-6051. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 227 MAKING PUBUC THE TREATY OF FRIENDSHIP, CONSULAR SERVICE, AND ESTABUSHMENT BETWEEN THE REPUBLIC OP THE PHILIPPINES AND THE KINGDOM OP GREECE WHEREAS, a Treaty of Priendship, Consular Service, and Establishment between the Republic of the Philippines and the Kingdom of Greece, designed to strengthen and perpetuate the friendly relations so happily existing between them in a manner befitting their spiritual, cultural, and economic ties, has concluded and signed by the respective plenipotentiaries of the two Government in the City of Manila on the 28th day of August, nineteen hundred and fifty; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 79, adopted on May 2, 1952, concurred in the making of the said Treaty of Priendship, Consular Service, and Establishment in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the instmments of ratification of the two Governments were exchanged in Manila on December 18, 1954; WHEREAS, it is stipulated in the said Treaty that it shall enter into force upon the exchange of the instmments of ratification; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, have caused the said Treaty, a certified copy of which is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done at Manila, this 10th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Library, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 57(72),6051-6052. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 228 MAKING PUBUC THE TREATY OF FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN THE REPUBLIC OP THE PHILIPPINES AND THE REPUBLIC OP INDIA WHEREAS, a Treaty of Priendship, designed to strengthen and perpetuate the friendly relations so happily existing in a manner befitting their spiritual, cultural, and economic ties, was concluded and signed in the City of Manila on July 11, 1952, by and between the respective plenipotentiaries of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of the Republic of India; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 131 adopted on May 19, 1953, concurred in the making of the said Treaty in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the instmments of ratification of the two Governments were exchanged in Manila on April 29, 1954; WHEREAS, it is stipulated in said Treaty that it shall enter into force upon the exchange of instmments of ratification; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, have caused the said Treaty, a certified copy of which is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done at Manila, this 10th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 57(72),6052-6053. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 229 MAKING PUBUC THE TREATY OF FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES AND THE REPUBLIC OF CUBA WHEREAS, a Treaty of Friendship between the Republic of the Philippines and the Republic of Cuba, designed to strengthen and perpetuate the friendly relations so happily .existing between them in a manner befitting their spiritual, cultural, and economic ties, was concluded and signed by the respective plenipotentiaries of the two Governments in Washington, D. C, on the 3rd day of September, nineteen hundred and fifty -two; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 180, adopted on May 19, 1953, concurred in the making of the said Treaty of Friendship in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the instmments of ratification of the two Governments were exchanged at Washington, D. C, on October 26, 1954; WHEREAS, it is stipulated in the said Treaty that it shall enter into force upon the exchange of the instmments of ratification; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, have caused the said Treaty, a certified copy of which is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done at Manila, this 10th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(12), 6053-6054. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 230 MAKING PUBUC THE INTERNATIONAL PLANT PROTECTION CONVENTION, SIGNED IN ROME BETWEEN DECEMBER 6, 1951 AND MAY 1, 1952 WHEREAS, the International Plant Protection Convention was signed in Rome between December 6, 1951 and May 1, 1952 by the authorized representatives of thirty -seven Governments, including that of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the Convention is designed to secure international cooperation in controlling pests and diseases of plants and plant products and in preventing their introduction and spread across national boundaries ; WHEREAS, Article XII of the Convention provides that it shall be ratified at the earliest possible date and that the instmments, of ratification shah be deposited with the Director-General of the Eood and Agriculture Organization ; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 128 adopted on May 19, 1953, did concur in the ratification of the said Convention in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines ; WHEREAS, the Republic of the Philippines has formally ratified the said Convention and deposited her instmment of ratification on December 3, 1953 with the Director-General of the Pood and Agriculture Organization; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, have caused the said Convention, a copy of which is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done in the City of Manila, this 16th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 5 1(12), 6054-6055. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 231 MAKING PUBUC THE CONVENTION FOR THE AMEUORATION OF THE CONDITION OF THE WOUNDED AND SICK OF ARMIES IN THE FIELD, 1929 WHEREAS, a Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick of Armies in the Field was signed at Geneva on luly 27, 1929, by the respective plenipotentiaries of forty-seven countries; WHEREAS, Article 35 of the aforesaid Convention provides that it shall be open for adhesions given on behalf of any country in whose name it was not signed; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 27 adopted on Febmary 18, 1947, concurred in the adhesion thereto of the Republic of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the Republic of the Philippines has formally adhered to the said Convention which became effective in respect of the Philippines on October 1, 1947; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby proclaim and make public the said Convention, a copy of which is hereto attached, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done in the City of Manila, this 19th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(1 ), 20 . MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 232 MAKING PUBUC THE PROTOCOL FOR UMITING AND REGULATING THE CULTIVATION OF THE POPPY PLANT, THE PRODUCTION OF, INTERNATIONAL AND WHOLESALE TRADE IN, AND USE OF OPIUM, JUNE 23, 1953 WHEREAS, the Philippines is a signatory of the Protocol for Limiting and Regulating the Cultivation of the PoUy Plant, the Production of. International and Wholesale Trade in, and Use of Opium, concluded and signed at New York on June 31, 1953; WHEREAS, Article 17 of the Protocol provides that it shall be ratified and that the instmments of ratification shah be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 36; adopted on March 15, 1955, concurred in the making of the said Protocol in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the Republic of the Philippines has formally ratified the said Protocol and deposited its instmment of ratification on June 1, 1955 with the Secretary-General of the United Nations ; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, have caused the said Protocol, a copy of which is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done in the City of Manila, this 19th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 52(1 ), 21 . MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 233 MAKING PUBUC THE CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE TREATMENT OF THE PRISONERS OF WAR, 1929 WHEREAS, a Convention relative to the treatment of Prisoners of War was signed at Geneva on July 27,1929, by the respective plenipotentiaries of forty-seven countries; WHEREAS, Article 98 of the Convention provides that it shall be open for adherences given on behalf of any country in whose name it was not signed; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 26 adopted on Febmary 18, 1947, concurred in the adhesion thereto of the Republic of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the Republic of the Philippines has formally adhered to the said Convention which became effective in respect of the Philippines on October 1, 1947; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby proclaim and make public the said Convention, a copy of which is hereto attached, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused td be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done in the City of Manila, this 19th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(1 ), 22 . MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 234 RESERVING FOR NATIONAL PARK PURPOSES TO BE KNOWN AS THE “LUNETA NATIONAL PARK” A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT SITUATED IN THE DISTRICT OF ERMITA, CITY OF MANILA Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources as Chairman of the Commission of Parks and Wild life, and pursuant to the provision of section 64 (e) of the Revised Administrative Code, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for National Park purposes to be known as the “Luneta National Park” under the administration of the Commission of Parks and WUd life subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the private domain of the Government, situated in the District of Ermita, City of Manila, provided, however, that such portions therein as form part of the road shall remain under the administration of the Commissioner of Public Highways, which parcel is more particularly described as follows: “A parcel of land (the proposed Luneta National Park), situated in the District of Ermita, City of Manila. Bounded on the N., by remaining portion of P. Burgos Drive, property of the Metropolitan Water District and remaining portion of existing street (no name); on the E, by remaining portion of existing street (no name); on the S., by remaining portion of existing street (no name) and remaining portion of Calle San Luis; and on the W., by property of the City Government of Manila. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan of the proposed Luneta National Park, thence N. 32° 10' W., 143.50 meters to point 2; thence N. 81° 00' E, 10.00 meters to point 3; thence N. 74° 37' E, 10.00 meters to point 4; thence N. 67° 15' E, 10.00 meters to point 5; thence N. 58° 40' E, 10.00 meters to point 6; thence N. 51° 44' E, 10.00 meters to point 7; thence N. 44° 11' E, 10.00 meters to point 8; thence N. 36° 01' E, 10.00 meters to point 9; thence N. 29° 10' E, 10.00 meters to point 10; thence N. 20° 15' E, 10.00 meters to point 11; thence N. 13° 59' E, 10.00 meters to point 12; thence N. 6° 02' E, 10.00 meters to point 13; thence N. 1° 02' W., 10.00 meters to point 14; thence N. 9° 16' W., 10.00 meters to point 15; thence N. 17° 00' W., 10.00 meters to point 16; thence N. 24° 02' W., 10.00 meters to point 17; thence N. 31° 28' W., 10.00 meters to point 18; thence N. 39° 54' W., 10.00 meters to point 19; thence N. 46° 43' W., 10.00 meters to point 20; thence N. 55° 16' W., 10.00 meters to point 21; thence N. 60° 18' W., 10.00 meters to point 22; thence N. 70° 16' W., 10.00 meters to point 23; thence N. 77° 06' W., 10.00 meters to point 24; thence N. 84' 58' W., 10.00 meters to point 25; thence S. 87' 43' W., 10.00 meters to point 26; thence S. 79° 38' W., 10.00 27; thence N. 84* 58' W., 10.00 meters to point 25; thence S. meters to point 27; thence S. 71° 49' W., 10.00 meters to point 28; thence S. 64° 48' W., 10.00 meters to point 29; thence S. 57° 11' W., 10.00 meters to point 30; thence S. 47° 52' W., 10.00 meters to point 31; hence S. 41° 42' W., 10.00 meters to point 32; thence S. 36° 40' W., 3.60 meters to point 33; thence N. 25° 12' W., 107.50 meters to point 34; thence S. 66° 50' W., 91.20 meters to point 35; thence S. 62° 03' W., 16.15; meters to point 36; thence S. 11° 48' E, 32.00 meters to point 37; thence S. 62° 10' W., 40.50 meters to point 38; thence N. 44° 44' W., 38.00 meters to point 39; thence S. 37° 40' W., 203.00 meters to point 40; thence S. 25° 12' E, 392.35 meters to point 41; thence N. 60° 39' E, 406.20 meters to the point of beginning; containing an approximate area of 162.383 square meters. AU data are approximate and subject for future surveys. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 19th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(1 ), 23-24. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 235 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF THE TOWNSITE RESERVATION OF BAGUIO CITY THE PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND DESCRIBED IN PROCLAMATION NO. 364, SERIES OE 1953, SITUATED IN THE SAID CITY AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP CHAPTER rx OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT IN RELATION TO REPUBUC ACT NO. 730 WHEREAS, under Proclamation No. 358, series of 1938, there had been reserved for Workingmen’s Village certain parcels of the public domain situated in Residence Section “H”, City of Baguio; WHEREAS, under Proclamation No. 397, series of 1993, there had also been reserved for military purposes certain parcels of the public domain situated in the same City; WHEREAS, under Proclamation No. 364, series of 1953, the two above-mentioned reservations were disestablished and the parcel or parcels of land embraced therein declared open to disposition under the provisions of the Public Land Act; WHEREAS, the disposition of said parcels of land, being within the townsite reservation of Baguio, may be effected only in the manner prescribed under Chapter XI of the Public Land Act, i.e. the sale through public auction regardless of the existence of bonafide occupants thereof; WHEREAS, the occupants of said parcels of land are generally low-salaried employees and laborers who can not afford to enter into competitive bidding with the moneyed class when the lands are sold at public auction as required by the provisions of Chapter XI of the Public Land Act aforementioned; and WHEREAS, it has been the policy of the administration since the enactment of Republic Act No. 730 to recognize the right of bonafide occupants who have no home lots of their own. NOW THEREFORE, upon recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, RAMON MAGSAYSAY, President of the Philippines, do hereby exclude from the operation of the townsite reservation of Baguio City the parcel or parcels of land embraced in Proclamation No. 364, series of 1953, and declare so much thereof as have not yet been sold, open to disposition under Chapter IX of the Public Land Act in relation to Republic Act No. 730. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. DONE in the City of Manila, this 19th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52( 1 ), 24-25. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 236 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM lANUARY 9 TO 15 OF EVERY YEAR AS LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY PRODUCTION WEEK WHEREAS, in order to encourage the production of livestock and poultry, one of the basic industries of our country, it is necessary to set aside a period during which the people’s attention may be focused on the necessity of producing more and better animals and poultry for breeding, meat, and work purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the period from January 9 to 15 of every year as Livestock and Poultry Production Week. The Department of. Agriculture and Natural Resources shall take care of and coordinate ah activities in connection with the celebration of said week. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 19th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(1 ), 26 . MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 237 RESERVING FOR MIUTARY PURPOSES A PORTION OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTIES OF PAPAYA, STA. ROSA, AND LAUR, PROVINCE OF NUEVA ECIIA AND PORTION OF QUEZON PROVINCE, PHI LIP PINES Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provision of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, 1, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for military purposes, under the administration of the Chief of Staff of the Armed Eorces of the Philippines, subject to private rights, if any there be,, the following described parcel of the public domain situated in the municipalities of Papaya, Sta. Rosa, and Laur, Province of Nueva Ecija and portion of Quezon province, particularly described in AMS 1 sheet 3457-(I to fV), 3456-(I and IV), 3556-fV, and 3557-IIL to wit: Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan AMS 1 sheet 3457-(I to IV), 3456-(I and fV), 35K6-IV, and 3557-III, 3,100 meters in an easterly direction along Tabuating River from barrio liwayway; thence due North 5,120 meters to point 2 a point at the intersection of a branching creek; thence following the southern branch of the creek in a southeasterly direction, 540 meters to point 3; thence due east, 3,150 meters to point 4; thence following the Cabiu River northward 2,830 meters to point 5; thence due east 4,000 meters to point 6; thence following the northern portion of land covered by Bureau of Lands plan 11-6752 (possessory Title Register No. 216), 20,000 meters to point 7; thence S. 61° 00' E, 1,750 meters to point 8; thence S. 56° 00' E, 850 meters to point 9; thence S. 49° 00' E, 1,000 meters to point 10; thence S. 46° 00' E, 1,000 meters to point 11; thence S. 41° 00' E, 1,000 meters to point 12"; thence S. 35° 00' E, 1,400 meters to point 13; thence S. 20° 00' E, 4,950 meters to point 14; thence S. 51° 00' E, 14,500 meters to point 15; thence following the Coast of Dingalan Bay southward, 14,000 meters to point 16; thence due west, 32,700 meters to point 17; thence due north, 6,400 meters to point 18; thence N. 55° 00' E, 5,350 meters to point 19; a point on the north bank of Chico River; thence following the Chico River in a northwesterly direction, 5,000 meters to point 20; thence N. 27° 00' W., 2,400 meters to point 21; thence N. 77° 00' W., 950 meters to point 22; thence due north, 500 meters to point 23; thence following the creek up to Tabuating River 1,370 meters to point 24; thence following the Tabuating River in a northwesterly direction 3,750 meters :to point 1, the point of beginning. Containing an area of 73,000 hectares, more or less. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 19th day of December, in the year of Our Loud, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines . (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(1), 26-27. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 238 DECLARING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1955, ASA SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY WHEREAS, the thirtieth day (Friday) of December, 1955, and the first day (Sunday) of January, 1956, being holidays, the thirty-first day (Saturday) of December, 1955, may be declared a special public holiday to enable the people to enjoy an unintermpted Christmas holiday without prejudice to the public interest; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby proclaim Saturday, December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and fifty five, as a special public holiday. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 27th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives 28 . Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52( 1 ), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 239 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 454 DATED MARCH 12, 1932, A PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE BARRIOS OF CATEYAWAN AND STA. MARIA, MUNICIPAUTY OF LAL-LO, PROVINCE OF CAGAYAN AND RESERVING THE SAME AS THE CAGAYAN VALLEY NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL SITE Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of Section 1826 of the Revised Administrative Code and Section 83 of the Public Land Act, I hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 454 dated March 12, 1932, which established the Magapit Forest Reserve, and reserve and establish the same as the Cagayan Valley National Agricultural School site, under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, final standard survey and right-of-way and to the condition that the timber and other forest products therein shall remain subject to Forest and Internal Revenue Laws and Regulations, a parcel of land situated in the Barrios of Cateyawan and Sta. Marian, Municipality ofLal-lo, Province of Cagayan, which is particularly shown in the Bureau of Forestry Map FR-31 and technically described, to wit: (Technical Description Omitted.) Containing an area of approximately 1,575.0 hectares. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and cause the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. DONE in the City of Manila, this 28th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), 28-30. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 240 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 44 DATED MAY 18, 1914, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE SAUNAS FOREST RESERVE SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTIES OF BAMBANG ARTTAO AND KAYAPA, PROVINCE OF NUEVA VIZCAYA CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE LAND EMBRACED THERUN AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of Section 1826 of the Revised Administrative Code, I hereby exclude from the operation of Executive Order No. 44 dated May 18, 1914, which established the Salinas Forest Reserve, for disposition under the provisions of the Public Land Act, subject to the condition that the utilization, removal, or disposal of timber or other forest products therein shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the Forest and Internal Revenue Laws and Regulations, certain parcels of the land embraced therein situated in the municipalities of Bambang, Aritao and Kayapa, province of Nueva Vizcaya, as shown on the Bureau of Forestry Map FR-4(Amd.-l) and technically described, to wit: BLOCK I Beginning at Comer 1 a Molave tree which is identical to Comer 43 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A (FR-4); thence N. 20° 46' W., 747.41 meters to Comer 2; thence N. 44° 27' W., 15.00 meters to Comer 3; thence N. 44° 27' W., 157.00 meters to Comer 4; thence N. 30° 37' E, 328.75 meters to Comer 5; thence N. 62° 39' E, 499.72 meters to Comer 6; thence N. 28° 38' W., 192.84 meters to Comer 7; thence N. 25° 47' E, 219.24 meters to Comer 8; thence N. 83° 49' E, 265.21 meters to Comer 9; thence N. 69° 52' E, 217.72 meters to Comer 10; thence N. 51° 40' E, 442.93 meters to Comer 11; thence N. 60° 27' W., 183.42 meters to Comer 12; thence N. 75° 19' W., 136.77 meters to Comer 13; thence N. 71° 35' W., 577.71 meters to Comer 14; thence N. 36° 09' W., 475.62 meters to Comer 15; thence N. 52° 34' W., 245.52 meters to Comer 16; thence N. 3° 25' E, 87.76 meters to Comer 17; thence S. 72° 52' E, 120.28 meters to Comer 18; thence S. 79° 47' E, 420.80 meters to Comer 19; thence S. 60° 02' E, 464.64 meters to Comer 20; thence S. 76° 31' E, 391.70 meters to Comer 21; thence S. 43° 09' E, 291.32 meters to Comer 22; thence S. 75° 34' E, 111.42 meters to Comer 23; thence S. 83° 02' E, 353.65 meters to Comer 24; thence N. 61° 04' E, 515.74 meters to Comer 25; thence S. 6° 07' E, 110.30 meters to Comer 26; thence S. 6° 07' E., 22.00 meters to Comer 27; thence S. 7° E., 95.0 meters to Comer 28; thence S. 26° 01' W., 203.50 meters to Comer 29; thence S. 49° 52' W., 345.02 meters to Comer 30; thence S. 37° 49' W., 491.65 meters to Comer 31; thence S. 47° 06' W., 465.96 meters to Comer 32; thence S. 11° 17' E., 348.26 meters to Comer 33; thence N. 89° 02' W., 286.86 meters to Comer 34; thence S. 68° 02' W., 178.30 meters to Comer 35; thence S. 58° 15' W., 273.61 meters to Comer 36; thence S. 31° 24' E., 109.30 meters to Comer 37; thence S. 19° 43' E., 130.34 meters to Comer 38; thence S. 42° 18' E., 175.33 meters to Comer 39; thence S. 81° 23' W., 288.85 meters to Comer 40; thence S. 51° 19' W., 236.15 meters to Comer 41; thence S. 62° 47' W., 377.29 meters to Comer 1; point of beginning. Containing an area of 291.0 hectares. Comers 2 and 3 are marked on the ground by PLS/BL stone monument 30 x40 x60 cm and 40 x40 x70 cm and are identical to Comers 44 and 109 of the old boundary of lot 2-A and Lot 1-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve (FR-4), respectively. Comer 4 to Comer 10, inclusive; Comers 12 to comer 24, inclusive; Comer 28 and 29; and Comer 31 to Comer 39 inclusive are referred to on the ground by a concrete monument 15 x 60 cm Comer 11 and Comer 25 are referred to on the ground by Molave trees 25 cm and 20 cm in diameter, respectively. Comer 26 and 27 are referred to by a stake and are identical to Comer 67 of the old boundary of Lot 1-A and Comer 86 ofLot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve. Comer 29 is indicated only by a point. Comer 40 and 41 are referred to on the ground by Hub. BLOCK n Beginning at Comer 1, a stake identical to Comer 105 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 39° 22' E., 36.67 meters to Comer 2; a stake identical to Comer 106 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 38° 32' E., 40.41 meters to Comer 3, a stake identical to Comer 107 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 36° 53' E., 33.27 meters to Comer 4, a stake identical to Comer 108 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 42° 24' E., 54.15 meters to Comer 5, a stake identical to Comer 109 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 38° 30' E., 64.94 meters to Comer 6, a stake identical to Comer 110 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 6° 02' W., 6.57 meters to Comer 7, a stake identical to Comer 111 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 47° 33' E., 24.99 meters to Comer 8, a stake identical to Comer 112 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Reserve; thence N. 21° 26' W., 10.86 meters to Comer 9, identical to Comer 113 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 76° 03' E., 16.22 meters to Comer 10, a stake, identical to Comer 114, of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 36° 55' E., 16.71 meters to Comer 11, a stake identical to Comer 115 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 48° 19' E., 55.65 meters to Comer 12, a stake identical to Comer 116 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 46° 36' E., 38.89 meters to Comer 13, a stake identical to Comer 117 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 63° 22' E., 57.24 meters to Comer 14, a stake identical to Comer 118, of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 46° 47' E., 27.58 meters to Comer 15, a stake identical to Comer 119 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 26° 10' E., 17.15 meters to Comer 16, a stake identical to Comer 120 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve; thence S. 66° 53' E., 22.24 meters to Comer 17, a stake identical to Comer 121 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 47° 42' E., 29.95 meters to Comer 18, a stake identical to Comer 122, of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 65° 02' E., 62.40 meters to Comer 19, a stake identical to Comer 123 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 29° 24' E., 32.63 meters to Comer 20, a stake identical to Comer 124 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 25° 42' E, 26.68 meters to Comer 21, a stake, identical to Comer 125 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 63° 54' E., 16.16 meters to Comer 22, a stake identical to Comer 126 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve; thence S. 60° 11' E., 37.06 meters to Comer 23, a stake identical to Comer 127 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 54° 46' E., 26.97 meters to Comer 24, identical to Comer 128 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 23° 50' E., 59.28 meters to Comer 25, a stake identical to Comer 129 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve, thence S. 43° E., 165.0 meters to Comer 26, A Molave tree 40 cm in diameter; thence N. 50° E., 45.0 meters to Comer 27, a Molave tree, 30 cm. in diameter; thence N. 74° E., 105 meters to Comer 28, a Binayuyu tree 35 cm in diameter; thence N. 71° E., 100 meters to Comer 29, a Binayuyu tree 35 cm. in diameter; thence S. 86° E, 50 meters to Comer 30, a Mimoson tree 10 cm. in diameter; thence S. 79° E, 275 meters to Comer 31, a BaUnhasay tree 40 cm in diameter; thence N. 87° E, 220 meters to Comer 32, A Himbabao tree 25 cm in diameter; thence S. 46° W., 60 meters to Comer 33, Pagsahingin tree 15 cm in diameter; thence S. 47° W., 165 meters to Comer 34, a Pagsahingin tree 20 cm in diameter; thence S. 23° W., 200 meters to Comer 35, a Binayuyu tree 10 cm in diameter; thence S. 26° W., 240 meters to Comer 36, a Binayuyu tree 15 cm in diameter; thence S. 17° W., 240 meters to Comer 37, a Binayuyu tree 15 cm in diameter; thence S. 11° W., 170 meters to Comer 38, a Binayuyu tree 15 cm in diameter; thence S. 46° W., 140 meters to Comer 39, a Binayuyu tree 15 cm. in diameter; thence S. 36° W., 250 meters to Comer 40, a Binayuyu tree 15 cm in diameter; thence N. 25° W., 150 meters to Comer 41, an Alibangbang tree 15 cm. in diameter; thence N. 45° W., 280 meters to Comer 42, an AHbangbang tree 20 cm in diameter; thence N. 64° W., 200 meters to Comer 43, a Molave tree 40 cm in diameter; thence S. 36° W., 190 meters to Comer 44, an Anabiong tree 20 cm in diameter; thence S. 26° W., 70 meters to Comer 45, an Upling-gubat tree 165 cm in diameter; thence S. 15° E, 165 meters to Comer 46, a Binayuyu tree 25 cm in diameter; thence S. 10° E, 190 meters to Comer 47, a Binayuyu tree 20 cm in diameter; thence S. 17° E, 190 meters to Comer 48, an Alagasi tree 15 cm in diameter; thence S. 14° W., 160 meters to Comer 49, a Molave tree 30 cm in diameter; thence S. 18° W., 235 meters to Comer 50, a Molave tree 25 cm in diameter; thence S. 14° W., 120 meters to Comer 51a Balinghasay tree, 30 cm in diameter; thence S. 32° E, 165 meters to Comer 52, a Molave tree 25 cm in diameter; thence S. 22° E, 130 meters to Comer 53, a Molave tree, 30 cm in diameter; thence S. 67° W., 140 meters to Comer 54, an Alagasi tree 10 cm in diameter; thence S. 27° W., 130 meters to Comer 55, a Luisin tree 25 cm in diameter; thence S. 76° W., 125 meters to Comer 56, a Molave tree 30 cm in diameter; thence N. 39° W., 100 meters to Comer 57, a Pagsahingin tree 50 cm in diameter; thence N. 7° W., 60 meters to Comer 58, a Malamhat tree 40 cm. in diameter; thence N. 13° W., 120 meters to Comer 59, a Binayuyu tree, 30 cm in diameter; thence N. 7° E, 105 meters to Comer 60, a Barayugan tree 10 cm in diameter; thence N. 26° W., 225 meters to Comer 61, a Binayuyu tree 10 cm in diameter; thence N. 32° W., 200 meters to Comer 62, a Molave tree 50 cm in diameter; thence N. 84° W., 90 meters to Comer 63, a Balinghasay tree 25 cm in diameter; thence N. 45° W., 85 meters to Comer 64, a Binayuyu tree 15 cm in diameter; thence N. 6° W., 160 meters to Comer 65, a Binayuyu tree, 10 cm in diameter; thence N. 32° E, 210 meters to Comer 66, a Binayuyu tree 30 cm in diameter; thence N. 5° E, 155 meters to Comer 67, a Molave tree 30 cm. in diameter; thence N. 3° W., 250 meters to Comer 68, a Narra tree 40 cm in diameter; thence N. 29° W., 125 meters to Comer 69, a Molave tree 30 cm in diameter; thence N. 52° E, 375 meters to Comer 70, a Pagsahingin tree 50 cm in diameter; thence N. 7° W., 195 meters to Comer 71, a Molave tree 25 cm in diameter; thence due west, 135 meters to Comer 1, point ofbeginning. Containing an area of 189.00 hectares. BLOCK m Beginning at Comer 1, a Pamalatangan tree 40 cm in diameter; thence N. 65° W., 190 meters to Comer 2, an Ipil- ipU tree 10 cm in diameter; thence S. 72° W., 190 meters to Comer 3, a stake; thence N. 41° W., 250 meters to Comer 4, an Anabiong tree 15 cm in diameter; thence N. 45° W., 400 meters to Comer 5, an IpU-ipil tree 10 cm in diameter; thence N. 81° W., 380 meters to Comer 6, a Balete tree 90 cm in diameter; thence following Tabla Creek upstream in a general northwesterly direction about 550 meters to Comer 7, an IpU-ipU tree 15 cm. in diameter; thence N. 38° W., 70 meters to Comer 8 a stone monument 10 x 10 x 10 cm; thence N. 26° W., 15 meters to Comer 9, a stone monument 10 x 10 x 10 cm; thence N. 17° W., 270 meters to comer 10, a stone file; thence following Tabla Creek upstream in a general northwesterly direction about 150 meters to Comer 11, an Antipolo tree; 50 cm in diameter; thence following Tabla Creek upstream in a general northwesterly direction about 18° meters to Comer 12, a Narra tree 70 cm in diameter; thence N. 68° W., 210 meters to Comer 13, an AUnlangbang tree 30 cm in diameter; thence N. 37° W., 250 meters to Comer 14, a Binayuyu tree 30 cm in diameter; thence N. 23° W., 240 meters to Comer 15, a Salingkugui tree 20 cm in diameter; thence N. 31° W., 180 meters to Comer 16, a Macopa tree 30 cm in diameter; thence N. 13° W., 225 meters to Comer 17, a Malamhat tree 40 cm in diameter; thence N. 80° E, 130 meters to Comer 18, a Pamalatangan tree 40 cm in diameter; thence S. 63° E, 210 meters to Comer 19, a Binayuyu tree 20 cm in diameter; thence N. 85° E., 230 meters to Comer 20 a Bulala tree 40 cm in diameter; thence N. 4° W., 210 meters to Comer 21, a Tuai tree 30 cm in diameter; thence N. 13° E, 300 meters to Comer 22, a Macopa tree 40 cm in diameter; thence N. 11° W., 150 meters to Comer 23, a Macopa tree 40 cm in diameter; thence following Tabla Creek upstream in a general northwesterly direction about 125 meters to Comer 24, a Macopa tree 30 cm in diameter; thence N. 88° E., 150 meters to Comer 25, a Pagsahingin tree 40 cm in diameter; thence S. 60° E, 65 meters to Comer 26, a Tuai tree 30 cm in diameter; thence S. 64° E, 205 meters to Comer 27, a Balinghasay tree 35 cm. in diameter; thence S. 54° E, 240 meters to Comer 28, a Labayo tree 30 cm in diameter; thence S. 2° E, 300 meters to Comer 29, a Tamayuan tree 30 cm in diameter; thence S. 7° W., 285 meters to Comer 30, a Panglomboico tree 30 cm in diameter; thence S. 18° W., 270 meters to Comer 31, a Bagbag tree 30 cm. in diameter; thence S. 27° W., 115 meters to Comer 32, a Panglomboico tree 30 cm in diameter; thence S. 8° E, 150 meters to Comer 33, a Macopa tree 40 cm in diameter; thence S. 8° E, 210 meters to Comer 34, an Aludig tree 20 cm in diameter; thence S. 71° E, 330 meters to Comer 35, a Tuai tree 45 cm in diameter; thence N. 54° E, 245 meters to Comer 36, a PiH tree 20 cm in diameter; thence N. 62° E, 195 meters to Comer 37, a BaUnghasai tree 30 cm in diameter; thence S. 33° E, 45 meters to Comer 38, a Calumpit tree 40 cm. in diameter; thence S. 8° W., 195 meters to Comer 39, a BaUnghasai tree 15 cm in diameter; thence S. 20° E, 300 meters to Comer 40, an Aludig tree 30 cm. in diameter; thence S. 47° E, 345 meters to Comer 41, a Bulala tree, 40 cm in diameter; thence S. 60° E, 345 meters to Comer 42, a PLS/BL concrete monument; thence S. 59° 26' E, 49.06 meters to Comer 43, a stake; thence S. 64° 29' E, 151.58 meters to Comer 44, a PLA/BL Concrete monument; thence S. 43° 23' E, 79.58 meters to Comer 45, a stake; thence S. 54° 59' E, 46.84 meters to Comer 46, a stake, thence S. 51° W., 15 meters to Comer 47, a stake; thence due West, 30 meter to Comer 48, a BaUnghasai tree 25 cm m diameter; thence S. 15° E, 250 meters to Comer 1, point of begmnmg. Containmg an area of 158 hectares . BLOCK IV Begmning at Comer 1, an PR-Concrete Monument 15 x 15 x 60 cm which is N. 48° 13' E, 330 meters from Comer 114 of the old boundary of Lot 1-A of the Salmas Porest Reserve; thence N. 31° 16' W., 218.04 meters to Comer 2; thence N. 52° 31' W., 110.60 meters to Comer 3; thence N. 21° 55' W., 251.64 meters to Comer 4; thence S. 89° 08' E, 227.63 meters to Comer 5; thence S. 55° 04' E, 320.28 meters to Comer 6; thence S. 41° 54' E, 93.78 meters to Comer 7; thence S. 48° 13' W., 330.0 meters to Comer 1, point ofbeginning. Containmg an area of 21 hectares. Comer 2 to 7 are referred to on the ground by FR concrete monument 15 x 15x 60 cm BLOCK V Begmning at Comer 1, a FR concrete monument, which is identical to Comer 8 of the old boundary of Lot 2-B of the Salinas Forest Reserve; thence N. 88° 37' W., 407.88 meters to Comer 2; thence N. 64° 18' E, 181.17 meters to Comer 3; thence N. 69° 51' W., 106.36 meters to Comer 4; thence N. 35° 34' E, 76.03 meters to Comer 5; thence N. 87° 16' E, 138.36 meters to Comer 6; thence N. 18° 45' E, 121.14 meters to Comer 7; thence N. 46° E, 120.81 meters to Comer 8; thence S. 86° 37' E, 198.66 meters to Comer 9; thence N. 21° 54' E, 117.40 meters to Comer 10; thence N. 37° W., 30 meters to Comer 11; thence N. 52° 48' W., 211.63 meters to Comer 12; thence N. 23° 53' W., 220.27 meters to Comer 13; thence S. 60° 37' E, 322.32 meters to Comer 14; thence S. 40° E, 30 meters to Comer 15; thence S. 35° 05' E, 136.45 meters to Comer 16; thence S. 15° 07' E, 181.90 meters to Comer 17; thence S. 5° 02' E, 178.21 meters to Comer 18; thence S. 19° 46' W., 194.96 meters to Comer 1, point ofbeginning. Containing an area of 21 hectares. Comer 2 to 10 and Comer 12 are referred to on the ground by a FR Concrete Monument 15 x 60 cm Comer 11 and Comer 14 to Comer 18 are referred to on the ground by a PIA/BL Concrete Monument 15 x 60 cm Comer 13 is referred to on the ground by a stake and is identical to Comer 114 of the old boundary of Lot 1-A of Salinas Forest Reserve. BLOCK VI Beginning at Comer 1, point at south bank of Mawan Creek; thence following a creek upstream in a general southwesterly and northwesterly direction about 500 meters to Comer 2, a Pamalatangan tree 35 cm in diameter; thence N. 37° E., 130 meters to Comer 3, a Pagsahingin tree 35 cm in diameter; thence N. 53° E., 105 meters to Comer 4, an AUbangbang tree 30 cm in diameter; thence S. 68° E, 8° meters to Comer 5, a Balete tree 31 cm in diameter; thence S. 31° E, 125 meters to Comer 6, a Makaasin tree 35 cm in diameter; thence S. 13° 34' W., 45 meters to Comer 1, point ofbeginning. Containing an area of 5 hectares. BLOCK VII Beginning at Comer I, a BL concrete monument 15 x 15 x 60 cm in diameter and identical to Comer 41 of the old boundary of Lot 2-A of the Salinas Forest Reserve; thence S. 57° 16' W., 400 meters to Comer 2, a Pagsahingin tree 35 cm. in diameter; thence N. 22° W., 195 meters to Comer 3, a Pagsahingin tree 35 cm in diameter; thence N. 3° E, 225 meters to Comer 4 a BL concrete monument 15 x 15 x60 cm.; thence S. 66° 49' E, 515.51 meters to Comer 1, point ofbeginning. Containing an area of 1 1 hectares . IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 28th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. (SGD.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives 30-36. Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 241 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMAMATION NO. 31 DATED JULY 31, 1917, A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE BARRIO OF QUINABAUAN, MUNICIPALITY OF BURDEOS, PROVINCE OF QUEZON; ISLAND OE POULLO AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP THE MINING ACT WHEREAS, a petition has been filed for the release for mining purposes of a portion of the PoUUo Island Coal Bearing Porest Reserve established under Proclamation No. 31 dated July 31, 1917; WHEREAS, it has been found and certified by the Director of Mines that the area sought to be released from the forest reserve contains valuable coal deposits; WHEREAS, under the provisions of section fourteen of Commonwealth Act Numbered One hundred and thirty- seven, otherwise known as; the Mining Act, lands within reservations for purposes other than mining, if found after such reservation is made to be more valuable for their mineral contents than for the purpose or purposes for which the reservation is made, may be withdrawn from such reservation by the President of the Philippines with the concurrence of the Congress of the Philippines; NOW, THEREFORE upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section Fourteen of Commonwealth Act One Hundred and thirty-seven, I hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 31 dated July 31,1917, which established the PoUUo Island Coal Bearing Forest Reserve; and declare open to disposition under the provisions of the Mining Act, a portion of said forest reserve situated in the barrio of Quinabauan, municipality of Burdeos, province of Quezon, island of PoUUo, which is specifically shown on Bureau of Forestry Map L.C.-664 and technicaUy described to wit: Beginning at a point marked! 1 identical to comer 1 of Cl-29, which is more or loss N. 89° 27' W., 1,485.86 meters from B.LB.M. No. 2, barrio Burdeos, municipality of PoUUo, Quezon, or S. 86° 27' W., 7,533.17 meters more or less from triangulation “PAL” U.S.C and GS. PoUUo island, Quezon, thence, due south, 2,000.00 meters to point 2; thence, due west, 2,400.00 meters to point 3; thence, due north, 2,000.00 meters to point 4; identical to comer 2 of Q-29; thence, due east, 2,400.00 meters along the southern boundary of Cl-29 to point 1 which is the point of beginning. Contaming an area of 480.0 hectares. The cutting, removal, and utilization of the timber and other forest products, therefrom shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Forest and Internal Revenue Laws and Regulations. This proclamation shall take effect only upon the concurrence of the Congress of the PhUippines. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the PhiUppines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 31st day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hunndred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the PhiUppines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1955). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52( 1 ), 36-38. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 242 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM FEBRUARY 22 TO 28 (or 29), INCLUSIVE, OE EVERY YEAR AS TRAEFIC SAFETY WEEK AND MARCH EIRST OE EVERY YEAR AS SAEE-DRIVING DAY (S-D DAY) AND AUTHORIZING THE NATIONAL TRAEEIC COMMISSION TO SOUCIT DONATIONS THEREFOR WHEREAS, the loss of hie, Umbs, and property resulting from traffic accidents reaches appalling proportions; WHEREAS, it is the government’s duty to solve the critical traffic situation with a view to minimizing, if not totally eliminating, traffic accidents and the resultant loss of Ufe, limb, and property; and WHEREAS, in the furtherance of this aim, it is necessary for the National Traffic Commission to conduct an efficacious educational campaign by the use of leaflets, posters, banners, billboards, signboards, mass media, the radio, and other appropriate means to arouse traffic-safety consciousness and impel the observance of traffic and road courtesy mles and regulations; NOW, THEREFORE I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the period from Febmary 22 to 28 (or 29), inclusive, of every year as Traffic Safety Week and Mach 1st of every year as Safe- Driving Day (S-D Day), and designate the National Traffic Commisison to take charge of aU arrangements and activities for their fitting celebration throughout the Philippines. The Commission is hereby authorized to solicit donations in cash or in kind for the purpose of carrying out the aim of this proclamation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and cause the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 9th day of January, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines . (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(1), 38-39. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 243 MAKING PUBUC CONVENTION 87— CONCERNING FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION AND PROTECTION OF THE RIGHT TO ORGANIZE; CONVENTION 88— CONCERNING THE ORGANIZATION OF EMPLOYMENT SERVICE; CONVENTION 89— CONCERNING NIGHT WORK OF WOMEN EMPLOYED IN INDUSTRY; CONVENTION 90— CONCERNING THE NIGHT WORK OF YOUNG PERSONS EMPLOYED IN INDUSTRY; CONVENTION 93— CONCERNING WAGES, HOURS OF WORK ON BOARD SHIP AND MANNING (REVISED 1949); CONVENTION 94— CONCERNING LABOUR CLAUSES IN PUBUC CONTRACTS; CONVENTION 95— CONCERNING THE PROTECTION OF WAGES; CONVENTION 98— CONCERNING THE APPUCATION OF PRINCIPLES OF THE RIGHT TO ORGANIZE AND TO BARGAIN COLLECTIVELY; CONVENTION 99— CONCERNING MINIMUM WAGE FIXING MACHINERY IN AGRICULTURE; AND CONVENTION 100— CONCERNING EQUAL REMUNERATION FOR MEN AND WOMEN WORKERS FOR WORK OF EQUAL VALUE WHEREAS, the International Labour Conference adopted from 1948 to 1951, the following Conventions; (a) Convention 87 — concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize; (7>) Convention 88 — concerning the Organization of Employment Service; (c) Convention 89 — concerning Night “Workof Women Employed in Industry; f(7) Convention 90 — concerning the Night Work of Young Persons Employed in Industry; (e) Convention 93 — concerning Wages, Hours ofWork on Board Ship and Manning (Revised 1949); (f) Convention 94 — concerning Labour Clauses in Public Contracts; (g) Convention 95 — concerning the Protection ofWages (A) Convention 98 — concerning the Application ofPrinciples ofthe Right to Organize and to Bargain Collectively; (I) Convention 99 — concerning Minimum Wage Fixing Machinery in Agriculture; and (j) Convention 100 — concerning Equal Remuneration for Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value. WHEREAS, Article 19 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organization provides, among others, that such Conventions need to be ratified by member States; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 140 adopted on May 21, 1953, did concur in the ratification of the said Conventions in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines ; WHEREAS, the Republic of the Philippines has formally ratified the aforesaid Conventions and deposited for registration its instmment of ratification on December 29, 1953 with the Director-General of the International Labour Office; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, have caused the said Conventions, copies of which are hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done in the City of Manila, this 16th day of January, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the Tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), 561-562. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 244 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 350 DATED DECEMBER 12, 1938, TWO PARCELS OF LAND SITUATED IN BARRIOS PUTLAN AND TAYABO, MUNICIPAUTIES OF CARRANGLAN AND SAN JOSE, PROVINCE OF NUEVA ECIJA, AND RESERVING THE SAME AS NON- CHRISTIAN AND BARRIO AND SCHOOL SITES Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 1826 of the Revised Administrative Code and of sections 83 and 84 of the Public Land Act, as amended, I hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 350, dated December 12, 1938, establishing the Talavera Watershed Eorest Reserve, two parcels of land, one situated in barrio Putlan, municipality of Carranglan, province of Nueva Ecija, and establish the same as a Non-Christian Reservation, and another parcel situated in the barrio of Tayabo, municipality of San Jose, province of Nueva Ecija, and reserve the same for the site of barrio Tayabo and for school site, subject to private rights, if any there be, to final standard survey and right-of-way and to the condition that the timber and other forest products therein shall remain subject to the Eorest and Internal Revenue Laws and Regulations, which parcels are particularly shown on the Bureau of Eorestry Map CR.-30 and technically described as follows: Reserved as a Non-Christian Reservation Beginning from comer 1, which is identical to comer 32, lot 2, of the Talavera Watershed Eorest Reserve, Bureau of Eorestry Map ER-86; thence N. 22° 28' E, 203.60 meters to comer 2, identical to comer 33, lot 2, of Talavera Watershed Forest. Reserve; thence N. 33° 55' E, 51.23 meters to comer 3, identical to comer 34, lot 2 of Talavera Watershed Forest Reserve; thence N. 16° 45' N., 340.22 meters to comer 4, identical to comer 35, lot 2, of the Talavera Watershed Forest Reserve; thence N. 85° E, 670 meters to comer 5; thence N. 55° E, 450 meters to comer 6; thence N. 79° E, 680 meters to comer 7; thence S. 74° E, 300 meters to comer 8; thence S. 84° E, 3:40 meters to comer 9; thence N. 60° E, 470 meters to comer 10; thence N. 51° E, 550 meters .to comer 11; thence N. 27° E, 490 meters to comer 12; thence N. 70° E, 260 meters to comer 13; thence S. 8° W., 490 meters to comer 14; thence following PutHan River downstream in a southwesterly direction about 460 meters to comer 15; thence S. 47° W., 420 meters to comer 16; thence S. 47° W., 480 meters to comer 17; thence N. 70° E, 230 meters to comer 18; thence N. 88° W., 230 meters to comer 19; thence due west, 570 meters to comer 20; thence S. 76° W., 520 meters to comer 21; thence S. 51° W., 470 meters to comer 22; thence S. 76° W., 370 meters to comer 23; thence S. 42° W., 280 meters to comer 24; thence N. 41° W., 200 meters to comer 1, point of beginning. Containing an area of 135.0 hectares. 411 points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by trees. Bearings magnetic. Reserve as the Tayabo Barrio and School Site ( Lots A and B on Map ) Beginning from comer 1, which is identical to comer 106, lot 5, of the Talavera Watershed Forest Reserve, Bureau of Forestry Map FR-36; thence N. 76° E, 90 meters to comer 2, a stake 5 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 71° E, 70 meters to comer 3, a stake 5 centimeters in diameter; thence following San Jose Road in southeasterly direction, about 288 meters to comer 4, a Malugay tree, 20 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 26° W., 40 meters to comer 5, a stake 5 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 45° W., 140 meters to comer 6, a stake 5 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 16" W., 30 meters to comer 7, a stake 5 centimeters in diameter thence N. 42° W., 40 meters to comer 8, a yakal post 10 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 33° W., 140 meters to comer 1, point of beginning. Containing an area of 3.86 hectares . Bearings magnetic. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 17th day of lanuary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: MARIANO YENKO, JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), 562-564. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 245 ESTABUSHING AS SOUTHERN ZAMBALES EOREST RESERVE EOR WATERSHED AND SOIL PROTECTION, TIMBER PRODUCTION, AND OTHER EOREST PURPOSES, CERTAIN PARGETS OE THE PUBUC DOMAIN, SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITIES OE CABANGAN, SAN EEUPE, SAN NARCISO, SANMARCEUNO, CASTILLEJOS, AND SUBIC, PROVINCE OE ZAMBALES, ISLAND OE LUZON Upon the recommendation of the Director of Eorestry, approved by the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and pursuant to the provisions of section eighteen hundred and twenty-six of Act Numbered Twenty- seven hundred and eleven, known as the Revised Administrative Code, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or entry and establish and proclaim, subject to private rights, if any there be, the Southern Zambales Eorest Reserve for watershed and soil protection, timber production., and other forest purposes, under the administration and control of the Bureau of Eorestry, the following parcels of public domain, situated in the municipalities of Cabangan, San EeUpe, San Narciso, San MarceUno, CastiUejos, and Subic, province of Zambales island of Luzon, described on the Bu-x-eau of Eorestry Map No. FR-122, to wit: Parcel I Beginning at a point marked 1 on Map ER-122 a point that is identical to monument No. 11 of the U. S. Naval Reservation being D. E. about 4,200 meters from B.L.L.M. No. 1, Subic, Zambales; thence following land classification lines 140-138 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 13, about 700 meters to comer 2, an anonang tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 32° W., about 280 meters to comer 3, an apitong tree 80 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 137-135 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 13, about 699 meters to comer 4, an apitong tree 90 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 5" W., about 210 meters to comer 5, a paho tree 35 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 61° W., about 332 meters to comer 6, a makaasim tree, 40 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 17° W., about 192 meters to cornier 7, a meleuse tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 132-129 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 13, about 892 meters to comer 8, an apitong; tree 90 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 21° W., about 297 meters to comer 9, a putat tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 128-126 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 13, about 927 meters to comer 10, a pao tree 80 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 126-120 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 13, about 1.994 meters to comer 11, an amugiis tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 120-117 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 13, about 1,172 meters to comer 12, a pao tree 65 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 117-115 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 13, .about 1,067 meters to comer 13, an apitong tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 115-113 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 13, about 577 meters to comer 14, an apitong tree 50 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 31° W., about 297 meters to comer 15, a pao tree 90 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 112-110 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 13, about 665 meters to comer 16, an bugen is species tree 45 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 71° W., about 350 meters to comer 17, an eugenia species tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 2° W., about 263 meters to comer 18, a piU tree 50 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 56° W., about 315 meters to comer 19, a narra tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 107-105 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 13, about 763 meters to comer 20, an unknown species tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 105-103 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 13, about 638 meters to comer 21, a kupang tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 103-100 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 13, about 812 meters to comer 22, a white lauan tree 90 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 72° E. about 378 meters to comer 23, a Bureau of Lands concrete monument; thence N. 30° E., about 315 meters to comer 24, a Bureau of Lands concrete monument; thence following land classification lines 98-96 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 13, about 822 meters to comer 25, an apitong tree 80 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 35° E. about 437 meters to comer 26, an apitong tree 80 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 76° E., about 437 meters to comer 27, a lauan tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 44° E., about 210 meters to comer 28, a malacacao tree 50 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 59° W., about 280 meters to comer 29, a pao tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 92-90 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 13„ about 700 meters to comer 30, a bolongeta tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence: S. 69° W., about 420 meters to comer 31, a white lauan tree 80 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 62° W., about 315 meters to comer 32, a palosapis tree 90 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 79° W., about 525 meters to comer 33. a Bureau of Lands concrete monument; thence N. 42° W., about; 595 meters to comer 34, a banayhanay tree (50 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 63° E., about 332 meters to comer 35, a banaba tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 23° W., about 350 meters to comer 36, a dugjian tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 55° W., about 280 meters to comer 37, a guijo tree 70 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 83° W., about 525 meters to comer 38, an anonang tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence N, 23° E., about 560 meters to comer 39., a balakat tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 61° E., about 840 meters to comer 40, a binayuyo tree 35 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 52-50 of the alienable and disposable area of Zambales Project No. 7, about 1,047 meters to comer 41, a tuai tree 90 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 50-54 of the alienable and disposable area of Zambales Project No. 7, about 3,219 meters to comer 42, a lauan tree 70 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 44-41 of the alienable and disposable area of Zambales Project No, 7, about 1,592 meters to comer 43, a Balakat-gubat tree 40 centimeters’ in diameter; thence following land classification lines 41-39 of the alienable and disposable area of Zambales Project No. 7, about 1,032 meters to comer 44, a bangkal tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 39-37 of the alienable and disposable area of Zambales Poject No. 7, about 1,015 meters to comer 45, an apitong tree 80 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 37-35 of the alienable and disposable area of Zambales Project No. 7, about 979 meters to comer 46, an acleng-parang tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 35-32 of the alienable and disposable area of Zambales Project No. 7, about 1,505 meters to comer 47, a point; thence following land classification lines 162-160 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 665 meters to comer 48, an eugenia sp. tree 35 centimeters in diameter; thence E. 3° W., about 647 meters to comer 49, a kupang tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 159-157 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. U about 1,172 meters to comer 50, a palongeta tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 157-154 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 1,259 meters to comer 51, a kupang tree 100 centimeters in diameter; thence, N. 83° S., about 525 meters to comer 52, a palo-papis tree 80 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 62° E., about 472 meters to comer 53, a tuai tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 152-150 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 834 meters to comer 54, a Ibanaba tree 25 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 150-147 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 699 meters to comer 55, a talisay gubat tree 50 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 147-145 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 716' meters to comer 56, a Luisa tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 54° E., about 378 meters to comer 57, a concrete monument; thence S. 19° W., about 542 meters to comer 58, a panetulin tree 45 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 87° E., about 245 meters to comer 59, a Binayuyo tree 25 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 142-137 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 2,179 meters to comer 60, a duguan tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 137- 135 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, aobut 420 meters to comer 61, a Pao tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 135-133 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 472 meters to comer 62, a palosapis tree 85 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 25° E, about 280 meters to comer 63, a point SW. comer of the land of Aniceto Beltran; thence following land classification lines 132-130 of alienable and disposable block 1, Zambales Project No. 11, about 653 meters to comer 64. a pao tree 50 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 130-127 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 775 meters to comer 65, an aritongtong tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 42° E., about 525 meters to comer 66, a banaba tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 126-124 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 713 meters to comer 67, a banaba tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 3" E., about 373 meters to comer 68, a banaba tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 123-120 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 830 meters to comer 69, an eugenia sp. tree 25 centimelters in diameter; thence N. about 280 meters to comer 70, a tuai tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 60° W., about 332 meters to comer 71, a duguan tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 118-116 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 507 meters to comer 72, a panatuUn tree 50 centimeters in diameter, thence following land classification lines 116-114 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 935 meters to comer 73, a malasapsap 40 centimeters in diamter; thence N. 34° E., about 87 meters, to comer 74, a pao tree 70 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 114- 111 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 734 meters to comer 75, a kitupling tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 111-107 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 1,370 meters to comer 76, a tibig tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 59° W., about 315 meters to comer 77, a banaba tree 70 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 41° E., about 377 meters to comer 78, a dayday tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 84° “W., about 192 meters to comer 79, an apitong tree 50 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 17° W., about 542 meters to comer 80, an eugenia sp. tree 35 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 82° W., about 577 meters to comer 81, a banaba tree 50 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 102 to 100 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 977 meters to comer 82, a Dao tree 100 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 100-97 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 1,015 meters to comer 83, comer 5 of Psu-26067; thence N. 27° E, about 420 meters to comer 84, comer 2 of Psu-26067; thence following land classification lines 96-94 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 1.049 meters to comer 85, comer 73 of Psu-26067; thence N. 40° E., about 280 meters to comer 86, comer 72 of Psu-26067; thence following land classification lines 93-91 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 1,250 meters to comer 87, comer 70 of Psu-2606TJ; thence following land classification lines 91-89 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 939 meters to comer 88, comer 68 of Psu-26067; thence N. 29° W., about 892 meters to comer 89, a concrete monument; thence following land [classification lines 88-85 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 1,119 meters to comer 90, a white lauan tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 85-83 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11 about 533 meters to comer 91, a white lauan tree 70 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 56° W., about 1, 698 meters to comer 92, comer 53 of Psu-36067; thence following Anti River upstream about 2,100 meters to comer 93 at the junction of a creek and Anti River; thence following Anti River upstream about 3,675 meters to comer 94, a palomeria tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 66° W., about 280 meters to comer 95, a binayuyo tree 20 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 9° W., about 350 meters to comer 96, a hanaba tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 55° W., about 420 meters to comer 97, an acleng parang tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 2° W., about 350 meters to; comer 98, an agoho tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 68° W., about 350 meters to comer 99, .an antipolo tree 35 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 72° W., about 367 meters to comer 100, an anaUngo tree 40 centimeters in “diameter; thence following Dacong creek downstream about 4,095 meters to comer 101 at the junction of creeks; thence following lombay Creek upstream about 1,400 meters to comer 102; an UangUang tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 69° N., about 220 meters to comer 103, paho tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 33° E., about 25.5 meters to comer 104, an akle tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 70-67 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 700 meters to comer 105, a ficus sp. tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 73° W., about 245 meters to comer 106, a banaba tree 35 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 55° W., about 245 meters to comer 107, a white lauan tree 45 centimeters in diameter; thence 225° W., about 280 meters to comer 108, a kupang tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 64-62 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 533 meters to comer 109, a tindalo tree 50 centimeters in diameter; thence following Caroscos Creek, downstream, about 2,677 meters to comer 110, a point; thence N. 36’’ W., about 568 meters to comer 111, a white lauan tree 50 centimeters; in diameter; thence S. 76° W., about 647 meters to comer 112, a kupang tree 70 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 59-56 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 680 meters to comer 113, a batobato tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 56-52 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 1,215 meters to comer 114, a binayuyo tree 35 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 52-49 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 622 meters to comer 115, a ficus sp. tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 35° W., about 288 meters to comer 116, a paho tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 48-46 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 665 meters to comer 117, a balinghasai tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 46-44 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 550 meters to comer 118, a binayuyo tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 44-42 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 1,188 meters to comer 119, a binayuyo tree 25 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 75 ° W., about 210 meters to comer 120, a binayuyo tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 41-38 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 1,145 meters to comer 121, a binayuyo tree 25 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 38-31 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 2,025 meters to comer 122, a pagsahingin tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 31-29 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 560 meters to comer 123, a baHnghasai tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 22° E, about 350 meters to comer 124, a balingihasai tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 27° W., about 420 meters to comer 125, a baUnghasai tree 35 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 27-25 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 641 meters to comer 126, a baHnghasai tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 42° W., about 280 meters to comer 127, a baHnghasai tree 15 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 79° W., about 315 meters to comer 128, a baHnghasai tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence DS, about 200 meters to comer 129, a baHnghasai tree 35 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 87° W., about 245 meters to comer 130, a balete tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence foUowing land classification lines 21-14 of aHenable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 2,280 meters to comer 131, a molave tree 35 centimeters in diameter; thence foUowing land classification, lines 14-12 of aHenable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 542 meters to comer 132, a baHnghasai tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification Hnes 12-10 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 480 meters to comer 133, a baUnghasai tree 25 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 28° W., about 515 meters to comer 134, a baHnghasai tree 35 centimeters in diameter; thence foUowing land classification Hnes 9-7 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 670 meters to comer 135, an agoho tree 25 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 68° W., about 410 meters to comer 136, a concrete monument marked M.B.M. No. 18, thence following the boundary Hne of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L Case No. 8, about 560 meters to comer 137, a point; thence foUowing the boundary Hne of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L Case No. 8, about 700 meters to comer 138, a point; thence following the boundary line of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, about 550 meters to comer 139, a point; thence following the boundary line of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, about 650 meters to comer 140, a point; thence foUowing the boundary Hne of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, about 700 meters to comer 141, a B.L. concrete monument; thence foUowing the boundary line of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, from comer 1 of lot 10274 to comer 3 of lot 10293, about 300 meters to comer 142, a B.L. concrete monument; thence foUowing the boundary Hne of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L, Case No. 8, from comer 3 of lot 10293 to comer 5 of lot 10312, about 456 meters to comer 143, a B.L. concrete monument; thence foUowing the boundary Hne of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, from comer 5 of lot 10312 to comer 2 of lot 10437, about 350 meters to comer 144, a B.L. concrete monument; thence foUowing the boundary line of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, from comer 2 of lot 10437 to comer 4 of lot 10425, about 340 meters to comer 145, a B.L. concrete monument; thence following the boundary Hne of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, from earner 4 of lot 10425 to comer 10 of lot 10478, about 360 meters to comer 146, a B.L. concrete monument; thence foUowing the boundary Hne of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, from comer 10 of lot 10478 to comer 2 of lot 10479, about 420 meters to comer 147, a B.L. concrete monument; thence foUowing the boundary line of San Narciso cadastre; B.L. Case No. 8, from comer 2 of lot 10479 to comer 3 of lot 10495, about 300 meters to comer 148, a B.L. concrete monument; thence foUowing the boundary Hne of San Narciso Cadastre B.L. Case No. 8, from comer 3 of lot 10495 to comer 19 of lot 10498, about 550 meters to comer 149, a B.L. concrete monument; thence foUowing the boundary Hne of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, from comer 19 of lot 10498 to comer 19 of lot 10498, about 800 meters to comer 150, a B.L. concrete monument; thence foUowing the boundary Hne of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, from comer 15 of lot 10498 to comer 5 of lot 10519, about 250 meters to comer 151, a B.L. concrete monument; thence foUowing the boundary, Hne of San Narciso Cadastre B.L. Case No. 8, from comer 5 of lot 10519 to comer 1 of lot 10518, aout 300 meters to comer 152, a B.L. concrete monument; thence foUowing the boundary Hne of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, from comer 1 of lot 10518 to comer 6 of lot 10517, about 300 meters to comer 153, a B.L. concrete monument; thence foUowing the boundary line of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, from comer 6 of lot 10517, to comer2 of lot 10516, about 360 meters to comer 154,. a B.L. concrete monument; thence foUowing the boundary Hne of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, from comer 2 of lot 10516 to comer 8 of lot 10500, about 450 meters to comer 155, a B.L. concrete monument; thence foUowing the boundary Hne of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, from comer 8 of lot 10500 to comer 5 of lot 105481, about 450 meters to comer 156, a B.L. concrete monument; thence foUowing the boundary Hne of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, from comer 5 of lot 10548’to comer 4 of lot. 10439, about 250 meters to comer 157, a B.L. concrete monument; thence foUowing the boundary line of San Narciso Cadastre; B.L. Case No. 8, (from comer 4 of lot 19439 to comer 5 of lot 10374, about 280 meters to comer 158, a B.L. concrete monument; thence foUowing the boundary Hne of San Narciso, B.L. Case No. 8, about 160 meters to comer 159, a point; thence following the boundary line of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, about 100 meters to comer 160, a point; thence following the boundary Hne of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, about 300 meters to comer 161, a point; thence following the boundary line of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, about 800 meters to comer 162, a point; thence following the boundary line of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, about 340 meters to comer 163, a point; thence following the. boundary, line of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, about 1,460 meters to comer 164, a point; thence following the boundary line of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, 1,120 meters to comer 165, a point; thence following the boundary line of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, about 300 meters to comer 166, a point; thence following the boundary line of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, about 250 meters to comer 167, a point; thence following the boundary line of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, about 250 meters to' comer 168, a point; thence following the boundary line of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, about 450 meters to comer 169, a point; thence following the boundary line of San Narcsio Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, about 600 meters to comer 170, a point; thence following the boundary line of San Narcsio Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, about 350 meters to comer 171, a point; thence following the boundary line of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, about 300 meters to comer 172, a point; thence following the boundary line of San Narciso Cadastre, B.L. Case No. 8, about 500 meters to comer 173, a concrete monument marked M.B.M. No. 16; thence following Santo Tomas River downstream about 805 meters to comer 174, a baUnghasai tree 25 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 89-86 of the alienable and disposable land of Zambales Project No. 10, about 986 meters to comer 175, a balinghasai tree 15 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 186-84 of the alienable and disposable land of Zambales Project No. 10, about 654 meters to comer 176, a bamboo clump; thence N. 79° W., about 88 meters to comer 177, a molave tree 20 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 46° W., about 297 meters to comer 178, a bamboo clump; thence following land classification lines 82-79, of the alienable and disposable land of Zambales Project No. 10, about 584 meters to comer 179, a molave tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 84° W., about 361 meters to cornier 180, a molave tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 7° W., about 305 meters to comer 181, a projecting rock 50 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 38° W., about 392 meters to comer 132, a dapdap tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 76-74 of the alienable and disposable land of Zambales Project No. 10, about 657 meters to comer 183, a balinghasai tree 15 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 81° W., about 252 meters to comer 184, a binayuyo tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 73-71 of the alienable and disposable land of Zambales Project No. 10, about 514 meters to comer 185, a sapindus sp. tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 49° W., about 175 meters to comer 186, a banaba tree 25 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 70-66 of the alienable and disposable land of Zambales Project No. 10, about 1,092 meters to comer 187, a balinghasai tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 11° S. about 455 meters to comer 188, a sapindus sp. tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 65-56 of the alienable and disposable land of Zambales Project No. 10, about 2,496 meters to comer 189, a kupang tree 45 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification line 56-52 of the alienable and disposable land of Zambales Project No. 10, about 1,050 meters to comer 190, a luisin tree 50 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 37° W., about 770 meters to comer 191, comer 45 of lot No. 1, Psu-19330; thence N. 40° E, about 883 meters to comer 192, comer. 44 of lot No. 1, Psu-19330; thence S. 65° W., about 2,645 meters to comer 193, comer 43 of lot No. 1, Psu-19330; thence S. 45" W., about 772 meters to comer 194, comer 8 of G.L.R.O. No. 20120; thence DE, about 1,128 meters to comer 195, comer 7 of G.L.R.O. No. 20120; thence S. 5° E, about 953 meters to comer 196, comer 6 of G.L.R.O. No. 20120; thence S. 35° E, about 1,557 meters to comer 197, comer 5 of G.L.R.O. No. 20120; thence N. 32° E., about 1,190 meters to comer 198, comer 4 of G.L.R.O. No. 20120; thence N. 48° W., about 1,338 meters to comer 199, coiner 3 of G.L.R.O. No. 20120; thence N. 16° W., about 822 meters to comer 200, comer 2 of G.L.R.O. No. 20120; thence N. 70° W., about 822 meters to comer 201, comer 1 of G.L.R.O. No. 20120; thence N. 25° E, about 735 meters to comer 202, comer 1 of G.L.R.O. No. 19427; thence following land classification line 40-38 of the alienable and disposable land of Zambales Project No. 10, about 1,140 meters to comer 203, comer 18 of G.L.R.O. No. 19427; thence following land classification lines 38-34 of the alienable and disposable land of Zambales Project No. 10, about 1,494 meters to comer 204, comer 13 of G.L.R.O. No. 19427; thence S. 73° E, about 2,983 meters to comer 205, comer 1 of lot No. 9, Psu-19330; thence N. 78° E, about 875 meters to comer 206, comer 24 of lot No. 9, Psu-19330; thence N. 48° E, about 1,035 meters to comer 207, comer 23 of lot No. 9, Psu-19330; thence following land of classification lines 31-29 of the alienable and disposable land of Zambales Project No. 110, about 1,222 meters to comer 208, comer 21 of lot No. 9, Psu-19330; thence S. 30' E, about 358 meters to comer 209, comer 20 of lot No. 9, Psu-19330; thence Mowing Anonang Creek upstream, about 1,137 meters to comer 210, comer 2 of lot No. 12, Psu-19330; thence S. 87° E, about 433 meters to comer 211, a concrete market B. M. No. 12; thence following Anonang River upstream about 385 meters to comer; 212; comer 4 of lot No. 13, Psu-19330; thence S, 75° E, about 280 meters to comer 24, comer 3 of lot No. 13, Psu-19330; thence S. 27° E, about 752 meters to comer 214, comer 2 of lot No. 13, Psu-19330; thence following land classification lines 28- 25 of alienable and disposable block II, Zambales Project No. 11, about 1,987 meters to comer 215, an apitong tree 70 centimeters in diameter; thence following land class ificatoin lines 25-20 of alienable and disposable block II, Zambales Project No. II, about 1,785 meters to comer 216, a bangkal tree 80 centimeters in diameter; thence; N. 60° E, about 483 meters to comer 217, a kalautit tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 85° E., about 315 meters to comer 218, a banaba tree 60 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 42° E, about 323 meters to comer 219, a kalai tree 35 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 28° E., about 323 meters to comer 220, a malasantol tree 50 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 20° W., about 262 meters to comer 221, a dita tree 35 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 42° E, about 472 meters to comer 222, a lamsi tree 70 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 29° W., about 402 meters to comer 223, a malasantol tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 57° W., 402 meters to comer 224, an anonang tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification lines 12-10 of alienable and disposable block n, Zambales Project No. 11, about 1,014 meters to comer 225, a banaba tree 70 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 50° W., about 332 meters to comer 226, a tangi-sang-bayawak tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence following land classification line 9-7 of alienable and disposable block II, Zambales Project No. 11, about 892 meters to comer 227, a mo lave tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 5° W., about 735 meters to comer 228, comer 11 of lot No. 1, Psu-19330; thence N. 60" W., about 1,023 meters to comer 229, comer 10 of lot 1, Psu- 19330; thence N. 29° W., about 892 meters to comer 230, comer 9 of lot No. 1, Psu-19330; thence following land classification lines 4-2 of alienable and disposable block I, Zambales Project No. 11, about 612 meters to comer 231, comer 7 of lot No. 1, Psu-19330; thence N. 77° E, about 17,550 meters to comer 232, a point; thence S. 13° E, about 3,300 meters to comer 233, a point; thence S. 43° W., about 4,450 meters to comer 234, a point; thence S. 41° E, about 5,800 meters to comer 235, a point; thence S. 73° E, about 4,800 meters to comer 236, a point; thence S. 40° W., about 2,500 meters to comer 237, a point; thence S. 40° W., about 825 meters to comer 238, a point; thence S. 84° W., about 1,350 meters to comer 239, a point; thence S. 34° W., about 1,950 meters to comer 240, a point; thence S. 35° W., about 3,250 meters to comer 241, a point; thence S. 45° E, about 3,675 meters to comer 242, a point; thence DW, about 3,300 meters to comer 243, a point; thence S. 68° W., about 2,060 meters to comer 244, a point; thence S. 72° W., about 4,425 meters to comer 245, a point; thence S. 20° W., about 6,660 meters to comer 1, the point of beginning; containing an area of 36,926.5 hectares, more or less. Parcel — II Beginning at a point marked 1 on map E.R. — 122 being N. 41° W., about 1.610 meters from the Quirino Dam; thence N. 41° E, about 332 meters to comer 2, a lanutan tree 70 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 74° E, about 292, meters to comer 3, a banaba tree 40 centimeters in diameter; themce S. 61° E, about 358 meters to comer 4, a kupang tree 45 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 27° E, about 315 meters to comer 15, a santol tree 45 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 3° W., about 455 meters to comer 6, an agoho tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 51° W., about 227 meters to comer 7, a banaba tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 69° W., about 305 meters to comer 8, a banaba tree 25 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 48° W., about 498 meters to comer 9, a kupang tree 40 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 21° W., about 298 meters to comer 1, the point of beginning; containing an area of 73.5 hectares, more or less. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 18th day of January, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), 564-573. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 246 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM APRIL 1 TO 7, 1956, AS “AID TO THE BUND AND HANDICAPPED WEEK” WHEREAS, section 10 (a) of Republic Act No. 1179 authorizes the President of the Philippines to set aside an annual fund-raising week to be known as “Aid to the Blind and Handicapped Week,” the money realized therefrom to constitute a tmst fund called the “Blind and Handicapped Fund” under the control and administration of the Social Welfare Administrator; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the period from April 1 to 7, 1956, as “Aid to the Blind and Handicapped Week,” during which the Social Welfare Administration shall conduct a campaign for funds for the blind and other handicapped persons. I call upon all citizens and residents of this country, as well as aU civic-spirited organizations and associations, to support this campaign. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 18th day of January, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTHNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), 573-574. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 247 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 427 DATED NOVEMBER 7, 1931, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE FARM SCHOOL RESERVATION SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF SANTIAGO, PROVINCE OF ISABELA, ISLAND OF LUZON, CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN, EXCEPT THE PARCELS WHICH ARE ACTUALLY OCCUPIED AND USED FOR FARM SCHOOL PURPOSES AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of sections 83 and 88 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, otherwise known as the Public Land Act, I hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 427 dated November 7, 1931, which established the farm school reservation situated in the Municipality of Santiago, Province of Isabela, Island of Luzon, certain portions of the land embraced therein and declare the same open to disposition under the provisions of the said Act, except the following described parcels of land which are actually occupied and used forfarm school purposes, to wit: Lot 8000-D-l, Psd-18663-Amd. “A parcel of land’ (lot 8000-D-l of the proposed amendment plan of Psd-18663, being a portion of Sot 8000 of the Cadastral Survey of Santiago, G.L.It.O. Cadastral Hecord No. ), situated in the Poblacion, municipality of Santiago, province of Isabela. Bounded on the NE-, by Camacan Street; on the SE. and SW., by lot 8000-D-4 of the proposed amendment plan; and on the NW., by lot 3000-D-4 of the proposed amendment plan and lot 7999, Santiago Cadastre. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 81° 08' E, 62.95 meters from B.L.L.M. 78, Santiago Cadastre, thence N. 18° 35' W., 494.00 meters to point 2; thence N. 66° 43' E, 122.00 meters to point 3; thence N. 66° 43' E, 158.93 meters to point 4; thence N. 64° 04' E, 7.71 meters to point 5; thence S. 36° 18' E, 77.06 meters to point 6; thence S. 44° 28' E, 294.90 meters to point 7; thence S. 48° 52' W., 469.79 meters to point of beginning; containing an area of 156,044 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1, 2 and 7, by hubs; and the rest, by B.L. concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of the amendment survey, October 28-29, 1953. Lot 8000-D-2, Psd-18663-Amd. “A parcel of land (lot 8000-D-2 of the proposed amendment plan of Psd-18663, being a portion of lot 8000 of the cadastral survey of Santiago, G.L.R.O. Cadastral Record No. ), situated in the Poblacion, municipality of Santiago, province of Isabela. Bounded on the NW. and NE., by lot 8000-D4 of the proposed amendment plan; and on the SE. and SW., by lot 471, Santiago Cadastre. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 47° 31' W., 540.42 meters from B.LX.M. 78, Santiago Cadastre, thence N. 42° 42' W., 206 00 meters to point 2; thence N. 60° 01' E, 200.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 42° 42' E, 206.00 meters to point 4; thence S. 60° 01' W., 200.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 40,190 square meters . AH points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: point 1, by B.L. concrete monument, and points 2, 3 and 4, by hubs; bearings tme; date of the amendment survey, October 28-29, 1953 NOTE: All data are approximate and subject to change. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 19th day of January, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines . (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52( 2 ), 574-575. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 248 DECLARING THE SECOND WEEK OE MARCH OE EVERY YEAR AS PH RI PPINE EOREIGN TRADE WEEK WHEREAS, the development of Philippine foreign trade is a vital factor in the growth and stabilization of the economy of the country; WHEREAS, there exists a constant and urgent need of developing new outlets for Philippine ejfiort products and increasing their sales in the world markets; WHEREAS, such expansion of the export trade with a steady and good demand for Philippine products abroad holds the key to the increase in domestic production and the rapid development of the country’s, natural resources; WHEREAS, the supplies of many articles needed for domestic consumption as well as for agricultural and industrial development have to be obtained through foreign trade; and WHEREAS, it is important to stimulate greater interest in foreign trade among the people and to give encouragement and promote organization and cooperation among those who are engaged in foreign trade; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare the second week of March of every year as Philippine Eoreign Trade Week and enjoin the Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, in cooperation with other chambers of commerce and. trade associations, to take charge of the observance thereof, and the business community in general to extend its cooperation in the appropriate observance of the week. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 25th day of lanuary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library 576 . Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 249 DESIGNATING THE PERIOD FROM lULY 1 TO AUGUST 15, 1956, AS THE PERIOD FOR THE NATIONAL FUND CAMPAIGN OF THE BOY SCOUTS OF THE PH ni PPTNFS IN PLACES OUTSIDE OF GREATER MANILA WHEREAS, the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, a public corporation created under Commonwealth Act No. HI for the purpose of promoting the character development and citizenship training of the youth of the land, has more than amply demonstrated that it merits the continued moral encouragement and material support of our people and that there is a great need for this organization to make the Scouting Program available to the thousands of boys aU over the Philippines; WHEREAS, said organization is in need of funds to carry out its operations effectively, to intensify its nation-wide training and recmiting program so that the great number of boys of scout age seeking admission into the organization may be enrolled, to plan and promote other programs of activity for the greater benefit of its members, and to meet its obligations as a member of the Boy Scouts International Bureau; and WHEREAS, the annual campaign, aside from offering us an opportunity to give tangible ejqrression of our appreciation for the good work being done by the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, affords a means by which .we can meet a civic obligation by helping this organization train and mould every boy in the land to be a patriotic. God- fearing, upright, clean, and responsible citizen; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby designate and set aside the period from July 1 to August 15, 1956 for the Boy Scouts of the Philippines to conduct its 1956 Fund Campaign in the provinces and territories outside of Greater Manila and raise funds for the attainment of its avowed aims and purposes. I call upon aU government officials and employees and aU citizens and residents of the Philippines outside of Greater Manila to assist in this campaign and to give it their entire support so that the Boy Scouts of the Philippines may be assured of funds that will enable it to carry on its work and administer its program to as many of our boys of scout age as possible. I also authorize all national authorities and teachers to accept for the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, fund-raising responsibilities and urge them to give active support and leadership in their respective communities . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 25th day of January, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), 577-578. malacaMng RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 250 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NUMBERED SIXTY-SIX, SERIES OF NINETEEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY-THREE, WHICH ESTABUSHED MT. BANKAI EOREST RESERVE SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OP CUYAPO, PROVINCE OP NUEVA ECIIA, AND DECLARING CERTAIN PORTIONS OP THE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT WHEREAS, petitions have been filed for the release for agricultural purposes of certain portions of Mt. Bankai Porest Reserve established under Proclamation No. 66, series of 1923; WHEREAS, it has been found by the Director of Porestry that the greater portion ofMt. Bankai Porest Reserve is suitable for agricultural purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section eighteen hundred and twenty-six of the Revised Administrative Code, I hereby revoke Proclamation No. 66 dated October 20, 1923, and declare such portions of Mt. Bankai Porest Reserve found suitable for agricultural purposes by the Director of Porestry open to disposition under the provisions of the Public Land Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 25th day of January, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), 578-579. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 251 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 808, SERIES OF 1935, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE PHIUPPINE CONSTABULARY RESERVATION IN THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KIAMBA, PROVINCE OF COTABATO, AND RESERVING THE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN FOR MUNICIPAL BUILDING AND MARKET SITES PURPOSES Pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby revoke Proclamation No. 808, series of 1935, which established the Philippine Constabulary Reservation in the municipal district of Kiamba, province of Cotabato, and reserve the parcels of land embraced therein for municipal building and market sites purposes, under the administration of the municipality of Kiamba, province of Cotabato. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 4th day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library 579 . Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 252 MAKING PUBUC THE TREATY OF FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES AND THE REPUBLIC OF EGYPT, JANUARY 18, 1955 WHEREAS, a Treaty of Friendship between the Republic of the Philippines and the Republic of Egypt was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington, D.C., on January 18, 1955; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 39 adopted on April 11, 1955, concurred in the making of the said Treaty of Friendship in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the instruments of ratification by their respective Governments were exchanged at Washington, D.C., on January 11, 1956; and WHEREAS, it is stipulated in the said Treaty of Friendship that it shall enter into force upon the exchange of the instmments of ratification; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, have caused the said Treaty of Friendship between the Republic of the Philippines and the Republic of Egypt, a copy of which is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 9th day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library 580 . Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 253 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 57, SERIES OF 1936, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE MT. AMORONG FOREST RESERVE SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTIES OF CUYAPO AND LUPAO, PROVINCE OF NUEVA ECHA, AND IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF UMINGAN, PROVINCE OF PANGASINAN, AND DECLARING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE PUBUC LAND ACT WHEREAS, petitions have been filed for the release for agricultural purposes of certain portions of Mt. Amorong Forest Reserve established under Proclamation No. 57, series of 1936; WHEREAS, it has been found by the Director ofForestry that the greater portion of Mt. Amorong Forest Reserve is suitable for agricultural purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, upon the recommendation of the Director of Forestry and the Secretary of Agricultural and Natural Resources, and pursuant to the provisions of section 1826 of the Revised Administrative Code, I hereby revoke Proclamation No. 57, dated April 11, 1936, and declare such portions of Mt. Amorong Forest Reserve, situated in the municipalities of Cuyapo and Lupao, province of Nueva Ecija, and in the municipality of Umigan, province of Pangasinan, found suitable for agricultural purposes by the Director ofForestry, open to disposition under the provisions of the Public Land Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 9th day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library 581 . Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 254 REVOKING PROCLAMATIONS NOS. 375 AND 410, DATED APRIL 1, 1931 AND SEPTEMBER 18, 1953, RESPECTIVELY, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE TWO COMMUNAL PASTURES SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OP BINAN, PROVINCE OP LAGUNA, ISLAND OP LUZON, AND DECLARING THE PARCEL OR PARCELS OP LAND EMBRACED THEREIN OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 88 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby revoke Proclamations Nos. $75 and 410 dated April 1, 1931 and September 18, 1953, respectively, which established the two communal pastures situated in the municipality of Binan, province of Laguna, island of Luzon, and declare the parcel or parcels of land embraced therein open to disposition under the provisions of said Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 9th day of Pebmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library 582 . Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 255 DECLARING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1956, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOUDAY IN THE PROVINCE OE ILOCOS SUR WHEREAS, the anniversary of the martyrdom of Eather lose Burgos falls on Eebmary 17, 1956; and WHEREAS, the people of Hocos Sur his birthplace, desire that they be given full opportunity to celebrate the event with appropriate ceremonies; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Eriday, Eebmary 17, 1956, as a special public holiday in the province of Ilocos Sur. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 11th day of Eebmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), 582-583. malacaMng RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 256 RESERVING FOR BUILDING SITE PURPOSES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE CITY OF DAVAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for building site purpose of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the City of Davao, and more particularly described, to wit: “Lot No. 2, Sta. Ana Addition Davao Townsite “A parcel of land (lot No. 2, Sta. Ana. Addition, Davao Townsite), situated in Sta. Ana, City of Davao, Island of Mindanao. Bounded on the N. by Tomas Monteverde Avenue; on the E. by Governor Carpenter Street; on the S. by the proposed First Avenue; and on the W. by Customs Street (new Agustin Alvarez Street), Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 0° 44' W., 140.26 meters more or less from monument No. 1, Davao Townsite; thence N. 84° 55' E, 45.01 meters to point 2; thence S. 5° 05' E, 38.68 meters to point 3; thence S. 16° 45' W., 6.80 meters to point 4; thence S. 84° 55' W., 42.48 meters to point 5; thence N. 5° 05' W., 44.99 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 2,017 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan; and on the ground are marked by concrete monuments. Bearings tme; declination 2° 34' W., date of the original survey, June 12, — August 28, 1908.” In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 14th day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), 583-584. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 257 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 798 DATED APRIL 29, 1935, A PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTIES OF SILAY AND TAUSAY, PROVINCE OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL AND RESERVING THE SAME AS THE TUBERCULOSIS REST SETTLEMENT RESERVATION Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 1826 of the Revised Administrative Code and section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 798 dated April 29, 1935, a parcel of the land embraced therein situated in the municipalities of SUay and TaHsay, province of Negros Occidental, and reserve the same as the Tuberculosis Rest Settlement Reservation under the administration of the Secretary of Health, subject to private rights, if any there be, and final survey, and that the utilization and removal or disposal of the timber and other forest products therein shall be made in accordance with the Forest or Internal Revenue Laws or Regulations, which parcel of land is shown in the Bureau of Forestry Map CR-32, and technically described, to wit: Beginning from comer 1, a miscellaneous specie tree 30 centimeters in diameter which is S. 45° E, and about 1,800 meters from barrio San luan, SUay, Negros Occidental; thence S. 75° E, 370 meters to comer 2, a white lauan tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 45° E, 450 meters to comer 3. a bignay tree 20 centimeters in diameter; thence S. 31° E, 290 meters to comer 4, a guisok tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence due east, 220 meters to comer 5, a white lauan tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 39° E, 180 meters to comer 6, a lanete tree 20 centimeters in diameter; thence N. 43° E„ 370 meters to comer 7, a tangiU tree 30 centimeters in diameter; thence Ni. 21° E, 270 meters to comer 8, an almon tree 25 centimeters in diameter; thence following a creek downstream in a northeasterly direction about 130 meters to comer 9, a white lauan tree 30 centimeters in diameter, on the south bank of dry creek; thence folowing creek downstream in a southeasterly direction about 80 meters to comer 10, a point at the junction of the creek and Coyong Creek; thence foUowing Coyong Creek upstream in a southeasterly, direction about 560 meters to comer 11, a white lauan tree .20 centimeters in diameter on the west bank of Coyong Creek; thence foUowing Coyong Creek m a southeasterly direction about 300 meters to comer 12, a waterfaU tree 25 centUneters m diameter at the junction of the creeks; thence folio wmg the Coyong Creek upstream m a southerly and southwesterly direction about 520 meters to comer 13, a loctob tree 50 centimeters m diameter; thence foUowmg Coyong Creek upstream m a southerly direction about 480 meters to comer 14, a waterfaU tree 20 centimeters m diameter at the junction with a creek; thence foUowmg Coyong Creek upstream m southerly direction about 420 meters to comer 15, a loctob tree 15 centimeters m diameter on west bank of Dumalobdab Creek; thence S. 71° W., 100 meters to comer 16, a canariumi specie 40 centUneters in diameter; thence S. 75° W., 150 meters; to comer 17, a canarium 50 centUneters Ui diameter, at the junction of two trails; thence S. 67° W., 140 meters to coiner 18, a red lauan tree 15 centimetres Ui diameter, at the junction of Malisbog River and a creek; thence foUowmg Malisbog River downstream in a northwesterly direction about 1,120 meters to comer 19, a eugenia specie 15 centimeters Ui diameter, at the junction of Malisbog River and Pulang-tubig Creek; thence foUowmg Malisbog River downstream Ui a northwesterly direction about 780 meters to comer 20, a hui tree 20 centimeters in diameter, on east bank of, Malisbog River; thence foUowmg Malisbog River downstream Ui a northwesterly direction about 820 meters containUig an area of 201 hectares. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done Ui the City ofManUa, this 16th day ofFebmary, in the year of Our Lord, nUieteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the PhUippUies, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), 584-585. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 258 MAKING PUBUC THE GENEVA CONVENTION FOR THE AMEUORATION OF THE CONDITION OF THE WOUNDED, SICK, AND SHIPWRECKED MEMBERS OF ARMED FORCES AT SEA OF AUGUST 12, 1949. WHEREAS, the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded, Sick, and Shipwrecked Members of the Armed Forces at Sea of August 12, 1949, was signed by the authorized representatives of the Philippines and of other countries ; WHEREAS, the Convention provides, among others, that members of the Armed Forces and other persons covered by the Convention shall be treated humanely and cared for by the Parties to the conflict in whose powers they may be, without any adverse distinction founded on sex, race, nationality, religion, political opinion, or any other similar criteria; that Parties to the conflict shall forward to the information bureau described in Article 122 of the Geneva Convention of August 12, 11949, relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of war, all record in respect of each shipwrecked, wounded and sick or dead preson of the adverse party falling into their hands; that military hospital ships buUt and equipped by the Powers especially and solely with a view to assisting the wounded, sick and shipwrecked, to treating and transporting them may in no circumstances be attacked or captured; that religious, medical, and hospital personnel ofhospital ships and their crews shah be respected and protected; WHEREAS, the present Convention replaces the 10th Hague Convention of October 18, 1907, for the adaptation to Maritime Warfare of the principles of the Geneva Convention of 1906, in relations between the High Contracting Parties ; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 80 adopted on May 2, 1952, concurred in the ratification of the aforesaid Convention in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the instmment of ratification of the Republic of the Philippines was signed by the President on August 210, 1952, and deposited on October 6, 1952 .with the Swiss Government; and, WHEREAS, the said Convention entered into force for the Philippines six months after the said deposit of its instmment of ratification, in accordance with Article 57 thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby proclaim and make public the said Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded, Sick, and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea of August 12, 1949, a copy of which is hereto attached, to the end that the same and every clause and article thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done at the City of Manila, this 16th day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), 586. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 259 MAKING PUBUC THE CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION AND PUNISHMENT OF THE CRIME OF GENOCIDE, DECEMBER 9, 1948. WHEREAS; the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, as approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations during its Third Session on December 9, 1948, was signed by the authorized representative of the Philippines on Decmber 11, 1948; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 9 adopted on Febmary 28, 1950, concurred in the ratification by the President of the Philippines of the aforesaid Convention in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines, subject to the following reservations: “1. With reference to Article IV of the Convention, the Philippine Government cannot sanction any situation which would subject its Head of State, who is not a mler, to conditions less favorable than those accorded other Heads of State, whether constitutionally responsible mlers or not. The Philippine Government does not consider said Article, therefore, as overriding the existing immunities from judicial processes guaranteed certain public officials by the Constitution of the Philippines. “2. With reference to Article VII of the Convention, the Philippine Government does not undertake to give effect to the said Article until the Congress of the Philippines has enacted the necessary legislation defining and punishing the crime of genocide, which legislation, under the Constitution of the Philippines, cannot have any retroactive effect. “3. With reference to Article VI and IX of the Constitution, the Philippine Government takes the position that nothing contained in the said Article shall be constmed as depriving Philippine courts of jurisdiction overall cases of genocide committed within Philippine territory save only in those cases where the Philippine Government consents to have the decision of the Philippine courts reviewed by either of the international tribunals referred to in said Articles. With further reference to Article IX of the Convention, the Philippine Government does not consider said Article to extend the concept of State responsibility beyond that recognized by the generally accepted principles of international law.” WHEREAS, the instmment of ratification of the Republic of the Philippines, subject to the above-quoted reservations, was signed by the President on lune 23, 1950 and deposited on luly 7, 1950 with the Secretary -General of the United Nations : WHEREAS, the Convention entered into force on January 12, 1951, ninety days following the date of deposit of the twentieth instmment of ratification or accession, that is on October 14, 1950, in accordance with Article Xin thereof; and, WHEREAS, as regards the Philippines, the Convention entered into force on January 12, 1951, having deposited its instmment of ratification on July 7, 1950; NOW THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, in pursuance of the aforesaid concurrence of the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines and subject to the reservations above-quoted, do hereby proclaim and make public the said Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, a copy of which is hereto attached, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof fN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done in the City of Manila, Philippines, this 16th day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), 587-589. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 260 MAKING PUBUC THE GENEVA CONVENTION FOR THE AMEUORATION OF THE CONDITION OF THE WOUNDED AND SICK IN ARMED FORCES IN THE FIELD OF AUGUST 12, 1949 WHEREAS, the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field of August 12, 1949, was signed by the authorized representatives of the Philippines and of other countries ; WHEREAS, Article 2 of the Convention provides that in addition to the provisions which shah be implemented in peace time, the present Convention shall apply to ah cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them and also apply to all cases of partial or total occupation of the territories of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance; WHEREAS, the present Convention replaces the Conventions of August 22, 1864, July 6, 1906, and July 27, 1929, in relations between the High Contracting Parties; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 20 adopted on May 16, 1950, concurred in the ratification of the aforesaid Convention in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the instmment of ratification of the Republic of the Philippines was signed by the President on December 22, 1950, and received on March 7, 1951 for deposit with the Swiss Government; and, WHEREAS, the said Convention entered for the Philippines six months after the said deposit of its instmment of ratification, in accordance with Article 58 thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby proclaim and make public the said Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field of August 12, 1949, a copy of which is hereto attached, to the end that the same and every article andl clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done in the City of Manila, Philippines, this 16th day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), 589-590. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 261 MAKING PUBUC THE GENEVA CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE TREATMENT OF PRISONERS OF WAR OF AUGUST 12, 1949 WHEREAS, the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War of August 12, 1949, which was opened for signature until February 12, 1950, was signed by the authorized representatives of the Philippines and of other countries ; WHEREAS, the Convention provides, among others, that prisoners of war shall at all times be humanely treated and may be interned only in premises affording every guarantee of hygiene and healthfulness; that complete latitude in the exercise Of their religious duties, including attendance at the services of their faith, shall be guaranteed to prisoners of war; that, their utilization for labor purposes although authorized shall be limited to those who are physically fit, taking into account their age, sex, rank, and physical aptitude, and with due consideration to their physical and mental health; and, that each of the parties to the Convention shah be required to institute an official Information Bureau for prisoners of war who are in its power in order that a belligerent may be apprised of the whereabouts ofits missing soldiers; WHEREAS, the present Convention replaces the Convention of July 27, 1929, and in the relations between the Powers which, are bound by the Hague Convention relative to the Laws and Customs of War on Land, whether that of July 29, 1899, or that of October 16, 1907, and which are parties to the present Convention, this last Convention shall be complementary to Chapter II of the Regulations annexed to the above-mentioned Conventions of the Hague; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 89 adopted on May 19, 1952, concurred in the ratification of the aforesaid Convention in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the instmment of ratification of the Republic of the Philippines was signed by the President on August 20, 1952, and deposited; on October 6, 1952 with the Swiss Government; and, WHEREAS, the said Convention entered into force for the Philippines six months after the said deposit of its instmment of ratification, in accordance with Article 138 thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby proclaim and make public the said Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War of August 12, 1949, a copy of which is hereto attached, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done in the City of ManOa, Philippines, this 16th day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FDRTUNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(3), 1185-1186. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 262 MAKING PUBUC THE GENEVA CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE PROTECTION OF CIVILIAN PERSONS IN TIME OF WAR OF AUGUST 12, 1949 WHEREAS, the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of August 12, 1949, which was opened for signature until Febmary 12,1950, was signed by authorized representatives of the Philippines and of other countries ; WHEREAS, the Convention provides, among others, that in addition to the provisions which shall be implemented in peace time, the present Convention shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them, and. that it shall also apply to all cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance; WHEREAS, the Convention likewise provides that in the relation between the Powers who are bound by the Hague Conventions relative to the Laws and Customs of War on Land, whether that of July 29, 1899, or that of October 18, 1907, and who are parties to the present Convention, this last Convention shall be supplementary to Sections Hand ni of the Regulations annexed to the above-mentioned Conventions of the Hague; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 91 adopted on May 19, 1952, concurred in the ratification of the aforesaid Convention in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the instmment of ratification of the Republic of the Philippines was signed by the President on August 20, 1952, and deposited on October 6, 1952 with the Swiss Government; and, WHEREAS, the said Convention entered into force for the Philippines six months after the said deposit of its instmment of ratification, in accordance with Article 153 thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby proclaim and make public the said Geneva Convention Relative to the protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of August 12, 1949, a copy of which is hereto attached, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done at the City of Manila, this 16th day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUNATO DE LEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(3), 1186-1187. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 263 AMENDING PROCLAMATION NO. 246 DATED lANUARY 18, 1956, ENTITLED “DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM APRIL 1 TO 7, 1956, AS ‘AID TO THE BUND AND HANDICAPPED WEEK”’ The second paragraph of Proclamation No. 246 dated January 18, 1956, is hereby amended to read as follows: “NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the period from April 1 to 7, 1956, as ‘Aid to the Blind and Handicapped Week,’ during which the Social Welfare Administration shall conduct a campaign for funds for the blind and other handicapped persons. The officers of the Foundation for the Blind of the Philippines, Inc., the Philippine Association for the Sightless Une, the United Blind Association, Inc., and the Philippine Blind, Deaf, Dumb, and Crippled Association Inc., shall assist and cooperate with the Social Welfare Administration hut all their activities in connection with the campaign shall he under the direct supervision and control of the Social Welfare Administration who shall issue mles and regulations regarding the manner of participation of the said associations or entities .’’ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(3), 1188 . MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 264 RESERVING FOR WAREHOUSE SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE CITY OF DAVAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for warehouse site purposes, under the administration of the City of Davao, subject to private rights, if any there be, and to future survey, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the City of Davao and more particularly described as follows: Lot 2730-A-l, Bsd-New (The City of Davao) “A parcel of land (lot 2730-A-l of the subdivision plan Bsd-New, being a portion of lot 2730-A described on plan Bsd- 10673, GL.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the City of Davao, island of Mindanao. Bounded on the N., by Juan Luna Street; on the E, .by lot 2730-A -2 on the subdivision plan; on the S., by lot 2730-B of plan Bsd-10673; and on the W., by Leon Ma. Guerrero Street. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being the intersection of Juan Luna Street and Leon Ma. Guerrero St., thence N. 86° 46' E, 44.77 meters to point 2; thence S. 5° 54' E., 96.19 meters to point 3; thence S. 86' 45' W., 40.06 meters to point 4; thence N. 8° 40' W., 98.23 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 4,149 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground; bearings tme. AU data are approximate and subject for future survey.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the PhiUppines to be affixed. Done in the City ofManUa, this 23rd day ofFebmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the PhiUppines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the PhUippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(3), 1188-1189. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 265 MAKING PUBUC THE CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF THE TRAFFIC IN PERSONS AND OF THE EXPLOITATION OF THE PROSTITUTION OF OTHERS, MARCH 21, 1950, AND OF THE FINAL PROTOCOL THERETO WHEREAS, the Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others accompanied by a Final Protocol, was opened for signature at Lake Success, New York, on March 21, 1950, and signed by the authorized representatives of the Philippines and of other countries ; WHEREAS, Article 23 of the aforesaid Convention provides that it shall be ratified and the instmments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary -General of the United Nations; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 82 adopted on May 5, 1952, did concur in the ratification of said Convention together with its Final Protocol in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the instrument of ratification of the Philippines of the said Convention and its final Protocol signed by the President on August 20, 1952, was deposited on September 19, 1952 with the Secretary -General of the United Nations; and. WHEREAS, the said Convention together with its Final Protocol entered into force in respect of the Philippines on December 18, 1952, in accordance with Article 24 thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, have caused the said Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Eiqiloitation of the Prostitution of Others and its annexed Final Protocol, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day ofFebmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(3), 1189-1190. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 266 AMENDING PROCLAMATION NO. 242 DATED lANUARY 9, 1956, ENTITLED “DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM FEBRUARY 22 TO 28 (OR 29), INCLUSIVE, OF EVERY YEAR AS TRAFFIC SAFETY WEEK AND MARCH FIRST OF EVERY YEAR AS SAFE-DRIVING DAY (S-D DAY) AND AUTHORIZING THE NATIONAL TRAFHC COMMISSION TO SOUCIT DONATIONS THEREFOR” WHEREAS, Proclamation No. 242 dated January 9, 1956, declared the period from Eebmary 22 to 28 (or 29), of every year as Traffic Safety Week and March first of every year as Safe-Driving Day; WHEREAS, the observance of Traffic Safety Week and Safe-Driving Day will be more successful and effective with the active participation of the Manila Drivers Association which seeks to inculcate upon drivers of jeepneys, taxi-cabs, tmcks, buses, and other motor vehicles the imperative need of preventing traffic accidents throughout the country ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay President of the Philippines, do hereby amend the fourth paragraph of Proclamation No. 242 dated January 9, 1956, to read as follows: “NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the period from Febmary 22 to 28 (or 29), inclusive, of every year as Traffic Safety Week and March first of every year as Safe- Driving Day (S-D Day), and designate the National Traffic Commission, with the assistance of the ManOa Drivers Association, to take charge of all arrangements and activities for their fitting celebration throughout the Philippines. The Commission is hereby authorized to solicit donations in cash or in kind for the purpose of carrying “out the aim, of this proclamation.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 27th day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republicof the Philippines, 52(3), 1191 . MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 267 RESERVING FOR MUNICIPAL BUILDING, PLAZA, PUERICULTURE CENTER, SCHOOL, AND MARKET SITE PURPOSES, CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF SAN JOSE, PROVINCE OF MINDORO OCCIDENTAE ISLAND OF MINDORO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the powers vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for public purposes indicated hereunder under the administration of the municipality of San Jose, province of Mindoro Occidental, with the exception of the school site which is hereby placed under the administration of the Director of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, and to the condition that the municipality shall reimburse the owner of the value of such improvements on Lot No. 3, SW 0-37916 (Puericulture Center), introduced in good faith as could not be removed without being destroyed or causing damage to the land, the following parcels of land situated in the municipality of San Jose, province of Mindoro Occidental, island of Mindoro, and more particularly described, to wit: “Lot 1, Swo-37916, Sheet 1 (Municipal Building Site) “A parcel of land (lot 1 of plan Swo-37916, sheet 1, GL.R.O, record No. ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of San Jose, province of Mindoro Occidental. Bounded on all sides by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 22° 46' W., 77.02 meters from B.L.L.M. 65, municipality of San Jose; thence S. 8° 56' E, 248.10 meters to point 2; thence S. 57° 20' W., 2.19 meters to point 3; thence N. 78° 31': W., 54.28 meters to point 4; thence N. 43° 50' W., 3.45 meters to point 5; thence N. 10° 41' W., 190.19 meters to point 6; thence N. 19° 09' E, 3.29 meters to point 7; thence N. 49° 32' E, 67.27 meters to point 8; thence S. 69° 49' E, 1.97 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 12,889 square meters, mare or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B.L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, Febmary 1 — September 4, 1950. NOTE: This lot is equal to lot 2503 of San Jose Townsite Ts-99. “Lot 2, Swo-37916, Sheet 1 (Municipal Plaza Site) “A parcel of land (lot 2 of plan Swo-37916, sheet 1, G.L.R.O. record No. ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of San Jose, province of Mindoro Occidental. Bounded on all sides by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 81° 00' W., 96.56 meters from B.L.L.M. 65, municipality of San Jose; thence S. 10° 09' E, 180.44 meters to point 2; thence S. 37° 52' W., 2.96 meters to point 3; thence S. 80° 49' W., 51.27 meters to point 4; thence N. 55° 01' W., 2.84 meters to point 5; thence N. 9° 56' W., 147.46 meters to point 6; thence N. 20° 24' E, 3.50 meters to point 7; thence N. 49° 31' E, 59.61 meters to point 8; thence S. 68° 54' E, 1.97 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 9,257 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B.L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, Febmary 1 — September 4, 1950. NOTE: This lot is equal to lot 2504 of San Jose Townsite Ts-99. “Lot 3, Swo-37916, Sheet 1 (Puericulture Center Site) “A parcel of land (lot 3 of plan Swo-37916, sheet 1, G.L.R.O. record No. ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of San Jose, province of Mindoro Occidental. Bounded on all sides by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 76° 59' W., 159.20 meters from B.L.L.M. 65, municipality of San Jose; thence S. 9° 02' E., 139.67 meters to point 2; thence S. 35° 53' W., 2.76 meters to point 3; thence S.; 82° 21' W., 72.62 meters to point 4; thence N. 52° 46' W., 2.88 meters to point 5; thence N. 9° 55' W., 90.03 meters to point 6; thence N. 19° 07' E., 3.48 meters to point 7; thence N. 49° 28' E., 87.37 meters to point 8; thence S. 71° 02' E., 2.03 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 9,193 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B.L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, Eebmary 1 — September 4, 1950. NOTE: This lot is equal to lot 2505 of San Jose Townsite Ts-99. “Lot 4, Swo-37916, Sheet 1 (School Site) “A parcel of land (lot 4 of plan Swo-37916, sheet 1, G.L.R.O. record No. ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of San Jose, province of Mindoro Occidental. Bounded on all sides by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 50° 09' W., 302.29 meters fromB;L.L.M. 65, municipality of San Jose; thence N. 3° 54' E, 2.95 meters to point 2; thence N. 52° 36' E, 135.41 meters to point 3; thence N. 60° 43' E, 8.48 meters to point 4; thence N. 76° 59' E, 8.48 meters to point 5; thence S. 86° 45' E, 8.47 meters to point 6; thence S. 70° 35' E, 8.48 meters to point 7; thence S. 54° 13' E, 8.48 meters to point 8; thence S. 46° 10' E, 73.36 meters to point 9; thence S. 51° 29' E, 67.83 meters to point 10; thence S. 64° 09' E, 10.78 meters to point 11; thence S. 49° 58' E, 7.35 meters to point 12; thence S. 21° 35' E, 7.37 meters to point 13; thence S. 6° 52' W., 7.35 meters to point 14; thence S. 35° 16' W., 7.36 meters to point 15; thence S. 49° 27' W., 169.31 meters to point 16; thence N. 85° 59' W., 2.86 meters to point 17; thence N. 41° 54' W., 200.87 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 34,379 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B.L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, Eebmary 1 — September 4, 1950. NOTE: This lot is equal to lot 2667 of San Jose Townsite Ts-99. “Lot 5, Swo-37916, Sheet 2 (Market Site) “A parcel of land (lot 5 of-plan Swo-37916, sheet 2, G.L.RO. record No. ), situated in; the poblacion, municipality of San Jose, province of Mindoro Occidental. Bounded on the NE. by road; on the SE, by road; on the SW., by salvage zone of China Sea; and on the NW., by road. Beginning at a point marked-1 on plan, being S. 81° 16' E, 647.50 meters from B.LL.M. 66, San Jose Ts-99; thence S. 48° 04' W., 86.98 meters to point 2; thence N. 89° 04' W., 3.13 meters to point 3; thence N. 48° 04' W., 97.27 meters to point 4; thence N. 1° 15' E, 2.V5 meters to point 5; thence N. 49° 38' E, 76.57 meters to point 6; thence N. 43° 05' E, 21.50 meters to point 7; thence S. 41° 46' E, 100.70 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 9,427 square meters,, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B.L. cylindrical concrete’ monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, Eebmary 1 — September 4, 1950. NOTE: This lot is equal to lot 2702 of San Jose Townsite Ts-99. “Lot 7, Swo-37916 (Park Site) “A parcel of land (lot 7 of plan Swo-37916, G.L.R.O. record No. ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of San Jose, province of Mindoro Occidental. Bounded on aU sides by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the plan, being S. 19° 55' W., 26.21 meters from B.L.L.M. 66, municipality of San Jose; thence N. 79° 06' E, 132.18 meters to point 2; thence S. 54° 40' E., 2.82 meters to point 3; thence S. 7° 34' E., 104.13 meters to point 4; thence S. 36° 36' W., 2.90 meters to point 5; thence S. 79° 01' W., 88.00 meters to point 6; thence S. by 79° 13' W., 22.09 meters to point 7; thence S. 88° 06' W., 18.17 meters to point 8; thence N. 77° 09' W., 2.47 meters to point 9; thence N. 14° 56' W., 2.64 meters to point 10; thence N. 9° 52' W., 20.49 meters to point 11; thence N. 9° 22' W., 79.10 meters to point 12; thence N. 35° 04' E., 2.87 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 14,491 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B.L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, Febmary 1 — September 4, 1950 and that of the approval, April 16, 1955.” NOTE: This lot is equal to lot 2948 of San Jose Townsite, Ts-99.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 27th day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FOR'TUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(3), 1192-1194. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 268 RESERVING FOR GRAVEL PROCESSING PLANT SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF MONTALBAN, PROVINCE OF REAL, ISLAND OF LUZON Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for gravel processing plant site purposes under the administration of the Bureau of Public Highways, subject to private rights, if any there be, and to reimbursement of the value of permanent improvements introduced by the actual occupants thereof, if the same can not be removed without causing any damage, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the municipality of Montalban, province of Rizal, and more particularly described, to wit: “A parcel of land (a portion of the public domain) situated in the municipality of Montalban, province of Rizal. Bounded on the N., by public land; on the E, by public land and creek; on the S., by creek; and on the W. by Mariquina River. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan,, being S. 57° 12' W., 1,069.30 meters from B.L.L.M. 1, municipality of Montalban, Rizal, thence S. 61° 52' W., 48.00 meters to point 2; thence N. 29° 38' W., 222.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 3° 30' W., 273.39 meters to point 4; thence N. 71° 30' W., 150.00 meters to point 5; thence N. 71° 33' E, 100.63 meters to point 6; thence N. 9° 35' E., 120.00 meters to point 7; thence N. 18° 00' W.. 300.00 meters to point 8; thence N. 81° 00' E, 150.00 meters to point 9; thence S. 10° 57' E, 290.63 meters to point 10; thence S. 29° 38' E, 225.00 meters to point 11; thence N. 61° 52' E, 46.00 meters to point 12; thence S. 11° 11' W., 9.06 meters to the point of beginning; containing an approximate area of 71,747.70 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the attached sketch plan of the Department of Engineering & Public Works, Division of Streets and Bridges, City of Manila.” Note: Data are all approximate and subject to change for future surveys. The lot described above is being claimed by the Municipal Government of Montalban. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 29th day of Febmary, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTTINATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(4), 1857-1858. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 269 DECLARING A PERIOD OF NATIONAL MOURNING OVER THE DEATH OE EORMER PRESIDENT ELPIDIO QUIRINO WHEREAS, the sudden death of fomer President Hpidio Quirino on Eebmary 29, 1956, is a great loss to our people and has caused deep sorrow among them; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby proclaim the period from March first to fifteenth, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, as a period of national mourning for our beloved former President. During this period, flags of all government buildings and installations throughout the Philippines shall be, flown at half-mast. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 1st day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(3), 1195 . malacaMng RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS PROCLAMATION NO. 270 DECLATHNG THE PERIOD FROM MARCH 12 TO 18, 1956, AS TECHNOLOGY WEEK AND CTIEATING A COMMITTEE TO TAKE CHARGE OE THE OBSERVANCE THEREOE WHEREAS, the progress of the world depends largely upon the achievements in technology and the application of technological knowledge; WHEREAS, technological knowledge in the Philippines can be effectively advanced through effective media and instmmentalities for the dissemination of new discoveries’, techniques, and procedures; and WHEREAS, the Industrialization and Economic Development Program of the Government will depend largely upon technological knowledge: and skill; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the period from March 12 to 18, 1956, as National Technology Week, to be observed throughout the country, particularly in schools, colleges, universities, technological institutions, and societies, with fitting ceremonies. The following are hereby designated members of a Committee which is hereby created to take charge of the observance of National Technology Week: The Chairman, National Economic Council Chairman The President, Philippine Council of Science and Technology Vice-Chairman The Secretary of Public Works and Communications Member The Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources Member The Secretary of Education Member The Secretary of Health Member . The President, Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Member The Director of Science and Technology Member IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 6th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(3), 1195-1196. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 271 RESERVING FOR CERTAIN SPECIFIC PUBUC PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF PARANG, PROVINCE OF COTABATO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale and settlement and reserve for certain specific public purposes indicated hereunder, subject to private rights, if any there be, the following parcels of the public domain situated in the municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato, island of Mindanao, and more particularly described as follows: Lot 1352, Ts-215 (Municipal building site under the administration of the municipality) A parcel of land (lot 1B52 of plan Ts-215, GL.R.O. Record No ),” situated in the poblacion, municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the SE, along line 1-2, by Residential Road; along line 2-3, by Residential Road, along line 3-4, by Residential Road; and along line 4-1, by Municipal Road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan, being N. 32° 26' E, 173.24 meters ffomB.L.LM. 4, Ts-215, thence S. 46° 04' W., 161.98 meters to point 2; thence N. 43° 56' W., 143.60 meters to point 3; thence V. 47° 19' E, 164.06 meters to point 4; thence S. 43° 06' E, 140.02 meters to point of beginning, containing an area of 23,1 17 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 1591, Ts-215 (Municipal market site under the administration of the municipality) A parcel of land (lot 1591 of plan Ts-215, G.L.R.O. Record No ), situated in tie poblacion, municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2, by Residential Road; along line 2-3, by Residential Road, along line 3-4, by Residential Road; and along line 4-1, by National Highway. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan, being-S. 32° 12' W. 215.26 meters! IfomB.L.L.M. 3, TV-215, thence N. 43° 00' W., 69.99 meters to point 2; thence N. 47° 58' E, 207.10 meters to point 3; thence S; 43° 00' E, 69.99 meters to point 4; thence S. 47° 58' W., 207.10 meters to the point of beginning, containing an area of 14,492 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of: survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 1620, Ts-215 (Additional market site under the administration of the municipaUty) A parcel of land (lot 1620 of plan Ts-215, G.L.R.O. Record No ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded: on all sides by Residential Road. Beginning at a point marked L in the attached sketch plan, being S. 85° 26' W., 266.52 meters from B.L.L.M. 3, Ts-215, thence N. 46° 41' E, 207.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 43° 19' E, 135.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 46° 41' W., 207.00 meters to point 4; thence N. 43° 19' W., 135.00 meters to the point of beginning, containing an area of 27,945 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 1 — Baaolod Additional (Municipal market site under the administration of the municipality) A parcel of land (lot 1 of Bacolod Additional, G.L.R.O. Record No ), situated in the barrio of Bacolod, municipalitity of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the N., along line 1-2, by Bacolod Road; along line 2-3, by Bacolod Additional; along line 3-4, by lot 2 of Bacolod Additional; along line 4-5 by Bacolod Additional; and along line 5-1, by Illana Bay. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan, being S. 15° 25' W., 17.00 meters from M.R. monument 24, (old survey), thence N. 79° 04' E., 40.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 23° 25' W., 39.00 meters to point 3; thence S, 71° 22' W. 17.00 meters to point 4; thence N. 78° 31' W., 16.35 meters to point 5; thence N. 15° 25' E, 31.50 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 1,192.42 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme. Lot 1590, Ts-215 (Municipal dispensary site under the administration of the municipality) A parcel of land (lot 1590 of plan Ts-215, G.L.RO. Record No ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the SE., along line 1-2, by Residential Road; along line 2-3, by Residential Road; along line 3-4, by road; and along line 4-1, by Residential Road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan being S. 42" 55' E., 313.37 meters from B.L.L.M. 3, Ts-215, thence S. 46° 58' W., 150.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 43° 02' W., 40.00 meters to point 3; thence N. 46° 58' E., 150.00 meters to point 4; thence S. 43° 02' E., 40.00 meters to the point of beginning, containing an area of 6,000 square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 1417, Ts-215 (Municipal puericulture center site under the administration of the municipality) A parcel of land (lot 1417 of plan Ts-215, G.L.R.O. Record No ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of Parang province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE, along line 1-2, by residential road;, and along lines 2-3, 3-4, and 4-1, by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan being S. 46° 15' W., 294.92 meters from B.L.L.M. 4, Ts-215, thence S. 43° 02' E, 40.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 46° 58' W., 150.00 meters to point 3; thence: S. 43° 02' W., 40.00 meters to point 4; thence N. 46° 58' E, 150.00 meters to point of beginning, containing an area of 6,000 square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 1419, Ts-215 (Municipal playground site under the administration of the municipality) A parcel of land (lot 1419 of plan Ts-215, G.L.R.O. Record No ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2, by National Highway; along line 2-3, by Residential Road; along line 3-4, by Residential Road; and along line 4-1, by National Highway. Beginning at a point, marked 1 on the attached sketch plan, being N. 87° 07' E, 278.17 meters from B.L.L.M. 3, Ts-215, thence N. 46° 54' E, 153.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 43° 06'., 135.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 46° 54' W., 153.00 meters to point 4; thence N. 43° 06' W., 135.02 meters to the point of beginning, containing an area of 20,658 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 2732, Ts-215 (Municipal playground site under the administration of the municipality) A parcel of land (lot 2732 of plan Ts-215, G.L.R.O. Record No ), situated in the barrio of Cuba, municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by road; along line 2-4, by National Highway; along 4-5, by road; and along lines 5-6 and 6-1 by road. Beginning at point marked 1 on the attached skech plan, being S. 69° 03' E., 1,352.75 meters from B.L.L.M. 4, Ts-215, thence N. 45° 17' W., 94.99 meters to point 2; thence N. 44° 43' E., 110.99 meters to point 3; thence N. 72° 33' E., 100.65 meters to point 4; thence S. 45° 17' E., 96.79 meters to point 5; thence S. 72° 40' W., 104.14 meters to point 6; thence S. 44° 43' W., 107.99 meters to point beginning. Containing an area of 19,151 square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 1418, Ts-215 (Municipal plaza site under the administration of the municipality) A parcel of land (lot 1418 of plan Ts-215, CL.R.O. Record No ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2, by National Highway; along line 2-3, by Municipal Road; along line 3-4, by Residential Road; and along line 4-1, by Residential Road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan being N. 42° 32' W., 399.49 meters from B.L.L.M. 4, Ts-215, thence N. 46° 58' E., 160.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 44° 20' E, 196.061 meters to point 3; thence S. 47° 19' W., 164.43 meters to point 4; thence N. 43° 02' W., 194.98 meters to the point of beginning, containing an area of 26,709' square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan: and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 1353, Ts-215 (Municipal park site under the administration of the municipality) A parcel of land (lot 1353 of plan Ts-215, C.L.RO. Record No ), situated in the pablacion, municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the SW. along line 1-2, by Municipal Road; along line 2-3, by Residential Road; along line 3-4, by Residential Road; and along line 4-1, by Residential Road. Beginning at a point marked 1 On the attached sketch plan being N. 34° 33' E, 202.42 meters from B.L.L.M. 4, Ts-215, thence N. 43° 06' W., 140.01 meters to point 2; thence N. 46° 54' E, 152.40 meters to point 3; thence S. 43° 06' E, 140.00 meters to point 4; thence S. 46° 54' W., 152.40 meters to the point of beginning, containing an area of 21,336 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 2815, Ts-215 (Municipal park site under the administration of the municipaUty) A parcel of land (lot 2815 of plan Ts-215, G.L.RO. Record No ), situated in the sitio of Cuba, municipaUty of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded oil the NE., along line 1-2, by road: along Une 2-4, by National Road; along Une 4-5, by road; and along Une 5-1, by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan, being S. 56° 43' E, 951.74 meters from B.L.L.M. 4, Ts-215, thence S. 44" 44' E, 53.01 meters to point 2; thence S. 63° 04' W., 37.77 meters to point 3; thence S. 4° 3T .W., 28.61 meters to point 4; thence N. 37° 5T W., 59.97 meters to point b, thence N. 44° 34' E, 40.45 meters to the point of beginning, containing an area of 2,566 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 2816, Ts-215 (Municipal park site under the administration of the municipality) A parcel of land (lot 2816 on plan Ts-215, G.L.RO. Record No ), situated in the sitio Cuba, municipaUty of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NW., along Une 1-2, by road; along line 2-3, by road; along line 3-5, by national road; along line 5-1, by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan,, being S. 57° 2T E, 953.64 meters from B.L.L.M. 4, Ts-215, thence N. 43° 15' E, 61.53 meters to point 2; thence S. 44° 46' E, 67.02 meters to point 3; thence S. 42° 50' W., 23.65 meters to point’-4; thence S. 61° 51' W., 37.68 meters to point 5; thence N. 46° 36' W., 55.12 meters to point of beginning, containing an area of 3,843 square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 3022, Ts-215 (Municipal cemetery site under the administration of the municipality) A parcel of land (lot 3022 on plan Ts-215, G.L.R.O. Record No ), situated in the sitio Cuba, municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2, by road; along line 2-3, by road; along line 3-4, by road; and along line 4-1, by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan, being S. 61° 08' E., 953.18 meters from B.L.L.M. 4, Ts-215, thence S. 44° 43' W., 60.01 meters to point 2; thence N. 45° 17' W., 120.00 meters to point 3; thence N. 44° 43' E., 60.01 meters to point 4; thence S. 45° 17' E., 120.00 meters to the point of beginning, containing an area of 7,201 square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of survey July 31, 1952. Lot 3023, Ts-215 (Municipal cemetery site under the administration of the municipality) A parcel of land (lot 3023 of plan Ts-215, G.L.R.O. Record No ), situated in the sitio Cuba, municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2, by road; along line 2-3, by road; and along lines 3-4 and 4-1, by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan, being S. 57° 00' E., 936.60 meters from B.L.L.M. 4, Ts-215, thence S. 44° 51' W., 48.64 meters to point 2; thence N. 39° 05' W., 121.07 meters to point 3; thence N. 44° 44' E., 37.01 meters to point 4; thence S. 44° 36' E., 120149 meters to the point of beginning, containing an area of 5,158 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan land are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 1656-B Ts-215 (Municipal parking^ space site under the administration of the municipality) A parcel of land (lot 1656-B of plan Ts-215, G.L.RO. Record No ), situated in the pbblacion, municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2, by lot 1656-A, Ts-215; along line 2-3, by residential road; along line 3-7-4, by residential road; and along line 4-1, by residential road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan, being N. 71° 00' W., 278.50 meters from B.L.L.M. 3, Ts-215, thence S. 43° 19' E., 49.99 meters to point 2; thence S. 46° 47' W., 78.50 meters to point 3; thence N. 43° 17' W., 50.04 meters to point 4; thence N. 46° 50' E., 78.46 meters to point of beginning, containing an area of 3,925 square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of survey, July 31„ 1952. ’ Lot 3854, Ts-215 (Municipal reading center site under the administration of the municipality) A parcel of land (lot 3854 of plan Ts-215, G.L.RO. Record No ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2, by residential road; along line 2-3, by residential road; along line 3-4, by national road; and along line 4-1, by residential road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 83° 50' W., 342.22 meters from B.L.LM. 4, Ts-215, thence S. 37° 39' E., 55.65 meters to point 2; thence S. 47° 34' W., 24.82 meters to point 3; thence N. 37° 08' W., 55.49 meters to point 4; thence N. 47° 06' E, 24.34 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 1,360 square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 3856, Ts-215 (Municipal water tank site under the administration of the municipality) A parcel of land (lot 3856 of plan Ts-215, G.L.R.O. Record No ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2, by residential road; along line 2-3, by residential road; along line 3-4, by municipal road; and along line 4-1, by residential road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, feeing N. 54° 23' E, 240.10 meters from B.LLM. 4, Ts-215, thence S. 43° 28' E, 29.60 meters to point 2; thence S. 45° 43' W., 40.51 meters to point 3; thence N. 43° 06' W., 30.01 meters to point 4; thence N. 46° 17' E, 40.32 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 1,204 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 1478, Ts-215 (Municipal swimming pool site under the administration of the municipality) A parcel of land (lot 1478 of plan Ts-215, G.LRO. Record No ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2, by lot 2252, Ts-215; along line 2-3, by national highway; along line 3-4, by Alfonso Creek; along line 4-5, by residential road; and along line 5-1, by lot 2387, Ts- 215. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan being S. 7° 32' W., 372.41 meters from B.LLM. 3, Ts-215, thence N. 51° 14' E, 20.12 meters to point 2; thence S. 38° 22' E, 35.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 52° 48' W., 40.26 meters to point 4; thence N. 38° 22' W., 35.00 meters to point 5; thence N. 54° 21'' E, 20.16 meters to the point of beginning. Containing an area of 1,397.86 square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.LS. concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 1351, Ts-215 (School site under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools) A parcel of land ( lot 1351 of plan Ts-215, G.L.RO. Record No ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on all sides by residential road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan, being S. 30° 08' W., 15.76 meters from B.LLM. 4, Ts-215, thence S. 35° 08' W., 103.32 meters to point 2; thence S. 43° 42' W., 31.18 meters to point 3; thence S. 58° 26' E, 22.70 meters to point 4; thence S. 75° 09' W., 57.66 meters to point 5; thence N. 37° 08' W., 180.00 meters to point 6; thence N. 46° 35' E, 185.38 meters to point 7; thence S. 43° 28' E, 189.05 meters to point of beginning, containing an area of 39,351 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 2834, Ts-215 (School site under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools) A parcel of land (lot 2834 of plan Ts-215, G.L.RO. Record No ), situated in the barrio of Cuba, municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NW., along Une 1-2, by road; along Une 2-3, by road; along line 3- 5, by national highway; and along line 5-1, by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan being S. 77° 09' E, 1,032.71 meters from B.LLM. 4, Ts-215, thence N. 44° 43' E, 199.96 meters to point 2; thence S. 45° 17' E, 245.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 73° 17' W., 81.98 meters to point 4; thence S. 44° 37' W., 127.98 meters to point 5; thence N. 45° 17' W., 205.98 meters to the point of beginning, containing an area of 42, 574 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 2018, Ts-215 (School site under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools) A parcel of land (lot 2018, on plan Ts-215, G.L.R.O. Record No ), situated in the sitio of Making, municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the N. along line 1-2, by residential road; and along lines 2-4 and 4-1, by residential road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan being N. 46° 29' W., 771.38 meters from B.L.L.M. 3, Ts-215, thence east, 205.00 meters to point 2; thence south, 205.00 meters to point 3; thence west, 205.00 meters to point 4; thence north, 205.00 meters to the point of beginning, containing an area of 42,025 square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 1364, Ts-215 (High School site under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools) A parcel of land (lot 1364 described on plan Ts-215), situated in the municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the SW., along line 1-4 by the residential road; along line 4-7, by the national highway; along line 7-9, by the residential road; and along lines 9-10 and 10-1 by the municipal road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 45° 48' E, 590.17 meters from B.LLM. 4, Ts-215, Parang, Cotabato, thence N. 43° 06' W., 111.93 meters to point 2; thence N. 43° 06' W., 140.01 meters to point 3; thence N. 42° 57' W., 127.19 meters to point 4; thence N. 67° 53' E, 178.19 meters to point 5; thence N. 67° 25' E, 80.01 meters to point 6; thence 38° 18' E, 18.55 meters to point 7; thence S. 43° 06' E, 140.00 meters to point 8; thence S. 43° 06' E, 150.00 meters to point 9; thence S. 46° 53' W., 140.00 meters to point 10; thence S. 46° 53' W., 120.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 85,744 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.LS. concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of the survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 1365, Ts-215 (Vocational high school site under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools) A parcel of land (lot 1365 described on plan Ts-215), situated in the municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the SE, along line 1-3 bjy the municipal road; along line 3-5 by the residential road; along line 5-6 by the national highway; and along lines 6-7 and 7-1 by the residential road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 46° 19' E, 1,130.21 meters from B.LLM. 4, Ts-215, Parang, Cotabato, thence S. 46° 54' W., 119.99 meters to point 2; thence S. 46° 53' W., 140.00 meters to point 3; thence N. 43° 06' W., 150.01 meters to point 4; thence N. 43° 06' W., 140.00 meters to point 5; thence N. 38° 22' E, 263.30 meters to point 6; thence S. 42°: 56' E, 153.99 meters to point 7; thence S. 43° 06' E, 174.99 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 80,488 square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of the survey, July 31, 1952. Lot 1671, Ts-215 (Post-Office building site under the administration of the Bureau ofPosts) A parcel of land (lot 1671 of plan Ts-215, C.L.R.O. Record No ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2, by residential road; along line 2-3, by residential road; along line 3-5, by Boulevard; and along line 5-1, by residential road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan, being S. 78° 30' W., 468.18 meters from B.LLM. 3, of plan Ts-215, thence S. 43° 19' E, 60.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 46" 41' W., 60.00 meters to point 3; thence N. 56° 02' W., 39.09 meters to point 4; thence S. 83° 19' W., 36.64 meters to point 5; thence N. 46° 41' E, 98.00 meters to the point of beginning, containing an area of 4,273 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, Feb. 1, 1951 to July 31, 1952. Lot 1225, Ts-215 (Hospital site under the administration of the Bureau ofHospitals) A parcel of land (lot 1225, of plan Ts-215, G.L.R.O. Record No ), situated in the poblacion, municipality of Parang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2, by residential road; along line 2-3, by residential road; along lines 3-4, 4-5, and 5-6, by residential road; and along line 6-1, by municipal road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan being N. 43° 03' E., 198.18 meters IfomB.L.L.M. 4, Ts-215, thence N. 46° 54' E, 152.39 meters to point 2; thence S. 43° 06' E., 75.01 meters to point 3; thence S. 46° 54' - W., 100.00 meters to point 4; thence N. 46° 32' W., 40.05 meters to point 5; thence S. 46° 54' W., 50.00 meters to point 6; thence N. 43° 06' W., 35.00 meters to the point of beginning, containing an area of 9,382 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; beraings tme; date of survey, July 31, 1952. fN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 6th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTTINATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(3), 1197-1204. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 272 RESERVING FOR CITY GOVERNMENT OFFICES SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT, SITUATED IN THE CITY OF DAVAO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 64(e) of the Revised Administrative Code in relation with section 1 of Republic Act No. 477, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for City Government offices site purposes, under the administration of the City of Davao, subject to private rights, if any there be, a parcel of land of the private domain of the Government, situated in the City of Davao, Island of Mindanao, and more particularly described as follows: Lot 79-C-l-B, Psd-3274 (The City of Davao) “A parcel of land (lot 79-C-l-C of the subdivision plan Psd-32744, being a portion of lot 79-C-l described on plan Bsd- 10584, GL.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the City of Davao. Bounded on the NE, by lot 79-C-I-A of the subdivision plan and Magallanes Street 20.00 meters wide; on the SE, by Calle Belton 20.00 meters wide; on the S., by lot 79-C-2 of plan Bsd-10584; on the SW., by lot 80 of Davao Townsite; and on the NW., by lot 80 of Davao Townsite and lot I79-C-1-A of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 68° 06' W., 6.72 meters from monument 13, Davao Townsite; thence S. 25° 10' W., 56.35 meters to point 2 thence S. 14° 33' W., 64.83 meters to point 3 thence W. 75° 07' W., 129.05 meters to point 4 thence N. 21° 05' W., 49.65 meters to point 5; thence N. 34° 25' E, 71,07 meters to point 6; thence S. 59° 49' E., 21.12 meters to point 7; thence N. 33° 03' E, 30.12 meters to point 8; thence S. 60° 11' E, 112.31 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 18,943 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1, 3', and 4 by old B.P.W., D.C.S.M. concrete monument, points 2 and 5 by old comers and the rest by P.L.S. Cy one concrete monuments; bearings true; declination 0° 34' E, date of the original survey, June 12- August 28, 1908 and that of the subdivision survey, April 12, 1951.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 6th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORITJNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(3), 1205-1206. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 273 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 297 DATED JULY 21, 1938, A PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF KIDAPAWAN, PROVINCE OF COTABATO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO, AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 1826 of the Revised Administrative Code, I hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 297, dated July 21, 1938, Block I of the Kidapawan Lanzon Forest Reserve, which is technically described therein and specifically shown on the Bureau of Forestry Map F.R. 80, containing One thousand three hundred and twenty-three (1,323) hectares, situated in the municipality of Kidapawan, province of Cotabato, island of Mindanao, and declare the same open to disposition under the provisions of the Public Land Act. The area hereby released and declared agricultural land under the control of the Bureau of Lands for administration and disposition in accordance with the Public Land Act shall be subject private rights, if any there be, and to the following conditions. 1. There are reserved as timber lands in the area excluded a strip of 15 meters in width on each side of any public trail therein used as outlet for timber and other forest products, and a strip of 40 meters in width from the highest bank on each side of any streamfor stream bank protection. 2. The utilization of timber and other forest products existing in the area shall be subject to Forest and Internal Revenue Laws and Regulations, and present licenses, or future holders of licenses which may be granted by the Director of Forestry covering the same shall have the preferential right in said utilization and to constmct and maintain logging trails and roads therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 17th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(3), 1206-1207. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 274 RESERVING FOR TELEPHONE EXCHANGE BUILDING SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT SITUATED IN THE DISTRICT OF MALATE, CITY OF MANILA Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 64(c) of the Revised Administrative Code, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for Telephone Exchange Building site purposes under the administration of the Bureau of Telecommunications, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the private domain of the Government, situated in the comer of Indiana Street and Remedios Street, District of Malate, City of Manila, and more particuarly described, to wit: Lot 3-A, Cadastre 151-D (Telecommunication Building Site) A parcel of land (lot 3-A of the subdivision plan Cadastre 151-D, being a portion of lot 3, block 560 of the cadastral survey of the City of Manila, GL.R.O. record No. 287), situated in the District of Malate, City of Manila. Bounded on the NE., by Calle Indiana; on the SE, by lot 3-B of the subdivision plan: on the SW., by lot 1, block 560 of Manila Cadastre and on the NW., by lot 3-C of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 41° 20' E, 327.19 meters from B.L.L.M. 49, Manila Cadastre, thence S. 65° 13' W.„ 38.44 meters to point 2; thence N. 73° 21' W., 23.45 meters to point 3; thence N. 61° 16' E, 33.02 meters to point 4; thence S. 75° 25' E, 4.37 meters to point 5; thence S. 28° 36' E, 23.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of Nine hundred and sixteen (916) square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the. plan and are marked on the ground as follows; point 2 by old comer; point 5 by naU on stone wall; and the rest, by P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of the original survey, January-March, 1920 and that of the subdivision survey, November 29, 1955. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 17th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of: the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTTINATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(3), 1207-1208. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 275 RESERVING FOR PARK AND PLAYGROUND PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE POBLACION (PIAPI BEACH), CITY OF DAVAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant .to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act Numbered One hundred and forty-one, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for park and playground purposes, under the administration of the City of Davao, subject to private rights, if any there be, the following- parcels of the public domain, situated in the poblacion (Piapi Beach), City of Davao, and more particularly described, to wit: Lot 1, (Davao Townsite) City of Davao A parcel of land (lot 1 of Davao townsite, GL.R.O. Record No ), situated in the City of Davao. Bounded on the E, and SE, by Gulf of Davao; and on the NW., by Gulf of Davao and lot 475-C of plan Bsd-10087. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 75° 12' E, 1,190.81 meters from monument 14, Davao Townsite; thence N. 20° 36' E’, 100.36 meters to point 2; thence S. 10° 18' W., 4.47 meters to point 3; thence S. 11° 57' W., 23.70 meters to point 4; thence S. 15° 01' W., 23.71 meters to point 5; thence S. 18° 05' W., 23.70 meters to point 6; thence S. 21° 07' W., 23.71 meters to point 7; thence S. 24° 14' W., 23.71 meters to point 8; thence S. 27° 18' W., 23,70 meters to point 9; thence S. 30° 02' W., 19.62 meters to point. 10; thence N. 20° 35' E, 65.02 meters to the point ofbeginning; containing an area of eight hundred forty-two (842) square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows : point 1 by old comer, points 4, 6 and 9 by stakes and the rest by B.P.W./D.C. concrete monuments, bearings tme; declination 2° 08' E., date of survey, November 13, 1946-April 25, 1947 and that of the approval, April 24, 1948. Lot 2, (Davao Townsite) City of Davao A parcel of land (lot 2 of Davao townsite, G.L.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the City of Davao. Bounded on the NE., by lot 4 of Davao townsite; on the SE, by Gulf of Davao; and on the NW., by lot 475-C of plan Bsd-10087. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 44° 42' W., 475.89 meters from monuments 1, Davao townjsite; thence S. 32° 23' E, 32.16 meters to point 2; thence S. 60° 12' W., 18.61 meters to point 3; thence S. 47° 00' W., 17.26 meters to point 4;’ thence S. 47° 01' W., 17.82 meters to point 5; thence !N. 22° 10' E, 65.14 meters to the point ofbeginning; containing Jan area of seven hundred seventy-nine (779) square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows : point 1 by old comer, point 4 by stake and the rest by B.P.W./D.C. concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 2° 08' E, date of survey, November 13, 1946-April 25, 1947 and that of the approval, April 24, 1948. Lot 3, (Davao Townsite) City of Davao A parcel of land (lot 3 of Davao townsite, G.L.R.O. Record No. ), situated in tike City of Davao. Bounded on the NW., and N., by public land; on the E, by Gulf of Davao; and on the S. and SW., by lot 4 of Davao townsite. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being SJ 44° 23' E, 90.90 meters from monument 1, Davao townsite; thence N. 57° 57' W., 50.00 meters to point 2; thence N. 51° 29' E, 50.00 meters to point 3; thence N. 86° 46' E, 116.32 meters to point 4; thence S. 3° 14' E., 57.76 meters to point 5; thence S. 86° 46' W., 116.32 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of seven thousand eight hundred ninety-seven (7,897) square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1, 4 and 5 by stakes and points 2 and 3 by B.P.W./D.C. concrete monuments, bearing’s tme; declination 2° 08' E.; date of survey,. November 13, 1946-April 25, 1947 and that of the approval, April 24, 1948. Lot 4, (Davao Townsite) City of Davao A parcel of land (lot 4 of Davao townsite, G.L.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the City of Davao. Bounded on the N., and NE., by lot 3 of Davao townsite; on the E., and SE., by Gulf of Davao; on the SW., by Gulf of Davao and lot 2 of Davao town-site; and on the NW., by lot 1-B; of plan Psd- 16358 and. public land. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 40° 30' W., 227.22 meters from monument 1, Davao townsite; thence N. 51° 29' E., 199.78 meters to point 2; thence !N. 51° 29'. E., 15.91 meters to point 3; thence S. 57° 57' E., 50.00 meters to point 4; thence N. 86° 46' E., 116.32 meters to point 5; thence S. 3° 15' E., 15.00 meters to point 6; thence S. 86° 45' W., 3121.03 meters to point 7; thence N. 57° 58' W., 12.42 meters to point 8; thence S. 51° 29' W., 468.66 meters to point 9; thence N. 32° 23' W., 32.16 meters to point 10; thence N. 48° 41' W., 45.96 meters to point 11; thence N. 48° 41' E., 19.05 meters to point 12; thence N. 48° 41' E., 139.68 meters to point 13; thence N. 48° 41' E., 19.05 meters to point 14; thence N. 48° 41' E, 11.81 meters to point 15; thence N. 48° 41' E., 14.31 meters to the point of beginning, containing an area of twenty one thousand sixhundred seventy -four (21,674) square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as foUows: points 2, 3 and 9 by B.P.W./D.C. concrete monuments, points 4 to 8 inclusive by stakes and the rest by old comers, bearings tme; declination 2° 08' E., date of survey, November 13, 1946-April 25, 1947 and that of the approval, April 24, 1948. Lot 5, (Davao Toivnsite) City of Davao A parcel of land (lot 5 of Davao Townsite, G.L.R.O. Record No ), situated in the City of Davao. Bounded on the N., by lot 70-B of plan Bsd-10087; on the SE., by Davao River; on the SW., by property of F. Natividad; and on the NW. by lot 6 of Davao Townsite. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 65° 40' E., 284.56 meters from monument 15, Davao Townsite; thence S. 60° 01' W., 5.62 meters to point 2; thence S. 57° 57' W., 19.05 meters to point 3; thence S. 55° 52' W., 17.84 meters to point 4; thence S. 53° 57' W., 18.00 meters to point 5; thence S. 51° 57' W., 18.01 meters to point 6; thence S. 50° 18' W., 11.65 meters to point 7; thence S. 48" 43' W., 16.94 meters to point 8; thence S. 46° 51' W., 17.09 meters to point 9; thence S. 44° 59' W., 17.09 meters to point 10; thence S. 43° 06' W., 17.09 meters to point 11; thence S. 41° 27 W., 13.61 meters to point 12; thence S. 40° 02' W., 18.55 meters to point 13; thence S. 38° 46' W., 18.29 meters to point 14; thence S. 37° 34' SW., 18.31 meters to point 15; thence S. 36° 18' W., 18.29 meters to point 16; thence S. 35° 06' W., 18.31 meters to point 17; thence S. 33° 50' W., 18.29 meters to point 18; thence S. 30° 22' W., 1.82 meters to point 19; thence N. 71° 18' W., 46.43 meters to point 20; thence N. 32° 38' E., 13.47 meters to^ point 21; thence N. 33° 52' E., 19.27 meters to point 22; thence N. 35° 04' E., 19.26 meters to point 23; thence N. 34° 38' E, 20.09 meters to point 24; thence N. 39° 28' E., 18.48 meters to point’ 25; thence N. 38° 44' E., 19.25 meters to point 26; thence N. 40° 02' E., 19.53 meters to point 27; thence N. 41° 23' E.,; 14.79 meters to point 28; thence N. 43° 06” E., 18.57 meters to point 29; thence N. 45° 00' E, 18.57 meters to point 30; thence N. 46° .51' E., 18.57 meters to point 31; thence N. 48° 42' E., 18.41 meters to point 32; thence N. 50° 19' E., 12.66 meters to point 33; thence N. 51° 56' E., 19.56 meters to point 34; thence N. 53° 52' E., 2.93 meters to point 35; thence S. 86° 51' E., 75.21 meters to the point of beginning containing an area of twelve thousand one hundred fifteen (12,115) square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as foUows: points 1, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 and 35 by B.P.W./D.C. concrete monuments and the rest by stakes; bearings tme; declination 2° 08' E., date of survey, November 13, 1946- April 25, 1947 and that of the approval, April 24, 1948. Lot 475-B, Bsd-10087 City of Davao A parcel of land {lot 475-B of the subdivision plan Bsd-10087, being a portion of lot 475 described on plan Bsd- 4335, G.L.RO. record No. ), situated in the poblacion. City of Davao, Island of Mindanao. Bounded on the NW, and N., by lot 475-A of the subdivision plan; on the SE, by Gulf of Davao; on the S., by lot 475-K of the ‘subdivision plan; and on the SW., by lot 70-B of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 89° 16' E,, 734.72 meters from monument 15, Davao Townsite; thence S. 38° 58’ VK, 62.54 meters to point 2; thence S. 88° 36' W., 17.64 meters to point 3; thence N. 88° 18' W., 23.71 meters to point 4; thence N. 85° 14' W., 23.70 meters to point 5; thence N. 82° 12' W., 23.71 meters to point 6; thence N. 82° 05' W., 21.48 meters to point 7; thence N. 84° 11' W., 21.33 meters to point 8; thence N. 86° 32' W., 21.32 meters to point 9; thence N. 88° 42' W., 17.54 meters to point 10; thence S. 89° 23' W., 16.94 meters to point 11; thence S. 87° 35' W., 16.80 meters to point 12; thence S. 85° 42' W., 16,79 meters to point 13; thence S. 83° 53' W., 16.79 meters to point 14; thence S. 81° 40' W., 22.99 meters to point 15; thence S. 79° 05' W., 23.29 meters to point 16; thence S. 76° 50' W., 19.05 meters to point 17; thence S. 74° 41' W., 19.07 meters to point 18; thence S. 72° 34' W.,: 18.90 meters to point 19; thence S. 70" 31' W., 19.06 meters to point 20; thence S. 68° 23' W., 19.06 meters to point 21; thence S. 66° IS’ W., 18.90 meters to point 22; thence S. 64° 13' W., 19.06 meters to point 23; thence S. 62° 08' W., 16.61 meters to point 24; thence S. 61° 01' W., 40,95 meters to point 25; thence N. 78° 40' W., 14.83 meters to point 26; thence N. 57° 59' E, 19.92 meters to point 27; thence N. 60° 02' E, 20.55 meters to point 28; thence N. 62° 07' E, 20.70 meters to point 29; thence N. 64° 13' E, 20.71 meters to point 30; thence N. 66° 19' E, 20.54 meters to point 31; thence N. 68° 23' E, 20.71 meters to point 32; thence N. 70° 30' E, 20.71 meters to point 33; thence N. 72° 35' E, 20.54 meters to point 34; thence N. 74° 39' E, 20.71 meters to point 35; thence N. 76° 51' E, 20.70 meters to point 36; thence N. 79° 04' E, 25.32 meters to point 37; thence N. 81° 41' E, 24.97 meters to point 38; thence N. 82° 18' E, 18.30 meters to point 39; thence N. 85° 43' E, 18.24 meters to point 40; thence N. 87° 31' E, 18.25 meters to point 41; thence N. 89° 26' E, 18.40 meters to point 42; thence S. 83° 42' E, 19.06 meters to point 43; thence S. 86° 32' E, 23.17 meters to point 44; thence S. 84° 11' E, 23.17 meters to point 45; thence S. 82° 03' E, 23.34 meters to point 46; thence S. 82° 12' E, 21.30 meters to point 47; thence S. 85° 14' E, 21.30 meters to point 48; thence S. 88° 18' E, 21.30 meters to point 49; thence N. 88° 36' E, 21.30 meters to point 50; thence N. 85° 33' E, 21.30 meters to point 51; thence N. 82° 29' E, 14.44 meters to the point of beginning containing an area of Twenty one thousand five hundred twenty-six (21,526) square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows; points 1, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 24, 26, 28, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49 and 51, by B. P. W./D. C. concrete monuments point 26 by old comer and the rest by stakes; bearings tme; declination 2° 08' E; date of the subdivision survey, November 13, 1946-April 25, 1947 and that of the approval, April 24, 1,948. Lot475-C,Bsd-10087 City of Davao A parcel of land (lot 475-C of the subdivision plan Bsd- 10087, being a portion of lot 475 described on plan Bsd- 4335, G.LR.O. Record No. ), situated in the poblacion. City of Davao, island of Mindanao. Bounded on the NE., by lot 1-B of plan Psd-16358; on the SE, by lot 2 of Davao Townsite and lot 475-L of the subdivision plan; on the E, by lot 475-L of the subdivision plan and lot 1 of Davao Townsite; on the SW., by Gulf of Davao; and on the W., and NW., by lot 475-D of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 44° 42' W., 475.89 meters from monument 1, Davao Townsite; thence S. 22° 10' W., 65.14 meters to point 2; thence S. 45° 23' W., 18.16 meters to point 3; thence S. 43° 14' W., 17.69 meters to point 4; thence S. 41° 19' W., 17.71 meters to point 5; thence S. 39° 23' W., 17.54 meters to point 6; thence S. 37° 23' W., 17.54 meters to point 7; thence S. 35° 30' W., 17.55 meters to point 8; thence S. 33° 34' W., 17.55 meters to point 9; thence S. 31° 36' W., 17.54 meters to point 10; thence S. 29° 40' W., 17.70 meters to point 11; thence S. 27° 45' W., 17.55 meters to point 12; thence S. 25° 47' W., 17.54 meters to point 13; thence S. 23° 5T W., 17.70 meters to point 14; thence S. 21° 55' W., 17.55 meters to point 15; thence S. 20° 00' W., 17.54 meters to point 16; thence S. 18° 02' W., 17.70 meters to point 17; thence S. 16° 05' W., 17.55 meters to point 18; thence S. 14° IT W., 17.39 meters to point 19; thence S. 12° 15' W., 17.40 meters to point 20; thence S. 10° 22' W., 17.39 meters to point 21; thence S. 8° 24' W., 18.00 meters to point 22; thence S. 6° 2T W., 18.91 meters to point 23; thence S. 4° 18' W., 19.05 meters to point 24; thence S. 2° 10' W., 19.05 meters to point 25; thence S.2° 42' W., 24.49 meters to point 26; thence S. 5° 49' W., 23.70 meters to point 27; thence S. 8° 35' W., 19.25 meters to point 28; thence S. 20° 36' W., 100.36 meters to point 29; thence N. 62° 35' W., 37.74 meters to point 30; thence N. 21° 09' E, 19.99 meters to point 31; thence N. 18° 06' E, 21.30 meters to point 32; thence N. 15° OT E, 21.30 meters to point 33; thence N. 11° 57' E, 21.30 meters to point 34; thence N. 8° 53' E, 21.30 meters to point 35; thence N. 5° 49' E, 21.30 meters to point 36; thence N. 2° 43' E, 22.00 meters to point 37; thence N. 2° 08' E, 20.70 meters to point 38; thence N. 4° 16' E, 20.71 meters to point 39; thence N. 6 22' E, 20.55 meters to point 40; thence N. 8° 24' E, 19.56 meters to point 41; thence N. 10° 20' E, 18.90 meters to point 42; thence N. 12° 15' E, 18.90 meters to point 43; thence N. 14° 13' E, 18.90 meters to point 44; thence N. 16° 058' E, 19.07 meters to point 45; thence N. 18° 00' E, 19.22 meters to point 46; thence N. 20° 00' E, 19.07 meters to point 47; thence N. 21° 56' E, 19.06 meters to point 48; thence N. 23° 52' E, 19.23 meters to point 49; thence N. 25° 49' E, 19.06 meters to point 50; thence N. 27° 44' E, 19.06 meters to point 51; thence N. 29° 40' E, 19.23 meters to point 52; thence N. 31° 36' E, 19.07 meters to point 53; thence N. 33° 34' E, 19.06 meters to point 54; thence N. 35° 27' E, 19.06 meters to point 55; thence N.’37° 26' E, 19.07 meters to point 56; thence N. 39° 22' E, 19.07 meters to point 57; thence N. 41° 16' E, 19.24 meters to point;58; thence N. 43° 15' E, 19.22 meters to point 59; thence N. 45° 14' E, 19.55 meters to point 60; thence N. 47° 12' E, 19.56 meters to point 61; thence N. 49° 09' E, 19.55 meters to point 62; thence N. 57° 51' E, 20.60 meters to point 63; thence S. 45° 40' E, 12.31 meters to the point of beginning; containing, an area of Twenty seven thousand five hundred sixty three (27,563) square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows : Points 1 and 29 by old comers, points 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62 and .63 by B. P. W./D. C. concrete monuments, point 38 by cross; cut on tree above ground and the rest by stakes; bearings true; declination 2° 08' E, date of the subdivision survey, November 13, 1946-April 25, 1947 and that of the; approval, April 24. 1948. Lot475-E,Bsd-10087 City of Davao A parcel of land (lot 475-E of the subdivision plan Bsd-10087, being a portion of lot 475 described on plan Bsd-335, G.L.R.O.record No. ), situated in the poblacion. City of Davao, island of Mindanao. Bounded on the E., by lot 475-D of the subdivision plan; on the SW., by lot 475-J of the subdivision plan; and on the NW., by lot 475-J of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 43° 40' W., 886.42 meters from monument 1, Davao Townsite; thence N. 50° 21' E, 63.02 meters to point 2; thence S. 16° 07' W., 19.74 meters to point 3; thence S. 14° 10' W., 19.74 meters to point; thence S. 12° 16' W., 19.73 meters to point 5; thence S. 10° 20' W., 19.91 meters to point 6; thence N. 39° 39' W., 47.73 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of One thousand four hundred thirty six (1,436) square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as foUows: Points 3 and 5 by stakes and the rest by B. P. W./D. C. concrete monuments; bearings true; declination 2° 08' E, date of the subdivision survey, November 13, 1946-April 25, 1947 and that of the approval, April 24, 1948. Lot 475-F, Bsd-10087 City of Davao A parcel of land (lot 4175-E of the subdivision plan Bsd-10087, being a portion of lot 475 described on plan Bsd- 335, G.L.R.O. record No. ), situated in the poblacion. City of Davao. Bounded on the NE., by lot 475-J of the subdivision plan; on the E, by lot 475-D of the subdivision plan; on the SW., by Gulf of Davao and lot 475-J of the subdivision plan; and on the NW., by lot 475-J of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 89° 03' E, 782.28 meters from monument 17, Davao Townsite; thence N. 50° 24' E, 160.00 meters to point 2; thence S.’ 39° 36' E, 61.28 meters to point 3; thence S. 6° 22' W., 21.45 meters to point 4; thence S. 4° 16' W., 21.62 meters to point 5; thence S. 2° 10' W., 21.62 meters to point 6; thence S. 2° 42' W., 20.61 meters to point 7; thence S. 5° 48' W., 19.96 meters to point 8; thence S. 8° 54' W., 19,96 meters to point 9;.thence S. 11° 56' W., 19.96 meters to point 10; thence S. 15° 02' W., 19.96 meters to point 11; thence S. 18° 04' W., 19.95 meters to point 12; thence S. 21° 08' W., 16.59 meters to point 13; thence N. 62° 35' W., 23.00 meters to point 14; thence N. 39° 35' W., 171.96 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of Twenty one thousand nine hundred twenty (21,920) square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as foUows: Points 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 by stakes and the rest by B, P. W./D. C. concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 2° 08' E, date of the subdivision survey, November 13, 1946-April 25, 1947 and that of the approval, April 24, 1948. Lot475-G, Bsd-10087 City of Davao A parcel of land (lot 475-G of the subdivision plan Bsd-10087, being a portion of lot 475 described on plan Bsd- 4335, G.L.RO. record No. ), situated in the poblacion. City of Davao, island of Mindanao. Bounded on the NE., by lot 475-J of the subdivision plan; on the SE, by Gulf of Davao; and on the SW. and NW., by lot 475-J of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 67° 57' E, 577.B8 meters from monument 17, Davao townsite; thence N. 50° 24' E, 300.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 39° 36' E, 131.87 meters to point 3; thence S. 38° 58' W., 306.20 meters to point 4; thence N. 39° 34' W., 192.56 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of forty-eight thousand five hundred ninety-six (48,596) square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B.P.W./D.C. concrete monuments, bearings true; declination 2° 08' E; date of the subdivision survey, November 13, 1946-April 25, 1947, and that of the approval, April 24, 1948, Lot475-H, Bsd-10087 City of Davao A parcel of land (lot 475-H of the subdivision plan Bsd-10087, being a portion of lot 475 described on plan Bsd- 4335, G.LR.O. record No. ), situated in the poblacion. City of Davao, island of Mindanao. Bounded on the NE., by lot 475-J of the subdivision plan; on the S., by lot 475-A of the subdivision plan; and on the SW. and NW., by lot 475-J of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 66° 11' E, 568.62 meters from monument 17, Davao townsite; thence S. 39° 35', E, 196.54 meters to point 2; thence S. 82° 25' W., 20.16 meters to point 3; thence S. 82° 29' W., 19.96 meters to point 4; thence S. 85° 33' W., 19.96 meters to point 5; thence S. 88° 37' W., 19.97 meters to point 6; thence N. 88° 20' W., 19.96 meters to point 7; thence N. 85° 14' W., 19.96 meters to point 8; thence N. 82° 10' W., 19.97 meters to point 9; thence N. 82° 03' W., 24.37 meters to point 10; thence N. 84° ir W., 24.19 meters to point 11; thence N. 86° 33' W., 24.37 meters to point 12; thence N. ’89° 29' W., 57.72 meters to point 13; thence N. 50° 24' E, 160.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of twenty-one thousand three hundred ninety-nine (21,399) square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: Points 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 by stakes and the rest by B.P.W./D.C. concrete monuments, bearings true; declination 2° 08' E, date of the subdivision survey, Nov. IS, 1946-April 25, 1947 and that of the approval, April 24, 1948. Lot 475-1, Bsd-10078 City of Davao A parcel of land (lot 475-1 of-the subdivision plan Bsd-10087, being a portion of lot 475 described on plan Bsd- 4335, G.LR.O. record No. ), situated in the poblacion. City of Davao, island of Mindanao. Bounded on the NE., by lot 475-J of the subdivision plan; on the S., by lot 475-A of the subdivision plan; and on the NW., by lot 475-J of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 48° 29' E, 514.68 meters from monument 17, Davao townsite; thence S. 39° 33' E, 44.81 meters to point 2; thence S. 89° 28' W., 19.22 meters to point 3; thence S. 87° 32' W., 19.05 meters to point 4; thence S. 85° 43' W.s 19.04 meters to point 5; thence S.; 83° 52' W., 18.54 meters to point 6; thence N. 50° 26' E, 61.14 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of one thousand three hundred ten (1,310) square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as foUows: Point 3 by stake and the rest by B.P.W./D.C. concrete monuments, bearings tme; declination 2° 08' E; date of the subdivision survey, November 13, 1946-April 25, 1947 and that of, the approval, April 24, 1948. Lot 70-B, Bsd-10078 City of Davao A parcel of land (lot 70-B of the subdivision plan Bsd-10087, being a portion of lot 70 described on plan 11-3460, G.L.RO. record No. ), situated in the City of Davao. Bounded on the NE., by lot 475-B of the subdivision plan; on the S., by lot 5 of Davao townsite; and on the NW., by lot 70-C of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 65° 40' E, 284.56 meters from monument 15. Davao townsite; thence N. 86° 51' W., 75.21 meters to point 2; thence N. 53° 57' E, 16.62 meters to point 3; thence N. 55° 53' E, 19.40 meters to point 4; thence N. 57° 51' E, 8.27 meters to point 5; thence S. 84° 40' E, 16.53 meters to point 6; thence S. 61° 01' E, 40.95 meters to point 7; thence S. 60° 20' W., 15.74 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of one thousand five hundred fifteen (1,515) square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as foUows: Point 3 by stake, point 6 by old comer and the rest by B.P.W./D.C. concrete monuments, bearings tme; declination 2° 08' E; date of the subdivision survey, November 13, 1946-April 25, 1947 and that of the approval, April 24, 1948. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 17th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(3), 1208-1215. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 276 RESERVING FOR CERTAIN SPECIFIC PUBUC PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF LAMBAYONG, PROVINCE OF COTABATO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for certain specific public purposes indicated hereunder, subject to private rights, if any there be the following parcels of the public domain situated in the municipality of Lambayong, province of Cotabato, island of Mindanao, and more particularly described as follows: Lot 7503, Bsd-10369 (For school site purposes under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools) A parcel of land (lot 7503 of the subdivision plan Bsd-10369, being a portion of lot 5463 of Dulauan Pls-72), situated in the municipality of Lambayong, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by national highway; and along lines 2-4 and 4-1 by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 78° OF W., 78.60 meters from B.L.L.M. 91, Dulauan Pls-72, thence S. 21° 54' E, 219.94 meters to point 2; thence S. 68° 20' W., 215.48 meters to point 3; thence N. 21° 47' W., 218.51 meters to point 4; thence N. 67° 57' E., 215.01 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of forty-seven thousand one hundred and eighty-sk (47,186) square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of the subdivision survey, March 28-May 26, 1950. Lot 7504, Bsd-10369 (Eor hospital site purposes under the administration of the Bureau ofHospitals) A parcel of land (lot 7504 of the subdivision plan Bsd-10369, being a portion of lot 5464 of Dulauan Pls-72), situated in the municipality of Lambayong, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by national highway; and along lines 2-4 and 4-1 by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 10° 18' E, 56.51 meters from B.L.L.M. 91, Dulauan Pls-72, thence N. 21° 48' W., 100.04 meters to point 2; thence N. 68° 10' E, 159.90 meters to point 3; thence S. 21° 42' E, 99.44 meters to point 4; thence S. 67° 57' W., 159.75 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of fifteen thousand nine hundred and forty -one (15,941) square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of the subdivision survey, March 28-May 26, 1950. Lot. 7642, Bsd-10369 (Eor market site purposes under the administration of the municipaUty ofLambayong) A parcel of land (lot 7642 of the subdivision plan Bsd-10369, being a portion of lot 5463 of Dulauan Pls-72), situated in the municipaUty of Lambayong, province of Cotabato. Bounded on all sides by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 22° 30' W., 656.70 meters from B.L.LM. 92, Dulauan Pls-72, thence N.. 68° 00' E, 160.25 meters to point 2; thence S. 22° 19' E, 119.95 meters to point 3; thence S. 67° 57' W., 160.63 meters to point 4;thence N. 22° 08' W., 120.11 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of nineteen thousand two hundred and fifty-eight (19,258) square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers: bearings tme; date of the subdivision survey, March 28-May 26, 1950. Lot 7506, Bsd-10369 (For plaza and playground site purposes under the administration of the municipality ofLambayong) A parcel of land (lot 7506 of the subdivision plan Bsd-10369, being a portion of lot 5464 of Dulauan Pls-72), situated in the municipality ofLambayong, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NW., along lines 1-2 and 2-4 by road; and along line 4-1 by national highway. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 86° 47' W., 5.51 meters from B.L.L.M. 92, Dulauan Pls-72, thence N. 68° 04' E, 150.03 meters to point 2; thence S. 22° 00' E, 199.94 meters to point 3; thence S. 67° 59' W., 149.91 meters to point 4; thence N. 22° 02' W., 200.14 meters to the point of beginning; containing ;an area of thirty thousand and one (30,001) square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of the subdivision survey, March 28-May 26, 1950. Lot 7505, Bsd-10369 (For municipal building site purposes under the administration of the municipality ofLambayong) A parcel of land ([lot 7505 of the subdivision plan Bsd-10369, being a portion of lot 5464 of Dulauan Pls-72), situated in the municipaUty of Lambayong, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by national highway; and along Unes 2-4 and 4-1 by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 31° 17' W., 32.20 meters from B.L.L.M. 92, Dulauan Pls-72, thence N. 22° 07' W., 100.02 meters to point 2; thence N. 68° 08' E, 159.76 meters to point 3; thence S. 22° 15' E, 99.82 meters to point 4; thence S. 68° 04' W., 160.01 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of fifteen thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven (15,977) square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of subdivision survey, March 28-May 26, 1950. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of; the Republic of the PhiUppines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 22nd day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the PhUippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTHNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the PhUippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(3), 1215-1217. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHIUPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. Ill PROCLAIMING MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1956, AS BATAAN DAY AND DECLARING IT AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOUDAY WHEREAS, the ninth day of April, 1956, which marks the fourteenth anniversary of the Fall of Bataan, has become a shining symbol of courage and heroismto ah freedom loving peoples of the world; WHEREAS, Bataan Day has strengthened the everlasting bonds of friendship and cooperation between the Philippines and the United States ; WHEREAS, the commemoration of the Fall of Bataan is a fitting homage to the heroism of Filipino and American forces who fought side by side against overwhelming odds in the epic stmggle for democracy and freedom; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby proclaim Monday, April 9, 1956, as Bataan Day and declare it as a special: public holiday throughout the Philippines. I caU upon all public officials and citizens of the Philippines, and invite aU American nationals residing in this country to observe the day with a one-minute silence at 4:30 o’clock in the afternoon of that day, and to hold appropriate rites in honor of the heroic defenders of Bataan. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUNATO DE LEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 278 DECLARING SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1956, A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY WHEREAS, the twenty-ninth day (Holy Thursday) and the thirtieth day (Good Friday) of March, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, being public holidays, the thirty-first day (Saturday) of March, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, may be declared a special public holiday without any prejudice to the public interest; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the authority vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, and there being sufficient reasons therefor, do hereby proclaim Saturday, March thirty-first; nineteen hundred and fifty-six, as a special public holiday. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(3), 1219 . MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 279 DECLARING THE LAST WEEK OE APRIL OP EACH YEAR AS RICE PESTIVAL WEEK WHEREAS, the attainment of sufficiency in rice production is one of the major goals of our government; and WHEREAS, to attain this objective as early as possible, it is necessary to draw the attention of our people to more effective methods of rice production; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby declare the last week of April of each year as Rice Pestival Week. The Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall take charge of, and coordinate, all activities in connection with the celebration of said Week. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 24th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(3), 1219-1220. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 280 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 358, DATED DECEMBER 12, 1952, AND DECLARING THE AREA EMBRACED THEREIN OR SUCH PORTIONS THEREOE AS HAVE NOT BEEN DISPOSED OE BY THE NATIONAL RESETTLEMENT AND REHABIUTATION ADMINISTRATION OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources: and pursuant to the provisions of sections 83 and 88 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby revoke Proclamation No. 358, dated December 12, 1952 and declare the land embraced therein situated in the provinces of Pampanga, Tarlac, and Nueva Ecija, island of Luzon, or such portions thereof as have not yet been disposed of by the National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration, open to disposition under the provisions of the Public Land Act, which parcel of land is more particularly described in Proclamation No. 40, dated Eebmary 17, 1936. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand* and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 27th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(4), 1858. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 281 AMENDING PROCLAMATION NO. 160, DATED MAY 27, 1955, BY REDUCING THE AREA RESERVED THEREUNDER FOR MARKET SITE PURPOSES SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF M’LANG, PROVINCE OF COTABATO, FROM 22,759 SQUARE METERS TO 13,438 SQUARE METERS, AND DECLARING THE PORTIQNS THUS EXCLUDED, WITH THE EXCEPTIQN QE THE STREETS AND ALLEYS THEREIN, OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of sections 83 and 88 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby amend Proclamation No. 160, dated May 27, 1955, by reducing the area reserved thereunder for market site purposes, situated in the municipality of MTang, province of Cotabato, from 22,759 square meters to 13,438 square meters and declaring the portions thus excluded, with the exception of the streets and alleys therein, open to disposition under the provisions of the Public Land Act. The market site as reduced shall be more particularly described as follows: Lot 3294 M’lang Townsite, Ts-268 (Market Site) A parcel of land (lot 3294 of MTang Townsite, Ts-268) situated in the poblacion, municipality of MTang, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the S., along line 1-2, by road; along line 2-3, by road; along line 3-4, by road; and along line 4-1, by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 46° 02' E, 2,467 meters from B.LL.M. 33, MTang Townsite, thence N. 89° 55' W., 136.67 meters to point 2; thence N. 0° 23' E, 98.18 meters to point 3; thence N. 89° 45' E, 135.96 meters to point 4; thence S. 0° 02' E, 98.98 meters to the point ofbeginning; containing an area of thirteen thousand four hundred and thirty eight (13,438) square meters. AU points referred to are indicated: on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, August 16-December 31, 1951. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 27th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTTJNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(2), 1859-1860. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 282 RESERVING A PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN FOR NATIONAL PARK PURPOSES TO BE KNOWN AS “NAUJAN LAKE NATIONAL PARK”, SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTIES OF NAUJAN, POLA, AND VICTORIA, PROVINCE OF MINDORO ORIENTAL ISLAND OF MINDORO Upon the recommendation of ‘the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources as Chairman of the Commission on Parks and Wildlife, and pursuant to the provisions of section one of Act numbered Thirty nine hundred and fifteen, as amended, and of section two of Republic Act numbered Eght hundred and twenty-six, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale, settlement, or other disposition and reserve for national park purposes to be known as “Naujan Lake National Park”, under the administration of the Commission on Parks and Wildlife, subject to private rights, if any there be, the following parcel of the public domain, situated, in the municipalities of Naujan, Pola, and Victoria., province of Mindoro Oriental, island of Mindoro, and more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point marked 1, at the junction of the Laguna River and Bathala Creek on plan N.P. No. 38 being S. 13° 30' E, 9,400 meters, more or less, from B.L.L.M. No. 1, Naujan, Mindoro Oriental; thence S. 8S° 00' E., 5,550 meters to point 2, located at the junction of two trails; thence S. 61° 30' E., 1,450 meters to point 3, located at the bank of Lucia River; thence S. 34° 00' E, 10,750 meters to point 4, at the mouth ofTiguihan River; thence S. 15° 00' E, 5,100 meters to point 5, located at the junction of Casiligan River and Magtungao River; thence S. 65° 00' W., 5,100 meters to point 6, located at the junction of Subaan River and Antipolo River; thence S. 77° 00' W., 4,600 meters to point 7, located at the junction of Subaan River and an unknown creek; thence N. 159° 15' W., 7,600 meters to point. 8, located at the municipal boundary of Vctoria and Pola; thence N. 7° 00' E, 9,400 meters to point 9, located at the junction of Bulbocalon River and Butanca River; and thence N. 31° 45' E, 5,650 meters to point of beginning; containing an approximate area of two hundred sixteen million five hundred fifty thousand (216,550,000) square meters. This park is subject to future delimitation and survey. That any lease or leases found to be existing within the area as reserved shall be respected until their expiration. The administrative supervision for the consideration of ah commercial species of fish in the park wiU be delegated to the Bureau of Fisheries. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 27th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: POR'TUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(4), 1860-1861. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 283 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 256 DATED FEBRUARY 14, 1956, AND RESERVING THE PARCEL OF LAND EMBRACED THEREIN FOR FIRE STATION BUILDING SITE PURPOSES SITUATED IN THE CITY OF DAVAO By virtue of the powers vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby revoke Proclamation No. 256 dated Febmary 14, 1956, and reserve the parcel of land embraced therein for fire station building site purposes situated in the City of Davao. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 27th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(4), 1861-1862. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 284 AMENDING PROCLAMATION NO. 116, SERIES OF 1955, SO AS TO RESERVE THE PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND EMBRACED THEREIN, SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF PANABO, PROVINCE OF DAVAO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO, FOR SETTLEMENT PURPOSES AND THE ESTABUSHMENT OE AN AGRICULTURAL COLONY EOR THE INMATES OE THE BUREAU OE PRISONS Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of sections 83 and 85 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby amend Proclamation No. 116, series of 1955, and reserve the parcel or parcels of land embraced therein, situated in the municipality of Panabo, province of Davao, island of Mindanao, for settlement purposes and the establishment of an agricultural colony for the inmates of the Bureau of Prisons under the administration of the Director of Prisons. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 28th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives 1862. Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(4), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 285 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 268 DATED FEBRUARY 29, 1956, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE RESERVATION FOR GRAVEL PROCESSING PLANT SITE PURPOSES OF A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF MONTALBAN, PROVINCE OF REAL, ISLAND OF LUZON WHEREAS, under Proclamation No. 268, dated February 29, 1956, there was reserved for gravel processing plant site purposes a certain parcel of land situated in the municipality of Montalban, province of Rizal; WHEREAS, the said parcel of land is whoUy occupied by several tenants whose only source of livelihood is derived from the occupation and cultivation of the same; WHEREAS, the reservation of the said land is prejudicial to the interest of the municipality of Montalban which wiU be deprived of much-needed income to undertake its various public service and mral improvement projects; and WHEREAS, it is advantageous and to the best interest of the State that the title to the said land be first settled and adjudicated by a competent Court; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby revoke said Proclamation No. 268, dated Febmary 29, 1956. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 28th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives 1863. Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(4), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 286 RESERVING FOR CHEST CENTER SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF COTABATO, PROVINCE OF COTABATO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw fromsale or settlement and reserve for chest center site purposes under the administration of the Bureau of Health, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the municipality of Cotabato, province of Cotabato, island of Mindanao, and more particularly described as follows: Nr-102 (Republic of the Philippines — Cotabato Chest Center) A parcel of land (as shown on plan Nr-102), situated in the poblacion, municipality of Cotabato, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2, by Macacua Street; along line 2-3, by road; along line 3-4 by property of Esteban Albano; along line 4-5, by property of Laureana limenez; along line 5-6, by property of Justino Ongchua; along line 6-7, by property of S. lim; and along line 7-1, by property of the municipal government of Cotabato (fire station). Beginning- at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 48° 26' E, 154.47 meters IfomB.L.L.M. 1- A, municipality of Cotabato, Cotabato, thence N. 19° 07' E., 25.95 meters, to point 2; thence S. 71° 44' E., 17.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 71° 42' E, 10.64 meters to point 4; thence S. 19° 20' W., 12.08 meters to point 5; thence S. 19° 00' W., 10.20 meters to point 6; thence S. 19° 21' W., 3.74-meters to point 7; thence N. 71° 34' W., 27.58 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of seven hundred and seventeen (717) square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: Points 1, 2, and 7, by B.L. cylindrical concretes monuments; and the rest, by old P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, January 16, 1956, and that of the approval, January 31, 1956. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 28th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTTINATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(4), 1864-1865. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 287 RESERVING FOR HOSPITAL SITE PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT, SITUATED IN THE CITY OF CEBU, PROVINCE OF CEBU, ISLAND OF CEBU Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 64(e) of the Revised Administrative Code in relation to section I of Republic Act No. 477,-1, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for hospital site purposes, under the administration of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the private domain of the Government, situated in the City of Cebu, province of Cebu, island of Cebu, and more particularly described in the Banilad Friar Lands Estate, GL.R.O. Record No. 5988: “A parcel of land (lot No. 645 of the Banilad Friar Lands Estate, Cebu, G.L.R.O. record No. 5988), situated in the City of Cebu, province of Cebu, island of Cebu. Bounded on the north by lot No. 648; on the east by lots .Nos. 1528 and 1527; on the south by lot No. 643; and on the west by lot No. 646. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 5°; 34' W., 620.4 meters from monument 1 to comer 1 of lot No. 645; then N. 26° 27' W., 194.7 meters to point 2; thence N. 55° 33' E, 16.6 meters to point 3; thence N. 27° 11' W., 82.7 meters to point 4; thence N. 68° 37' E, 82.6 meters to point 5; thence S. 23° 57' E, 168.9 meters to point 6; thence S. 24° 42', E, 113.7 meters to point 7; thence S. 70° 08' W., 87.4 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of twenty -four thousand five hundred sixty-eight (24,568) square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and on the ground. Bearings true; declination 1° 25' 1° 40' east. Surveyed by the Bureau of Lands on July, 1906 to August, 1907. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 18th day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(4), 1865-1866. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 288 DESIGNATING THE PERIOD FROM lUNE 1 TO JULY 15, 1956, FOR THE EIGHTH ANNUAL FUND CAMPAIGN OF THE COMMUNITY CHEST OF GREATER MANILA In order that the Community Chest of Greater Manila will be able to carry on its community welfare services, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby designate the period from June 1 to July 15, 1956, forks Hghth Annual Fund Campaign. I call upon ah residents, firms and organizations in Manila and suburbs to support this campaign and to give generously to the Community Chest of Greater Manila which unites many campaigns into one annual appeal. I authorize all government officials and employees, including school authorities and teachers, to accept, for the Community Chest of Greater Manila, fund-raising responsibilities and to give it active support and leadership in their communities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 18th day of April, in the year of Our Loud, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUNATO DE LEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(4), 1866-1867. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 289 DECLARING MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1956, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOUDAY WHEREAS, the 29th day of April 1956 being Sunday and the 1st day of May 1956 being a holiday, the 30th day of April 1956 may be declared a special public holiday without any prejudice to the public interest; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby proclaim Monday, April 30, 1956, as a special public holiday. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 27th day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives 2467. Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(5), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 290 FIXING THE DATE FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE PROVINCE OF AKLAN CREATED UNDER REPUBLIC ACT NO. 1414, APPROVED APRIL 25, 1956 Pursuant to the powers vested in me by section 8 of Republic Act No. 1414, approved April 25, 1956, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby fix November eighth, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, as the date for the organization of the province of Aklan created by the above-mentioned Act. The province of Capiz shah be composed of the present municipalities thereof minus the municipalities named in said Act to constitute the new province of Aklan with the boundaries between the municipalities of Altavas and Sapian as the boundaries between the province of Capiz and the province of Aklan. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 28th day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(5), 2467-2468. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 291 RESERVING FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN RESIDENCE SECTION “H”, CITY OF BAGUIO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for school site purposes, under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in Residence Section “H”, City of Baguio, and more particularly described, to wit: MR-1053 Republic of the Philippines (Aurora Hill Hementary School Site) A parcel of land (as shown on plan Mr-1053), situated in the Residential Section “H”, City of Baguio. Bounded on the NE., by property of Working-men’s Village (lot 1 — portion, block 1 l,-IR-450-A) and lots 2, 1, 29, 27, 26, 25, 24, and 23, block 10 of plan Bcs-2032-D; and on the SE, SW., and NW., by property of Workingmen’s Village (lot 1 — portion, block 11, IR-450-A). Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan being N. 85° 00' E, 1,222.14 meters from Triangulation Station SKYLINE, Baguio Townsite, thence S. 52° 52' E, 22.80 meters to point 2; thence N. 74° 42' E, 110.98 meters to’ point 3; thence N. 7° 11' E, 12.15 meters to point 4; thence S. 42° 50' E, 11.76 meters to point 5; thence S. 42° 50' E, 10.00 meters to point 6; thence S. 42° 50' E, 10.00 meters to point 7; thence S. 42° 50' E, 10.00 meters to point 8; thence S. 42° 50' E, 10.00 meters to point 9; thence S. 42° 50' E, 10.00 meters to point 10; thence S. 42° 50' E, 10.00 meters to point 11; thence S. 42° 50' E, 10.00 meters to point 12; thence S. 65° 34' W., 24.15 meters to point 13; thence S. 49° 53' W., 24.83 meters to point 14; thence N. 58° 37' W., 14.78 meters to point 15; thence S. 80° 46' W., 14.47 meters to point 16; thence S. 47° 10' AY, 72.74 meters to point 17; thence N. 57° 21' W., 70.80 meters to point, 18; thence N. 55° 15' W., 48.10 meters to point 19; thence N. 45° 54' E, 52.92 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of thirteen thousand four hundred and eighty three (13,483) square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows : points 1, 2, 3, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19, by B.L cylindrical concrete monuments; and the rest, by old P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 0° 16' E; date of survey, October 22 and November 6, 1953, and that of the approval, Febmary 5, 1954. NOTE: This survey is a portion of lot 1, block 11, Ir-450-A as surveyed forthe Republic of the Philippines. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 28th day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FDRTUNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(5), 2468-2469. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 292 RESERVING FOR THE AUCIA AGRICULTURAL AND FISHERY SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PORTION OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF PANGANIBAN, PROVINCE OF CATANDUANES, ISLAND OF CATANDUANES Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for the Alicia Agricultural and Fishery School site purposes, under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain portion of the public domain situated in the municipality of Panganiban, province of Catanduanes, island of Catanduanes, and more particularly described as follows: Lot 3, Ir-1049-D A parcel of land (lot 3 as shown on plan Ir-1049-D, GL.R.O. record-No. ), situated in the barrio of Banguerohan, municipality of Panganiban, province of Catanduanes, island of Catanduanes. Bounded on the NE. and E, by Babaguan Bay; on the S., by lots 5 and 2 of plan Ir-1049-D; on the W., by property of Abdon Tablante et al. and lots 2 and 4 of plan Ir-1049-D; and on the NW., by lots 2 and 4 of plan Ir-1049-D. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 72° WE, 960.20 meters from B.L.L.M. 1, municipality of Panganiban, Catanduanes, thence N. 31° 08' E, 230.79 meters to point 2; thence N. 57° 26' E, 100.30 meters to point 3; thence N. 71° 13' E, 193.28 meters to point 4; thence S. 54° 52' E. 456.23 meters to point 5; thence S. 9° 34' E, 78.51 meters to point 6; thence S. 10° 00' E, 150 meters to point 7; thence S. 10° 00' E, 150 meters to point 8; thence S. 5° 00' W., 185 meters to point 9; thence S. 12° 00' W., 150 meters to point 10; thence S. 7° 56' W., 210 meters to point 11; thence N. 67° 28' W., 510.95 meters to point 12; thence S. 83° 17' W., 246.44 meters to point 13; thence N. 4° 00' W., 214.93 meters to point 14; thence N. 69° 22' E, 415.91 meters to point 15; thence N. 33° 56' E, 23.47 meters to point 16; thence N. 15° 47' W., 56.32 meters to point 17; thence N. 32° 55' W., 23.37 meters to point 18; thence N. 66° 55' W., 103.52 meters to point 19; thence N. 82° 07' W., 59.40 meters to point 20; thence N. 55° 52' W., 89.09 meters to point 21; thence S. 60° 41' W., 78.52 meters to point 22; thence N. 88° 37' W., 62.25 meters to point 23; thence S. 63™ 28' W., 119.13 meters to point 24; thence N. 10° 10' E, 234.50 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 638,885 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 14, and 24, by P.L.S. cylindrical monuments ; and the rest, by stakes; bearings tme; date of survey, January 21-24, and December 12, 1954, and that of the approval, June 10, 1955. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 2nd day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTTJNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(5), 2469-2470. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 293 RESERVING FOR FISHERMEN’S VILLAGE A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN BANGKUSAY, DISTRICT OF TONDO, CITY OF MANILA Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for fishermen’s village, under the administration of the City of Manila, subject to private rights, if any there be, and to future survey, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in Bangkusay, District ofTondo, City of Manila, and more particularly described as follows: A strip of land 18 meters wide shoreward bounded on the north, by Ugbo Extension; on the east, by public land; on the south, by Pitong Gatang Extension; and on the west, by canal. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 2nd day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(5), 2469-2471. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 294 AUTHORIZING THE ELKS CEREBRAL PALSY PROIECT, INC. TO CONDUCT A NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL AND FUND CAMPAIGN DURING THE PERIOD FROM APRIL 20 TO MAY 31, 1956 WHEREAS, some 1,400 babies are bom yearly in the Philippines afflicted with cerebral palsy, a condition which impairs and causes complete loss of muscular control, rendering those afflicted with it unable to take care of themselves; WHEREAS, unless these cerebral-palsied children are given proper occupational and physical, therapy, they are liable to grow up as cumbersome liabilities to society, but if accorded the necessary care, they can be improved to such a degree that their parents and the community in general may be completely relieved of the burden of attending to their needs and they themselves may even become valuable assets to the nation; WHEREAS, there now exist a deplorable dearth of authoritative knowledge concerning the nature and treatment of cerebral palsy and an equally lamentable lack of facilities for the rehabilitation of cerebral-palsied patients, the only existing clinic available being a mere portion of a corridor in the National Orthopedic Hospital; WHEREAS, it is therefore evident that there is an urgent need for an intensive and extensive two-pronged campaign to educate the people on various aspects of cerebral palsy with a view to minimizing, if not totally eliminating, its deleterious effects, and to raise funds for the constmction of a cerebral palsy clinic and the purchase of adequate medicine for the treatment of those afflicted with it; WHEREAS, the Elks Cerebral Palsy Project, Inc. has initiated such a campaign and should be lauded for undertaking the selfless task of sponsoring a drive to help unfortunate cerebral palsied individuals, in which campaign it is fuUy deserving of the support of the government and the entire nation; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, do hereby authorize the Elks Cerebral Palsy Project Inc., to conduct a national educational and fund campaign during the period from April 20 to May 31, 1956. I call upon aU citizens and residents of the Philippines, irrespective of race or creed, to support this humanitarian campaign by giving generously of their means to alleviate the miserable plight of these unfortunate individuals afflicted with cerebral palsy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 6th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(5), 2471-2472. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 295 DECLARING SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1956, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY IN THE PROVINCES OE SULU, COTABATO, ZAMBOANGA DEL NORTE ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR, DAVAO, LANAO, BUKIDNON, AND PALAWAN, AND IN THE CITIES OP ZAMBOANGA, BASILAN, DAVAO, lUGAN, AND DANSALAN In connection with the feast of li-Eedil-Pitr, one of the most important holidays for Muslims, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Saturday, May 12, 1956, as a special public holiday in the provinces of Sulu, Cotabato, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Davao, Lanao, Bukidnon, and Palawan, and in the cities of Zamboanga, Basilan, Davao, Dig an, and Dansalan. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 8th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUVATO DELEON Acting Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(5), 2473. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 296 DESIGNATING THE PERIOD FROM NOVEMBER 15 TO DECEMBER 30, 1956, AS THE PERIOD EOR THE NATIONAL EUND CAMPAIGN OP THE GIRL SCOUTS OP THE PHILIPPINES IN PLACES OUTSIDE OP GREATER MANILA WHEREAS, the Girl Scouts of the Philippines has consistently served the nation through its program of character development and citizenship training for Pilipino girls, hereby meriting the moral encouragement and support of our people; WHEREAS, the Administration’s mral development program demands that the benefits of Scouting be extended to thousands of other girls, especially those in mral areas; WHEREAS, the Girl Scouts of the Philippines, in having been chosen one of the four hostesses for the World Camp to be held in 1957, has brought prestige not only to the local Girl Scout Movement but to the country as a whole; and WHEREAS, this organization is in need of funds to finance this world project, carry out its program of expansion, promote and initiate activities that wUl be of benefit to its constituency and to the country in general, and meet its obligations and participate actively as a member of the world Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts; . NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, do hereby authorize the Girl Scouts of the Philippines to conduct a national fund drive during the period from November 15 to December 30, 1956, in the provinces and territories outside of Greater Manila. I call upon all citizens and residents of the Philippines outside of Greater Manila to assist wholeheartedly in this campaign and to give their utmost support so that the Girl Scouts of the Philippines may be assured of adequate funds with which to carry on its work. I authorize all the treasurers of provincial, city, and municipal governments, as well as school officials and teachers, to accept, for the Girl Scouts of the Philippines, fund-raising responsibilities, and urge them to give active support and leadership in their respective communities. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 17th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(5), 2473-2474. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 297 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 382, DATED MARCH 23, 1953, A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND EMBRACED THEREIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CALOOCAN, PROVINCE OF REAL, ISLAND OF LUZON, AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF REPUBUC ACT NO. 477 IN RELATION TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 382, dated March 23, 1953, the portion thereof hereinbelow described: “A parcel of land (lot 23-A-4-A-2) being a portion of lot 23-A of the Hacienda de MaysUo, situated in the municipality of Caloocan, province of Rizal; bounded on the N. by 7th Avenue Extension; on the E. by A. Bonifacio Street; on the S. by Lot 23-A-4-C; and on the W., by the property of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila; containing an area of 17,000 square meters more or less.” and declare the same open to disposition under the provisions of Republic Act No. 477, in relation to the provisions of the Public Land Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of ManOa, this 17th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUNATO DE LEON Executive Secretary Source: Legislative Lita-ary, House of Representatives Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(5), 2475. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 298 RESERVING FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT, SITUATED IN THE BARRIO OF SUBASTA, CITY OF DAVAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 64 (e) of the Revised Administrative Code in relation to section 1 of Republic Act No. 477, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for school site purposes under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the private domain of the Government situated in the barrio of Subasta, City of Davao, and more particularly described as follows: Lot 1, Bcs-2051 (The City Government of Davao) A parcel of land (lot 1 of the consolidation and subdivision plan Bcs-2051, being a portion of the, consolidation of lots 3, 4, 5, and 6 of block 1, blocks 3, 4, and 5 and road lot of plan Pcs-3409, GL.R.O. Record No. ), situated in the City of Davao. Bounded on the NE., by lot 3 of the consolidation and subdivision plan (road); on the E, SE, and SW., by lot 192-B-2-B-1 of plan Psd-15844; and on the NW., by lots 2 and 3 of the consolidation and subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 76° 45' E, 657.97 meters fromB.L.LM. 7, Guianga cadastre 174; thence N. 70° 15' E., 39.99 meters to point 2; thence N. 70° 15' E, 40 meters to point 3; thence N. 70° 15' E, 10 meters ; to point 4; thence N. 70° 15' E, 45 meters to point 5; thence N. 77° 50' E, 9.50 meters, to point 6; thence S. 85° 27' E, 18.55 meters to; point 7; thence S. 71° 50' E, 31 meters to point 8; thence S. 6° 29' E, 19 meters to point 9; thence S. 6° 29' E, 23 meters to point 10; thence S. 6° 29' E, 23 meters to point 11; thence S. 87° 17' W., 32 meters to paint 12; thence S. 87° 17' W., 48.39 meters to point 13; thence S. 70° 15' W., 104 meters to point 14; thence S. 70° 15' W., 49.60.meters to point 15; thence N. 6° 26' W.; 20.14 meters to point 16; thence N. 6° 26' W., 20.55 meters to point 17; thence N. 6° 26' W., 20.55 meters to point 18, thence N. 6° 26' W., 8.21 meters to point 19; thence N. 70° 15' E, 33.16 meters to point 20; thence N. 70° 15' E, 10 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 16,291 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: Points 2, 3, and 4, by old P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments; points 19 and 20, by D.P.W./D.C.S.M. concrete monuments; and the rest, by old comers, bearings tme; date of the consolidation and. subdivision survey, Febmary 2, 1955. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and ff caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be f affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 26th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORITJNATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(6), 2950-2951. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 299 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NUMBERED FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY- THREE SERIES OF 1933, THE PARCELS OF LAND DESCRIBED THEREIN EXCEPT THE AREA PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREUNDER, SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF SIRUMA, PROVINCE OFCAMARINES SUR WHEREAS, a petition has been filed for the release for agricultural purposes, of several parcels of land situated in the municipality of Simma, province of Camarines Sur, from the White Clay Mineral Reservation established under Proclamation Numbered Five hundred eighty-three, series of 1933; WHEREAS, the Bureau of Mines, after geological ejqtloration, has found that except the area particularly described hereunder, the remaining portions thereof reserved under the aforesaid proclamation, contain no sufficient kaolin deposits for the purposes of the reservation; WHEREAS, under the provisions of section 11 of Commonwealth Act No. 137, as amended, otherwise known as the Mining Act, the President of the Philippines may, with the concurrence of the Congress of the Philippines, by proclamation alter or modify the boundaries of any mineral reserve from time to time or revoke any such proclamation, and upon such revocation, such reserve shall be and become part of the public domain as though no such proclamation had ever been made; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon .Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, and upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to .the provisions of section 11 of Commonwealth Act No. 137, as amended, do hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation Numbered Five hundred eighty-three, dated lune 10, 1933, and declare open to disposition under the Public Land Act the parcels of land described therein except the area particularly described hereunder situated in the municipality of Simma, province of Camarines Sur, island of Luzon, to wit: A parcel of land situated in the municipality of Simma, province of Camarines Sur, island of Luzon, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch map, which is S. 18° 05' W., 1,353.25 meters from triangulation “SIR”, 1906, U. S. A. & G. S., Simma, Camarines Sur, thence, east, 4,351.28 meters to point 2; thence, north, 3,749.24 meters to point 3; thence, east, 3,300.49 meters to point 4; thence, south, 6,453.59 meters to point 5; thence, west, 7,653.05 meters to point 6; thence, north, 2,704.36 meters to point 1, which is the point of beginning. Containing an approximate area of 3,306.9672 hectares. This proclamation shall take effect only upon the concurrence of the Congress of the Philippines. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 31st day of May, in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTXJNATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(6), 2951-2952. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 300 FURTHER EXTENDING UP TO MAY 31, 1957, THE THRIFT CAMPAIGN DECLARED IN PROCLAMATION NO. 24 DATED MAY 9, 1954 WHEREAS, the period from June 1, 1954, to May 31, 1955, was declared as Thrift Year in Proclamation No. 24 dated May 9, 1954, and was extended up to May 31, 1956, under Proclamation No. 162 dated May 31, 1955; and WHEREAS, the result of the thrift campaign under the sponsorship of the Bankers Association of the Philippines demands that it be further extended for another year; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby further extend up to May 31, 1957, the thrift campaign declared in Proclamation No. 24 dated May 9, 1954. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 31st day of May, in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 52(6), 2952-2953. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 301 RESERVING FOR CERTAIN SPECIFIC PUBUC PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF TACURONG, PROVINCE OF COTABATO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for certain specific public purposes indicated hereunder, subject to private rights, if any there be, the following parcels of the public domain situated in the municipality of Tacurong, province of Cotabato, island of Mindanao, and more particularly described, to wit: Lot 6002, Pls-73 (For municipal building site purposes under the administration of the municipality of Tacurong) A parcel of land (lot 6002 of Buluan Public Land Subdivision, Pls-73as shownon plan Mr-1089, GL.R.O, record No ); situated in the municipality of Tacurong, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the SE, along lines 1-2 by the road; along lines 2-4 by the road; and along lines 4-1 by the national road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 67° 55' W., 59.99 meters from B.L.L.M. 1, Buluan Public Land Subdivision, Pls-73, thence S. 68°. 04' W., 159.96 meters to point 2; thence N. 21° 51' W., 230.02 meters to point 3; thence N. 68° 00' E, 159.99 meters to point 4; thence S. 21° 50 E, 230.18 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 36,811 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L. concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of the survey, March 18, August 25 and 26, 1947. Lot 6003, Pls-73 (For hospital site purposes under the administration of the Bureau of Hospitals) A parcel of land (lot 6003 of Buluan Public Land Subdivision, Pls-73, as shown on plan Mr-1089, G.L.R.O. record No. ), situated in the municipality of Tacurong, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the SE, along lines 1-2 and 2-4 by the road; and along line 4-1 by the national road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 35° 20' W., 257.02 meters from B.L.L.M. 1, Buluan Public Land Subdivision, Pls-73, thence S. 67° 57' W., 159.99 meters to point 2; thence N. 21° 53' W., 100.15 meters to point 3; thence 67° 59' E, 160.06 meters to point 4; thence S. 21° 51' E, 100.03 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 16,017 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan .and are marked on the ground by B. L. concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of the survey, March 18, August 25 and 26, 1947. Lot 6005, Pls-73 (School site purposes under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools) A parcel of land (lot 6005, Buluan Pls-73 as shown on plan Mr-1089, G.L.R.O. record No. ), situated in the municipality of Tacurong, province of Cotabato. Bounded on SW., by national road; and along Unes 2-4 and 4-1 by road.; Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being identical to comer 1, equivalent to B.LL.M. 1, Buluan Pls-73, thence N. 21° 55' W., 228.28 Imeters -to point 2; thence N. 67° 31' E, 159.448 meters to point 3; thence S. 22° 03' E, 229.58 meters to point 4; thence S. 67° 59' W., 159.99 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 36,565 square meters. AH points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on, the ground by B. L. concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of the survey, March 18, August 25 and 26, 1947. Lot 6006, Pls-73 (For playground site purposes under the administration of the municipality ofTacurong) A parcel of land (lot 6006, Buluan Pls-73 as shown on plan Mr-1089, G.L.R.O. record No. ), situated in the municipality ofTacurong, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NW., along lines 1-2 and 2-4 by road; and along; lines 4-1 by national road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 22° 08' E, 20 meters IfomB.LLM. 1, Buluan Pls-73, thence N. 67° 55' E, 160.23 meters to point 2; thence S. 22° 01' E, 100.21 meters to point 3: thence S. 68° 20' W., 160.30 meters to point 4; thence N. 21° 59' W., 99.07 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 15,963 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, March 18, August 25 and 26, 1947. Lot 6267, Pls-73 (For market site purposes under the administration of the municipality ofTacurong) A parcel of land (lot 6267, Buluan Pls-73 as shown on plan Mr-1089, G.L.R.O. record No. ), situated in the municipality ofTacurong, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the SW., along lines 1-2 and 2-3 by road; along line 3- a by national road; and along line 4-1 by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan ikl being S. 37° 32' W., 424.62 meters from B.LLM. 2, Buluan Pls-73, thence N. 67° 54' E, 159.99 meters to point 2; thence S. 21°45' E, 127.15 meters to point 3; thence S. 67° 57' W., 159.30 meters to point 4; thence N. 22° OT W., 127 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 20,280 square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B. L concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of the survey, March 18, August 25 and 26, 1947. Lot 6004, Pls-73 (For school site purposes under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools) A parcel of land (lot 6004, Buluan Pls-73) as shown on plan Mr- 1089, GL.RO. record No. ), situated in the municipality of Tacurong, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by national road; along line 2- 3 by road; and along lines 3-4 and 4-1 by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 21° 56' W., 248.79 meters from B.LLM. 1, Buluan Pls-73, thence N. 22° 01' W., 100.52 meters to point 2; thence N. 67° 46' E, 160.07 meters to point 3; thence S. 22° 00' E 99.88 meters to point 4; thence S. 67° 32' W., 160.06 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 16,039 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on theplan and are marked on the ground by B. L. concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of the survey, March 18, August 25 and 26, 1947. To protect and safeguard the interests of certain occupants who in good faith have introduced improvements in the reservation, the municipality of Tacurong shaU make proper arrangement for the compensation and/orremoval of said improvements. fN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the PhiUppines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 4th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the PhiUppines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FDRTUNATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 52(6), 2953-2955. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 302 DECLARING TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1956, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOUDAY WHEREAS, the ninety -fifth birthday of our greatest hero and patriot. Dr. Jose Rizal, falls on June 19, 1956; and WHEREAS, it is desirable that the people be afforded fuU opportunity to celebrate the day with appropriate ceremonies in keeping with his ideals ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Tuesday, June 19, 1956, as a special public holiday. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 8th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUNATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University 2956. Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(6), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 303 RESERVING FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT SITUATED IN THE CITY OF DAVAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 64 (c) of the Revised Administrative Code, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for school site purposes under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the private domain of the private domain of the Government situated in the City of Davao and more particularly described to wit: Lot 857-J, Bsd-31675 (City of Davao — School Site) A parcel of land (lot 857-J of the subdivision plan Psd-31675, being a portion of lot 857 of the cadastral survey of Davao, GL.R.O. cadastral record No. ), situated in the City of Davao. Bounded on the N., by lot 857-A of the subdivision plan; on the E, by lots 857-C and 857-F of the subdivision plan; on the S., by lot 857-F of the subdivision plan; on the SW, by lots 854 and 855 of Davao cadastral; and on the NW., by lot 859 of Davao cadastre. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being identical to B.LL.M. 39, Davao cadastre 102, thence N. 73° 50' E, 89 meters to point 2; thence S. 73° 18' E, 158.25 meters to point 3; thence S. 1° 24' E., 104.21 meters to point 4; thence S. 0° 46' E., 53.80 meters to point 5; thence S. 87° 03' W., 76.51 meters to point 6; thence N. 31° 25' W., 62.66 meters to point 7; thence N. 49° 19' W., 177.57 meters to the point ofbeginning; containing an area of 27,387 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: Point. 1 by B.L.L.M. 39; point 7 by old cornier; and the rost, P.L.S. Cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; declination 2° 05' E; date of the original survey, Febmary, 1916-May, 1920, and that of the subdivision survey, Febmary 12-14, 1950. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 8th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUNATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Ear Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 52(6), 2956-2957. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 304 EXCLUDING FROM OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 217 DATED FEBRUARY 16, 1929, CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE BARRIOS OF ISHENG YABUA, AND POKES, MUNICIPAUTIES OF TUBA AND ITOGON, SUB-PROVINCE OF BENGUET, MOUNTAIN PROVINCE, AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE MINING ACT WHEREAS, a petition has been filed for the exclusion of a certain parcel of land from the operation of Proclamation No. 217 dated Febmary 16, 1929, which established the Central Cordillera Forest Reserve; WHEREAS, according to the findings of the Director of Mines, the area sought to be excluded from the Central Cordillera Forest Reserve appears to be highly mineralized and more valuable for its mineral contents than for forest purposes; WHEREAS, under the provision of section 14 of Commonwealth Act No. 137, as amended, otherwise known as the Mining Act, lands within reservations for purpose other than mining, which after such reservation is made, are found to be more valuable for their meniral contents than for the purpose for which the reservation was made, maybe withdrawn from such reservation by the President with the concurrence of the Congress; NOW, THEREFORE upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provision of section 14 of Commonwealth Act No. 137, as amended, otherwise known as the Mining Act, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 217 dated Febmary 16, 1929, which established the Central Cordillera Forest Reserve, and declare open to disposition under the provisions of the Mining Act, certain parcel of the public domain situated in the barrios of Isheng, Yabug, and Pokes, municipalities of Tuba and Logon, sub-province of Benguet, Mountain Province, and particularly described as follows, to wit: “Beginning at comer 1 which is S. 34° 37' 50 W., 3,321.17 meters from Ulap triangulation point of the Bureau of Mines, thence S. 65° E, 500 meters to comer 2; thence N. 25° E, 300 meters to comer 3; thence S. 65° E, 300, meters to comer 4; thence N. 59° 30' K, 2,450 meters to comer 5; thence S. 5° W., 1,120 meters to 6; thence S. 59° 35' W., 110 meters to comer 7; thence N. 30° 30' W., 350 meters to comer 8; thence S. 59° 30' W., 1,280 meters to comer 9, thence S. 65° E, 180 meters to comer 10; thence S. 25° W., 1,200 meters to comer’ll; thence N. 65° W., 1,350 meters to comer 12, thence N. 8° W., 920 meters to comer 13, thence N. 25° E, 180 meters to comer 1, point of beginning. Containing an area of approximately 320 hectares . From comer 1 to 4 and 7 to 11 are referred on the ground by a pointed pine trees. Comer 5 is referred to the ground by a 20 X 30 centimeters stone, while comer 6 by a 18 x 20 centimeters stone.” The cutting, removal, and utilization of the timber and other forest products therefrom shall be in accordance with the provisions of the existing Forest and Internal Revenue Law and Regulations, and at any time the said area shall be abandoned for mining purposes, the same shall revert as part of the forest reserve. This proclamation shall take effect only upon the concurrence of the Congress of the Philippines. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 9th day of lune, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUNATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines . (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(6), 2957. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 305 CALLING THE CONGRESS OF THE PHIUPPINES TO A SPECIAL SESSION WHEREAS, the public interest requires that the Congress of the Philippines be convened in a special session in order to consider urgent legislative measures; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby call the Congress of the Philippines to a special session for such number of days as may be necessary, but not to exceed thirty days, commencing at ten o’clock in the morning of the twenty -first day oflune nineteen hundred and fifty-six, to consider the enactment of the following legislative measures and such others as I may submit: 1. TREATY OF PEACE WITH JAPAN; 2. REPARATIONS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE REPUBUC OF THE PHILIPPINES AND JAPAN, AND ITS SUPPORTING INSTRUMENTS; 3. AN ACT CREATING THE REPARATIONS COMMISSION; 4. AN ACT APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF ONE-HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS FOR THE FUTURE PHILIPPINE EMBASSY IN TOKYO, JAPAN, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES; 5. AN ACT APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHIUPPINES DURING THE PERIOD FROM JULY HRST, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SK TO JUNE THIRTEEN, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES; 6. AN ACT APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR PUBUC WORKS; 7. AN ACT TO AMEND REPUBLIC ACT NUMBERED THIRTEEN HUNDRED FORTY-HVE, ENTfTLED “AN ACT CREATING THE NATIONAL MARKETING CORPORATION AND DISSOLVING THE PRICE STABILIZATION CORPORATION, APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES; 8. AN ACT TO AMEND SECTONS FOUR AND HVE, ARTICLE THREE, CHAPTER ONE, AND SECTIONS TWELVE AND FOURTEEN, ARTICLE THREE, CHAPTER TWO, OF ACT NUMBERED THIRTY-NINE HUNDRED AND NINETY-TWO, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE MOTOR VEHICLES LAW, AS AMENDED, (re collection of sales or compensating taxon motor vehicles acquired from tax-free persons, entities, or agencies); 9. AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION TWO HUNDRED AND SKTY OF COMMONWEALTH ACT NUMBERED FOUR HUNDRED AND SDCTY-SDC, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE NATIONAL INTERNAL REVENUE CODE, AS AMENDED, (re tax on the gross receipts of amusement places); 10. AN ACT TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF TITLE IV OF COMMONWEALTH ACT NUMBERED FOUR HUNDRED SKTY-SIX, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE NATIONAL INTERNAL REVENUE CODE, AS AMENDED, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES, (re specific tax, etc.); 11. AN ACT TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF TITLE V OF COMMONWEALTH ACT NUMBERED FOUR HUNDRED SKTY-SIX, OTHREWISE KNOWN AS THE NATIONAL INTERNAL REVENUE CODE, AS AMENDED, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES, (re privilege taxes on business and occupation); 12. AN ACT TO AMEND CERTAIN: SECTIONS OF TfTLE HI OF COMMONWEALTH ACT NUMBERED FOUR HUNDRED SKTY-SIX, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE NATIONAL INTERNAL REVENUE CODE, AS AMENDED, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES, (re rates of transfer taxes of estates, inheritance, domee’s gift taxes, etc.); 13. AN ACT ESTABUSHING A TAX CENSUS DIVISION K THE BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE AND PROVIDING FOR A NATIONAL TAX CENSUS; 14. AN ACT ESTABUSHING AN APPRENTICESHIP SYSTEM AND A NATIONAL APPRENTICESHIP COUNCIL, DEFINING THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF SAID COUNCIL, AND PROVIDING FUNDS THEREFOR; 15. AN ACT TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF JUSTICES OF THE COURT OF APPEALS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES, AMENDING FOR THIS PURPOSE REPUBUC “ACT NUMBERED TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX, AS AMENDED, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE “THE JUDICIARY ACT OF 1948”; 16. AN ACT TO PROMOTE SCIENTIFIC, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH, INVENTION, AND DEVELOPMENT; 17. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CABINET, FOR THE ESTABUSHMENT, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF A COPPER- SMELTER AND REFINERY, INCLUDING THE MANUFACTURE OF BASIC COPPER METAL AND COPPER ALLOY PRODUCTS, UNDER CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES; 18. AN ACT DECLARING INTRAMUROS A COMMERCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL DISTRICT; 19. AN ACT TO PLACE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES ON ANEW INCOME TAX BASIS BY AMENDING SECTIONS TWENTY-FOUR AND THIRTY-TWO OF COMMONWEALTH ACT NUMBERED FOUR HUNDRED AND SKTY-SK, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE NATIONAL INTERNAL REVENUE CODE, AS AMENDED; AND 20. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES TO ENTER INTO AN OPERATING CONTRACT, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CABINET, FOR THE DEVELOPMENT, OPERATION, AND PROCESSING OF THE MINERAL DEPOSITS IN THE SURIGAO MINERAL RESERVATION, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. AU persons entitled to sit as members of the Congress of the Philippines are requested to take notice of this proclamation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 18th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUVATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 52(6), 2959-2961. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 306 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 389, SERIES OF 1935, WHICH RESERVED FOR AIRPORT PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE BARRIO OF TANKULAN, MUNICIPAUTY OF MALUKO, PROVINCE OF BUKIDNON, ISLAND OF MINDANAO, AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of sections 83 and 88 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby revoke Proclamation No. 389, series of, 1935, which reserved for airport purposes certain parcels of the public domain situated in the barrio of Tankulan, municipality of Maluko, province of Bukidnon, island of Mindanao, and declare the same open to disposition under the provisions of the said Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 20th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUVATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 52(6), 2961-2962. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 307 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 9 DATED MARCH 2, 1954, WHICH RESERVED FOR THE USE OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPS (EDCOR) A CERTAIN PARCEL OP THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTIES OP KABACAN AND KIDAPAWAN, PROVINCE OP COTABATO, ISLAND OP MINDANAO By virtue of the powers vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby revoke Proclamation No. 9 dated March 2, 1954, which reserved for the use of the Economic Development Corps (EDCOR) a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the municipalities of Kabacan and Kidapawan, province of Cotabato, island of Mindanao, and declare the parcel of land embraced therein open to disposition in accordance with the provisions of the Public Land Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 24th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University 3507. Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(7), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 308 DECLARING JUNE 30, 1956, AND JUNE 30 OF EVERY YEAR THEREAETER, AS CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS DAY WHEREAS, one of the paramount objectives of the administration is the promotion of community welfare; WHEREAS, the attainment of this objective requires organized volunteer work on the part of our people; and WHEREAS, civic organizations play a vital role in organizing volunteer groups to undertake community welfare; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare Saturday, June 30, 1956, and June 30 of every year thereafter, as Civic Organizations Day. I call upon aU civic organizations to celebrate the day with appropriate programs and activities designed to accelerate the promotion of community welfare. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 29th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library 3869. Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(8), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 309 RESERVING FOR PROCESSING PLANT SITE PURPOSES OF THE AGRICULTURAL CREDIT AND COOPERATIVE FINANCING ADMINISTRATION (ACCFA) A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT TOGETHER WITH THE IMPROVEMENTS EXISTING THEREON SITUATED IN THE CITY OF DAVAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 64 (e) of the Revised Administrative Code in relation to the provisions of section 1 of Republic Act No. 477, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for the establishment of a ramie processing plant, under the administration of the Agricultural Credit and Cooperative Financing Administration (ACCFA), subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the private domain of the Government, with aU the improvements thereon existing, situated in DaUao, City of Davao, and more particularly described, to wit: 1. Warehouse No. 1 — Containing a floor area measuring 20 X 87 meters with reinforced concrete walls, cement floor, G. I. roofing, wooden framings; 2. Hemp press bodega — With a floor area measuring 40 X 140 meters, concrete floor, sidewalk, basement walls, G. I. roofing andmedia agua with wooden framings; 3. Five hemp press and machines — ^With hydraulic pumps and a. diesel engine installed in the hemp press bodega; 4. A parcel of land wherein the above improvements are situated (lot 186-B-l of the subdivision plan Psd-37142, being a portion of lot 186-B described on plan Psd-28313, G.L.R.O. cadastre record No. ), situated in the City of Davao. Bounded on the NE., by lot 186-B-2 of the subdivision plan; on the SE. by public land and lot 187 of Davao cadastre; on the SW., by city road; on the NW., by lot 186-B-2 of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 52" OF E, 1,009.40 meters from B.L.B.M. 2, Davao cadastre, 102, thence S. 33° 33' W., 46.90 meters to point 2; thence N. 51° 17' W., 89.42 meters to point 3; thence N. 32° 24' E, 386.94 meters to point 4; thence S. 45° 36' E, 312.41 meters to point 5; thence S. 47° 56' W., 303.36 meters to point 6; thence S. 68° 42' W., 31.05 meters to point 7; thence N. 60° 00' W., 42.96 meters to point 8; thence N. 19° 17' E, 51.31 meters to point 9; thence N. 74° 47' W., 22.89 meters to point 10; thence N. 65° OF W., 23.60 meters to point 11; thence N. 62° 45' W., 16.70 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 91,272 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as foUows: Points 1, 2, and 11 by old P.L.S., B.L. concrete monuments, points 3, 4, and 5 by P.L.S., concrete monuments and the rest by old comers. Bearings tme; declination 2° 18' E; date of the original survey, Febmary, 1916-May, 1920 and that of the subdivision survey, December 11, 1952. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the PhiUppines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 30th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the PhiUppines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FDRTUNATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 52(7), 3507-3509. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 310 DECLARING WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1956, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY IN THE PROVINCES OF SULU, COTABATO, ZAMBOANGA DEL NORTE ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR, DAVAO, LANAO, BUKIDNON, AND PALAWAN, AND IN THE CITIES OF ZAMBOANGA, BASILAN, DAVAO, lUGAN, AND DANSALAN In connection with the Muslim National Feast of Hdel-Adha, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code do hereby declare Wednesday, July 18, 1956, as a special public holiday in the provinces of Sulu, Cotabato, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Davao, Lanao, Bukidnon, and Palawan, and in the cities of Zamboanga, Basilan, Davao, Digan, and Dansalan. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 30th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUVATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 52(7), 3509. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 311 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 92, SERIES OF 1927, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE PHIUPPINE CONSTABULARY RESERVATION KNOWN AS EORT PIKIT CERTAIN PORTIONS OP THE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN AND RESERVING THE SAME POR MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT SITE PURPOSES, SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OP PIKIT, PROVINCE OP COTABATO, ISLAND OP MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 92, series of 1927, which established the Philippine Constabulary reservation known as Port Pikit certain portions of the land embraced therein situated in the municipality of Pikit, province of Cotabato, island of Mindanao, and reserve the same for municipal government site purposes, under the administration of the municipality of Pikit, subject to private rights, if any there be, which portions of land are more particularly described in the Bureau of Lands plan MR- 1091, to wit: Loti, Mr-1091 A parcel of land (lot 1 as shown on plan Mr- 1091), situated in the municipality of Pikit, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the E, along lines 1-3, by road; along lines 3-5, by road; along lines 5-6, by provincial road; and along lines 6-8 and 8-1, by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 82° 59' E, 1,723.56 meters from B.L.L.M. 1, municipality of Pikit, Cotabato, thence S. 9° 42' W., 127.23 meters to point 2; thence S. 83° 19' W., 2.86 meters to point 3; thence N. 69° 30' W., 420.39 meters to point 4; thence N. 23° 40' W., 2.74 meters to point 5; thence N. 21° 17' E, 120.92 meters to point 6; thence N. 65° 33' E, 2.78 meters to point 7; thence S. 69° 55' E, 394.59 meters to point 8; thence S. 33° 51' E, 2.89 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 52,031 square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, November 8, 1954-September, 1955, and that of the approval. May 26, 1956. Lot 2, Mr- 1091 A parcel of land (lot 2 as shown on plan Mr-1091), situated in the municipality of Pikit, province of Cotabato, Bounded on the SE, along lines 1-2, by road; along lines 2-3, by national highway; along lines 3-6, by provincial road; and along lines 6-1, by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 83° 24' E, 1,444.17 meters from B.L.L.M. 1, municipality of Pikit, Cotabato, thence S. 20° 53' W., 93.37 meters to point 2; thence N. 69° 32' W., 156.92 meters to point 3; thence N. 19° 47' W., 2.84 meters to point 4; thence N. 21° 13' E, 91.01 meters to point 5; thence N. 66° 24'; E, 2.95 meters to point 6; thence S. 68° 51' E, 156.13 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 14,943 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, November 3, 1954-September, 1955, and that of the approval. May 26, 1956. Lot 3, Mr-1 091 A parcel of land (lot 3 as shown on plan Mr- 1091), situated in the municipality of Pikit, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE, along lines 1-2, 3-3, by road; along lines 3-4, by national highway; and along lines 4-1, by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 83° 30' E, 1,452.97 meters from B.L.L.M. 1, municipality of Pikit, Cotabato, thence S. 69° 18' E, 90.62 meters to point 2; thence S. 20° 42' W., 94.94 meters to point 3; thence N. 69° 27' W., 89.86 meters to point 4; thence N. 20° 15' E., 95.19 meters to the point of beginning; containing-an area of 8,578 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, November 3, 1954-September, 1955 and that of the approval. May 26, 1956. Lot 4, Mr- 1091 A parcel of land (Lot 4 as shown on plan Mr-1091), situated in the municipality of Pikit, province of Cotabato. Bounded on the NE., along lines 1-2 and 2-5, by road; along lines 5-6, by national highway; and along lines 6-1, by road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 85° 12' E., 1,543.31 meters IfomB.L.L.M. 1, municipality of Pikit, Cotabato, thence S. 69° 23' E., 155.10 meters to point 2; thence S. 22° 33' E., 2.09 meters to .point 3; thence S. 22° 17' W., 90.98 meters to point 4; thence S. 69° 27 W., 2.99 meters to point 5; thence N. 69° 26' W., 152.31 meters to point 6; thence N. 20° 39' E., 95.13 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 14,812 square meters. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, November 3, 1954-September, 1955, and that of the approval,. May 26, 1956. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the PhiUppines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 9th day of luly, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the PhiUppines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: POR'TUVATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Ear Eastern University Office of the President of the PhUippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 52(7), 3510-3511. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 312 DECLARING MONDAY, ILLY 23, 1956, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY THROUGHOUT THE PH ni PPTNES WHEREAS, Apolinario Mabini, one of our greatest heroes and patriots, was bom on July 23, 1864; and WHEREAS, it is desirable that the people be afforded fuU opportunity to celebrate the birthday of the Sublime Paralytic; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Monday, July 23, 1956, as a special public holiday throughout the Philippines . IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 9th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUNATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University 3512. Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(7), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 313 MAKING PUBUC THE PROTOCOL SIGNED AT LAKE SUCCESS, NEW YORK, on DECEMBER 11, 1946, AMENDING THE AGREEMENTS, CONVENTIONS, AND PROTOCOLS ON NARCOTIC DRUGS CONCLUDED AT THE HAGUE ON 23 JANUARY 1912, AT GENEVA ON 11 EEBRUARY 1925, 19 FEBRUARY 1925, AND 13 JULY 1931, AT BANGKOK ON 27 NOVEMBER 1931, AND AT GENEVA ON 26 JUNE 1936 WHEREAS, a Protocol was signed at Lake Success, New York, on December 11, 1946, amending the agreements, conventions, and protocols on narcotic dmgs concluded at the Hague on 23 January 1912, at Geneva on 11 Eebmary 1925, 19 Eebmary 1925, and 13 July 1931, at Bangkok on 27 November 1931, and at Geneva on 26 June 1936. WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 92, adopted on May 17, 1949, concurred in the acceptance of the aforesaid Protocol in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the said Protocol was duly accepted by the President of the Philippines and the instmment of acceptance of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines was deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations on May 25, 1950; and WHEREAS, the said Protocol became effective in respect of the Philippines on May 25, 1950; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, have caused the present Protocol, a copy of which is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and. fulfilled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 10th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(8), 3869-3870. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 314 MAKING PUBUC THE PROTOCOL SIGNED AT PARIS ON NOVEMBER 19, 1948, BRINGING UNDER INTERNATIONAL CONTROL DRUGS OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF THE CONVENTION OF 13 JULY 1931 FOR LIMITING THE MANUFACTURE AND REGULATING THE DISTRIBUTION OF NARCOTIC DRUGS, AS AMENDED BY THE PROTOCOL SIGNED AT LAKE SUCCESS ON 11 DECEMBER 1946 WHEREAS, a Protocol was signed at Paris on November 19, 1948, bringing under international control drugs outside the scope of the Convention of 13 July 1931 for limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Dmgs, as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Sucess on 11 December 1946; WHEREAS, the present Protocol is designed, among others, to supplement the 1931 Convention as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Success on 11 December 1946, in order to bring under effective international control new dmgs of a habit forming character, whether synthetic or otherwise, which are, or may be, used for medical purposes and which do not fall within the scope of existing international agreements; WHEREAS, the Senate of the Congress of the Philippines, by its Resolution No. 127, adopted on May 19, 1953, concurred in the acceptance of the aforesaid Protocol in accordance with the Constitution of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the said Protocol was duly accepted by the President of the Philippines and the instmment of acceptance of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines was deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations on December 7, 1953; and WHEREAS, the said Protocol became effective in respect of the Philippines on January 7, 1954; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, have cause the present Protocol, a copy of which is hereto attached, to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfUled with good faith by the Republic of the Philippines and the citizens thereof IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of the Philippines . Done at the City of Manila, this 12th day of July, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(8), 3871-3872. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 315 AMENDING PROCLAMATION NO. 290, DATED APRIL 28; 1956 Pursuant to the powers vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby amend Proclamation No. 290, dated April 28, 1956, so as to fix July 14, 1956, as the date for the organization of the province of Aldan created under Republic Act No. 1414. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 13th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUVATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library 3872. Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(8), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 316 AUTHORIZING THE PHILIPPINE TUBERCULOSIS SOCIETY TO CONDUCT A NATIONAL FUND AND EDUCATIONAL DRIVE DURING THE PERIOD FROM AUGUST 19 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1956 WHEREAS, although gradual progress is being achieved in the control and prevention of tuberculosis in our country through the efforts of the Government with the cooperation of the Philippine Tuberculosis Society, as evidenced by a considerable decrease in the rate of mortality from this dreadful disease, nevertheless a great deal more remains to be done in order to save more precious lives from the ravages of the white plague; and WHEREAS, the services and activities of the Philippine Tuberculosis Society have been expanded to meet the growing public demand, and in order to enable the Society to carry on its activities with greater effectiveness, it is necessary that the people lend it their full support and cooperation in this public health service; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, do hereby authorize the Philippine Tuberculosis Society to conduct a national fund and educational drive during the period from August 19 to September 30, 1956. I call upon ah citizens and residents of the Philippines, irrespective of nationality or creed, to assist in this humanitarian campaign by giving generously of their means so that we may keep this dreadful disease under control. I authorize ah the treasurers of provincial, city, and municipal governments, as well as school officials to accept, for the Philippine Tuberculosis Society, voluntary contributions and donations and to issue official receipts therefor. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 16th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library 3873. Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(8), MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 317 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 376, DATED MARCH 10, 1953, AND RESERVING FOR SETTLEMENT PURPOSES UNDER THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE NATIONAL RESETTLEMENT AND REHABIUTATION ADMINISTRATION A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTIES OF PIGCAUAYAN AND KITUBOD, PROVINCE OF COTABATO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 376, series of 1953, and reserve for settlement purposes under the administration of the National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration, subject to private rights, if any there be, and to future classification and final survey, and to the condition that timber and other forest products within the reservation as weU as the use and occupancy of the area indicated as timberland or forest reserve shall be under the administration and control of the Bureau of Forestry in accordance with the Forest Law and Regulations, the following described parcel of land. Constituting a portion of the public domain described in said Proclamation No. 376, situated in the municipalities of Pigcauayan and Kitubod, province of Cotabato, island of Mindanao, and more particularly described as follows: A parcel of land (the proposed Narra Project Extension as shown in the attached sketch plan), situated in the province of Cotabato. Bounded on the SW., along line 1 to 2, by remaining portion of Bdcor Reservation as per Proclamation No. 376; along line 2 to 3, by the provinces of Lanao and Bukidnon and Sayre Highway; and along lines 3 to 4 and 4 to 1, by public domain of the province of Cotabato. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan, being identical to comer 5 of the Parcel of Land described in Proclamation No. 376; thence approximate N. 65° W. until it intersects the provincial boundary line of Lanao and Cotabato, which is point 2; thence following the provincial boundary line of Lanao and Cotabato and then the provincial boundary line of Bukidnon and Cotabato to point 3, which is identical to comer 3 of the same proclamation; thence S. 65° W., 15,000 meters to point 4, which is identical to comer 4 of the same proclamation; thence S. 81° 40' W., 14,800 meters to the point of beginning; containing an approximate area of 100,000 hectares. NOTE: All data are approximate and subject to future survey. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 17th day of luly, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(8), 3874-3875. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 318 EXCLUDING FROM THE TOWNSITE RESERVATION OF THE CITY OF BAGUIO LOT NO. 95, BUSINESS SECTION “C”, AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER X OF THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of Philippines, do hereby exclude from the townsite reservation of the City of Baguio lot No. 95, Business Section “C”, and declare the same open to disposition under the provisions of Chapter X of the Public Land Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 17th day of luly, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(8), 3875. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 319 RESERVING FOR ENLISTED MEN’S VILLAGE SITE PURPOSES OF THE PRESIDENTIAL GUARDS A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE DISTRICT OF PACO, CITY OF MANILA Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for enlisted men’s village site purposes of the Presidential Guards, under the administration of the Chief of Constabulary, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in. the district of Paco, City of Manila, and more particularly described as follows, to wit: Nr-108-D (Republic of the Philippines) A parcel of land (as shown on plan Nr-108-D, G-L.R.O. record No. ), situated in the district of Paco, City of Manila. Bounded on the S., along lines 1-2 by public land; along lines 2-7 by lot 3-Now-B, Psd-5621; along lines 7- 11 by public land; along lines 11-12 by the Pasig River; along lines 12-28 by public land; along lines 28-29 by Psu- 136612; along lines 29-31 by Psu-136611; along lines 31-32 by lot 43-C-3, Psd-28694; along lines 32-33 by public land (river bed); along lines 33-38 by lot 24, block-938, Manila cadastre; and along lines 38-1 by public land. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 47" 46' E, 723.68 meters IfomB.L.L.M. 4, Manila cadastre, thence N. 86° 30' W., 17.53 meters to point 2; thence N. 42° 54' W., 18.92 meters to point 3; thence N. 44° 56' W., 25.55 meters to point 4; thence N. 41° 53' W., 7.56 meters to point 5; thence N. 33° 06' W., 8.95 meters to point 6; Whence N. 59° 11' W., 6.16 meters to point 7; thence N. 30° 45' W., 39.82 meters to point 8; thence N. 38° 30' W., 95.50 meters to point 9; thence N. 59° 15' W., 16.31 meters to point 10; thence N. 62° 30' ;W., 15.50 meters to point 11; thence N. 47° 23' E., 29.00 meters to point 12; thence S. 38° 00' E., 24.30 meters to point 13; thence S. 42° 15' E, 29.50 meters to point 14; thence S. 47° 30' E., 18.90 meters to point 15; thence S. 49° 00' E., 41:29 meters to point 16; thence N. 87° 30' E. 59.61 meters to point 17; thence N. 80° 45' E., 14.45 meters to point 18; thence N. 72° 35' E., 9 meters to point 19; thence N. 86° 45' E., 5 meters to point 20; thence S. 84° 02' E., 8.51 meters to point 21; thence S. 56° 59' E., 3.47 meters to point 22; thence S. 34° 30' E., 4 meters to point 23; thence S. 4° 29' E., 23 [meters to point 24; thence S. 10° 30' E., 27.85 meters to point 25; thence S. 3° 15' W., 36.43 meters to point 26; thence S. 5° 45' E., 11.52 meters to point 27; thence S. 13° 28' E., 12.83 meters to point 28; thence S. 13° 51' E., 17.34 meters to point 29; thence S. 3° 32' E., 21.40 meters to point 30; thence E. 2 meters to point 31; thence S. 9° 30' E., 8.35 meters to point 32; thence S. 51° 52' W., 9.49 meters to point 33; thence N. 3° 41' W., 3.80 meters to point 34; thence N. 65° 07' W., 27.94 meters to point 35; thence N. 36° 31' W., 20.69 meters to point 36; thence N. 58° 02' W., 8.05 meters to point 37; thence N. 8° 40' W., 7.17 meters to point 38; thence N. 10° 44' E, 9,13 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 15,187 square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 11, 12, and 13 by crosses marked on concrete pavement; and the rest by P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, March 12, 22, April 26 and May 7 and 8, 1956, and that of the approval, lune 27, 1956. NOTE: This is an additional lot 101, block 939, Manila cadastre. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 18th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUVATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(8), 3876-3877. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 320 AMENDING PROCLAMATION NO. 58, DATED AUGUST 24, 1954, BY DECLARING THAT REPUBUC ACT NO. 832 SHALL, TAKE EFFECT IN THE PROVINCE OE CAPIZ ON OCTOBER 1, 1956 WHEREAS, under Proclamation No. 58, dated August 24, 1954, Republic Act No. 832, entitled “An Act to regulate the sale, exchange, or delivery of home -pounded, undermiUed, milled, or polished rice, and providing penalty for violation thereof,’’ shah take effect in the province ofCapiz on July 31, 1956. WHEREAS, that date of effectivity was fixed on the assumption that by that time the necessary facilities to implement Republic Act No. 832 wiU already have been available in said province; and WHEREAS, it now appears that, the province of Caprz wiU not yet have the necessary facilities for the implementation of the law on July 31, 1956; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the authority vested in me by section 10 of Republic Act No. 832, do hereby amend Proclamation No. 58, dated August 24, 1954, by declaring that Republic Act No. 832 shaU take effect in the province of Capiz on October 1, 1956. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 18th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(8), 3877-3878. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 321 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 67, SERIES OF 1917, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE PHIUPPINE CONSTABULARY RESERVATION IN THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OP LUMBATAN, PROVINCE OP LANAO, CERTAIN PORTIONS OP THE LAND EMBRACED IN SAID RESERVATION, AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP THE PUBUC LAND LAW Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of sections 83 and 88 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 67, series of 1917, which established the Philippine Constabulary Reservation in the municipal district of Lumbatan, province Of Lanao, certain portions of the land embraced in said reservation, and declare the same open to disposition under the provisions of said Act, which portions of land are more particularly described, to wit: Lot 1 (Portion of Philippine Constabulary Reservation) A parcel of land (lot 1, a portion of the Philippine Constabulary Reservation, and shown on the attached sketch plan), situated in the municipal district of Lumbatan, province of Lanao, island of Mindanao. Bounded on the S., along line 1-2, by lot 3, portion of Philippine Constabulary Reservation; along line 2-3, by lot 3, portion of Philippine Constabulary Reservation; along line 3-4, by Lake Lanao; along lines 4-6, by River; and along lines 6-7 and 7-1, by lot 3 a portion of Philippine Constabulary Reservation. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan, being N. 23° 45' E, 652 meters from B.L.L.M. 1, municipal district of Lumbatan, Lanao, thence S. 82° 12' W., 148.49 meters to point 2; thence S. 4° 01' E, 236.94 meters to point 3; thence S. 89° 49' E, 216.22 meters to point 4; thence S. 43° 21' E, 35.19 meters to point 5; thence S. 25° 55' E, 109.12 meters to point 6;. thence S. 17° 02' W., 84.93 meters to point 7; thence S. 174° 09' W., 38.19 meters to the point of beginning; containing an approximate area of 46,496 square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the attached sketch plan and are marked on the ground; bearings tme. Lot 2 (Portion of Philippine Constabulary Reservation) A parcel of land (lot 2, a portion of Philippine Constabulary Reservation, and shown on the attached sketch plan), situated in the municipal district of Lumbatan, province of Lanao. Bounded on the SW., along lines 1-3 by river; along lines 3-5, by Lake Lanao; and along lines 6-8 and 8-1, by River. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan, being N. 28° 30' E, 821 meters from B.L.L.M. 1, municipal district of Lumbatan, Lanao, thence N. 4° 51' W., 78.94 meters to point 2; thence N. 41° 36' W., 22.33 meters to point 3; thence N. 35° 58' W., 21.63 meters to point 4; thence N. 78° 18' E, 63.82 meters to point 5; thence N. 82° 09' E, 32.46 meters to point 6; thence S. 46° 27' W., 28.30 meters to point 7; thence S. 32° 42' W., 27.65 meters to point 8; thence S. 29° 57' W., 89.99 meters to the point of beginning; containing an approximate area of 5,567 square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the attached sketch plan and are marked on the ground; bearings tme. NOTE: All data are approximate and subject to change for future survey. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 20th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUVATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(8), 3878-3879. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 322 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 48, SERIES OF 1919, A CERTAIN PORTION OF THE LAMAO EXPERIMENT STATION RESERVATION SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF LAMAO, PROVINCE OF BATAAN, ISLAND OF LUZON, AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT. Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby exclude from the operation of Executive Order No. 48, series of 1919, which established the reservation of the Lamao Ejqterimental Station a certain portion of the land embraced therein situated in the municipality of limay, province of Bataan, island of Luzon, and declare the same open to disposition under the provisions of the said Act which portion of land is more particularly described as follows: Lot l,Nr-l 05 A parcel of land (lot 1 as shown on plan Nr-105, G.L.R.O. record No. ), situated in the barrio of Lamao, municipality of limay, province of Bataan. Bounded on the SE, along lines 1-4, by Lamao River; along lines 4-7, by portion of lot 638, limay cadastre (Lamao Horticultural Experiment Station); along lines 7-10, by provincial road; and along lines 10 — 11 and 11-1, by barrio road. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 2° 28' W., 268.05 meters ft from M.B.M. 1, Limay cadastre, thence S. 84° OF W., 54.23 meters to point 2; thence S. 67°. 22' W., 109.46 meters to point 3; thence S. 53° 26' W., 127.66 meters to point 4; thence N. 45° 07' W., 87.75 meters to point 5; thence N. 43° 18' E, 93.90, meters to point 6; thence N. 3° 39' E., 146.49 meters to point 7; thence N. 68° 07' E., 79.14 meters to point 8; thence N. 40° IF E, 124.17 meters to point 9; thence S. 81° 29' E, 12.89 meters to point 10; thence ‘S. 111° 35' E, 105.81 meters to point 11; thence S. 18° 49’ E, 181.10 meters to the point of beginning, containing an area of 60,335 square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: Points 2, 3, and 10, by crosses on trees; point 11, by artesian well pipe: and the rest, by B. L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, November 2-3, 1955 and that of the approval, April 6. 1956. Lot 2, Nr-105 A parcel of land (lot 2 as shown on plan Nr-105, G.L.R.O. record No. ), situated in the barrio of Lamao, municipality of limay, province of Bataan. Bounded on the NE., along lines 1 — 4 and 4-7, by provincial road; and along lines 7-9 and 9-1, by portion of lot 638, limay cadastre (Lamao Horticultural EjqDeriment Station). Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 12° 13' W., 876.08 meters from M.B.M. 1, Limay cadastre, thence S. 15 ° 47' E, 119.69 meters to point 2; thence S. 14° 51' E, 102.13 meters to point 3; thence S. 14° 26' E, 38.30 meters to point 4; thence S. 12° 34' W., 39.27 meters to point 5; thence S. 39° 04' W., 117.84 meters to point C; thence S. 68° 53' W., 57.55 meters to point 7; thence N. 1° 27' W., 108.56 meters to point 8; thence N. 20° 40' W., 209.20 meters to point 9; thence N. 56° 06' E, 174.41 meters, to the point of beginning; containing an area of 48,106 square meters . AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows : Points 5, 7, and 8, y crosses on trees; and the rest, by B. L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, November 2-3, 1955 and that of the approval, April 6, 1956. NOTE: Lot 1-Lot 801, a portion of lot 638, limay cadastre. Lot 2-Lot 802, a portion of lot 638, limay cadastre. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 25th day of luly, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty -six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(9), 4165-4166. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 323 ENJOINING THE HOLDING OF A CORN PRODUCTION CONTEST DURING THE PERIOD FROM JULY 1, 1956, TO JUNE 30, 1957 WHEREAS, in order to encourage the production of com which is one of the principal staples in the Philippines, and thereby bring about a more abundant supply of food, increase our source of animal food for greater livestock production, and foster the growth of industry with com as the basic material; NOW, THEREFORE I; Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby enjoin the National Com Production Contest Committee created under Department Special Order No. 665-1 of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, to undertake the holding of a com production contest during the period from July 1, 1956 to June 30, 1957, and urge aU government officials and employees to lend fuU support to this project in the interest of our national well-being by sponsoring one farmer at least to participate in the contest, and call upon all provincial, city, municipal, and barrio officials, especially the barrio lieutenants and school teachers to cooperate actively with the personnel of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources in pushing this project to a successful ending on June 30, 1957. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 1st day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Ear Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 52(9), 4166-4167. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 324 DECLARING THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1956, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY IN THE PROVINCE OF BULACAN WHEREAS, Marcelo H. del Pilar, one of our patriots, and who used the nom de plume of “Plaridef’ in his struggles in Spain to obtain reforms for the improvement of the Government during the Spanish regime, was bom in Bulacan, Bulacan, on August 30, 1850; and WHEREAS, the people of Bulacan desire that they be given fuU opportunity to celebrate Plaridel’s birthday with fitting ceremonies; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Thursday, August 30, 1956, as a special public holiday in the province of Bulacan. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 1st day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Ear Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(9), 4167-4168. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 325 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 414 DATED OCTOBER 7, 1931, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE DAVAO PENAL COLONY RESERVATION SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPALITIES OF KAPALONG AND PANABO, PROVINCE OF DAVAO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO, A PORTION OF THE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN AND DECLARING THE SAME OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 414 dated October 7, 1931, which established the Davao Penal Colony Reservation situated in the municipalities of Kapalong and Panabo, province of Davao, island of Mindanao, a certain portion of the land embraced therein and declare the same open to disposition under the provisions of the said Act, which portion, of land is more particularly described, to wit: A parcel of land (Panabo boundary site, as shown on plan Sgs-115), situated in the barrio of Locutan, Ising, municipality of Panabo, province of Davao. Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by the national highway; along line 2-5 by lot 4710-portion (Davao Penal Colonu Reservation), Tagum cadastre. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 76° 47' E, 11,885.83 meters from B.B.M. 21, Tagum cadastre, thence N. 63° 55' W., 3,717.19 meters to point 2; thence north, 317.60 meters to point 3; thence N. 59° 09' E, 102.11 meters to point 4; thence east, 4,942.33 meters to point 5; thence S. 1° 35' W., 210.76 meters to point 6; thence west, 1,685.59 meters to point 7; thence south, 1,793.62 meters’ to the point of beginning; containing an area of 4,316,834 square meters. All points referred, to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows : points 5 and 6 by old B. L. cylindrical concrete monuments; and the rest by B. L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings tme; date of survey, March 2-5, 10-12 and 21-22, 1955. NOTE: This is lot 10280, a portion of lot 4710 of Tagum cadastre. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 1st day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTTINATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Ear Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(9), 4168-4169. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 326 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 101, SERIES OF 1954, WHICH RESERVED FOR EDUCATION CENTER PURPOSES THE SITE OF THE FORMER U. P. CAMPUS SITUATED IN THE DISTRICT OF ERMITA, CITY OF MANILA, A PORTION OF THE LAND EMBRACED THEREIN, CONTAINING AN AREA OF 2,000 SQUARE METERS, AND RESERVING THE SAME EOR PRECINCT SITE PURPOSES OP THE MANILA POUCE DEPARTMENT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 101, series of 1954, comprising the area reserved for education center site purposes, inside the site of the former U. P. campus situated in the district of Ermita, City of Manila, a portion of the land embraced therein and reserve the same for precinct site purposes of the Manila Police Department under the administration of the City of Manila, subject to private rights, if any there be, and to future survey, which portion of land is more particularly described, to wit: A parcel of land bounded on the NE, and SE, by lot No. 2, Bsd-10873; on the SW. by lot No. 3-A, Bsd- 10928, and on the NW. by Isaac Peral Street; containing an area of 2,000 square meters, more or less. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 1st day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Ear Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(9), 4169-4170. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 327 RESERVING FOR CERTAIN PUBUC PURPOSES CERTAIN PARCELS OF THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE GOVERNMENT, SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF MABINI, PROVINCE OF DAVAO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 64(e) of the Revised Administrative Code in relation to section 1 of Republic Act No. 477, I hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for certain specified public purposes indicated hereunder, subject to private rights, if any there be, certain parcels of the private domain of the Government, situated in the municipality of Mabini, province of Davao, island of Mindanao, and more particularly described in subdivision plan Pcs-3223, to wit: Block 4 Pcs-3223 (For school site purposes under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools) “A parcel of land (block 4 at the consolidation and subdivision plan Pcs-3223, being a portion of the consolidation of lots 392 to 397 inclusive and road lots 404, 405, and 408 described on plan Psd-34047, GL.R.O. record No. ), situated in the barrio of Pindasan, municipality of Pantucan, province of Davao. Bounded on the N., by road lot 2; on the E, by road lot 2; on the S. and SW., by road lot 2; and on the W., by road lot 1, all of the consolidation and subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 47° 05' E, 1,989.18 meters from B.L.S.W. 1, barrio of Pindasan, municipality of Pantucan, thence S. 69° 19' E, 1.53 meters to point 2; thence S. 28° 35' E, 1.53 meters to point 3; thence S. 3° 26' E, 119.38 meters to point 4; thence S. 34° 04' E, 1.68 meters to point 5; thence S. 70° 15' W., 1.51 meters to point 6; thence N. 89° 47' W., 110.39 meters to point 7; thence N. 56° 54' W., 6.72 meters to point 8; thence N. 27° 25' W., 28.78 meters to point 9; thence N. 61° 30' W., 6.50 meters to point 10; thence N. 74° 51' W., 20.76 meters to point 11; thence N. 74° 51' W., 30 meters to point 12; thence N. 38° 26' W., 3.22 meters to point 13; thence N. 1° 54' W., 60.63 meters to point 14; thence N. 24° 48' E, 1.45 meters to point 15; thence N. 61° 05' E, 1.53 meters to point 16; thence N. 86° 12' E, 177.60 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 19,045 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments. Bearings true, declination 2° 09' E, date of the original survey, March 5 and 13, 1911 and that of the consolidation and subdivision survey, January 2-25, 1952.” Block 24, Pcs-3223 (For school site purposes under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools) “A parcel of land (block 24 of the consolidation and subdivision plan Pcs-3223, being a portion of the consolidation of lots 392 to 397 inclusive and road lots 404, 405, and 408 described on plan Psd-34047, G.L.R.O. record No. ), situated in the barrio of Pindasan, municipality of Pantucan, province of Davao. Bounded on the N., E, SE, S. and W., by road lot 2 of the consolidation and subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 50° 42' E, 2,165.85 meters from B.L.LM. 1, barrio of Pindasan, municipality of Pantucan, thence S. 69° 21' E, 1.48 meters to point 2; thence S. 30° 27' E, 1.52 meters to point 3; thence S. 5° 57' E, 89.60 meters to point 4; thence S. 23° 41' W., 57.32 meters to point 5; thence S. 37° 22' W., 3.51 meters to point 6; thence S. 78° 24' W., 3.48 meters to point 7; thence N. 87° 35' W. 172.58 meters to point 8; thence N. 57° 57' W., 1.54 meters to point 9; thence N. 30° 58' W., 1.57 meters to point 10; thence N. 4° 39' W., 119.79 meters to point 11; thence N. 47° 28' E., 2.31 meters to point 12; thence N. 62° 05' E., 1.52 meters to point 13; thence N. 85° 26' E., 198.96 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 27,211 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan end are marked on the ground by P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments. Bearings tme, declination 2° 09' E, date of the original survey, March 6 and 13, 1911 and that of the consolidation and subdivision survey, January 3-25, 1952.” Road Lot 3, Pcs-3223 (For road purposes under the administration of the municipality ofMabini) “A parcel of land (road lot 3 of the consolidation and subdivision plan Pcs-322, being a portion of the consolidation of lots 392 to 397 inclusive and road lots 404, 405 and 408 described on plan Psd-34047, G.L.R.O. record No. ), situated in the barrio of Pindasan, municipality of Pantucan, province of Davao. Bounded on the N., by lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7, block 27; and lots 6, 7, 8, 9, and 1 1, block 28; on the E, by road lot 1. lots 1 and 6, block 28, road lot 1 and lots 1, 7, and 8, block 29; on the S., by lots 1-5 inclusive, block 28, lots 1-6 inclusive, block 29 and road lot 1; on the W., by lots 1 and 2, block 32 and creek lot 2; and on the NW., by creek lot 2, ah of the consolidation and subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 54° 57' E, 2,124.05 meters from B.L.B.M. 1, barrio of Pindasan, municipality of Pantucan, thence S. 87° 34' E, 113 meters to point 2; thence N. .74° 43' E, 1.56 meters to point 3; thence N. 11° 19' E, 1.53 meters to point 4; thence S. 5° 49' E, 16 meters to point 5; thence N. 24° 41' W., 1.63 meters to point 6; thence N. 68° 47' W., 1.63 meters to point 7; thence N. 87° 34' W., 105.99 meters to point 8; thence S. 70° 35' W.. 1.65 meters to point 9; thence S. 25° 24' W., 1.54 meters to point 10; thence S. 2° 17' W., 58.30 meters to point 11; thence S. 20° 41' E, 1.53 meters to point 12; thence S. 63° 36' E, 1.51 meters to point 13; thence S. 87° 34' E, 80 meters to point 14; thence S. 87° 34' E, 35.10 meters to point 15; thence N. 74° 43' E, 1.44 meters to point 16; thence N. 12° 10' E, 1.56 meters to point 17; thence S. 5° 49' E, 16 meters to point 18; thence N. 37° 27' W., 1.56 meters to point 19; thence N. 54° 55' W., 1.48 meters to point 20; thence N. 87° 34' W., 137.39 meters to point 21; thence S. 36° 22' W., 5.42 meters to point 22; thence S. 0° 26' E, 8.01 meters to point 23; thence 5. 11° 16' E, 8.04 meters to point 24; thence S. 1° 09' E, 3B.64 meters to point 25; thence S. 21° 32' E, 1.58 meters to point 26; thence S. 66° 51' E, 1.58 meters to point 27; thence N. 88:° 35' W., 21 meters to point 28; thence N. 67° 21' E, 1.51 meters to point 29; thence N. 21° 40' E, 1.52 meters to point 30; thence N. 1° 07' W., 28.92 meters to point 31; thence N. 19° 23' W., 9.55 meters to point 32; thence N. 36° 38' W., 8.98 meters to point 33; thence N. 40° 59' E, 18.49 meters to point 34; thence N. 29° 58' E, 13.41 meters to point 35; thence N. 4° 54' E, 31.19 meters to point 36; thence N. 20° 00' E, 32.67 meters to point 37; thence N. 30° 07' E, 13.41 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 5,561 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. cylinder concrete monuments. Bearings tme, declination 2° 09' E, date of the original survey, March 5 and 13, 1911 and that of the consolidation and subdivision survey, January 3-25, 1952.” Road Lot 4, Pcs-3223 (For road purposes under the administration of the municipality ofMabini) “A parcel of land (road lot 4 of the consolidation, and subdivision plan Pcs-3223. being a portion of the consolidation of lots 392 to 397 inclusive and road lots. 404. 405 and 408, described on plan Psd-43047, G.L.R.O. record No. ), situated in the barrio of Pindasan, municipality of Pantucan, province of Davao. Bounded on the NE., by lots 3-9 inclusive, block 2; on the S., by road lot 1; on the SW., by lots 3-6 inclusive, block 1; and on the W., by road lot 1 all of the consolidation and subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 47° 23' E, 1,744.44 meters from B.L.B.M. 1, barrio of Pindasan, municipality of Pantucan, thence S. 16° 04' E, 10.23 meters to point 2; thence S. 45° 47' E, 10.27 meters to point 3; thence S. 53° 40' E, 16.10 meters to point 4; thence S. 58° 16' E, 24.95 meters to point 5; thence S. 63° 11' E, 25 meters to point 6; thence S. 64° 25' E, 20 meters to point 7; thence S. 66° 44' E, 19.95 meters to point 8; thence S. 32° 16' E, 17.07 meters to point 9; thence S. 23° 36' E, 13 meters to point 10; thence S. 53° 35' E, 2.51 meters to point 11; thence S. 61° 47' E, 2.47 meters to point 12; thence S. 88° 13' W., 17 meters to, point 13; thence N. 25° 55' E, 1.97 meters to point 14; thence N. 12° 39' W., 2.01 meters to point 15; thence N. 50° 15' W., 18.47 meters to point 16; thence N. 56° 50' W., 27.62 meters to point .17; thence N. 64° 33' W., 22.50 meters to point 18; thence N. 58° 13' W., 24.03 meters to point 19; thence N. 50° 43' W., 29.57 meters to point 20; thence N. 64° 41' W., 6.99 meters to point 21; thence S. 22° 10' W., 5.01 meters to point 22; thence N. 3° 30' E, 28.97 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 1,978 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. cylinder concrete monuments. Bearings tme, declination 2° 09' E, date of the original survey, March 5 and 13, 1911 and that of the consolidation and subdivision survey, January 3-25, 1952.” Road Lot 2, Pcs-3223 (For road purposes under the administration of the municipality ofMabini) “A parcel of land (road lot 2 of the consolidation and subdivision plan Pcs-3223, being a portion of the consolidation of lots 392 to 397 inclusive and road lots 404, 405, and 408 described on plan Psd-34047, G.L.R.O. record No. ), situated in the barrio of Pindasan, municipality of Pantucan, province of Davao. Bounded on the N., by lots 10 to 18 inclusive, block 10, road lot 1, lots 7 to 12 inclusive, block 11, road lot 1, lots 7 to 12, block 12, road lot 1, lots 19, 20, and 21, block 7, lots 10 and 20, block 8, lots 9 and 18, block 9, lots 17, 18, and 19, block 15, lots 17, 18, and 19, block 16, lots 9 and 18, block 17, lots 9 and 18, block 18, lots 6 and 12, block 13, lots 6 and 12, block 14, lots 14, 15, and 16, block 5, block 6, block 33, lots 14, 15, and 16, block 19, lots 14, 15, and 16, block 20, lots 14, 15, and 16, block 21, block 22, block 4, block 24, block 23, and lots 9, 10, 11, and 12, block 26; on the E, by lots 1 to 6 inclusive, block 13, road lot 1, lots 1 to 6 inclusive, block 14, road lot 1, block 22, road lot 1, block 23, lot 1, block 25, lots 1 and 7, block 12, lots 1 to 9 inclusive, block 18, lots 1 to 9 inclusive, block 17, lots 1, 4, to 8 inclusive, and 14, block 21, block 24, lots 1, 2, and 9, block 26, lots 1 and 2, block 30, creek lot 3, block 31, lots 1 to 8 inclusive and 17, block 16, lots 1, 4 to 8 inclusive and 14, block 20, lots 1 and 7, block 11, lots 1 to 8 inclusive and 17, block 15, lots 1, 4 to 8 inclusive and 14, block 19, lots 1 to 9 inclusive, block 9, block 6, block 33, and lots 1 to 10 inclusive, block 8; on the NE., by lot 12, block 25. lots 13, 15, 17, and 19, block 26 and block 4; en the SE, by lots 7 to 11, block 25 and creek lot 2; on the S. by lots 7 and 1, block 14, lots 10 and 1, block 18, lots 10 and 1, block 17, lots 9 and 1, Hock 16, lots 9 and 1, block 15, lots 10 and 1, block 9, lots 11 and 1, block S, lots 10 and 1, block 7, lots 1, 2, and 8. block 5, block 6, block 33, lots 1, 2, and S, block 19, lots 1, 2, and 8, block 20, lots 1, 2, and 8, block 21, block 22, block 23, block 24, block 4, lots 1, 2, 3; 4r and 5, block 3, road lot 1, lots 1, 8, and 4, block SO, lots I, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, block 26 and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 3, Mock 25 of the subdivision plan; on point 68; ‘thence N. 39° 05' W., 2.81 meters to point 69; thence N. 33° 02' W., 17.46 meters to point 70; thence N. 6° .02' E, 11.80 meters to point 71; thence N. 23° 21' E, 15.97 meters to point 72; thence N. 7° 23' W., 2.49 meters to point 73; thence N. 56° 22' W., 2.51 meters to point 74; thence N. 87° 34' W., 131.98 meters to point 75; thence NL 87° 35' W., 32.04 meters to point 76; thence S. 75° 19' W., 1.50 meters to point 77; thence S. 16° 23' W., 1.60 meters to point 78; thence S. 4° 13' E, 56 meters to point 79; thence S. 33° 11' E, 1.55 meters to point 80; thence S. 58° 24' E, .1.53 meters to point 81; thence S. 87° 34' E, 90.07 meters to point 82; thence S. 62° 03' E, 14.25 meters to point 83; thence S. 38i° 39' E, 7.60 meters to point 84; thence S. .27° 38' E, 13 meters to point 85; thence S. 13° 00' E, 51.66 meters to point 86; thence S. 29° 31' E, 1.91 meters to point 87; thence S. 75° 52' E, 1.56 meters to point 88; thence N. 88° 09' W., 17 meters to point 89; thence N. 85° 07' E, 2.47 meters to point 90; thence N. 27° 48' E, O. 62 meter to point 91; thence N. 13° 58' W., 62.89 meters to point 92; thence N. 61° 23' W., 1.63 meters to point 93; thence N. 40° 15' W., 1.62 meters to point 94; thence N. 87° 32' W., 13 meters to point 95; thence N. ’87° 37' W., 19.74 meters to point 96; thence N. 87° 34' W., 62 meters to point 97; thence S. 43° 47' W., 1.33 meters to point 98; thence S. 44° 23' W., 1.33 meters to point 99; thence S. 4° 13' E, 27.01 meters to point 100; thence S. 7° 05' W., 20.03 meters to point 101; thence S. 28° 48' E, 9.44 meters to point 102; thence N. 89° 01' W., 17 meters to point 103; thence N. 4° 13' W., 23 meters to point 104; thence N. 4° 13' W., 103 meters to point 105; thence N. 16° 11' W., 1.29 meters to point 106; thence N. 47° 31' W., 1.12 meters to point 107; thence N. 89° 44' W., 126 meters to point 108; thence N. 65° 45' W., 4.97 meters to point 109; thence N. 12° 44' W., 4.81 meters to point 110; thence N. 24° 48' W., 15.79 meters to point 111; thence N. 28° 02' W., 10.79 meters to point 112; thence N. 72° 05' W., 46.54 meters to point 113; thence N. 1° 53' W., 20.01 meters to point 114; thence S. 38° 26' E, 3.22 meters to point 115; thence S. 74° 51' E, 30 meters to point 116; thence S. 74° 51' E, 20.76 meters to point 117; thence S. 61° 30' E, 6.50 meters to point 118; thence S. 38° 49' E, 6.64 meters to point 119; thence S. 24° 03' E, 22.31 meters to point 120; thence S. 56° 54' E, 6.72 meters to point 121; thence S. 89° 47' E, 110.39 meters to point 122; thence N. 87° 47' E, 20.92 meters to point 123; thence S. 87° 35' E, 172.58 meter to point 124; thence N. 78° 24' E, 3.48 meters to point 125; thence N. 37° 22' E, 3.51 meters to point 126; thence N. 23° 41' E, 57.32 meters to point 127; thence N. 5° 57' W., 89.60 meters to point 128; thence N. 30° 27' W., 1.52 meters to point 129; thence N. 69° 21' W., 1.48 meters to point 130; thence S. 85° 26' W., 198.96 meters to point 131; thence S. 62° 05' W., 1.52 meters to point 132; thence S. 47° 23' W., 2.31 meters to point 133; thence S. 4° 39' E, 119.79 meters to point 134; thence S. 30° 58' E, 1.57 meters to point 355; thence S. 87° 47' W., 20.92 meters to point 136; thence S. 87° 47' W., 20.92 meters to point 137; thence N. 70° 15' E, 1.51 meters to point-138; thence N. 34° 04' W., 1.68 meters to point 139; thence N. 3° 26' W., 119.38 meters to point 140; thence N. 28° 35' W., 1.53 meters to point 141; thence N. 69° 19' W., 1.53 meters to point 142; thence S. 86° 12' W., 177.60 meters to point 143; thence S. 61° 05' W., 1.53 meters to point 144: thence S. 24° 48' W.. 1.45 meters to point 145; thence N. 1° 28' E, 2-1.45 meters to point 146; thence S. 19° 16' E. .. 1.52 meters to point 147; thence S. 73° 08' E, 1.53 meters to point 148; thence N. 86° 21' E. 56 meters to point 149: thence N. 74° 28' E, 115.84 meters to point 150; thence S. 85° 42’ W., 81.07 point 68; ‘thence N. 39° 05" W., 2.81 meters to point 69; thence N. 33° 02' W., 17.46 meters to point 70; thence N. 6° .02' E, 11.80 meters to point 71; thence N. 23° 21' E, 15.97 meters to point 72; thence N. 7° 23' W., 2.49 meters to point 73; thence N. 56° 22' W., 2.51 meters to point 74; thence N. 87° 34' W., 131.98 meters to point 75; thence NL 87° 35' W., 32.04 meters to point 76; thence S. 75° 19' W., 1.50 meters to point 77; thence S. 16° 23' W., 1.60 meters to point 78; thence S. 4° 13' E, 56 meters to point 79; thence S. 33° 11' E, 1.55 meters to point 80; thence S. 58° 24' E, 1.53 meters to point 81; thence S. 87° 34' E, 90.07 meters to point 82; thence S. 62° 03' E, 14.25 meters to point 83; thence S. 38° 39' E, 7.60 meters to point 84; thence S. 27° 38' E, 13 meters to point 85; thence S. 13° 00' E, 51.66 meters to point 86; thence S. 29° 31' E, 1.91 meters to point 87; thence S. 75° 52' E, 1.56 meters to point 88; thence N. 88° 09' W., 17 meters to point 89; thence N. 85° 07' E, 2.47 meters to point 90; thence N. 27° 48' E, 0.62 meter to point 91; thence N. 13° 58' W., 62.89 meters to point 92; thence N. 61° 23' W., 1.63 meters to point 93; thence N. 40° 15' W., 1.62 meters to point 94; thence N. 87° 32' W., 13 meters to point 95; thence N. ’87° 37' W., 19.74 meters to point 96; thence N. 87° :34' W., 62 meters to point 97; thence S. 43° 47' W., 1.33 meters to point 98; thence S. 44° 23' W., 1.33 meters to point 99; thence S. 4° 13' E, 27.01 meters to point 100; thence S. 7° 05' W., 20.03 meters to point 101; thence S. 28° 48' E, 9.44 meters to point 102; thence N. 89° 01' W., 17 meters to point 103; thence N. 4° 13' W., 23 meters to point 104; thence N. 4° 13' W., 103 meters to point 105; thence N. 16° 11' W., 1.29 meters to point 106; thence N. 47° 31' W., 1.12 meters to point 107; thence N. 89° 44' W., 126 meters to point 108; thence N. 65° 45' W., 4.97 meters to point 109; thence N. 12° 44' W., 4.81 meters to point 110; thence N. 24° 48' W., 15.79 meters to point 111; thence N. 28° 02' W., 10.79 meters to point 112; thence N. 72° 05' W., 46.54 meters to point 113; thence N. 1° 53' W., 20.01 meters to point 114; thence S. 38° 26' E, 3.22 meters to point 115; thence S. 74° 51' E, 30 meters to point 116; thence S. 74° 51' E, 20.76 meters to point 117; thence S. 61° 30' E, 6.50 meters to point 118; thence S. 38° 49' E, 6.64 meters to point 119; thence S. 24° 03' E, 22.31 meters to point 120; thence S..56° 54' E, 6.72 meters to point 121; thence S. 89° 47' E, 110.39 meters to point 122; thence N. 87° 47' E, 20.92 meters to point 123; thence S. 87° 35' E, 172.58 meter to point 124; thence N. 78° 24' E, 3.48 meters to point 125; thence N. 37° 22' E, 3.51 meters to point 126; thence N. 23° 41' E, 57.32 meters to point 127; thence N. 5° 57' W., 89.60 meters to point 128; thence N. 30° 27' W., 1.52 meters to point 129; thence N. 69° 21' W., 1.48 meters to point 130; thence S. 85° 26' W., 198.96 meters to point 131; thence S. 62° 05' W., 1.52 meters to point 132; thence S. 47° 23' W., 2.31 meters to point 133; thence S. 4° 39' E, 119.79 meters to point 134; thence S. 30° 58' E, 1.57 meters to point 355; thence S. 87° 47' W., 20.92 meters to point 136; thence S. 87° 47' W., 20.92 meters to point 137; thence N. 70° 15' E, 1.51 meters to point 138; thence N. 34° 04' W., 1.68 meters to point 139; thence N. 3° 26' W., 119.38 meters to point 140; thence N. 28° 35' W., 1.53 meters to point 141; thence N. 69° 19' W., 1.53 meters to point 142; thence S. 86° 12' W., 177.60 meters to point 143; thence S. 61° 05' W., 1.53 meters to point 144: thence S. 24° 48' W.. 1.45 meters to point 145; thence N. 1° 28’ E 2-1.45 meters to point 146; thence S. 19° 16' E, 1.52 meters to point 147; thence S. 73° 08' E, 1.53 meters to point 148; thence N. 86° 21' E.. 56 meters to point 149: thence N. 74° 28' E, 115.84 meters to point 150; thence S. 85° 42' W., 81.07 meters to point 151; thence S. 81° 22' E, 111.90 meters to point 152; thence N. 85° 26' E, 54 meters to point 153; thence N. 85° 27' E, 18 meters to point 154; thence N. 85° 26' E, 56 meters to point 155; thence N. 85° 27' E, 16 meters to point 156; thence N. 85° 26' E, 56 meters to point 157; thence N. 64° 16' E, 1.53 meters to point 158; thence N. 23° 06' E, 1.63 meters to point 159; thence N. 0° 48' E, 170.79 meters to point 160; thence N. 18° 55' W., 1.51 meters to point 161; thence N. 74° 33' W., 1.53 meters to point 162; thence S. 85° 30' W., 58 meters to point 163; thence S. 64° 30' W., 1.53 meters to point 164; thence S. 23° 15' W., 1.62 meters to point 165; thence S. 0° 48' W., 170.85 meters to point 166; thence S. 19° 39' E, 1.49 meters to point 167; thence S. 73° 08' E, 1.53. meters to point 168; thence S. 85° 27' W., 16 meters to point 169; thence N. 64° 16' E, 1.53 meters to point 170; thence N. 23° 15' E, 1.62 meters to point 171; thence N. 48° 48' E, 170.86 meters to point 172; thence N. 18° 55' W., 1.51 meters to point 173; thence N. 74° 33' W., 1.53 meters to point 174; thence S. 85° 30' W., 56 meters to point 175; thence S. 64° 30' W., 1.53 meters to point 176; thence S. 23° 06' W., 1.63 meters to point 177; thence S. 0° 48' W., 170.92 meters to point 178; thence S. 21° 13' E, 1.44 meters to point 179; thence S. 70° 44' E, 1.53 meters to point 180; thence S. 85° 27' W., 18 meters to point 181; thence N. 64° 16' E. 1.53 meters to point 182; thence N. 33° 02' E., 4.88 meters to point 183; thence N. 0° 48' E., 168.50 meters to point 184; thence N. 18° 26' W., 1.52 meters to point 185; thence N. 74° 39' W., 1.53 meters to point 186; thence S. 85° 30' W., 55.99 meters to: point 187; thence S. 72° 38' W., 2.04 meters to point 188; thence S. 2° 29' W., 1.61 meters to point 189; thence S. 0° 48' W., 171.23 meters to point 190; thence S. 27° 00' E., 1.17 meters to point 191; thence S. 70° 44' E., 1.53 meters to point 192; thence N. 81° 22' W., 111.90 meters to point 193; thence S. 85° 32' W.,. 8.98 meters to point 194; thence S. 66° 17' W., 1.89 meters to point 195; thence S. 12° 52' W., 1.44 meters to point 196; thence N. 77° 39' E, 105.46 meters to point 197; thence N. 0° 48' E., 20 meters to point 198; thence N. 18° 04' W., 1.48 meters, to point 199; thence N. 84° 50' W., 9.01 meters to point 200; thence S. 83° 05' W., 9.06 meters to point 201; thence N. 5° 26' E., 91.37 meters to point 202; thence N. 85° 26' 9.06 meters to point 203; thence N. 66° 00' E, 1.89 meters to point 204; thence N. 12° 52' E., 1.44 meters to point 205; thence N. 0° 48' E., 20 meters to point 206; thence N. 16° 48' W., 1.56 meters to point 207; thence N. 76° 57' W., 1.55 meters to point 208; thence S. 85° 30' W., 98.99 meters to point 209; thence S. 57° 20' W., 1.56 meters to point 210; thence S. 24° 15' W., 1.78 meters to point 211; thence S. 0° 45' W., 19.70 meters to point 212; thence S. 17° 51' E., 1.56 meters to point 213; thence S. 76° 14' E., 1.55 meters to point 214; thence N. 86° 27' E., 8.89 meters to point 215; thence S. 0° 54' W., 80.30 meters to point 216; thence S. 42° 44' W., 13.21 meters to point 217; thence S. 66° 17' W., 1.89 meters to point 218; thence S. 12° 29' W., 1.43 meters to point 219; thence S. 0° 52' W.. 20 meters to point 220; thence S. 17° 09' E., 1.56 meters to point 221; thence S. 75° 52' E., 1.56 meters to point 222; thence N. 86° 21' E., 98.98 meters to point 223; thence N. 67° 44' E., 1.61 meters to point 224: thence N. 19° 34' E., 1.61 meters to point 225; thence S. 77° 39' W., 105.46 meters to point 226; thence S. 0° 52' W., 20 meters to point 227; thence S. 17° 00' E., 1.56 meters to point 228: thence S. 75° 52' E., 1.56 meters to point 229; thence N. 86° 21' E,. 99.21 meters to point 230; thence N. 67° 44' E, 1.61 meters to point 281; thence N. 19° 34' E.., 1.61 meters to point 232: thence N. 0° 48' E, 20 meters to point 233; thence N. 3 8° 26' W., 1.49 meters to point 234; thence N. 61° 57' W., 1.72 meters to point 235; thence S. 83° 04' W., 9.04 meters to. point 236; thence S. 74° -28' W., 115.34 meters to point 237; thence N. 64° 58" E., 1.53 meters to point 238; thence N.. 22° 44' E., 1.61 meters to point 239; thence N. 6° 52' E., 169.22 meters to point 240; thence N. 19° 16' W., 1.62 meters to point 241; thence N. 74° 25' W., 1.53 meters to point 242; thence S. 85° 30' W., 56 meters to point 243; thence S. 58° 30' W., 1.53 meters to point 244; thence S. 27° 54' W., 1.54 meters to point 245; thence N. 0° 52' E., 21 meters to point 246; thence S. 18° 26' E., 1.52 meters to point 247; thence S. 74° 45' E., 1.53 meters to point 248;. thence N. 85° 30' E., 56.10 meters to point 249; thence N., 85° 30' E., 16.06 meters to point 250; thence” N. 85° 30' E., 46.40 meters to point 251; thence N. 85° 32' E, 16.05 meters to point 252; thence N. 85° 30' E., 46.40 meters to point 253; thence N., 83° 53' E., 74.42 meters to point 254; thence N. 0° 52' E., 189.50 meters to point 255; thence S. 3° 19' E., 190.72 meters to paint 256; thence N. 85° 26' E., 56 meters to point 257; thence N. 85° 27' E., 16 meters to point 258; thence N. 85° 26' E., 56 meters to point 259; thence N. 85° 27' E, 16 meters to point 260; thence N. 85° 26' E., 56 meters to point 261; thence N. 58° 11' E., 1.53 meters to point 262; thence N. 29° 03' E., 1.54 meters to point 263; thence N. 1° 08' E, 170.74 meters to point 264; thence M. 20° 46' W., 1.55 meters to point 265; thence N. 66° 56' W., 1.53 meters to point 266; thence N. 88° 31' W., 56 meters to point 267; thence S. 69° ,55' W., 1.53 meters to point 268; thence S. 22° 54' W., 1.54 meters to point 269; thence S. 1° 03' W., 177.07 meters to point 270; thence S. 18° 05' E., 1.52 meters to point 271; thence S. 74° 54' E., 1.53 meters to point 272; thence S. S5° 27' W., 16 meters to point 273; thence N. 58° 11' E., 1.53 meters to point 274; thence N. 28° 24' E., 1.54 meters to point 275; thence N. 1° 02' E, 178.33 meters to point 276; thence N. 14° 44' W., 1.81 meters to point 277; thence N. 78° 46' W., 1.53 meters to point 278; thence N. 88° 31' W., 56 meters to point 279; thence S. 70° 00' W., 1.53 meters to point 280; thence S. 21° 02' W., 1-53 meters to point 281; thence S. 0° 58' W., 184.66 meters to point 282; thence S. 18° 26' E., 1.52 meters to point 283; thence S. 74° 55' E., 1.53 meters to point 284; thence S. 85° 27' W., 16 meters to point 285; thence N. 58° 18' E., 1.53 meters to point 286; thence N. 35° 37' E, 1.65 meters to point 287; thence N. 0° 32' E., 185.93 meters to point 288; thence N. 19° 44' W., 1.54 meters to point 289; thence N. 71° 27' W., 1.53 meters to point 290; thence S. 88° 19' W., 56 meters to point 291; thence S. 62° 30' W., 1.53 meters to point 292; thence S. 25° 43' W., 1.50 meters to point 293; thence S. 0° 53' W., 188.93 meters to point 294; thence S. 18° 26' E., 1.52 meters to point 295; thence S. 74° 54' E., 1.53 meters to point 296; thence N. 3° 19' W., 190.72 meters to point 297; thence N. 21° 06' W., 1.50 meters to point 298; thence N. 69° 11' W., 1.53 meters to point 299; thence S. 88° 19' “W., 56 meters to point 300; thence S. 50° 45' W., 4.38 meters to point 301; thence N. 62° 26' E., 1.53 meters to point 302; thence S. 0° 49' W., 192.55 meters to point 303; thence S. 19° 10' E., 1.49 meters to point 304; thence S. 73° 35' E, 1.53 meters to point 305; thence N. 85° 26' E., 56 meters to point 306; thence N. 59° 00' E, 1.53 meters to point 307: thence N. 26° 53' E., 1.57 meters to point 308; thence S. 83° 53' W., 74.42 meters to point 309; thence N. 57° 44' E., 1.53 meters to point 310; thence N. 2S° 35' E, 1.53 meters to point 311: thence N. 0° 48' E., 194 meters to point 312; thence N. 25° 04' W., 1.53 meters to point 313: thence N. 61° 23' W., 1.50 meters to point 314; thence N. 86° 58' W.. 46 meters to point 315; thence S. 72° 52' W., 1,53 meters to point 316; thence S. 22° 55' W., 1.53 meters to point 317; thence S. 0° 51' W., 2D0.63 meters to point 318; thence S. 18° 19' E., 1.53 meters to point 319; thence S. 74° 45' E., 1.53 meters to point 320; thence S. 85° 32' W., 16.05 meters to point 321; thence N. 58° 15' E., 1.53 meters to point 322; thence N. 29° 34' E., 1.54 meters to point 323; thence N. 0° 51' E., 202.18 meters to point 324; thence N. 22° 14' W., 1.51 meters to point 325; thence N. 63° 07' W’., 1.57 meters to point 326; thence N. 86° 58' W., 46 meters to point 327; thence S. 72° 30' W., 1.53 meters to point 328; thence S. 22° 05' W., 1.54 meters to point 329; thence S. 0° 55' W., 208.79 meters to point 330; thence S. 18° 48' E., 1.52 meters to point 381; thence S. 74° ,50' E., 1.53 meters to point 332; thence S. 85° 30' W., 16.06 meters to point 333; thence N. 58° 14' E., 1.53 meters to point 334; thence N. 38° 13' E., 1.20 meters to point 335; thence N. 0° 55' E., 210.77 meters to point 336; thence N. 23° 15' W., 1.54 meters to point 337; thence N. 63° 05' W., 1.53 meters to point 338; thence N. 86° 58' W., 56 meters to point 339; thence S. 70° 15' W., 1.53 meters to point 340; thence S. 23° 18' W., 1.49 meters to point 341; thence N. 0° 52' E., 16 meters to point 342; thence S. 21° 37' E., 1.53 meters to point 343; thence S. 63° 55' E., 1.57 meters to point 344; thence S. 86° 58' E., 180 meters to point 345; thence N. .71° 27' E., 1.51 meters to joint 346; thence N. 22° 42' E., 1.53 meters to point 347; thence N. 0° 48' E, 56 meters to point 348; thence N. 23° 24' W., 1.54 meters to point 349; thence N. 62° 50' W., 1.53 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 78,458 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments. Bearings tme, declination 2° 09' E., date of the original survey, March 5 and 13, 1911 and that of the consolidation and subdivision survey, January 3-25, 1952.” Road Lot 1, Pcs-3223 (For road purposes under the administration of the municipality ofMabini) “A parcel of land (road lot 1 of the consolidation and subdivision plan Pcs-3223, being a portion of the consolidation of lots 392 to 397 inclusive and road lots 404, 405, and 408 described on plan Psd-34047, G.L.E.O. record No. ), situated in the barrio of Pindasan, municipality of Pantucan, province of Davao. Bounded on the N., by lots 364, 424, 363, 362, and 361 of plan Psd-34047, lots 4, 1, 5, and 6, block 1, read lot 4, lot 9, block 2, creek lot 1, road lot 2, block 31, creek lot 3, lot 6, block 30, road lot 2, lot 19, block 26, creek lot 2, lot 1, block 32, road lot 3 and lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 14, block 29, of the consolidation and subdivision plan; on the E., by national road (road lot 409, Psd-34047), lot 1 and 10, block 10, road lot 2, lots 1-9 inclusive and 19, block 7, road lot 2, lots 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 14, block 5; road let 2, block 4, road lot 2, creek lot 1, lots 1 and 2, block 2, road let 4 and lots 1-3 inclusive, block 1 of the consolidation and subdivision plan; on the S., by lots 1-9 inclusive, block 10, road lot 2, lots 1-6 in; elusive, block 11, road lot 2, lots 1-6, inclusive, block 12, road lot 2 and lots 1 and 7, block 13 of the consolidation and subdivision plan and lots 135, 134, 133, 132, 130, 428, 129, and 128 of plan Psd-34047; and on the W., by lots 7-12 inclusive, block 13, road lot 2, lots 7-12 inclusive, block 14, road lot 2, block 22, road lot 2, block 23, creek lot 2, lots 5, 6, and 7, black 27, road lot 3, lots 5, 10, and 11, block 28, road lot 3 and lots S, 13, and 14, block 29 of the consolidation and subdivision plan and lots 126, 124. 425, 379, 378, 875, 367, and 366 of plan Psd-34047. Beginning at a point marked 17 on plan being N. 38° 27' E.; 2.373.47 meters from B.L.B.M. 1, barrio of Pindasan, municipality of Pantucan, thence N. 76° 27' E., 11.36 meters to point 2; thence N. 88° 19' E., 49.65 meters to point 3; thence S. 89° 08' E., 76.04 meters to point 4; thence S. 88° 54' E., 166.10 meters to point 5; thence S. 3° 12' E., 448.04 meters to point 6; thence S. 6° 24' E., 20.09 meters to point 7; thence S. 5° 49' E., 337.24 meters to point 8; thence N. 86° 44' W., 29.83 meters to point 9; thence N. 87° 51' W., 99.47 meters to point 10; thence N. 87° 06' W., 97.62 meters to; point 11; thence N. 88° 46' W., 99.85 meters to point 12; thence N. 81° 51' W., 64.88 meters to point 13; thence S. 87° 56' W., 8.89 meters to point 14; thence S. 87° 46' W., 124.77 meters to point 15; thence S. 88° 33' W., 97.63 meters to point 16; thence N. 3° 26' E., 113.34 meters to point 17; thence N. 2° 56' W., 86.03 meters to point 18; thence N. 1° 03' W., 579.97 meters to point 19; thence S. 83° 27' E., 14.99 meters to point 20; thence S. 1° 54' E., 60.63 meters to point 21; thence S. 1° 53' E, 20.01 meters to point 22; thence S. 1° 54' E., 19 meters to point 23; thence S. 1° 54' E., 40 meters to point 24; thence S. 4° 17' E., 20.08 meters to point 25; thence S. 3° 30' W., 28.97 meters to point 26; thence S. 3° 32' W., 31 meters to point 27; thence S. 3° 32' W., 20 meters to point 28; thence S. 2° 04' W., 20.19 meters to point 29; thence S. 77° 05' E., 1.74 meters to point 30; thence N. 88° 12' E., 35 meters to point 31; thence N. 88° 12' E., 20 meters to point 32; thence N. 88° 12' E., 20 meters to point 33; thence N. 88° 13' E., 33.60 meters to point 34; thence N. 88° 13' E, 17 meters to point 35; thence N. 88° 12' E., 39 meters to point 36; thence N. 88° 12' E., 34 meters to point 37; thence S. 89° 01' E., 17 meters to point 38; thence S. 82° 10' E., 38.63 meters to point 39; thence S. 85° 25' E, 14.16 meters to point 40; thence S. 79° 10' E., 32.58 meters to point 41; thence N. 85° 45' E., 23.03 meters to point 42; thence S. 88° 09' E., 17 meters to point 43; thence S. 86° 53' E., 9 meters to point 44; thence S. 89° 18' E., 28 meters to point 45; thence S. 88° 44' E., 17.99 meters to point 46; thence S. 88° 43' E, 32 meters to point 47; thence S. 88° 35' E., 21 meters to point 48; thence S. 87° 34' E, 23.14 meters to point 49; thence S. 87° 34' E., 79.96 meters to point 50; thence S. 87° 33' E., 36.25 meters to point 51; thence N. 74° 58' E., 1.54 meters to point 52; thence N. 11° 36' E, 1.54 meters to point 53; thence N. 5° 49' W., 57.50 meters to point 54; thence N. 5° 49' W., 16 meters to point 55; thence N. 5° 50' W., 58.99 meters to point 56; thence N. 5° 49' W., 16 meters to point 57; thence N. 5° 46' W., 68.03 meters to point 58; thence N. 5° 46' W., 16.10 meters to point 59; thence N. 5° 46' W., 16 meters to point 60; thence N. 5° 46' W., 67.01 meters to point 61; thence N. 4° 24' W., 21.01 meters to point 62; thence N. 3° 12' W., 170.12 meters to point 63; thence N. 3° 08' W., 21 meters to point 64; thence N. 3° 09' W., 118.61 meters to point 65; thence N. 8° 09' W., 4 meters to point 66; thence N 3° 09' W., 116.69 meters to point 67; thence N. 24° 49' W., 1.62 meters to point 68; thence N. 38° 00' W., 1.53 meters to point 69; thence N. 88° 52' W., 38 meters to point 70; thence N. 88° 47' W., 18 meters to point 71; thence N. 88° 31' W., 135.67 meters to point 72; thence N. 88° 34' W., 4 meters to point 73; thence S. 88° 19' W„ 130.16 meters to point 74; thence S. 81° 26' W., 16.45 meters to point 75; thence N. 86° 58' W., 180.06 meters to point 76; thence S. 71° 41' W., 1.53 meters to point 77; thence S. 22° 23' V\’.. 1.53 meters to point 78; thence S. 0° 53' W., 56 meters to point 79; thence S. 0’° 52' W., 16 meters to point 80; thence S. 0° 53' W., 218.24 meters to point 81; thence S. 0° 52' W., 21 meters to point 32; thence S. 0° 53' W., 131.50 meters to point 83: thence S. 0° 53' W., 36.82 meters to point 84; thence meters to point 86; thence N. 9° 54' W., 12.56 meters to point 87; thence N. 0° 20' W., 107.08 meters to point 88; thence N. 3° 01' E., .101.62 meters to point 89; thence N. 1° 03' E., 104.66 meters to point 90; thence N. 0° 24' E., 92.84 meters to point 91; thence N. 1° 11' E., 100.68 meters to point 92; thence S. 86° 58' E., 199.84 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 41,477 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1-79 and 86-92 inclusive by old P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments and the rest by P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments. Bearings tme, declination 2° 09' E, date of the original survey, March 5 and 13, 1911 and that of the consolidation and subdivision survey, January 3-25, 1952.” Block 22, Pcs-3223 (For plaza site purposes under the administration of the municipality ofMabini) “A parcel of land (block 22 of the consolidation and subdivision plan Pcs-3223, being a portion of the consolidation of lots 392 to 397 inclusive and road lots 404, 405, and 408 described on plan Psd-34047 G.L.R.O. record No. ), situated in the barrio of Pindasan, municipality of Pantucau, province of Davao. Bounded on the N., by road lot 2; on the E., by road lot 1; on the S. and W., by road lot 2, all of the consolidation and subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 50° 40' E., 2,194.26 meters from B.L.B.M. 1, barrio of Pindasan, municipality of Pantucan, thence N. 69° 12' W., 1.60 meters to point 2; thence N. 34° 20' W., 1.49 meters to point 3; thence N. 0° 56' E., 170.79 meters to point 4; thence N. 25° 53' E., 1.51 meters to point 5; thence N. 59° 32' E., 1.58 meters to point 6; thence N. 85° 21' E, 124.24 meters to point 7; thence S. 72° 04' E, 1.46 meters to point 8; thence S. 28° 02' E, 1.58 meters to point 9; thence S. 3° 12' E, 170.12 meters to point 10; thence S. 24° 48' W., 1.60 meters to point 11; thence S. 62° 18' W., 1.57 meters to point 12; thence S. 85° 24' W., 136.29 meters to point of beginning; containing an area of 23,409 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments. Bearings tme, declination 2° 09' E, date of the original survey, March 5, and 13, 1911 and that of the consolidation and subdivision survey, January 3-25, 1952.” Block 33, Pcs-3223 (For market/plaza site purposes under the administration of the municipality ofMabini) “A parcel of land (block 33 of the consoUdation and subdivision plan Pcs-3223, being a portion of the consoUdation of lots 392 to 397 inclusive and road lots 404, 495, and 409 described on plan Psd-34047, G.L.R.O. record No. ), situated in the barrio of Pindasan, municipaUty of Pantucan, province of Davao. Bounded on the N., E, S., and W., by road lot 2 of the consolidation and subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 46° 03' E„ 2,010.05 meters from B.L.B.M. 1, barrio of Pindasan, municipality of Pantucan, thence N. 85° 03' E, 9.04 meters to point 2; thence 5.’ 71° 20' E, 1.56 meters to point 3; thence S. 18° 26' E, 1.49 meters to point 4; thence S. 0° 43' W., 20 meters to point 5; thence S. 19° 34' W., 1.61 meters to point 6; thence S. 67° 44' W., 1.61 meters to point 7; thence S. 86° 21' W, 99.21 meters to point 8; thence N. 75° 52' “W,. 1.56 meters to point 9; thence N, 17° 09' W., 1.56 meters to point 10; thence N. 0° 52' E, 20 meters to point 11; thence N. 12° 52' E, 1.44 meters to point 12; thence N. 66° 17' E, 1.89 meters to point 13; thence N. 85° 32' E, 8.98 meters to point 14; thence N. 85° 42' E, 81.07 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 2,461 square meters, more or less.. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments. . Bearings tme, declination 2° 09' E, date of the original survey, March 5 and 13, 1911 and that of the consolidation and subdivision survey, January 3-25, 1952.” Block 6, Pcs-3223 (For market site purposes under the administration of the municipality ofMabini) “A parcel of land (block 6 of the consolidation and subdivision plan Pcs-3223, being a .portion of the consolidation of lots 392 to 397 inclusive and road lots 404, 405 and 408 described on plan Psd-34047, G.L.R.O. record No. ) situated in the barrio of Pindasan, municipality of Paatucan, province’ of Davao. Bounded on the N., E., S., and W., by road lot 2 of the consolidation and subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked 12 on plan, being N. 42° 05' E, 2,041.59 meters from B.LB.M. 1, barrio of Pindasan, municipality of Pantucan, thence S. 86° 27 W., 8.89 meters to point 2; thence N. 76° 14' W., 1.55 meters to point ‘3; thence N. 17° 51' W., 1.56 meters to point 4; thence N. 0° ’45’ E, 19.70 meters to point 5; thence N. 24° 15' E, 1.78 meters to point 6; thence N. 57° 20' E, 1.56 meters to point 7; thence N. 85° 30' E, 98.99 meters to point 8; thence S. 76° 57' E, 1.55 meters to point 9; thence S. 16° 48' E, 1.56 meters to point 10; thence S. 0° 48' W., 20 meters to point 11; thence S. 12° 52' W., 1.44 meters to point 12; thence S. 66° 00” W., 1.85 meters to point 13; thence S. 86° 27 W., 9.05 meters to point 14; thence S. 0° 46' W., 90.96 meters to point 15; thence N., 85° 03' E, 9.05 meters to point 16; thence S. 65° 56' E, 1.64 meters to point 17; thence S. 18° 04' E, 1.48 meters’ to point 18; thence S. 0° 48' W., 20 meters to point 19; thence S. 19° 34' W., 1.61 meters to point 20; thence S. 67° 44' W., 1.61 meters to point 21; thence S. 86° 21' W., 98.98 meters to point 22;’ thence N. 75° 52' W., 1.56 meters to point 23; thence N. 17° 09' W., 1.56 meters to point 24; thence N. 0° 52' E, 20 meters to point 25; thence N. 12° 29' E, 1.43 meters to point 26; thence N. 66° 17' E, 1.89 meters to point 27; thence N. 85° 32' E,’ 8.99 meters to point 28; thence N. 0° 49' E, 89.30 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 12,196 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments. Bearings tme, declination 2° 09' E, date of the original survey, March 5 and 13, 1911 and that of the consolidation and subdivision survey, January 3-25, 1952.” IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of ManUa, this 1st day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGS AYS AY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTLNATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Ear Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 52(9), 4170-4181. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 328 REVOKING PROCLAMATION NO. 85, SERIES OF 1936, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE ARMY CADRE SITUATED IN THE CITY OE DAVAO, AND DECLARING THE AREA EMBRACED THEREIN OPEN TO DISPOSITION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP THE PUBUC LAND ACT Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of sections 83 and 88 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby revoke Proclamation No. 85, dated September 7, 1936, which established the Army Cadre situated in the City of Davao, and declare the area embraced therein open to disposition under the provisions of said Act, which parcel of land is more particularly described, to wit: Lot No. 1176-B-2, Military Camp Site. — A parcel of land (lot No. 1176-B-2 of the subdivision plan Bsd-5 154, being a portion of lot 1176-B of the cadastral survey of Davao, GL.R.O. cadastral record No. 317), situated in the barrio of Central, municipality of Davao, province of Davao. Bounded on the NE., by lot No. 1176-B of the subdivision plan and lot No. 1176 (lot No. 522-A of plan Psd-6609), on the SW. by lot No. 1175 (lot No. 522-A of plan Psd-6609 and lot No. 1176-B-l of the subdivision plan; and on the NW by lot No. 512. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 73° 43' E, 1,062,34 meter more or less, from B.L.L.M. No. 16 Davao cadastre; thence N. 16° 47' W., 119.73 meters to point 2; thence S. 73° 29' W., 99.90 meters to point 3; thence N. 13° 35' W., 132.70 meters to point 4; thence N. 13° 42' W., 132.57 meters to point 5; thence N. 72' 20' E, 200 meters to point 6; thence N. 38° 11' E, 100 meters to point 7; thence S. 30° 55' E, 229.64 meters to point 8; thence S. 30° 50' E, 229.72 meters to point 9; thence S. 73° 13' W 154.20 meters to point 10; thence S. 73° 13' 154.20 meters to point of beginning; containing an area of 128,081 square meters, more or less. AU points referred to are indicated on the plan, and on the ground, points 1, 2, and 3 are marked by old P.L.S. concrete monuments; point 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10, y P.L.S. concrete monuments; and point 6, by old P.L.S.B.L. concrete monuments, bearing tme; declination 2° 13' E, date of the original survey, Eebmary 1916-May 1920, and that of the subdivision survey, June 11-13, 1936. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 11th day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FOR'TUVATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(70),44984499. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 329 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM SEPTEMBER 30 TO OCTOBER 6, 1956, AS BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN’S WEEK In recognition of the important role being played by business and professional women in the promotion of the economic and social welfare of our country and people, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare the period from September 30 to October 6, 1956, as Business and Professional Women’s Week. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set by my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 11th day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUVATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(10), 4499-4500. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 330 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM SEPTEMBER 15 TO 21, 1956, AS MEDICINE WEEK AND AUTHORIZING THE PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, TO TAKE CHARGE OE THE OBSERVATION THEREOE WHEREAS, although gradual progress is being achieved in the field of medicine in the country today, there are, a number of our countrymen who do not fully recognize the value of medical science in their daily lives; and WHEREAS, the services and activities of the medical profession have been expanded to meet the growing public demand and in order to fully develop a consciousness among our people ofthe value ofscientific medical practices, it is necessary that a period be set aside for the observance of the medical profession; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby designate the period from September 15 to September 21, 1956, as Medicine Week. I call upon aU citizens and residents of the Philippines, irrespective of nationality or creed, to observe this occasion. I authorize the Philippine Medical Association to take charge of the observance of Medicine Week. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 14th day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Ear Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the PhilippineSy 52(70),45004501. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHT TJ PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 331 EXCLUDING FROM THE OPERATION OF PROCLAMATION NO. 6, SERIES OF 1926, WHICH ESTABUSHED THE SCHOOL SITE RESERVATION SITUATED IN THE POBLACION, MUNICIPAUTY OP KAUBO, PROVINCE OP AKLAN, ISLAND OP PANAY, A PORTION OP LAND EMBRACED THEREIN AND RESERVING THE SAME POR MUNICIPAL BUILDING SITE PURPOSES OP THE MUNICIPAUTY OP KAUBO Upon, the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby exclude from the operation of Proclamation No. 6, series of 1926, which established the school site reservation situated in the poblacion, municipality of Kalibo, province of Aklan, island of Panay, a certain portion of the land embraced therein and reserve the same for municipal building site purposes under the administration of the municipality of Kalibo, subject to private rights, if any there be, which portion of land is more particularly described, to wit: Lot 86, before Lot 1, Ig-336 A parcel of land (lot 86, before lot 1 of Ig-336), situated in the poblacion, municpaHty of Kalibo, province of Capiz, now Aklan. Bounded on the NE., by Burgos Street; on the SE, by Mabini Street; on the SW., by Blumentritt Street; and on the NW., by Fratemidad Street. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 66° 49' S., 821.39 meters from B.L.L.M. 2, Kalibo Psc-24, thence N. 23° 57' E, 76.66 meters to point 2; thence S, 60° 44' E, 114.30 meters to point 3; thence S. 26° 31' W., 51.51 meters to point 4; thence S. 79° 58' W., 22.55 meters to point 5; thence N. 67° 17' W., 92.91 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 7,785 square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old comers; bearings tme; date of survey, January 29, 1931. NOTE: The above technical descriptions are copied from Original Certificate of Title No. 21356, presented to this office. Neither plan nor lot description book is available in this office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 15th day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTHNATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(70),4501-4502. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 332 DECLARING FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1956, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY IN THE SUBPROVINCE OE AURORA, QUEZON PROVINCE WHEREAS, the fifth anniversary of the organization of the subprovince of Aurora, Quezon Province, falls on August 17, 1956; and WHEREAS, the people of said subprovince desire to celebrate the occasion with appropriate ceremonies; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare Eriday, August 17, 1956, as a special public holiday in the subprovince of Aurora, Quezon Province. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila this 15th day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUNATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: Ateneo Professional School Library Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(10), 4502-4503. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 333 DECLARING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1956, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOUDAY IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OP SAN JUAN, PROVINCE OP REAL WHEREAS, the anniversary of the battle of Pinaglabanan between the Spanish and the Revolutionary Porces, which is an important event in our stmggle for freedom, falls on August 29, 1956; WHEREAS, said historical event is of special significance to the residents of the municipality of San Juan, province ofRizal, where it took place; and WHEREAS, the people of San Juan, Rizal, desire to celebrate the occasion with fitting ceremonies; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Wednesday, August 29, 1956, as a special public holiday in the municipality of San Juan, province of Rizal. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 24th day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: PORTUNATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(10), 4503. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 334 RESERVING FOR SCHOOL SITE PURPOSES A CERTAIN PARCEL OF THE PUBUC DOMAIN SITUATED IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF MILAGROS, PROVINCE AND ISLAND OF MASBATE Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve for school site purposes under the administration of the Bureau of Public Schools, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the municipality of MUagros, province and island of Masbate, and more particularly described in the Bureau of Lands plan MR-1098, to wit: Lot 2, Mr- 1098 (Bangad Barrio School Site) A parcel of land (lot 2 as shown on plan Mr- 1098), situated in the barrio of Bangad, municipality of MUagros, province of Masbate. Bounded on the NW., along lines 1-3, by property of Patrocinio Bayot; and along line 3-4 and 4-1, by lot 1 on plan Mr-1098. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being S. 47° 52' W., 9,484.20 meters from B.L.M.M. 1, barrio of Capalungan, Milagros, Masbate, thence N. 14° 45' E, 101.04 meters to point 2; thence N. 55° 35' E., 154 20 meters to point 3'; thence SL 16° 56' E., 151.25 meters to point 4; thence S. 78° 28' W., 201.05 meters to the point of beginning; containing an area of 20,229 square meters. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by B.L. cylindrical concrete monuments; earings tme; date of survey June 9-10, 1956 and that of the approval, August 2, 1956. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila, this 24th day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh. RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines By the President: FORTUVATO DELEON Executive Secretary Source: University Library, Far Eastern University Office of the President of the Philippines. (1956). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 52(10), 4504. MALACANANG RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH ni PPTNFS MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PH RI PPINFS PROCLAMATION NO. 335 DECLARING FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1956, AS A SPECIAL PUBUC HOLIDAY IN THE PROVINCE OF CAMARINES NORTE WHEREAS, the late Wenceslao Q. Vinzons, former Delegate to the Constitutional Convention, former Governor and Representative of Camarines Norte, was one of our outstanding heroes in the last war; WHEREAS, the people of Camarines Norte desire that they be afforded fuU opportunity to celebrate Vinzon’s birthday anniversary on September 28, 1956, with appropriate ceremonies ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the authority vested in me by section 30 of the Revised Administrative Code, do hereby declare Friday, September 28, 1956, as a special public holiday in the province of Camarines Norte. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal